Works (6)
2019 journal article
Doppler-free, Stark broadened profiles at low plasma densities in helium
Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer, 230, 48–55.

2018 journal article
High resolution magnetic field measurements in hydrogen and helium plasmas using active laser spectroscopy
Review of Scientific Instruments, 89(10), 10D126.
2014 journal article
Probing the plasma near high power wave launchers in fusion devices for static and dynamic electric fields (invited)
Review of Scientific Instruments, 85(11), 11E301.
Contributors: C. Klepper *, n, R. Isler *, L. Colas *, M. Goniche *, J. Hillairet *, S. Panayotis*, B. Pegourie*

2013 article
Direct, spectroscopic measurement of electric fields in a plasma-RF antenna interaction region in Tore Supra
Klepper, C. C., Hillis, D. L., Isler, R. C., Hillairet, J., Martin, E. H., Colas, L., … Harris, J. H. (2013, July). JOURNAL OF NUCLEAR MATERIALS, Vol. 438, pp. S1232–S1236.

2013 journal article
Dynamic Stark Spectroscopic Measurements of Microwave Electric Fields Inside the Plasma Near a High-Power Antenna

2005 journal article
Characterization of arc generated plasma interactions with a liquid metal medium
Fusion Science and Technology, 47(4), 1197–1201.