Works (200)
2024 article
High-Throughput Robotic Phenotyping for Quantifying Tomato Disease Severity Enabled by Synthetic Data and Domain-Adaptive Semantic Segmentation
He, W., Li, X., Zhang, Z., Chen, Y., Zhang, J., Panthee, D. R., … Xiang, L. (2024, December 13). JOURNAL OF FIELD ROBOTICS, Vol. 12.

2024 journal article
Multiple Foliar Fungal Disease Management in Tomatoes: A Comprehensive Approach
International Journal of Plant Biology.
2024 journal article
Quantitative Trait Loci Mapping for Bacterial Wilt Resistance and Plant Height in Tomatoes
2024 review
Septoria Leaf Spot of Tomatoes: Historical Insights, Present Challenges, and Future Prospects
[Review of ]. HORTICULTURAE, 10(12).
2023 article
Application of Molecular Markers in Crop Improvement and Beyond
Panthee, D. R. (2023, August). AGRONOMY-BASEL, Vol. 13.

2023 journal article
Identification of quantitative trait loci associated with bacterial spot race T4 resistance in intra-specific populations of tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.)
PLOS ONE, 18(12), e0295551.
Ed(s): A. Pandey
2023 article
Identification, development and use of rootstocks to improve pest and disease resistance of vegetable crops
Thies, J. A., & Panthee, D. R. (2023, December 12). FRONTIERS IN PLANT SCIENCE, Vol. 14.

2023 article
Improvements in the detection power of algorithms for analyzing next-generation sequencing based bulked segregant analysis data via estimating thresholds at the genomic region level
Zhang, J., & Panthee, D. R. (2023, March 13).
2023 journal article
Molecular mapping of quantitative trait loci for resistance to early blight in tomatoes
Frontiers in Plant Science, 14.

2023 article
Resistance to Multiple Foliar Fungal Diseases in Tomato
Panthee, D. R., Pandey, A., & Paudel, R. (2023, June 19).
2023 journal article
Variable Yield Responses among Grafted and Nongrafted Late blight-resistant Tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) Hybrids in North Carolina
HORTSCIENCE, 58(8), 943–948.

2022 journal article
Coordinated transcriptional regulation of the carotenoid biosynthesis contributes to fruit lycopene content in high-lycopene tomato genotypes
Horticulture Research, 9.

2022 article
Four bottlenecks restrict colonization and invasion by the pathogen Ralstonia solanacearum in resistant tomato (vol 71, pg 2157, 2020)
Planas-Marques, M., Kressin, J. P., Kashyap, A., Panthee, D. R., Louws, F. J., Coll, N. S., & Valls, M. (2022, March 29). JOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL BOTANY, Vol. 3.
Contributors: M. Planas-Marques *, J. Kressin n, A. Kashyap *, n , F. Louws n , N. Coll *, M. Valls *

2022 chapter
Genomic Tools for Improving Tomato to Biotic Stress Resistance
In C. Kole (Ed.), Genomic Designing for Biotic Stress Resistant Vegetable Crops (pp. 1–35).
Ed(s): C. Kole
2022 conference paper
RNA-Seq analysis of tomato genotypes resistant to Bacterial spot (Xanthomonas perforans) race T4
International Horticulture Congress. Presented at the International Horticulture Congress, Angers, France.
Event: International Horticulture Congress at Angers, France on August 13-20, 2022
2022 journal article
Screening of tomato lines for late blight resistance
HortScience, 57(9S), S114.
Event: 2022 Annual Conference of the American Society for Horticultural Science at Chicago, IL on July 30 - August 3, 2022
2022 journal article
Tomato -Vegetable cultivar descriptions for North America, List 28
HortScience, 57(8), 949–1040.
Ed(s): B. Mou
2022 journal article
‘Mountain Bebe’: Hybrid Grape Tomato and Its Parents NC 7 Grape and NC 8 Grape
HortScience, 57(3), 444–446.

2021 journal article
Development of codominant SCAR markers to detect the <i>Pto , <i> Tm2 <sup>2 , <i>I3 and <i>Sw5 genes in tomato ( <i>Solanum lycopersicum )
Development of codominant SCAR markers to detect the Pto , . Plant Breeding, 140(2), 342–348.
Ed(s): K. Pillen

2021 journal article
Evaluation of tomato breeding lines for Bacterial speck resistance
HortScience, 56(9S), S127.
Event: Annual Conference of the American Society for Horticultural Science at Denver, CO on August 5-9, 2021
2021 journal article
Identification of potential rootstocks for tomato grafting from bacterial wilt screening trials in North Carolina
Acta Horticulturae, 1302(1302), 169–176.

2021 journal article
Next-generation sequencing-based bulked segregant analysis without sequencing the parental genomes
G3 Genes|Genomes|Genetics, 12(2).
Ed(s): A. Lipka

2021 journal article
‘Mountain Regina’: Multiple Disease Resistant Fresh-market Hybrid Tomato and Its Parents, NC 1LF and NC 2LF
HortScience, 56(6), 736–738.

2020 journal article
Advances and Challenges in Bacterial Spot Resistance Breeding in Tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.)
International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 21(5), 1734.

