Deanna Dannels Cates, C. M., Dannels, D. P., Tate, H., Mottet, T., Mazer, J., Harper, S., & Darling, A. (2022). Leading in a Pandemic: The Perspectives of Communication Administrators. In J. Kuypers (Ed.), Personal and Administrative Perspectives from the Communication Discipline during the COVID-19 Pandemic. New York, NY: Lexington Books. Darling, A., & Dannels, D. (2022). Passing it on. COMMUNICATION EDUCATION, 71(1), 40–42. Rudick, C. K., & Dannels, D. P. (2020, October 1). "Yes, and ... " continuing the scholarly conversation about pandemic pedagogy. COMMUNICATION EDUCATION, Vol. 69, pp. 540–544. Rudick, C. K., & Dannels, D. P. (2020, April 2). "Yes, and ... *" continuing the scholarly conversation about student precarity in higher education. COMMUNICATION EDUCATION, Vol. 69, pp. 276–280. Dannels, D. P. (2020, October 1). Be our guest INTRODUCTION. COMMUNICATION EDUCATION, Vol. 69, pp. 402–404. Dannels, D. P. (2020, October 1). Ode to light: a swan song. COMMUNICATION EDUCATION, Vol. 69, pp. 549–557. Rudick, C. K., & Dannels, D. P. (2020). Yes, and horizontal ellipsis : continuing the scholarly conversation about undue donor influence on higher education. COMMUNICATION EDUCATION, 69(3), 395–398. Rudick, C. K., & Dannels, D. P. (2019, November 14). "Yes, and ... ": continuing the scholarly conversation about teacher labor in PK-12 education*. COMMUNICATION EDUCATION, Vol. 11. Rudick, C. K., & Dannels, D. P. (2019). "Yes, and ... *" continuing the scholarly conversation about contingent labor in higher education. COMMUNICATION EDUCATION, Vol. 68, pp. 259–263. Rudick, C. K., & Dannels, D. P. (2019). "Yes, and ... *": continuing the scholarly conversation about the dark side of social media. COMMUNICATION EDUCATION, Vol. 68, pp. 393–398. Rudick, C. K., & Dannels, D. P. (2019, October 2). "Yes, and ...": continuing the scholarly conversation about Hispanic Serving Institutions. COMMUNICATION EDUCATION, Vol. 68, pp. 528–533. Rudick, C. K., & Dannels, D. P. (2019). "Yes, and ... *": continuing the scholarly conversation about mentoring in higher education. COMMUNICATION EDUCATION, Vol. 68, pp. 128–131. Dannels, D. P. (2018). Riddles, mysteries, and enigmas: communication, teaching, and learning beyond the traditional classroom. Communication Education, 67(4), 500–501. Rudick, C. K., & Dannels, D. P. (2018). Yes, and ... : continuing the scholarly conversation about mental health stigma in higher education. COMMUNICATION EDUCATION, Vol. 67, pp. 404–408. Rudick, C. K., & Dannels, D. P. (2018). Yes, and... : continuing the scholarly conversation about freedom of speech at colleges and universities*. COMMUNICATION EDUCATION, 67(2), 265–268. Rudick, C. K., & Dannels, D. P. (2018). “Yes, and  …  ”: continuing the scholarly conversation about anti-LGBT bullying in K-12 education. Communication Education, 67(4), 528–531. Rudick, C. K., & Dannels, D. P. (2018). "Yes, and ... ": continuing the scholarly conversation about immigration and higher education. COMMUNICATION EDUCATION, Vol. 67, pp. 120–123. Dannels, D. P. (2017). Hows, whats, and (don't forget) whos: the future of inquiry in communication, teaching, and learning. COMMUNICATION EDUCATION, Vol. 66, pp. 496–499. Dannels, D. P. (2018). In the thresholds of scholarly transition INTRODUCTION. COMMUNICATION EDUCATION, Vol. 67, pp. 1–6. Dannels, D. P., Palmerton, P. R., & Gaffney, L. H. (2017). Oral communication in the disciplines: A resource for teacher development and training. Anderson, South Carolina: Parlor Press. Learning 2.0: Orality and Technology in the Disciplines and Professions [Special Issue]. (2016). Dannels, D. P. (2016, July). Learning to Imagine: Introduction to Special Issue: Learning 2.0: Orality and Technology in the Disciplines and Professions. JOURNAL OF BUSINESS AND TECHNICAL COMMUNICATION, Vol. 30, pp. 279–284. Dannels, D. P. (2016). Opening lines: scholarly inquiry and learning outcomes in communication INTRODUCTION. COMMUNICATION EDUCATION, Vol. 65, pp. 480–483. Anson, C. M., Dannels, D. P., Laboy, J. I., & Carneiro, L. (2016). Students' Perceptions of Oral Screencast Responses to Their Writing: Exploring Digitally Mediated Identities. JOURNAL OF BUSINESS AND TECHNICAL COMMUNICATION, 30(3), 378–411. Students’ Perceptions of Oral Screencast Responses to Their Writing: Exploring Digitally Mediated Identities. (2016). Dannels, D., Toale, M. C., Backlund, P. M., Frederick, J. G. M., & Love, B. (2016). Upside down/side up: problematizing teacher communication behaviors and learning outcomes in communication. Communication Education, 65(4), 495–498. Gaffney, A. L. H., & Dannels, D. P. (2015). Reclaiming affective learning. Communication Education, 64(4), 499–502. Dannels, D. P. (2014). Eight essential questions teachers ask: A guidebook for communicating with students. New York: Oxford University Press. Dannels, D. P., Darling, A., Fassett, D. L., Kerssen-Griep, J., Lane, D., Mottet, T. P., … Sellnow, D. (2014). Inception: Beginning a New Conversation about Communication Pedagogy and Scholarship. Communication Education, 63(4), 366–382. Dannels, D. P. (2015). Teacher Communication Concerns Revisited: Calling into Question the Gnawing Pull Towards Equilibrium. Communication Education, 64(1), 83–106. Big Rubrics and Weird Genres: The Futility of Using Generic Assessment Tools across Diverse Instructional Contexts. (2012). Dannels, D. P., Housley Gaffney, A. L., & Martin, K. N. (2011). Students' Talk about the Climate of Feedback Interventions in the Critique. Communication Education, 60(1), 95–114. Dannels, D. P. (2010). Communication Across the Curriculum Problematics and Possibilities: Standing at the Forefront of Educational Reform. In D. Fassett & J. Warren (Eds.), The SAGE Handbook of Communication and Instruction. