@article{mahaney_krinsley_allen_ditto_langworthy_batchelor_lecompte_milner_hart_o'reilly_et al._2015, title={Reassessment of the microbial role in Mn-Fe nodule genesis in Andean paleosols}, volume={32}, number={1}, journal={Geomicrobiology Journal}, author={Mahaney, W. C. and Krinsley, D. H. and Allen, C. C. R. and Ditto, J. and Langworthy, K. and Batchelor, A. D. and Lecompte, M. and Milner, M. W. and Hart, K. and O'Reilly, S. S. and et al.}, year={2015}, pages={27–41} } @article{wang_dhawan_du_batchelor_leonard_misra_vo-dinh_2013, title={Molecular sentinel-on-chip for SERS-based biosensing}, volume={15}, ISSN={["1463-9076"]}, DOI={10.1039/c3cp00076a}, abstractNote={The development of DNA detection techniques on large-area plasmonics-active platforms is critical for many medical applications such as high-throughput screening, medical diagnosis and systems biology research. Here, we report for the first time a unique "molecular sentinel-on-chip" (MSC) technology for surface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS)-based DNA detection. This unique approach allows label-free detection of DNA molecules on chips developed on a wafer scale using large area nanofabrication methodologies. To develop plasmonics-active biosensing platforms in a repeatable and reproducible manner, we employed a combination of deep UV lithography, atomic layer deposition, and metal deposition to fabricate triangular-shaped nanowire (TSNW) arrays having controlled sub-10 nm gap nanostructures over an entire 6 inch wafer. The detection of a DNA sequence of the Ki-67 gene, a critical breast cancer biomarker, on the TSNW substrate illustrates the usefulness and potential of the MSC technology as a novel SERS-based DNA detection method.}, number={16}, journal={PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY CHEMICAL PHYSICS}, author={Wang, Hsin-Neng and Dhawan, Anuj and Du, Yan and Batchelor, Dale and Leonard, Donovan N. and Misra, Veena and Vo-Dinh, Tuan}, year={2013}, pages={6008–6015} } @misc{lecompte_batchelor_demitroff_vogel_mooney_rock_seidel_2013, title={Reply to Boslough: Prior studies validating research are ignored}, volume={110}, number={18}, journal={Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America}, author={LeCompte, M. A. and Batchelor, D. and Demitroff, M. N. and Vogel, E. K. and Mooney, C. and Rock, B. N. and Seidel, A. W.}, year={2013}, pages={E1652–1652} } @article{lecompte_goodyear_demitroff_batchelor_vogel_mooney_rock_seidel_2012, title={Independent evaluation of conflicting microspherule results from different investigations of the Younger Dryas impact hypothesis}, volume={109}, number={44}, journal={Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America}, author={LeCompte, M. A. and Goodyear, A. C. and Demitroff, M. N. and Batchelor, D. and Vogel, E. K. and Mooney, C. and Rock, B. N. and Seidel, A. W.}, year={2012}, pages={E2960–2969} } @article{clavero_beringer_roach_skuza_wong_batchelor_reece_lukaszew_2012, title={Strain effects on the crystal growth and superconducting properties of epitaxial niobium ultrathin films}, volume={12}, number={5}, journal={Crystal Growth and Design}, author={Clavero, C. and Beringer, D. B. and Roach, W. M. and Skuza, J. R. and Wong, K. C. and Batchelor, A. D. and Reece, C. E. and Lukaszew, R. A.}, year={2012}, pages={2588–2593} } @article{dhawan_du_batchelor_wang_leonard_misra_ozturk_gerhold_vo-dinh_2011, title={Hybrid Top-Down and Bottom-Up Fabrication Approach for Wafer-Scale Plasmonic Nanoplatforms}, volume={7}, ISSN={["1613-6810"]}, DOI={10.1002/smll.201002186}, abstractNote={A generalized hybrid nanofabrication approach is reported that combines top-down (deep-UV lithography) and bottom-up (controlled lateral epitaxial growth) fabrication techniques for developing nanostructured platforms. This technology allows the development of reproducible substrates with controlled sub-10-nm gaps between plasmonic nanostructures over an entire 6 inch wafer. The plasmonic nanoplatforms are used for surface-enhanced Raman scattering-based detection of chemical and biological molecules. Detailed facts of importance to specialist readers are published as "Supporting Information". Such documents are peer-reviewed, but not copy-edited or typeset. They are made available as submitted by the authors. Please note: The publisher is not responsible for the content or functionality of any supporting information supplied by the authors. Any queries (other than missing content) should be directed to the corresponding author for the article.