2020 chapter
Cereal crop improvement for food sufficiency
In D. P. Rasali, P. B. Bhandari, U. Karki, M. N. Parajulee, R. N. Acharya, & R. Adhikari (Eds.), Principles and Practices of Food Security: Sustainable, Sufficient, and Food Food for Healthy Living in Nepal (pp. 166–197). Association of Nepalese Agricultural Professionals in Americas (NAPA).
Ed(s): D. Rasali, P. Bhandari, U. Karki, M. Parajulee, R. Acharya & R. Adhikari
2020 journal article
Comparison of tomato genotypes grown under conventional and organic production systems for nutrient composition and fruit quality
HortScience, 55(9S), S414–S415.
Event: Southern Region of the American Society for Horticultural Science at Louisville, KY on January 31 - February 2, 2020
2020 chapter
Current status of fruits and vegetables and their improvements
In D. P. Rasali, P. B. Bhandari, U. Karki, M. N. Parajulee, R. N. Acharya, & R. Adhikari (Eds.), Principles and Practices of Food Security: Sustainable, Sufficient, and Food for Healthy Living in Nepal (pp. 245–269). Association of Nepalese Agricultural Professionals in Americas (NAPA).
Ed(s): D. Rasali, P. Bhandari, U. Karki, M. Parajulee, R. Acharya & R. Adhikari
2020 journal article
Detection of Quantitative Trait Loci (QTL) Associated with the Fruit Morphology of Tomato
Genes, 11(10), 1117.

2020 journal article
Differential gene expression of bacterial wilt (Ralstonia solanacearum) resistance in tomatoes
HortScience, 55(9S), S192–S193.
Event: National Conference of the American Society for Horticultural Science on August 10-13, 2020
2020 journal article
Improving heat stress tolerance in tomato
CABI Reviews, 2020.
2020 journal article
PyBSASeq: a simple and effective algorithm for bulked segregant analysis with whole-genome sequencing data

2020 journal article
Screening tomato breeding lines for Bacterial wilt resistance in NC
HortScience, 55(9S), S108.
Event: National Conference of the American Society for Horticultural Science on August 10-13, 2020
2020 chapter
The impact of COVID-19 on agriculture research
In B. Sharma & A. P. Adhikari (Eds.), COVID-19 pandemic and Nepal: Issues and perspectives (pp. 52–60). Asta-Ja.
Ed(s): B. Sharma & A. Adhikari
2020 journal article
Transcriptome-Based Analysis of Tomato Genotypes Resistant to Bacterial Spot (Xanthomonas perforans) Race T4
International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 21(11), 4070.

2020 journal article
‘Mountain Crown’: Late Blight and Tomato mosaic virus-resistant Plum Hybrid Tomato and Its Parent, NC 1 Plum
HortScience, 55(12), 2056–2057.

2019 conference paper
Development of co-dominant SCAR markers for detection of the Pto, Tm-22, I-3, and Sw5 genes in tomato
Tomato Breeders Round Table Meeting. Presented at the Tomato Breeders Round Table Meeting, Clearwater, FL.
Event: Tomato Breeders Round Table Meeting at Clearwater, FL on November 17-21, 2019
2019 journal article
Four bottlenecks restrict colonization and invasion by the pathogen Ralstonia solanacearum in resistant tomato
Journal of Experimental Botany, 71(6), 2157–2171.
Contributors: M. Planas-Marques *, J. Kressin n, A. Kashyap *, n , F. Louws n , N. Coll *, M. Valls *
Ed(s): P. Bozhkov

2019 conference paper
Identification of the key carotenoid biosynthesis pathway genes impacting tomato fruit lycopene content
National Association of Plant Breeders Meeting. Presented at the National Association of Plant Breeders Meeting, Callaway Gardens – Pine Mountain, GA.
Event: National Association of Plant Breeders Meeting at Callaway Gardens – Pine Mountain, GA on August 25-29, 2019
2019 conference paper
Mapping quantitative trait loci (QTL) associated with flavonoid in tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.)
National Association of Plant Breeders Meeting. Presented at the National Association of Plant Breeders Meeting, Callaway Gardens – Pine Mountain, GA.
Event: National Association of Plant Breeders Meeting at Callaway Gardens – Pine Mountain, GA on August 25-29, 2019
2019 conference paper
New tomato hybrids improved for fruit quality and disease resistance at NC State University
Tomato Breeders Round Table Meeting. Presented at the Tomato Breeders Round Table Meeting, Clearwater, FL.
Event: Tomato Breeders Round Table Meeting at Clearwater, FL on November 17-21, 2019
2019 journal article
Phenotypic and Genetic Diversity of Xanthomonas perforans Populations from Tomato in North Carolina
PHYTOPATHOLOGY, 109(9), 1533–1543.
2019 journal article
Screening tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) for heat stress tolerance
HortScience, 54:S12-S12.
2019 conference paper
Structural restriction to Ralstonia solanacearum colonization and invasion in resistant tomato varieties
Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions, 32, 130–131.
Event: 2019 IS-MPMI XVIII Congress
2019 conference paper
Understanding genetic resistance to bacterial wilt in tomatoes
National Association of Plant Breeders Meeting. Presented at the National Association of Plant Breeders Meeting, Callaway Gardens – Pine Mountain, GA.
Event: National Association of Plant Breeders Meeting at Callaway Gardens – Pine Mountain, GA on August 25-29, 2019
2018 conference paper
4-Dimensional colonization dynamics of the grafted tomato Bacterial wilt pathosystem and their implication for resistance selection
Tomato Breeders Round Table Meeting. Presented at the Tomato Breeders Round Table Meeting, Wooster, OH.
Event: Tomato Breeders Round Table Meeting at Wooster, OH on April 4-6, 2018
2018 conference paper
Bacterial spot of tomato: Pathogen story and our efforts of tomato improvement in NC
Tomato Breeders Round Table Meeting. Presented at the Tomato Breeders Round Table Meeting, Wooster, OH.
Event: Tomato Breeders Round Table Meeting at Wooster, OH on April 4-6, 2018
2018 journal article
Comparison of Tomato Genotypes Grown Under Conventional and Organic Production System for Nutrient Composition and Fruit Quality
HortScience, 53:S93-S94.
2018 journal article
Diversity among Modern Tomato Genotypes at Different Levels in Fresh-Market Breeding

