Works (19)
2024 journal article
Developing practical measures of the price of pesticide resistance: A flexible computational framework with global sensitivity analysis
Journal of the Agricultural and Applied Economics Association, 3(1), 212–227.

2024 article
Estimating perennial crop supply response: A methodology literature review
Siegle, J., Astill, G., Plakias, Z., & Tregeagle, D. (2024, January 12). AGRICULTURAL ECONOMICS, Vol. 1.

2023 article
Minimizing the Costs of Biorefinery Feedstock by Managing Perennial Crop Age: The Case of Brazilian Sugarcane
Tregeagle, D., & Zilberman, D. (2023, June 28). JOURNAL OF AGRICULTURAL AND APPLIED ECONOMICS, Vol. 6.

2022 journal article
Willingness-to-Pay for Produce: A Meta-Regression Analysis Comparing the Stated Preferences of Producers and Consumers
Contributors: A. Kilduff n & n

2021 journal article
Balancing Bees and Pest Management: Projected Costs of Proposed Bee-Protective Neonicotinoid Regulation in California
Contributors: K. Mace *, J. Rudder*, R. Goodhue *, T. Tolhurst *, n , H. Wei*, B. Grafton-Cardwell*, I. Grettenberger *

2020 report
Economic and pest management evaluation of nitroguanidine-substituted neonicotinoid insecticides: nine major California commodities
Department of Pesticide Regulation by the California Department of Food and Agricultures Office of Pesticide Consultation and Analysis and the University of California.
2020 journal article
Estimated Cost of the Withdrawal of the Insecticide Chlorpyrifos for Six Major California Crops
ARE Update, 23(4), 13–15.
2020 magazine article
Report on NARBA’s 2020 Pricing and Marketing Survey
Tregeagle, D., & Wechsler, D. (2020, August 25). Fruit Growers News.
2020 magazine article
Specialty Crops in 2020: COVID-19 and Other Challenges
Tregeagle, D. (2020, December). NC State Economist.
2019 report
Economic Impacts of Potential Changes in 1,3- Dichloropropene Township Caps
California Department of Food and Agricultures Office of Pesticide Consultation and Analysis.
2019 report
Economic and Pest Management Evaluation of the Withdrawal of Chlorpyrifos: Six Major California Commodities
Department of Pesticide Regulation by the California Department of Food and Agricultures Office of Pesticide Consultation and Analysis and the University of California.
2018 report
An Economic and Pest Management Evaluation of the Herbicide Dacthal in California Agriculture
[Final Report]. California Department of Food and Agriculture, Office of Pesticide Consultation and Analysis.
2018 journal article
Economic Value of the Herbicide Dacthal for Brassica and Allium Crops in California
ARE Update, 22(2), 5–8.
2018 journal article
Implications of Disrupting a Perennial Crop Replanting Cycle: The Brazilian Sugarcane Example
ARE Update, 22(1), 5–8.
2018 report
Implications of the California Clean Environment Initiative (2017) for California Crop Agriculture: An Aggregate Assessment
[Final report]. California Department of Food and Agriculture, Office of Pesticide Consultation and Analysis.
2018 report
Potential Regulation Regarding Fumigant Application Notifications: Economic Effects for Agriculture in Thirteen Major Agricultural Counties
[Final report]. California Department of Food and Agriculture, Office of Pesticide Consultation and Analysis.
2013 report
Storage Rights and Water Allocation Arrangements in the Murray-Darling Basin
[Technical report]. Canberra: Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resource Economics and Sciences.
Damaged Goods: A Resource Depletion Model of Addictive Consumption
Tregeagle, D., Harris, M., & Hertzler, G. [Working paper].
The Optimal Management of Orchards
Tregeagle, D., & Simon, L. [Working paper].