}, number={6}, journal={SMALL}, author={Dhawan, Anuj and Du, Yan and Batchelor, Dale and Wang, Hsin-Neng and Leonard, Donovon and Misra, Veena and Ozturk, Mehmet and Gerhold, Michael D. and Vo-Dinh, Tuan}, year={2011}, month={Mar}, pages={727–731} } @article{maheshwari_tian_reece_kelley_myneni_stevie_rigsbee_batchelor_griffis_2011, title={Surface analysis of Nb materials for SRF cavities}, volume={43}, ISSN={["1096-9918"]}, DOI={10.1002/sia.3513}, abstractNote={Abstract Superconducting Radio Frequency (SRF) cavities provide enhanced efficiency and reduced energy consumption in present‐day particle accelerators. Niobium is the material of choice for SRF cavities due to its high critical temperature and critical magnetic field. In order to understand why certain treatments, especially a low temperature bake, improve performance, it is important to study Nb surface characteristics and identify elemental contaminants which may affect the performance of the cavity. 1 Initial studies using SIMS and Focused Ion Beam (FIB) prepared specimens for Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM) have helped to characterize the Nb surface and measure the surface oxide layer thickness. 2 C, N and O are of particular interest as interstitial contaminants and earlier studies suggested very high H concentration. In the present study, ion implants of C, N, O and deuterium ( D ) in Nb and Si were analyzed using SIMS. D was implanted to characterize H while avoiding interference from the high H background. The D implant was easily detectable in Si, but showed a constant value and no implant shape in Nb. This result implies either that D (and by implication, hydrogen) has a high mobility in Nb, or that there is movement of D due to the primary ion beam. Nevertheless, C, N, and O could be quantified using the ion implants. Depth profiles of polycrystalline and single crystal Nb samples were also obtained. While both types of Nb samples contained low C concentration, the single crystal Nb samples showed higher N and O content. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.}, number={1-2}, journal={SURFACE AND INTERFACE ANALYSIS}, author={Maheshwari, P. and Tian, H. and Reece, C. E. and Kelley, M. J. and Myneni, G. R. and Stevie, F. A. and Rigsbee, J. M. and Batchelor, A. D. and Griffis, D. P.}, year={2011}, pages={151–153} } @article{wong_haslauer_anantharamaiah_pourdeyhimi_batchelor_griffis_2010, title={Focused Ion Beam Characterization of Bicomponent Polymer Fibers}, volume={16}, ISSN={["1431-9276"]}, DOI={10.1017/s1431927610000115}, abstractNote={Previous work has shown that focused ion beam (FIB) nanomachining can be effectively utilized for the cross-sectional analysis of polymers such as core-shell solid microspheres and hollow latex nanospheres. While these studies have clearly demonstrated the precise location selection and nanomachining control provided by the FIB technique, the samples studied consisted of only a single polymer. In this work, FIB is used to investigate bicomponent polymeric fiber systems by taking advantage of the component's differing sputter rates that result from their differing physical properties. An approach for cross sectioning and thus revealing the cross-sectional morphology of the polymeric components in a bicomponent polymeric fiber with the island-in-the-sea (I/S) structure is presented. The two I/S fibers investigated were fabricated using the melt spinning process and are composed of bicomponent combinations of linear low density polyethylene (LLDPE) and nylon 6 (PA6) or polylactic acid (PLA) and an EastONE proprietary polymer. Topographical contrast as a result of differential sputtering and the high surface specificity and high signal-to-noise obtained using FIB-induced secondary electron imaging is shown to provide a useful approach for the rapid characterization of the cross-sectional morphology of bicomponent polymeric fibers without the necessity of staining or other sample preparation.}, number={3}, journal={MICROSCOPY AND MICROANALYSIS}, author={Wong, K. C. and Haslauer, C. M. and Anantharamaiah, N. and Pourdeyhimi, B. and Batchelor, A. D. and Griffis, D. P.