2018 conference paper
Efforts on Breeding for Bacterial Speck Resistance in Tomato in North Carolina
33rd Tomato Disease Workshop. Presented at the 33rd Tomato Disease Workshop, Chincoteague Island, VA.
Event: 33rd Tomato Disease Workshop at Chincoteague Island, VA on October 24-26, 2018
2018 journal article
Filter paper-based spin column method for cost-efficient DNA or RNA purification
PLOS ONE, 13(12).

2018 conference paper
Genetic and phenotypic diversity of tomato germplasm for bacterial wilt (Ralstonia solanacearum) resistance
Annual Conference, Sol Genomics. Presented at the Annual Conference, Sol Genomics, Chiangmai, Thailand.
Event: Annual Conference, Sol Genomics at Chiangmai, Thailand on September 30 - October 4, 2018
2018 journal article
Heritability of Flower Number and Fruit Set under Heat Stress in Tomato
HortScience, 53(9), 1294–1299.

2018 journal article
Inheritance and Segregation Analysis of Anthocyanin Content in Backcross Population of Tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.)
[Abstract]. HortScience, 53(9), S379.
2018 journal article
Integrating grafting and emerging products to manage soilborne diseases of tomato
Acta Horticulturae, 1207(1207), 249–254.
Contributors: F. Louws* , D. Suchoff* , J. Kressin, * , J. Driver* & C. Gunter*

2018 journal article
Mapping quantitative trait loci controlling fruit morphology and color parameters in intra-specific RIL population of tomato
[Abstract]. HortScience, 53(9).
2018 conference paper
Molecular mapping of quantitative trait loci (QTL) for fruit quality in heirloom tomato background
Panthee, D. R. (2018, September 30). Presented at the Annual Conference, Sol Genomics, Chiangmai, Thailand.
Event: Annual Conference, Sol Genomics at Chiangmai, Thailand on September 30 - October 4, 2018
2018 conference paper
Tomato improvement for fruit quality and disease resistance at NC State University
Tomato Breeders Round Table Meeting. Presented at the Tomato Breeders Round Table Meeting, Wooster, OH.
Event: Tomato Breeders Round Table Meeting at Wooster, OH on April 4-6, 2018
2017 journal article
A novel plant DNA extraction method using filter paper-based 96-well spin plate
Planta, 246(3), 579–584.

2017 journal article
Characterizing pathogen phenotypes and diversity to inform management decisions to control bacterial spot of tomato in North Carolina
[Abstract]. HortScience, 52(9), S410–S411.
2017 journal article
Current Status of Early Blight Resistance in Tomato: An Update
International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 18(10), 2019.

2017 chapter book
Developing disease-resistant tomato varieties
2017 journal article
Evaluation of bacterial speck resistance in tomato breeding
[Abstract]. HortScience, 52(9), S357–S358.
2017 journal article
Mapping Quantitative Trait Loci (QTL) for Resistance to Late Blight in Tomato
International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 18(7), 1589.
2017 journal article
Mapping quantitative trait loci (QTL) for resistance to late blight in tomato
International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 18(7).
2016 conference paper
Assessment of tomato genotypes for resistance to bacterial spot
Annual Conference, Sol Genomics. Presented at the Annual Conference, Sol Genomics, Davis, CA.
Event: Annual Conference, Sol Genomics at Davis, CA on September 12-16, 2016
2016 conference paper
Bacterial wilt tolerance improvement in tomato
46th Tomato Breeders Round Table Meeting. Presented at the 46th Tomato Breeders Round Table Meeting, Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic.
Event: 46th Tomato Breeders Round Table Meeting at Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic on March 13-16, 2016
2016 conference paper
Current status of grafted management of tomato bacterial wilt in the NC Mountain region
31st Tomato Disease Workshop. Presented at the 31st Tomato Disease Workshop, Hendersonville, North Carolina.
Event: 31st Tomato Disease Workshop at Hendersonville, North Carolina on November 1-2, 2016
2016 journal article
Differential response of tomato genotypes to Xanthomonas-specific pathogen-associated molecular patterns and correlation with bacterial spot (Xanthomonas perforans) resistance
Horticulture Research, 3.

