Works (24)
2023 content posted
Community Sawmills Save Forests: Forest Regrowth and Avoided Deforestation Due to Vertical Integration of Wood Production in Mexican Community Forests
2023 journal article
Participation, anticipation effects and impact perceptions of two collective incentive-based conservation interventions in Ucayali, Peru
2022 chapter book
Pathways to community timber production
2021 journal article
Evaluating the Impact of REDD+ Interventions on Household Forest Revenue in Peru
Frontiers in Forests and Global Change, 4.
2019 journal article
Reduced-impact logging practices reduce forest disturbance and carbon emissions in community managed forests on the Yucatán Peninsula, Mexico
Forest Ecology and Management, 437, 396–410.
2018 report
Campeche, Mexico
In C. Stickler (Ed.), The State of Jurisdictional Sustainability. San Francisco, CA: EII.
Ed(s): C. Stickler
2018 report
Canmultilevel governance transform business as-usual trajectories driving deforestation? Lessons for REDD+ and beyond
In Infobrief (Vol. 235).
2018 report
EndingTropical Deforestation: A Stock-Take of Progress and Challenges, Jurisdictional approaches to REDD+ and Low Emissions Development: Progress and Prospects
[World ResourcesInternational Working Paper.].
2018 report
Quintana Roo, Mexico
In C. Stickler (Ed.), The State ofJurisdictional Sustainability.
Ed(s): C. Stickler
2018 report
Tabasco, Mexico
In C. Stickler (Ed.), The State of Jurisdictional Sustainability. San Francisco, CA: EII.
Ed(s): C. Stickler
2018 journal article
Top-down, Bottom-up and Sideways: The Multilayered Complexities of Multi-level Actors Shaping Forest Governance and REDD+ Arrangements in Madre de Dios, Peru
Environmental Management, 62(1), 98–116.
2018 report
Yucatán, Mexico
In C. Stickler (Ed.), The State ofJurisdictional Sustainability. San Francisco, CA: EII.
Ed(s): C. Stickler
2017 report
Sistemas Agroalimentarios y comercialización desde la cosmovisión Maya local, Quintana Roo-Yucatán
[Final report for the consultancy]. Alianza Toj Oolal and financed by the W.K Kellogg Foundation.
2016 journal article
Analyzing multilevel governance in Peru: Lessons for REDD+ from the study of land-use change and benefit sharing in Madre de Dios, Ucayali and San Martin
2016 report
Cuantificando las emisiones de carbono del aprovechamiento forestal en la Península de Yucatán, México
[Policy Brief]. United States Agency for International Development (USAID), The Nature Conservancy (TNC), Alianza México REDD+, México, Distrito Federal.
2016 report
Socioeconomic costs and benefits of forest management in the Yucatan Peninsula
[Final report.]. United States Agency for International Development (USAID), The Nature Conservancy (TNC), Alianza México REDD+, México, Distrito Federal.
2015 report
Cuantificando las Emisiones de Carbono del Aprovechamiento Maderablecon Impacto Reducido en la península de Yucatán
[Reporte de Muestreo de Bosquetes en Noh Bec, Quintana Roo, México]. United States Agency for International Development (USAID), The Nature Conservancy (TNC), Alianza México REDD+, México, Distrito Federal.
2015 journal article
Endurance and Adaptation of Community Forest Management in Quintana Roo, Mexico
Forests, 6(11), 4295–4327.
2015 report
Informe final “Deliberación, análisis y toma de acuerdos sobre los objetivos, componentes y líneas de acción de la ENAREDD+ en ejidos asociados a la REPSERAM
Mexico: CONAFOR.
2015 report
Quantifying the carbon emissions ofReduced Impact Logging practices in the Yucatan peninsula: Work plan and field protocol
United States Agency for International Development (USAID), The Nature Conservancy (TNC), AlianzaMexicoREDD+, Mexico, Distrito Federal.
2014 report
Improved Forest Management Opportunities for Forest Communities in the Peninsula Yucatán and Cutzamala Early Action Site
[Report for the consultancy “A Field Survey of Timber Producing Community Forests and Assessing Opportunities for Improved Forest Timber Management Activities to Reduce or Remove Greenhouse Gas Emissions within Managed Forests in Mexico]. The NatureConservancy (TNC) y USAID.
2014 chapter
The Valuation of Environmental Services in the Managed Forests of seven indigenous communities in Ucayali, Peru
In E. O. Sills, S. S. Atmadja, C. deSassi, A. E. Duchelle, D. L. Kweka, I. A. P. Resosudarmo, & W. D. Sunderlin (Eds.), REDD+ on the ground: A case book of subnational initiatives across the globe (pp. 166–184).
Ed(s): E. Sills, S. Atmadja, C. deSassi, A. Duchelle, D. Kweka, I. Resosudarmo, W. Sunderlin
2013 report
Reporte Preliminar de Avances dela Caracterización del Manejo Forestal por Ejidos y Comunidades en la Península Yucatán y la AATR Cutzamala
[Report for the consultancy “A Field Survey of Timber Producing CommunityForests and Assessing Opportunities for Improved Forest Timber Management Activities to Reduceor Remove Greenhouse Gas Emissions within Managed Forests in Mexico]. The Nature Conservancy (TNC) y USAID.
2007 report
Farming systems and farmer decision-making inColumbia and Suwanee counties, Florida
In Southeast Climate Consortium Technical Report Series (pp. 19–30).
Updated: October 23rd, 2024 09:14
2024 - present