}, year={2010}, month={Jun}, pages={282–290} } @article{bishop_park_gu_wagner_reltmeier_batchelor_zakharov_liliental-weber_davis_2007, title={Growth evolution and pendeo-epitaxy of non-polar AlN and GaN thin films on 4H-SiC (11(2)over-bar0)}, volume={300}, ISSN={["1873-5002"]}, DOI={10.1016/j.jcrysgro.2006.10.207}, abstractNote={The initial and subsequent stages of growth of AlN on 4H–SiC (1 1 2¯ 0) and GaN on AlN (1 1 2¯ 0) have been investigated using atomic force microscopy and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. The AlN nucleated and grew via the Stranski–Krastanov mode. Densely packed, [0 0 0 1]-oriented individual islands were observed at 10 nm. Additional deposition resulted in the gradual reorientation of the growth microstructure along the [1 1¯ 0 0]. GaN formed via the Volmer–Weber mode with rapid growth of islands along the [1 1¯ 0 0] to near surface coverage at a thickness of 2 nm. Continued deposition resulted in both faster vertical growth along [1 1 2¯ 0] relative to the lateral growth along [0 0 0 1] and a [1 1¯ 0 0]-oriented microstructure containing rows of GaN. Fully dense GaN films developed between 100 and 250 nm of growth, and the preferred in-plane orientation changed to [0 0 0 1]. Lateral growth of GaN films reduced the dislocation density from ∼4×1010 to ∼2×108 cm−2. The high concentration of stacking faults (∼106 cm−1) was also reduced two orders of magnitude.}, number={1}, journal={JOURNAL OF CRYSTAL GROWTH}, author={Bishop, S. M. and Park, J. -S. and Gu, J. and Wagner, B. P. and Reltmeier, Z. J. and Batchelor, D. A. and Zakharov, D. N. and Liliental-Weber, Z. and Davis, R. F.}, year={2007}, month={Mar}, pages={83–89} } @article{a.d. garetto_a.d. batchelor_griffis_p.e._russell_2007, title={Transferable Internal Reservoir Device for Electron and Ion Beam Induced Chemistry}, volume={86}, journal={Microscopy and Analysis}, author={A.D. Garetto, R.R. Garcia and A.D. Batchelor, C.L. Progl and Griffis, D.P. and P.E. and Russell}, year={2007}, pages={5–6} } @article{gonzalez_silva_bunker_batchelor_russell_2003, title={Electrical characterization of InGaN quantum well p-n heterostructures}, volume={34}, ISSN={["0026-2692"]}, DOI={10.1016/S0026-2692(03)00072-7}, abstractNote={In this work, two methods for electrical characterization of InGaN quantum well p–n heterostructures at the nanometer level are presented. Cross-sectional Electrical Force Microscopy and High Resolution Electron Beam Induced Current (HR-EBIC) are used to study and identify regions of the cross-sectional surface of InGaN heterostructures with different types of electrical conductivity, the location of the InGaN quantum well, the location of the p–n junction, and the depletion layer. HR-EBIC was implemented in a Scanning Transmission Electron Microscope to take advantage of the high resolution chemical imaging capabilities of this microscope, such as Z-Contrast and Energy Dispersive X-ray Spectroscopy, and the small spread of the high energy electron beam in the electron transparent thin sample that allows electron beam induced current imaging with nanometer resolution.}, number={5-8}, journal={MICROELECTRONICS JOURNAL}, author={Gonzalez, JC and Silva, MIN and Bunker, KL and Batchelor, AD and Russell, PE}, year={2003}, pages={455–457} } @article{edwards_bremser_batchelor_buyanova_madsen_yoo_welhkamp_wilmers_cobet_esser_et al._2000, title={Optical characterization of wide bandgap semiconductors}, volume={364}, ISSN={["0040-6090"]}, DOI={10.1016/S0040-6090(99)00903-7}, abstractNote={Our work primarily concerns the characterization of wide-gap III-V nitride semiconductors, nondestructively and at variable temperature, with spectroscopic ellipsometry (SE) and reflectometry in the spectral range from 1.5 to 6 eV. In the case of GaN, there are three main concerns associated with such data: (a) the quantification of the dispersion of the index of refraction with energy, (b) the removal of surface overlayers in real-time, and (c) the determination of the variation of valence bands with biaxial stress and the quantification of residual stress in thin films. The SE and reflectance capabilities provide (1) broadband spectra from 1.5 to 6 eV, which yield information about (a) below the bandgap and (b) above it, and (2) high resolution spectra (less than 1 meV at 3.4 eV) in the vicinity of the gap (3.3-3.6 eV), which enables (c). Here we will discuss issues concerning the relation of (c) to GaN material and growth parameters, though similar data for other wide bandgap materials will be discussed where relevant. Specifically, optimal