Works (13)
2009 journal article
Effect of a Chromosome Segment Marked by the Ph-p Gene for Resistance to Phytophthora nicotianae on Reproduction of Tobacco Cyst Nematodes
PLANT DISEASE, 93(3), 309–315.

2007 journal article
The negative influence of N-mediated TMV resistance on yield in tobacco: linkage drag versus pleiotropy

2003 journal article
A multi-generation analysis of the stability of transgenic virus resistance in doubled-haploid tobacco lines
Molecular Breeding, 12(2), 145–156.
2002 journal article
Marker-assisted selection for resistance to black shank disease in tobacco
PLANT DISEASE, 86(12), 1303–1309.

2002 journal article
Origin of the black shank resistance gene, Ph, in tobacco cultivar Coker 371-gold
PLANT DISEASE, 86(10), 1080–1084.

2001 journal article
Efforts to initiate construction of a disease resistance package on a designer chromosome in tobacco
CROP SCIENCE, 41(5), 1420–1427.

1999 journal article
Transposon tagging of the sulfur gene of tobacco using engineered maize Ac/Ds elements
Genetics, 153(4), 1919–1928.
1998 journal article
Mapping the root-knot nematode resistance gene (Rk) in tobacco with RAPD markers
PLANT DISEASE, 82(12), 1319–1322.

1997 journal article
Characterization of post transcriptionally suppressed transgene expression that confers resistance to tobacco etch virus infection in tobacco
Plant Cell, 9(8), 1411–1423.

1997 journal article
Inheritance of resistance to race 0 of Phytophthora parasitica var. nicotianae from the flue-cured tobacco cultivar Coker 371-Gold
Plant Disease, 81(11), 1269–1274.

1992 journal article
Sources of resistance to virus diseases
Bulletin d'Information - CORESTA, (3-4), 113.
1992 journal article
Varied roles for the haploid sporophyte in plant improvement
Plant Breeding in the 1990s : Proceedings of the Symposium on Plant Breeding in the 1990s, 461.
Ed(s): . H.T. Stalker & J. Murphy
1990 journal article
Germplasm sources and breeding strategies for developing tobaccos with disease and pest resistance
Bulletin d'Information - CORESTA, (7), 55.