Works (2)
2020 article
Utilizing craft brewing side streams of trub, hops, and yeast mix (THYM) as a novel feed additive and an alternative to monensin in beef cattle diets.
Phipps, K. P., Harmon, D. D., Poore, M. H., Henderson, E., Bryant, R., Ashburn, B., … Rogers, J. R. (2020, November). JOURNAL OF ANIMAL SCIENCE, Vol. 98, pp. 50–50.

2020 article
Utilizing craft brewing side streams of trub, hops, and yeast mix (THYM) as a novel feed additive and an alternative to monensin in beef cattle diets.
Phipps, K. P., Harmon, D. D., Poore, M. H., Henderson, E., Bryant, R., Ashburn, B., … Rogers, J. R. (2020, November). JOURNAL OF ANIMAL SCIENCE, Vol. 98, pp. 9–10.