heterostructure design for potential valence band engineering applications will be discussed in the context of trends in residual stress as a function of film thickness, growth temperature and substrate orientation for GaN/AlN/6H-SiC heterostructures. Standard heterostructures are mostly compressive for samples less than about 0.7 µm thick, are tensile up to about 2 µm and then abruptly become less tensile with stress values near 1 kbar thereafter. Additionally, these trends can be circumvented for moderately thick (approximately 2 µm) GaN layers (normally>2 kbar, tensile) by the introduction of a `buried interface' approach, namely, a strain mediating layer (SML) above the standard high-temperature AlN buffer layer designed to yield a range of compressive stresses from 0 to 2 kbar. The strain characteristics but also the growth rates of subsequently deposited nitride layers can be modulated by changing the growth parameters of the SML. This is achieved by in situ techniques during crystal growth without degrading the optical and structural properties of the deposited layer, as confirmed by XRD, SEM, PL, and AFM data taken on the overlying GaN layers. These results are interpreted in terms of coefficient of thermal expansion data for the layers and data concerning the planarization of GaN layers and growth behavior in non-(0001) directions.}, number={1-2}, journal={THIN SOLID FILMS}, author={Edwards, NV and Bremser, MD and Batchelor, AD and Buyanova, IA and Madsen, LD and Yoo, SD and Welhkamp, T and Wilmers, K and Cobet, C and Esser, N and et al.}, year={2000}, month={Mar}, pages={98–106} } @article{pa o'neil_ozturk_batchelor_xu_maher_1999, title={Effects of oxygen during selective silicon epitaxial growth using disilane and chlorine}, volume={146}, ISSN={["0013-4651"]}, DOI={10.1149/1.1391938}, abstractNote={Using and in an ultrahigh‐vacuum rapid thermal chemical vapor deposition reactor, we have investigated the effects of oxygen introduced during selective silicon deposition for both chlorinated and nonchlorinated process chemistries. The effects of oxygen have been investigated with regard to oxygen incorporation, selectivity with respect to thermal , growth rate, and epitaxial structure. Initial studies have revealed that during silicon depositions from , the inherent selectivity of to is enhanced upon the addition of oxygen to the process ambient. Furthermore, using a nonchlorinated process chemistry, oxygen adsorbs predominantly at the epitaxy‐substrate interface and causes increased surface roughness. We have found, however, that the addition of chlorine can play a significant role in the passivation of the epitaxy‐substrate interface with oxygen and improves the resulting film's surface morphology. © 1999 The Electrochemical Society. All rights reserved.}, number={6}, journal={JOURNAL OF THE ELECTROCHEMICAL SOCIETY}, author={PA O'Neil and Ozturk, MC and Batchelor, AD and Xu, MM and Maher, DM}, year={1999}, month={Jun}, pages={2344–2352} } @article{pa o'neil_ozturk_batchelor_maher_1999, title={Effects of oxygen on selective silicon deposition using disilane}, volume={38}, ISSN={["0167-577X"]}, DOI={10.1016/S0167-577X(98)00200-6}, abstractNote={Using Si2H6 in an ultrahigh vacuum rapid thermal chemical vapor deposition reactor, we have investigated the role of high levels of oxygen (>5×10−6 Torr) introduced during selective silicon deposition. The effects of oxygen have been investigated with regard to oxygen incorporation, selectivity with respect to thermal SiO2, growth rate, and epitaxial quality. The addition of oxygen was found to enhance the inherent process selectivity of Si2H6 to SiO2 while causing no reduction in the silicon growth rate or measurable oxygen incorporation into the growing film for oxygen pressures below 5×10−5 Torr. Contrary to published reports, the silicon film was devoid of the pyramidal defects usually characteristic to highly oxygenated processes. The silicon surface morphology, however, exhibited increased roughness with increasing oxygen partial pressure. The surface roughness is believed to be a result of the high levels of oxygen adsorbed at the initial growth surface.