Works (15)
2019 journal article
Timberland Investment under Both Financial and Biophysical Risk
LAND ECONOMICS, 95(2), 279–291.

2018 journal article
Annual Monitoring of US Timber Production: Rationale and Design
FOREST SCIENCE, 64(5), 533–543.

2018 journal article
Nonstationary Hydrologic Behavior in Forested Watersheds Is Mediated by Climate‐Induced Changes in Growing Season Length and Subsequent Vegetation Growth
Water Resources Research, 54(8), 5359–5375.

2015 review
Achievable future conditions as a framework for guiding forest conservation and management
[Review of ]. FOREST ECOLOGY AND MANAGEMENT, 360, 80–96.

2015 journal article
Complex forest dynamics indicate potential for slowing carbon accumulation in the southeastern United States

2015 journal article
From sink to source: Regional variation in US forest carbon futures

2013 journal article
An analysis of forest land use, forest land cover and change at policy-relevant scales
FORESTRY, 87(2), 267–276.

2013 review
Hemlock woolly adelgid in the southern Appalachians: Control strategies, ecological impacts, and potential management responses
[Review of ]. FOREST ECOLOGY AND MANAGEMENT, 291, 209–219.

2009 journal article
testing for change in structural elements of forest inventories
Forest Science, 55(5), 455–466.
2004 journal article
Forest forecasts: does individual heterogeneity matter for market and landscape outcomes?

2003 chapter
Aggregate timber supply
In E. O. Sills & K. L. Abt (Eds.), Forests in a market economy.
Ed(s): . E. O. Sills & K. Abt

2003 chapter
International trade in forest products
In E. O. Sills & K. L. Abt (Eds.), Forests in a market economy.
Ed(s): . E. O. Sills & K. Abt
2003 chapter
Public timber supply under multiple-use management
In E. O. Sills & K. L. Abt (Eds.), Forests in a market economy.
Ed(s): . E. O. Sills & K. Abt

2001 journal article
Carbon sequestration and southern pine forests
Journal of Forestry, 99(4), 14–21.
2000 conference paper
Southern forest resource assessment and linkages to the National RPA
Portland '99, pioneering new trails: Proceedings of the Society of American Foresters 1999 National Convention, Portland, Oregon, September 11-15, 1999, 344–349. Bethesda, Maryland: Society of American Foresters.