2016 journal article
Diversity analysis of tomato genotypes based on morphological traits with commercial breeding significance for fresh market production in eastern USA
Australian Journal of Crop Science, 10(8), 1098–1103.
2016 journal article
Genetic diversity, cytogenetics, and biomass yields among taxa of giant reeds (Arundo species)
Journal of the American Society for Horticultural Science, 141(3), 256–263.
2016 conference paper
Genetic fruit weight regulation in 3 distinct tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) market classes
Plant and Animal Genome XXIV Conference. Presented at the Plant and Animal Genome XXIV Conference, San Diego, CA. USA.
Event: Plant and Animal Genome XXIV Conference at San Diego, CA. USA on January 8-13, 2016
2016 journal article
Heritability analysis for heat stress tolerance in tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.)
[Abstract]. HortScience, 51(9), S191.
2016 journal article
Heritability analysis for heat stress tolerance in tomato (solanum lycopersicum l)
HortScience, 51, S191.
Event: Annual Meetings, ASHS at New Orleans, LA on August 3-7, 2016
2016 conference paper
Occurrence of Copper and Streptomycin resistant Xanthomonas spp. in tomato in North Carolina
Annual Meeting. National Association of Plant Breeders. Presented at the Annual Meeting. National Association of Plant Breeders, Raleigh, NC.
Event: Annual Meeting. National Association of Plant Breeders at Raleigh, NC on August 15-18, 2016
2016 journal article
Resistance to Xanthomonas perforans race T4 causing bacterial spot in tomato breeding lines
Plant Pathology, 66(7), 1103–1109.
2016 conference paper
Tomato rootstock resistance to bacterial wilt in the Mountain region of North Carolina
6th International Bacterial Wilt Symposium. Presented at the 6th International Bacterial Wilt Symposium, Toulouse, France.
Event: 6th International Bacterial Wilt Symposium at Toulouse, France on July 3-7, 2016
2015 journal article
Comparison of tomato genotypes grown under conventional and organic production system for nutrient composition
HortScience, 50:9, S300–S301.
Event: Annual Meetings, ASHS at New Orleans, LA on August 3-7, 2015
2015 journal article
Diallel Analysis for Lycopene Content in the Hybrids Derived from Different Colored Parents in Tomato
American Journal of Plant Sciences, 06(09), 1483–1492.
2015 journal article
Differential expression analysis of a select list of genes in susceptible and resistant heirloom tomatoes with respect to Pseudomonas syringae pv. tomato

2015 journal article
Molecular Markers Associated with Ph-3 Gene Conferring Late Blight Resistance in Tomato
American Journal of Plant Sciences, 06(13), 2144–2150.
2015 journal article
Molecular Markers for Septoria Leaf Spot (Septoria lycopersicii Speg.) Resistance in Tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.)
Nepal Journal of Biotechnology, 3(1), 40–47.
2015 journal article
Progeny of Selfed Plants from Tomato Breeding Line ‘NC1 Grape’ Overexpressing Mannitol Dehydrogenase (MTD) Have Increased Resistance to the Early Blight Fungus, Alternaria solani
Plant Health Progress, 16(3), 115–117.

2015 chapter
Role of Plant breeding and biotechnology in sustainable agriculture development in Nepal
In A. P. Adhikari & G. P. Dahal (Eds.), Sustainable Livelihood System in Nepal: Principles, Practices and Prospects (pp. 65–86). Kathmandu, Nepal: IUCN-CFFN.
Ed(s): A. Adhikari & G. Dahal
2015 journal article
Tomato Plants Overexpressing a Celery Mannitol Dehydrogenase (MTD) Have Decreased Susceptibility to <i>Botrytis cinerea</i>
American Journal of Plant Sciences, 06(08), 1116–1125.
2015 conference paper
Tomato rootstock resistance to bacterial wilt as modulated by grafting and NC regional isolates
SE Winter Vegetable Conference. Presented at the SE Winter Vegetable Conference, Savannah, GA.
Event: SE Winter Vegetable Conference at Savannah, GA on January 7-9, 2015
2014 journal article
'Mountain Lion': A large-fruited, extended shelf-life hybrid tomato and its parent line, NC 2rinEC
HortScience, 49(11), 1461–1462.
2014 journal article
'Mountain Rouge': A pink-fruited, heirloom-type hybrid tomato and its parent line NC 161L
HortScience, 49(11), 1463–1464.
2014 conference paper
Combining fruit quality and late blight resistance in tomato
2014 ASHS Annual Conference. Presented at the 2014 ASHS Annual Conference, Orlando, FL.
Event: 2014 ASHS Annual Conference at Orlando, FL on July 27-31, 2014
2014 conference paper
Genetic diversity, cytogenetics, and biomass yields among Arundo species and accessions (Arundineae)
ASHS Annual Meeting. Presented at the ASHS Annual Meeting, Orlando, FL.
Event: ASHS Annual Meeting at Orlando, FL on July 28-31, 2014
2014 journal article
Acta Horticulturae, 6(1040), 277–279.
2014 conference paper
Mapping Bacterial wilt Resistance in a F2 Population of Tomatoes Derived from CLN1466EA X NC84173
45th Tomato Breeders Round Table Meeting. Presented at the 45th Tomato Breeders Round Table Meeting, Mountain Horticultural Crops Research &Extension Center, Mills River, NC, USA.
Event: 45th Tomato Breeders Round Table Meeting at Mountain Horticultural Crops Research &Extension Center, Mills River, NC, USA on September 14-17, 2014
2014 conference paper
Mapping QTL associated with late blight resistance
45th Tomato Breeders Round Table Meeting. Presented at the 45th Tomato Breeders Round Table Meeting, Mountain Horticultural Crops Research & Extension Center, Mills River, USA.
Event: 45th Tomato Breeders Round Table Meeting at Mountain Horticultural Crops Research & Extension Center, Mills River, USA on September 14-17, 2014
2014 conference paper
Microarray analysis reveals selenium down-regulates glucisonolate biosynthesis in Arabidopsis shoots
[Abstract]. FAV HEALTH 2009. 3rd International Symposium on Human Health Effects of Fruits and Vegetables, 192.
Event: 3rd International Symposium on Human Health Effects of Fruits and Vegetables at Avignon, France
2014 journal article
Natural Variation for Responsiveness to flg22, flgII-28, and csp22 and Pseudomonas syringae pv. tomato in Heirloom Tomatoes
PLOS ONE, 9(9).