}, number={6}, journal={MATERIALS LETTERS}, author={PA O'Neil and Ozturk, MC and Batchelor, AD and Maher, DM}, year={1999}, month={Mar}, pages={418–422} } @article{pa o'neil_ozturk_batchelor_venables_xu_maher_1999, title={Growth of selective silicon epitaxy using disilane and chlorine on heavily implanted substrates - I. Role of implanted BF2}, volume={146}, ISSN={["0013-4651"]}, DOI={10.1149/1.1392052}, abstractNote={In this report, we present results on the low thermal budget deposition of selective silicon epitaxy on heavily implanted substrates using and , in an ultrahigh vacuum rapid thermal chemical vapor deposition reactor. Si growth kinetics, selectivity to , dopant incorporation, and epitaxial quality have been investigated for varying implant dose conditions and varying levels of chlorine during processing. Contrary to published reports, no significant selectivity degradation mechanism has been observed for oxides implanted, and therefore, damaged by ions. Additionally, with heavily implanted boron substrates no reduction in silicon growth occurred despite the presence of a hydrophilic substrate surface just prior to epitaxial growth. Although the hydrophilic surface did not affect the silicon growth rate, the epitaxial defect density did increase with increasing implant dose and chlorine flow rate during processing. The nature of these defects has been studied using atomic force microscopy and transmission electron microscopy. The incorporation of boron into the deposited epitaxial films has been investigated and abrupt profiles or intentionally diffuse structures were achieved through variation of the process sequence and annealing conditions. © 1999 The Electrochemical Society. All rights reserved.}, number={8}, journal={JOURNAL OF THE ELECTROCHEMICAL SOCIETY}, author={PA O'Neil and Ozturk, MC and Batchelor, AD and Venables, D and Xu, MM and Maher, DM}, year={1999}, month={Aug}, pages={3070–3078} } @article{pa o'neil_ozturk_batchelor_venables_maher_1999, title={Growth of selective silicon epitaxy using disilane and chlorine on heavily implanted substrates - II. Role of implanted arsenic}, volume={146}, ISSN={["0013-4651"]}, DOI={10.1149/1.1392053}, abstractNote={In this report, we present results on the low thermal budget deposition of selective silicon epitaxy on heavily arsenic implanted substrates using and in an ultrahigh vacuum rapid thermal chemical vapor deposition reactor. The selectivity of silicon to as well as the silicon growth kinetics, epitaxial quality, and dopant incorporation for varying substrate implant dose conditions and varying levels of chlorine during processing were investigated. We demonstrate that an increase in the arsenic implant dose can reduce the silicon growth by means of an inherent incubation time for deposition occurring in a chlorinated ambient. The extent to which the silicon growth suppression occurs, however, can be lessened by specific changes in the system conditions, and therefore, growth reductions due to arsenic can be minimized. In addition to changes in the silicon growth kinetics, arsenic implanted substrates have demonstrated a tendency to degrade the surface morphology and enhance the density of defects within the deposited silicon epitaxial films. Furthermore, by depositing the silicon film immediately following implantation and prior to any high temperature anneal, movement of arsenic into the deposited silicon layers has been observed at growth temperatures as low as 800°C. Therefore, the incorporation of arsenic into the deposited epitaxial films has been found to be controllable such that abrupt profiles or intentional diffuse structures can be achieved by variation of the process sequence and the annealing conditions. © 1999 The Electrochemical Society. All rights reserved.}, number={8}, journal={JOURNAL OF THE ELECTROCHEMICAL SOCIETY}, author={PA O'Neil and Ozturk, MC and Batchelor, AD and Venables, D and Maher, DM}, year={1999}, month={Aug}, pages={3079–3086} } @article{gehrke_linthicum_thomson_rajagopal_batchelor_davis_1999, title={Pendeo-epitaxy of gallium nitride and aluminum nitride films and heterostructures on silicon carbide substrate}, volume={4S1}, number={G3.2}, journal={MRS Internet Journal of Nitride Semiconductor Research}, author={Gehrke, T. and Linthicum, K. J. and Thomson, D. B. and Rajagopal, P. and Batchelor, A. D. and Davis, R. F.