@article{martin_mushi_bacak_wang_ahlgrim-delzell_polly_2024, title={Elementary student experiences from digital safety immersion summer program}, volume={8}, ISSN={["1469-5790"]}, url={https://doi.org/10.1080/09523987.2024.2389485}, DOI={10.1080/09523987.2024.2389485}, abstractNote={Digital Safety refers to the knowledge and skills needed for the intentional protection of users in the digital environment. With children having access to digital devices at a young age, it has become essential for them to be educated on how to be safe in the digital world. Through a week-long summer camp on digital safety, elementary-age learners were introduced to four topics (digital identity and digital footprint, cyberbullying, netiquette, and digital security and privacy). This study found that the digital safety immersion camp was beneficial to elementary school learners based on the achievement, attitude, and behavior data that were collected. Posttest scores were statistically significant from the pre-test. Cyberbullying topic had the highest pre- and post-knowledge, whereas netiquette and online behavior, and digital security and privacy had comparatively lesser scores. Students demonstrated positive attitudes in the post-camp survey and they also included several lessons learned from the camp in the Pixton comic strip, which they created as the final project from the camp. The findings from this study contribute to the current literature on preparing elementary school students' knowledge and skills related to digital safety and have implications for students, teachers, administrators, and parents.}, journal={EDUCATIONAL MEDIA INTERNATIONAL}, author={Martin, Florence and Mushi, Doreen and Bacak, Julie and Wang, Weichao and Ahlgrim-Delzell, Lynn and Polly, Drew}, year={2024}, month={Aug} }