Works (6)
2025 article
Photophysical Characterization and Excited State Dynamics of Decamethylruthenocenium
May, A. M., Deegbey, M., Fosu, E. A., Danilov, E. O., Castellano, F. N., Jakubikova, E., & Dempsey, J. L. (2025, February 4). JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY A, Vol. 2.
2024 article
Coordination of copper within a crystalline carbon nitride and its catalytic reduction of CO<sub>2</sub>
Pauly, M., White, E., Deegbey, M., Fosu, E. A., Keller, L., Mcguigan, S., … Maggard, P. A. (2024, March 21). DALTON TRANSACTIONS, Vol. 3.

2024 article
Defects orchestrate concerted CO<sub>2</sub> catalysis
McGuigan, S., & Fosu, E. A. (2024, June 7). NATURE REVIEWS CHEMISTRY, Vol. 6.

2023 journal article
Theoretical studies on the reaction mechanisms of the oxidation of tetramethylethylene using MO3Cl (M=Mn, Tc and Re)
Journal of Molecular Graphics and Modelling.

2022 journal article
A DFT study on the reaction mechanisms of the oxidation of ethylene mediated by technetium and manganese oxo complexes
Journal of Molecular Modeling.

2021 journal article
Quantum Mechanistic Studies of the Oxidation of Ethylene by Rhenium Oxo Complexes
Journal of Chemistry.

Updated: March 22nd, 2024 16:26