}, year={1999} } @article{linthicum_gehrke_thomson_carlson_rajagopal_smith_batchelor_davis_1999, title={Pendeo-epitaxy of gallium nitride thin films}, volume={75}, DOI={10.1063/1.124317}, abstractNote={Pendeoepitaxy, a form of selective lateral growth of GaN thin films has been developed using GaN/AlN/6H–SiC(0001) substrates and produced by organometallic vapor phase epitaxy. Selective lateral growth is forced to initiate from the (112̄0) GaN sidewalls of etched GaN seed forms by incorporating a silicon nitride seed mask and employing the SiC substrate as a pseudomask. Coalescence over and between the seed forms was achieved. Transmission electron microscopy revealed that all vertically threading defects stemming from the GaN/AlN and AlN/SiC interfaces are contained within the seed forms and a substantial reduction in the dislocation density of the laterally grown GaN. Atomic force microscopy analysis of the (112̄0) face of discrete pendeoepitaxial structures revealed a root mean square roughness of 0.98 Å. The pendeoepitaxial layer photoluminescence band edge emission peak was observed to be 3.454 eV and is blueshifted by 12 meV as compared to the GaN seed layer.}, number={2}, journal={Applied Physics Letters}, author={Linthicum, K. J. and Gehrke, T. and Thomson, D. B. and Carlson, E. P. and Rajagopal, P. and Smith, T. and Batchelor, D. and Davis, R.}, year={1999}, pages={196–198} } @article{pa o'neil_ozturk_batchelor_xu_maher_1999, title={Quality of selective silicon epitaxial films deposited using disilane and chlorine}, volume={146}, ISSN={["0013-4651"]}, DOI={10.1149/1.1391937}, abstractNote={We have previously reported on the selectivity and growth of a silicon epitaxy process using and in an ultrahigh‐vacuum rapid thermal chemical vapor deposition reactor. In this report, we have extended the previous work and provide information regarding the structural and electrical quality of thick (3000 Å) selective silicon epitaxial layers deposited under a variety of growth conditions. Electrical test structures, including enclosed n‐channel metal oxide semiconductor field effect transistors (MOSFETs) and large‐area gated diodes, were fabricated within the epitaxial layers. We demonstrate that variations in the chlorine to silicon ratio (Cl/Si) and the process temperature can lead to structural defects and low generation lifetimes. The defects, however, had a benign effect over the MOSFET drive current and channel transconductance. Overall, the results in this study indicate that high levels of chlorine, as well as low growth temperatures, can potentially inhibit the structural and/or electrical quality of selectively deposited silicon films. However, for growth at or above 800°C with a Cl/Si ratio of 0.23, excellent selectivity as well as extremely high bulk generation lifetimes can be obtained for films with structural defect densities well below the detection limits used within this study. © 1999 The Electrochemical Society. All rights reserved.}, number={6}, journal={JOURNAL OF THE ELECTROCHEMICAL SOCIETY}, author={PA O'Neil and Ozturk, MC and Batchelor, AD and Xu, MM and Maher, DM}, year={1999}, month={Jun}, pages={2337–2343} } @article{edwards_batchelor_buyanova_madsen_bremser_davis_aspnes_monemar_1999, title={Relaxation phenomena in GaN/ AlN/ 6H-SiC heterostructures}, volume={4S1}, DOI={10.1557/s1092578300002830}, abstractNote={We have developed a method to modulate the strain state (normally > 4 kbar, tensile) of moderately thick (∼2 μm) GaN based structures grown on 6H-SiC to a range 0 to -2 kbar of compressive stresses by introducing a strain-mediating layer (SML) above the standard high-temperature AlN buffer layer. The strain characteristics of subsequently deposited nitride layers can be modulated by changing the growth parameters of the SML layer. This is achieved by in-situ techiniques during crystal growth without degrading the optical and structural properties of the deposited layers.}, number={G3.78}, journal={MRS Internet Journal of Nitride Semiconductor Research}, author={Edwards, N. V. and Batchelor, A. D. and Buyanova, I. A. and Madsen, L. D. and Bremser, M. D. and Davis, R. F. and Aspnes, D. E. and Monemar, B.}, year={1999} } @article{li_mirabedini_vogel_henson_batchelor_wortman_kuehn_1998, title={Effects of Si source gases (SiH4 and Si2H6) on polycrystalline- Si1-xGex deposited on oxide by RTCVD}, volume={1}, number={3}, journal={Electrochemical and Solid State Letters}, author={Li, V. Z. Q. and Mirabedini, M. R. and Vogel, E. and Henson, K. and Batchelor, A. D. and Wortman, J. J. and Kuehn, R. T.