2014 journal article
Overexpression of Celery Mannitol Dehydrogenase (MTD) in Tomato Increases Resistance to the Mannitol Secreting Fungal Pathogen Botrytis cinerea
[Abstract]. HortScience, 49, S22–S22.
2014 conference paper
Screening for bacterial spot resistance
45th Tomato Breeders Round Table Meeting. Presented at the 45th Tomato Breeders Round Table Meeting, Mountain Horticultural Crops Research &Extension Center, Mills River, NC, USA.
Event: 45th Tomato Breeders Round Table Meeting at Mountain Horticultural Crops Research &Extension Center, Mills River, NC, USA on September 14-17, 2014
2014 journal article
Screening of tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) lines for Bacterial spot (Xanthomonas sp) resistance
[Abstract]. HortScience, 49, S244–S244.
2014 conference paper
Screening of tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) lines for bacterial spot (Xanthomonas spp.) resistance
2014 ASHS Annual Conference. Presented at the 2014 ASHS Annual Conference, Orlando, FL.
Event: 2014 ASHS Annual Conference at Orlando, FL on July 27-31, 2014
2014 conference paper
The influence of temperature on Bacterial Wilt disease (Ralstonia solanacearum Smith), especially as it pertains to tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) from a historical perspective
45th Tomato Breeders Round Table Meeting. Presented at the 45th Tomato Breeders Round Table Meeting, Mountain Horticultural Crops Research & Extension Center, Mills River, NC, USA.
Event: 45th Tomato Breeders Round Table Meeting at Mountain Horticultural Crops Research & Extension Center, Mills River, NC, USA on September 14-17, 2014
2014 conference paper
Tomato rootstock resistance to Bacterial wilt (Ralstonia solanacearum): Effects of genotype and cold stress on epidemic profile
2014 ASHS Annual Conference. Presented at the 2014 ASHS Annual Conference, Orlando, FL.
Event: 2014 ASHS Annual Conference at Orlando, FL on July 28-31, 2014
2013 journal article
'Mountain Honey' hybrid grape tomato and its parent NC 6 Grape breeding line
HortScience, 48(9), 1192–1194.
2013 journal article
'Mountain Vineyard' hybrid grape tomato and its parents: NC 4 Grape and NC 5 Grape tomato breeding lines
HortScience, 48(9), 1189–1191.
2013 article
A reexamination of molecular markers for use in marker-assisted breeding in tomato (Retraction of vol 184, pg 165, 2012)
Euphytica, Vol. 194, pp. 149–149.
2013 journal article
Evaluating bacterial wilt resistance of tomato rootstocks in North Carolina
Phytopathology, 103, 134.
Event: Joint Meetings, APS-MSA at Austin, TX on August 10-14, 2013
2013 journal article
Genotype and environmental interaction for fruit quality traits in vintage tomato varieties
EUPHYTICA, 193(2), 169–182.

2013 conference paper
Heirloom tomatoes show differential sensitivity to Flg22, Flg28, and Csp22 and a field isolate of Pseudomonas syringae pv. tomato
The 27th Annual Retreat, Plant Molecular Biology Consortium. Presented at the 27th Annual Retreat, Plant Molecular Biology Consortium, Asheville, NC.
Event: 27th Annual Retreat, Plant Molecular Biology Consortium at Asheville, NC on September 13-15, 2013
2013 journal article
Lycopene Estimation in Tomato Lines Using Infrared Absorbance and Tomato Analyzer
International Journal of Vegetable Science, 19(3), 240–255.
2013 journal article
New molecular markers associated with the Sw-5 gene conferring resistance to Tomato spotted wilt virus in tomato
2013 journal article
Novel molecular marker associated with Tm2(a) gene conferring resistance to tomato mosaic virus in tomato
PLANT BREEDING, 132(4), 413–416.

2013 conference paper
QTL analysis for early blight resistance in tomato
ASHS Annual Meetings. Presented at the Annual Meetings, ASHS, Palm Spring, CA.
Event: Annual Meetings, ASHS at Palm Spring, CA on July 22-25, 2013
2013 journal article
RAPD Markers Linked to Late Blight Resistance in Tomato
Nepal Journal of Science and Technology, 14(1), 1–14.
2013 journal article
Retraction Note to: A reexamination of molecular markers for use in marker-assisted breeding in tomato
Euphytica, 194(1), 149–149.

2012 journal article
'Mountain Magic': An early blight and late blight-resistant specialty type F-1 hybrid tomato
HortScience, 47(2), 299–300.
2012 journal article
Diversity Analysis of Tomato Cultivars Based on Coefficient of Parentage and RAPD Molecular Markers
Journal of Crop Improvement, 26(2), 177–196.

2012 journal article
Evaluation of tomato accessions for flavour and flavour-contributing components

2012 conference paper
Evaluation of tomato germplasm for flavor and flavor-contributing components
ASHS Annual Meetings. Presented at the Annual Meetings, ASHS, Miami, FL.
Event: Annual Meetings, ASHS at Miami, FL on July 31 - August 3, 2012
2012 article
First Report of Potato spindle tuber viroid Naturally Infecting Greenhouse Tomatoes in North Carolina
Ling, K.-S., Li, R., Panthee, D. R., & Gardner, R. G. (2013, January). PLANT DISEASE, Vol. 97, pp. 148–149.

