Works (9)
2023 journal article
Watershed Development and Eutrophying Potable Source-Water Reservoirs in a Warming Temperate/Subtropical Region
WATER, 15(22).

2022 article
Classic indicators and diel dissolved oxygen versus trend analysis in assessing eutrophication of potable-water reservoirs
Burkholder, J. A. M., Kinder, C. A., Dickey, D. A., Reed, R. E., Arellano, C., James, J. L., … Thomas, Z. T. (2022, March 29). ECOLOGICAL APPLICATIONS, Vol. 3.

2019 journal article
Odorella benthonica gen. & sp. nov. (Pleurocapsales, Cyanobacteria): an odor and prolific toxin producer isolated from a California aqueduct
Odorella benthonica gen. & sp. nov. (Pleurocapsales, Cyanobacteria): an odor and prolific toxin producer isolated from a California aqueduct. JOURNAL OF PHYCOLOGY, 55(3), 509–520.

2008 journal article
Environmental conditions, cyanobacteria and microcystin concentrations in potable water supply reservoirs in North Carolina, USA
Cyanobacterial Harmful Algal Blooms: State of the Science and Research Needs, 619, 293–294.
2007 article
Eutrophication and cyanobacteria blooms in run-of-river impoundments in North Carolina, USA
Touchette, B. W., Burkholder, J. M., Allen, E. H., Alexander, J. L., Kinder, C. A., Brownie, C., … Britton, C. H. (2007, June). LAKE AND RESERVOIR MANAGEMENT, Vol. 23, pp. 179–192.

2007 review
Phytoplankton and bacterial assemblages in ballast water of US military ships as a function of port of origin, voyage time, and ocean exchange practices
[Review of ]. Harmful Algae, 6(4), 486–518.
2006 journal article
Co-occurrence of white shrimp, Litopenaeus vannamei, mortalities and microcystin toxin in a southeastern USA shrimp facility
AQUACULTURE, 261(3), 1048–1055.

2006 journal article
Taxonomy of Pfiesteria (Dinophyceae)
HARMFUL ALGAE, 5(5), 481–496.

2006 article
The taxonomy and growth of a Crypthecodinium species (Dinophyceae) isolated from a brackish-water fish aquarium
Parrow, M. W., Elbraechter, M., Krause, M. K., Burkholder, J. M., Deamer, N. J., Htyte, N., & Allen, E. H. (2006, September). AFRICAN JOURNAL OF MARINE SCIENCE, Vol. 28, pp. 185–191.