Evan North

College of Sciences

2022 article

High-order accurate numerical simulation of monochromatic waves in photonic crystal ring resonators with the help of a non-iterative domain decomposition

North, E., Tsynkov, S., & Turkel, E. (2022, November 20). JOURNAL OF COMPUTATIONAL ELECTRONICS, Vol. 11.

By: E. North n, S. Tsynkov n & E. Turkel*

author keywords: Scattering rods; Periodic lattice; Helmholtz equation; Method of difference potentials; Exact coupling between non-overlapping subdomains; High-order accurate compact finite difference schemes
Sources: Web Of Science, NC State University Libraries, ORCID
Added: December 5, 2022

2022 journal article

Non-iterative domain decomposition for the Helmholtz equation with strong material discontinuities

Applied Numerical Mathematics.

By: E. North n, S. Tsynkov n & E. Turkel*

author keywords: Time-harmonic waves; Non-overlapping domain decomposition; Calderon's operators; Difference potentials; Exact coupling between subdomains; High-order accuracy; Spectral representation at the boundary; Compact finite difference schemes; Direct solution; Complexity bounds; Discontinuous coefficients; Interior cross-points
Sources: Web Of Science, NC State University Libraries, ORCID
Added: July 11, 2022

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