Works (7)
2024 article
Response of four <i>Vallisneria</i> taxa to aquatic herbicides
Beets, J. P., Haug, E. J., Sperry, B. P., Thum, R. A., & Richardson, R. J. (2024, October 29). INVASIVE PLANT SCIENCE AND MANAGEMENT, Vol. 10.

2023 article
Low carrier volume herbicide trials and UAAS support management efforts of giant salvinia (Salvinia molesta): a case study
Howell, A. W., Haug, E. J., Everman, W. J., Leon, R. G., & Richardson, R. J. (2023, May 18). INVASIVE PLANT SCIENCE AND MANAGEMENT, Vol. 5.

2023 article
Simulated herbicide spray retention of commonly managed invasive emergent aquatic macrophytes
Haug, E. J., Howell, A. W., Sperry, B. P., Mudge, C. R., Richardson, R. J., & Getsinger, K. D. (2023, May 22). WEED TECHNOLOGY, Vol. 5.

2021 journal article
Absorption and translocation of florpyrauxifen-benzyl in ten aquatic plant species
WEED SCIENCE, 69(6), 624–630.

2019 journal article
Monoecious Hydrilla verticillata development in complete darkness
AQUATIC BOTANY, 154, 28–34.

2016 review
Monoecious hydrilla-A review of the literature
[Review of ]. Journal of Aquatic Plant Management, 54, 1–11.
2016 journal article
Response of seven aquatic plants to a new arylpicolinate herbicide
Journal of Aquatic Plant Management, 54, 26–31.