Emily Alison Herry
Works (6)
2024 journal article
Students in the margins: Lesbian, gay, and bi+ students’ perceptions of school climate and discrimination
Journal of LGBT Youth, 2, 1–23.

2024 journal article
White American transgender adults' retrospective reports on the social and contextual aspects of their gender identity development
British Journal of Developmental Psychology, 3.

2023 journal article
Predictors of college students’ reasoning and responses to gender-based social exclusion
Social Psychology of Education, 26(2), 405–431.

2022 journal article
Gender‐based cyberbullying: Understanding expected bystander behavior online
Journal of Social Issues, 79(4), 1210–1230.

2021 journal article
Digital era bullying: An examination of adolescent judgments about bystander intervention online
Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology, 76, 101322.

2021 journal article
The role of theory of mind, group membership, and apology in intergroup forgiveness among children and adolescents.
Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 151(3), 613–627.