Works (5)
2020 journal article
Interest and learning in informal science learning sites: Differences in experiences with different types of educators
PLOS ONE, 15(7), e0236279.
Ed(s): M. Kwok

2020 journal article
STEM gender stereotypes from early childhood through adolescence at informal science centers
Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology, 67, 101109.
Contributors: L. McGuire *, K. Mulvey n , n, M. Irvin *, M. Winterbottom *, G. Fields*, A. Hartstone-Rose n , A. Rutland *

2020 journal article
The Role of Social-Emotional Factors in Bystanders' Judgments and Responses to Peer Aggression and Following Retaliation in Adolescence
Contributors: S. Gönültaş n, K. Mulvey n , G. Irdam*, n, M. Irvin *, R. Carlson *, C. DiStefano *

2018 journal article
Applications of Augmented Reality in Informal Science Learning Sites: a Review
Journal of Science Education and Technology, 27(5), 433–447.
Contributors: K. Mulvey n , M. Irvin * & A. Hartstone-Rose n *,

2018 journal article
School and Family Factors Predicting Adolescent Cognition Regarding Bystander Intervention in Response to Bullying and Victim Retaliation
Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 48(3), 581–596.
Contributors: K. Mulvey n , S. Gönültaş n, n, G. Irdam*, R. Carlson *, C. DiStefano *, M. Irvin *