}, year={1998}, pages={153–155} } @article{edwards_bremser_davis_batchelor_yoo_karan_aspnes_1998, title={Trends in residual stress for GaN/AlN/6H-SiC heterostructures}, volume={73}, ISSN={["1077-3118"]}, DOI={10.1063/1.122597}, abstractNote={We discuss trends in residual stress as a function of film thickness, growth temperature, and substrate orientation for GaN/AlN/6H–SiC heterostructures. Films are mostly compressive for samples less than about 0.7 μm thick, are tensile up to about 2 μm, then abruptly become less tensile with stress values near 1 kbar thereafter. We interpret this as a successive relief of lattice mismatch and thermal stresses culminating in a catastrophic relief by unknown mechanisms at moderate thicknesses. These data indicate that relaxation processes in these heterostructures are not as well understood as previously supposed.}, number={19}, journal={APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS}, author={Edwards, NV and Bremser, MD and Davis, RF and Batchelor, AD and Yoo, SD and Karan, CF and Aspnes, DE}, year={1998}, month={Nov}, pages={2808–2810} } @article{oneil_ozturk_violette_batchelor_christensen_maher_1997, title={Optimization of process conditions for selective silicon epitaxy using disilane, hydrogen, and chlorine}, volume={144}, ISSN={["0013-4651"]}, DOI={10.1149/1.1838003}, abstractNote={We have previously reported a process for low temperature selective silicon epitaxy using , and in an ultrahigh vacuum rapid thermal chemical vapor deposition reactor. Selective deposition implies that growth occurs on the Si surface but not on any of the surrounding insulator surfaces. Using this method and process chemistry, the level of Cl species required to maintain adequate selectivity has been greatly reduced in comparison to ‐based, conventional CVD approaches. In this report, we have extended upon the previous work and provide information regarding the selectivity of the silicon deposition process to variations in the growth conditions. We have investigated the selectivity of the process to variations in disilane flow/partial pressure, growth temperature, and system contamination. We demonstrate that increases in either the partial pressure or flow rate, the process temperature, or the source contamination levels can lead to selectivity degradation. In regard to the structural quality of the selective epitaxial layers, we have observed epitaxial defects that have appeared to be a strong function of two basic conditions: the contamination level of the process and the chlorine flow rate or chlorine partial pressure. Overall, the results in this study indicate several process conditions that can inhibit the quality of a selective silicon deposition process developed for single‐wafer manufacturing.}, number={9}, journal={JOURNAL OF THE ELECTROCHEMICAL SOCIETY}, author={ONeil, PA and Ozturk, MC and Violette, KE and Batchelor, D and Christensen, K and Maher, DM}, year={1997}, month={Sep}, pages={3309–3315} } @article{li_mirabedini_kuehn_wortman_ozturk_batchelor_christensen_maher_1997, title={Rapid thermal chemical vapor deposition of in situ boron doped polycrystalline silicon germanium films on silicon dioxide for complimentary metal oxide semiconductor applications}, volume={71}, DOI={10.1063/1.120344}, abstractNote={In situ boron-doped polycrystalline Si1−xGex (x>0.4) films have been formed on the thermally grown oxides in a rapid thermal chemical vapor deposition processor using SiH4-GeH4-B2H6-H2 gas system. Our results showed that in situ boron-doped Si1−xGex films can be directly deposited on the oxide surface, in contrast to the rapid thermal deposition of undoped silicon-germanium (Si1−xGex) films on oxides which is a partially selective process and requires a thin silicon film pre-deposition to form a continuous film. For the in situ boron-doped Si1−xGex films, we observed that with the increase of the germane percentage in the gas source, the Ge content and the deposition rate of the film are increased, while its resistivity is decreased down to 0.66 mΩ cm for a Ge content of 73%. Capacitance-voltage characteristics of p-type metal-oxide-semiconductor capacitors with p+-Si1−xGex gates showed negligible polydepletion effect for a 75 Å gate oxide, indicating that a high doping level of boron at the poly-Si1−xGex/oxide interface was achieved.}, number={23}, journal={Applied Physics Letters}, author={Li, V. Z. Q. and Mirabedini, M. R. and Kuehn, R. T. and Wortman, J. J. and Ozturk, M. C. and Batchelor, D. and Christensen, K. and Maher, D. M.}, year={1997}, pages={3388–3390} }