@article{thomas_elmore_chavez_ruth_avery_cukier_catete_2024, title={Equitable Access to Cybersecurity Education: A Case Study of Underserved Middle School Students}, url={https://doi.org/10.1145/3649217.3653581}, DOI={10.1145/3649217.3653581}, abstractNote={Existing research has primarily delved into the realm of computer science outreach aimed at K-12 students, with a focus on both informal and non-formal approaches. However, a noticeable research gap exists when it comes to cybersecurity outreach tailored specifically for underserved secondary school students. This article addresses this void by presenting an iterative pilot of a cybersecurity curriculum. This innovative curriculum integrates a one-week summer camp and a series of 1.5-hour workshops designed to provide students with a comprehensive understanding of cybersecurity.}, journal={PROCEEDINGS OF THE 2024 CONFERENCE INNOVATION AND TECHNOLOGY IN COMPUTER SCIENCE EDUCATION, VOL 1, ITICSE 2024}, author={Thomas, Madison and Elmore, Erynn and Chavez, Brenda and Ruth, Ronaisha and Avery, Charlotte and Cukier, Michel and Catete, Veronica}, year={2024}, pages={625–632} } @article{isvik_catete_elmore_barnes_2021, title={Examining Equity in Computing-Infused Lessons Made by Novices}, DOI={10.1109/RESPECT51740.2021.9620700}, abstractNote={In this study, we examine 10 computing-infused lessons with high equity scores created by high school interns. These projects were part of a larger corpus of 90+ projects made in summer 2020 for middle school and high school classrooms and the projects were evaluated using the Teacher Accessibility, Equity, and Content (TEC) rubric. This article examines the observed extensive evidence for equity in these 10 projects to determine how meaningful these equity scores are, what themes are present across projects, and to provide curriculum developers with strategies for ensuring their activities utilize equitable practices to be intentionally inclusive of all students.}, journal={IEEE STCBP RESPECT CONFERENCE: 2021 RESEARCH ON EQUITY AND SUSTAINED PARTICIPATION IN ENGINEERING, COMPUTING, AND TECHNOLOGY (RESPECT)}, author={Isvik, Amy and Catete, Veronica and Elmore, Erynn and Barnes, Tiffany}, year={2021}, pages={157–161} }