2012 journal article
High-Density SNP Genotyping of Tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) Reveals Patterns of Genetic Variation Due to Breeding
PLOS ONE, 7(9).

2012 conference paper
Identification of Potato spindle tuber viroid naturally infecting greenhouse tomatoes in North Carolina and its potential in seed transmission
27th Annual Tomato Disease Workshop. Presented at the 27th Annual Tomato Disease Workshop, Wooster, OH.
Event: 27th Annual Tomato Disease Workshop at Wooster, OH on October 16-18, 2012
2012 journal article
Magnitude of Genotype x Environment Interactions Affecting Tomato Fruit Quality
HORTSCIENCE, 47(6), 721–726.
2012 review
Marker-Assisted Selection in Tomato Breeding
[Review of ]. CRITICAL REVIEWS IN PLANT SCIENCES, 31(2), 93–123.

2012 journal article
Tomato spotted wilt virus-resistant fresh-market tomato breeding lines: NC 58S, NC 123S, NC 127S, and NC 132S
HortScience, 47(4), 531–532.
2011 journal article
'Mountain Majesty': A tomato spotted wilt virus-resistant fresh-market hybrid tomato and Its parents NC 714 and NC 1CS
HortScience, 46(9), 1321–1323.
2011 article
A reexamination of molecular markers for use in marker-assisted breeding in tomato (Retracted article. See vol. 194, pg. 149, 2013)
Panthee, D. R., & Foolad, M. R. (2012, March). EUPHYTICA, Vol. 184, pp. 165–179.

2011 conference paper
Breeding tomato for pigments
43rd Tomato Breeders’ Round Table Meeting. Presented at the 43rd Tomato Breeders’ Round Table Meeting, Ithaca, NY.
Event: 43rd Tomato Breeders’ Round Table Meeting at Ithaca, NY on October 9-11, 2011
2011 journal article
Diversity Analysis of Arabidopsis thaliana (L.) Heynh Ecotypes for Glucosinolates in Shoots and Seeds
HortScience, 46(7), 968–974.

2011 journal article
GGE Biplot Analysis of Tomato F1Hybrids Evaluated Across Years for Marketable Fruit Yield
Journal of Crop Improvement, 25(5), 488–496.

2011 journal article
Genetic Improvement of Fresh Market Tomatoes for Yield and Fruit Quality Over 35 Years in North Carolina: A Review
International Journal of Vegetable Science, 17(3), 259–273.
2011 journal article
Genotype, media and temperature influence regeneration of tomato cultivars from anthers
[Abstract]. Vitro Cellular & Developmental Biology-Animal, 47, S65.
2011 journal article
Identification of molecular markers for Sw-5 gene of tomato spotted wilt virus resistance
American Journal of Biotechnology and Molecular Sciences, 1, 8–16.
2011 conference paper
Identification of useful source of bacterial wilt resistance in tomato
26th Annual Tomato Disease Workshop. Presented at the 26th Annual Tomato Disease Workshop, Ithaca, NY.
Event: 26th Annual Tomato Disease Workshop at Ithaca, NY on October 11-13, 2011
2011 journal article
Lycopene content profiling in tomato lines derived from diverse genetic background by colorimetry and infra-red absorbance methods
[Abstract]. Hortscience, 46(9), S183–S194.
Event: Annual Meetings, American Society of Horticultural Science at Waikoloa, HI. on September 25-28, 2011
2011 conference paper
Magnitude of genotype x environment interactions affecting tomato fruit morphology
Plant Biology and Botany Annual Meeting. Abstract presented at the Plant Biology and Botany Annual Meeting, Minneapolis, MN.
Event: Plant Biology and Botany Annual Meeting at Minneapolis, MN on August 6-10, 2011
2011 journal article
Molecular Markers for Tm-2 Alleles of Tomato Mosaic Virus Resistance in Tomato
American Journal of Plant Sciences, 02(02), 180–189.
2011 conference paper
Phenotypic and molecular variation in 44 vintage tomato varieties
43rd Tomato Breeders’ Round Table Meeting. Presented at the 43rd Tomato Breeders’ Round Table Meeting, Ithaca, NY.
Event: 43rd Tomato Breeders’ Round Table Meeting at Ithaca, NY on October 9-11, 2011
2011 journal article
Selenium Regulates Gene Expression for Glucosinolate and Carotenoid Biosynthesis in Arabidopsis
Journal of the American Society for Horticultural Science, 136(1), 23–34.
2010 journal article
'Mountain Merit': A late blight-resistant large-fruited tomato hybrid
HortScience, 45(10), 1547–1548.
2010 journal article
'Plum Regal' fresh-market plum tomato hybrid and Its parents, NC 25P and NC 30P
HortScience, 45(5), 824–825.
2010 chapter book

2010 chapter book
Arabidopsis Genome Initiative
2010 journal article
Diversity in a collection of heirloom tomato varieties
[Abstract]. HortScience, 45(8), S145.
Event: Annual Meetings, American Society of Horticultural Science at Palm Spring, CA on August 2-5, 2010
2010 journal article
Evaluation of late blight on tomato cultivars grown in the field, 2009
Plant Disease Management Reports, 4, 126.
2010 journal article
Grape tomato breeding lines: NC 1 Grape, NC 2 Grape, and NC 3 Grape
HortScience, 45(12), 1887–1888.
2010 conference paper
Identification of useful source of resistance for bacterial wilt in tomato: A challenge
25th Annual Tomato Disease Workshop. Presented at the 25th Annual Tomato Disease Workshop, Tampa, FL.
Event: 25th Annual Tomato Disease Workshop at Tampa, FL on November 16-18, 2010
2010 journal article
Marker-assisted selection for coupling phase resistance to tomato spotted wilt virus and phytophthora infestans (late blight) in tomato
HortScience, 45(10), 1424–1428.
2010 journal article
NC 1 CELBR and NC 2 CELBR: Early blight and late blight-resistant fresh market tomato breeding lines
HortScience, 45(6), 975–976.
2010 review
Plant Volatiles-based Insect Pest Management in Organic Farming
[Review of ]. CRITICAL REVIEWS IN PLANT SCIENCES, 29(2), 123–133.

