@article{thompson_goodman_2006, title={Increasing kernel density for two inbred lines of maize}, volume={46}, ISSN={["1435-0653"]}, DOI={10.2135/cropsci2006.02.0111}, abstractNote={Improving grain quality of maize (Zea mays L.), including endosperm hardness and density, is often a breeding objective. Dense seed is preferred by dry millers and for alkaline processing, and can command a price premium at market. This study attempted to increase kernel density in a backcrossing program for two inbreds of maize using two selection techniques, specific gravity of kernels and the percentage of sinking kernels in a salt solution (or sinkers). Two inbreds, B73G and A632, were crossed with synthetics exhibiting apparent high kernel density, and several generations of backcrossing and self‐pollination followed. Examples of mean comparisons of backcross‐derived inbreds with the recurrent parents, B73G and A632 are as follows: B73G–Specific gravity, 1.251 and 1.206; Sinkers, 62.3 and 14.9%; and A632–Specific gravity, 1.266 and 1.250; Sinkers 45.4 and 29.1%. Both the specific gravity and sinkers techniques were successful for increasing kernel density during backcrossing.}, number={5}, journal={CROP SCIENCE}, author={Thompson, Donald L. and Goodman, Major M.}, year={2006}, pages={2179–2182} }