Works (5)
2017 journal article
A Cytoplasmic RNA Virus Alters the Function of the Cell Splicing Protein SRSF2

2017 journal article
NF-kappa B activation is cell type-specific in the heart
VIROLOGY, 502, 133–143.

2017 journal article
Spontaneous activation of a MAVS-dependent antiviral signaling pathway determines high basal interferon-beta expression in cardiac myocytes
Journal of Molecular and Cellular Cardiology, 111, 102–113.

2013 journal article
An ITAM in a Nonenveloped Virus Regulates Activation of NF- B, Induction of Beta Interferon, and Viral Spread
Journal of Virology, 88(5), 2572–2583.

2012 journal article
A Small Molecule Inhibitor Partitions Two Distinct Pathways for Trafficking of Tonoplast Intrinsic Proteins in Arabidopsis
PLOS ONE, 7(9).
Contributors: M. Rodriguez-Welsh n, G. Hicks * & M. Rojas-Pierce n n,
Ed(s): E. Damme