2010 journal article
Screening tomato lines for late blight (Phytophthora infestans) resistance under conventional and organic systems
[Abstract]. Hortscience, 45(8), S144.
Event: Annual Meetings, American Society of Horticultural Science at Palm Spring, CA on August 2-5, 2010
2010 chapter book
Varietal improvement in soybean.

2009 conference paper
Current status of grape and plum tomato breeding at NC State University
42nd Tomato Breeders’ Round Table Meeting. Abstract presented at the 42nd Tomato Breeders’ Round Table Meeting, Sacramento, CA.
Event: 42nd Tomato Breeders’ Round Table Meeting at Sacramento, CA on June 28 - July 1, 2009
2009 journal article
Genomics of Fungal Disease Resistance in Tomato
CURRENT GENOMICS, 11(1), 30–39.

2009 report
Opportunities with Organic and Heirloom Tomatoes
In Farm Prosperity Project [Abstracts]. Raleigh, NC: Department of Horticultural Science, NC State University.
2009 journal article
Permanent Genetic Resources added to Molecular Ecology Resources database 1 January 2009-30 April 2009
Molecular Ecology Resources, 9(5), 1375–1379.

2009 conference paper
Potential tomato hybrids with improved fruit quality and disease resistance
Panthee, D. R. (2009, December 1). Abstracts presented at the South-East Vegetable and Fruits Expo, Myrtle Beach, SC.
Event: South-East Vegetable and Fruits Expo at Myrtle Beach, SC on December 1-2, 2009
2009 journal article
Tomato flavor affected by variety and production system
[Abstracts]. HortScience, 44(4), 1156.
Event: Annual Meetings, ASHS at St. Louis, MO on July 25-28, 2009
2008 journal article
Differential expression of genes in soybean in response to the causal agent of Asian soybean rust (Phakopsora pachyrhizi Sydow) is soybean growth stage-specific

2008 conference paper
Identification of differentially expressed genes in Arabidopsis shoots in response to selenium
[Abstracts]. HortScience, 43(4), 1289.
Event: Annual Meetings, ASHS at Orlando, FL on July 21-24, 2008
2008 journal article
Screening of Arabidopsis ecotypes for Glucosinolates accumulated in shoots and seeds
[Abstracts]. HortScience, 43(4), 1288.
Event: Annual Meetings, ASHS at Orlando, FL on July 21-24, 2008
2007 journal article
Assessing Glycinin (11S) and β-Conglycinin (7S) Fractions of Soybean Storage Protein by Near-Infrared Spectroscopy
Journal of the American Oil Chemists' Society, 84(12), 1107–1115.
2007 conference paper
Differential expression of genes in soybean in response to Asian soybean rust (Phakopsora pachyrhizi Sydow) is specific to the soybean growth stage
Plant Biology. Abstract 2668 presented at the Plant Biology and Botany Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL.
Event: Plant Biology and Botany Annual Meeting at Chicago, IL on July 7-11, 2007
2007 journal article
Expression and Inheritance of a Transgene for Salinity Tolerance in Tomato
Journal of the Institute of Agriculture and Animal Science, (24), 43–50.
2007 journal article
Gene expression analysis in soybean in response to the causal agent of Asian soybean rust (Phakopsora pachyrhizi Sydow) in an early growth stage
Functional & Integrative Genomics, 7(4), 291–301.
2007 conference paper
Growth stage specificity for differential gene expression in soybean in response to Phakopsora pachyrhizi Sydow
Third International Plant Pathology Conference. Abstracts presented at the Third International Plant Pathology Conference, Lahore, Pakistan.
Event: Third International Plant Pathology Conference at Lahore, Pakistan on November 19-21, 2007
2007 conference paper
Quantitative trait loci for agronomic traits in soybean
Agronomy Abstracts. Abstracts presented at the 2007 International Annual Meetings, ASA-CSSA-SSSA, New Orleans, LA.
Event: 2007 International Annual Meetings, ASA-CSSA-SSSA at New Orleans, LA on November 4-8, 2007
2006 journal article
Diversity Analysis of Garlic (Allium sativum L.) Germplasms Available in Nepal Based on Morphological Characters
Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution, 53(1), 205–212.
2006 journal article
Genomic Regions Associated with Amino Acid Composition in Soybean
Molecular Breeding, 17(1), 79–89.

2006 journal article
Global gene expression analysis in soybean in response to the causal agent of Asian soybean rust (Phakopsora pachyrhizi Sydow)
[Abstracts]. Agronomy Abstracts. Abstracts presented at the ASA-CSSA-SSSA. 2006 International Annual Meetings, Indianapolis, IN.
Event: ASA-CSSA-SSSA. 2006 International Annual Meetings at Indianapolis, IN on November 12-16, 2006
2006 journal article
Modifier QTL for fatty acid composition in soybean oil
Euphytica, 152(1), 67–73.
2006 journal article
Quantitative trait loci for agronomic traits in soybean
Plant Breeding, 126(1), 51–57.
2006 journal article
Registration of Soybean Germplasm Lines TN03–350 and TN04–5321 with Improved Protein Concentration and Quality
Crop Science, 46(5), 2328.