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. Dannels, D. P. (2011). Relational Genre Knowledge and the Online Design Critique: Relational Authenticity in Preprofessional Genre Learning. JOURNAL OF BUSINESS AND TECHNICAL COMMUNICATION, 25(1), 3–35. Dannels, D. P., & Housley Gaffney, A. L. (2009). Communication Across the Curriculum and in the Disciplines: A Call for Scholarly Cross-curricular Advocacy. Communication Education, 58(1), 124–153. Dannels, D. P. (2009). Features of Success in Engineering Design Presentations A Call for Relational Genre Knowledge. JOURNAL OF BUSINESS AND TECHNICAL COMMUNICATION, 23(4), 399–427. Profiling Programs: Formative Uses of Departmental Consultations in the Assessment of Communication across the Curriculum. (2009). Dannels, D., Gaffney, A., & Martin, K. (2008). Beyond Content, Deeper than Delivery: What Critique Feedback Reveals about Communication Expectations in Design Education. International Journal for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, 2(2). Dannels, D. P., & Martin, K. N. (2008). Critiquing critiques - A genre analysis of feedback across novice to expert design studios. JOURNAL OF BUSINESS AND TECHNICAL COMMUNICATION, 22(2), 135–159. Public speaking student handbook: Supplemental handbook for Communication 110 (4th rev. ed.). (2006). Dubuque, Iowa: Kendall/Hunt Pub., Dannels, D. P. (2005). Leaning In and Letting Go. Communication Education, 54(1), 1–5. Dannels, D. (2005). Performing Tribal Rituals: A Genre Analysis of "Crits'' in Design Studios. COMMUNICATION EDUCATION, 54(2), 136–160. Teaching and Learning a Multimodal Genre in a Psychology Course. (2005). Daubert, C., Peretti, S., Berardinelli, P., Dannels, D., Anson, C., & Bullard, L. (2004). Assessment Of Teaming, Writing, And Speaking Instruction In Che Capstone Design. Retrieved from Public speaking student handbook: Supplemental handbook for Communication 110 (3rd ed.). (2004). Dubuque, Iowa: Kendall/Hunt Pub., Lee, V. S., Greene, D. B., Wellman, D. J., & al. (2004). Teaching and learning through inquiry: A guidebook for institutions and instructors. Sterling, Va.: Stylus Pub. Dannels, D., Anson, C. M., Bullard, L., & Peretti, S. (2003). Challenges in learning communication skills in chemical engineering. Communication Education, 52(1), 50–56. Peretti, S., Berardinelli, P., Kleid, N., Dannels, D., Anson, C., Bullard, L., & Kmiec, D. (2003). Instruction And Assessment Of Multidisciplinary Teaming Skills In Senior Design. Retrieved from Dannels, D. P., Berardinelle, P., Anson, C., Bullard, L., Kleid, N., Kmeic, D., & Peretti, S. (2003). Instruction and assessment of multidisciplinary teaming skills in senior design. Proceedings of the American Association of Engineering Education, USA. Peretti, S., Spivey, J., Berardinelli, P., Kleid, N., Dannels, D., Anson, C., … Kmiec, D. (2003). Integrating Teaming, Writing, And Speaking In Che Unit Operations Lab. Retrieved from Mutual Support: CAC Programs and Institutional Improvement in Undergraduate Education. (2003). Anson, C. M., Carter, M., Dannels, D., & Rust, J. (2003). Mutual support: CAC programs and institutional improvement in undergraduate education. Language and Learning Across the Disciplines, 6, 25–37. Darling, A. L., & Dannels, D. (2003). Practicing engineers talk about the importance of talk. Communication Education, 52(1), 1–16. Dannels, D. R. (2003). Teaching and learning design presentations in engineering - Contradictions between academic and workplace activity systems. JOURNAL OF BUSINESS AND TECHNICAL COMMUNICATION, 17(2), 139–169. Dannels, D. (2002). Communication across the curriculum and in the disciplines: Speaking in engineering. Communication Education, 51(3), 254–268. Developing Rubrics for Instruction and Evaluation. (2002). It's All Academic. (2002). The Medium and the Message: Developing Responsible Methods for Assessing Teaching Portfolios. (2002). Dannels, D. P. (2001). Taking the pulse of communication across the curriculum: A view from the trenches. Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry, 30(2), 50–71. Dannels, D. P. (2001). Time to speak up: A theoretical framework of situated pedagogy and practice for communication across the curriculum. Communication Education, 50(2), 1–16. Dannels, D. P. (2000). Learning to be professional - Technical classroom discourse, practice, and professional identity construction. JOURNAL OF BUSINESS AND TECHNICAL COMMUNICATION, 14(1), 5–37.