2005 journal article
Genomic regions governing soybean sulfur containing amino acids
[Abstracts]. AOCS Abstracts, 35.
2005 journal article
Quantitative Trait Loci for Seed Protein and Oil Concentration, and Seed Size in Soybean
Crop Science, 45(5), 2015.
2005 journal article
Quantitative trait loci controlling sulfur containing amino acids, methionine and cysteine, in soybean seeds
Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 112(3), 546–553.

2004 conference paper
Cysteine and Methionine QTL in soybean
Abstracts presented at the ASA Southern Branch Meeting.
Event: ASA Southern Branch Meeting
2004 journal article
Genomic regions governing soybean seed nitrogen accumulation
Journal of the American Oil Chemists' Society, 81(1), 77–81.
2004 journal article
Quantitative trait loci for β-conglycinin (7S) and glycinin (11S) fractions of soybean storage protein
Journal of the American Oil Chemists' Society, 81(11), 1005–1012.

2004 conference paper
Quantitative trait loci for -conglycinin (7S) and glycinin (11S) fractions of soybean storage protein
10th Biennial Conference of the Cellular and Molecular Biology of the Soybean. Presented at the 10th Biennial Conference of the Cellular and Molecular Biology of the Soybean.
Event: 10th Biennial Conference of the Cellular and Molecular Biology of the Soybean
2004 conference paper
Soybean molecular markers for seed nitrogen accumulation
Abstracts presented at the ASA Southern Branch Meeting.
Event: ASA Southern Branch Meeting
2003 conference paper
Genomic regions controlling the amino acid composition in soybean
Agronomy Abstracts.
2003 conference paper
Genomic regions governing soybean seed nitrogen accumulation
AOCS Abstracts, 33.
2003 magazine article
Precision agriculture: Its relevance with Nepalese agriculture
Agri-Link Newsletter, 1, 3–4.
2000 conference paper
Expression and inheritance of a transgene for salinity tolerance in tomato
[Abstract]. 3rd International Conference on Biotechnology and Biodiversity, 14–16.
Event: 3rd International Conference on Biotechnology and Biodiversity at Kathmandu, Nepal
1999 journal article
Studies on seed dormancy of broad leaf mustard and garden cress
Nepalese Horticulture, 3, 30–35.
1998 journal article
Effect of genotype, medium and explant on callus production and in vitro regeneration of tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.)
Nepal Agriculture Research Journal, 2, 20–26.
1998 report
Effect of threshing, cleaning and drying period on onion seed viability
(LARC Working Paper No. 98/18). Nepal: Lumle Agricultural Research Centre.
1998 journal article
Evaluating the performance of tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) cultivars for genetic transformation
Nepal Agriculture Research Journal, 2, 48–54.
1998 report
Identification of the parents for the production of bacterial wilt tolerant and high yielding hybrids of tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum
(LARC Working Paper No. 98/23). Nepal: Lumle Agricultural Research Center.
1998 report
Rice varietal improvement research for low-hills carried out at LARC during 1995
(LARC Working Paper No. 98/11). Nepal: Lumle Agricultural Research Center.
1998 report
Stability analysis of potato varieties
(LARC Seminar Paper No. 98/13). Nepal: Lumle Agricultural Research Center.
1998 journal article
Storage life of onion seeds in relation to the methods of threshing and cleaning, and drying period
Nepalese Horticulture, 2, 31–36.
1998 report
Study on morphological characteristics of rice, wheat, oil seed rape, onion, broad leaf mustard and radish varieties, 1996
(LARC Working Paper No. 98/2). Nepal: Lumle Agricultural Research Centre.
1996 journal article
Efficacy of six different indigenous pesticides for wheat seed storage
Journal of Institute of Agriculture and Animal Sciences, 17-18, 69–74.
1996 journal article
Identification of a suitable indigenous storage structures for wheat seed storage
Journal of Institute of Agriculture and Animal Sciences, 17-18, 54–62.
1995 report
Change in seed quality under farmers' seed storage system
(LARC Working Paper No. 95/22). Nepal: Lumle Agricultural Research Center.
1995 report
Constraints and potentialities of vegetable seed privatization in Nepal
(LARC Seminar Paper No. 95/7). Nepal: Lumle Agricultural Research Center.
1995 report
Dormancy behavior of radish, broad leaf mustard, cress and cauliflower seeds
(LARC Working Paper No. 95/20). Nepal: Lumle Agricultural Research Center.
1995 report
Effect of post-harvest operations on onion seeds viability
(LARC Working Paper No. 95/16). Nepal: Lumle Agricultural Research Center.
1995 report
Seed production, quality control, and marketing and distribution system in Nepal
(LARC Review Paper No. 95/1). Nepal: Lumle Agricultural Research Center.
1995 report
Study on morphological characteristics of wheat, oil seed rape, onion, broad leaf mustard and radish varieties, 1994/95
(LARC Working Paper No. 95/44). Nepal: Lumle Agricultural Research Center.
1970 journal article
Information Theory and Multivariate Techniques for Analyzing DNA Sequence Data: An Example from Tomato Genes
Nepal Journal of Biotechnology, 1(1), 1–9.