Works (10)
2024 article
Radiographic findings in dogs with 360 degrees gastric dilatation and volvulus
Mur, P. E., Appleby, R., Phillips, K. L., Singh, A., Monteith, G., Gilmour, L. J., … Linden, A. (2024, October 10). VETERINARY RADIOLOGY & ULTRASOUND.
2023 journal article
Effects of alfaxalone, propofol and isoflurane on cerebral blood flow and cerebrovascular reactivity to carbon dioxide in dogs: A pilot study

2023 journal article
Presumed pituitary apoplexy in 26 dogs: Clinical findings, treatments, and outcomes
Journal of Veterinary Internal Medicine, 37(3), 1119–1128.

2022 article
Clinical and magnetic resonance imaging features of lymphoma involving the nervous system in cats
Durand, A., Keenihan, E., Schweizer, D., Maiolini, A., Guevar, J., Oevermann, A., & Gutierrez-Quintana, R. (2022, January 20). JOURNAL OF VETERINARY INTERNAL MEDICINE.

2022 journal article
Development of an ultrasound-guided transgluteal injection of the pudendal nerve in cats: a cadaveric study
Veterinary Anaesthesia and Analgesia, 49(2), 189–196.

2022 article
Leveraging MRI characterization of longitudinal tears of the deep digital flexor tendon in horses using machine learning
ELKhamary, A. N., Keenihan, E. K., Schnabel, L. V., Redding, W. R., & Schumacher, J. (2022, April 12). VETERINARY RADIOLOGY & ULTRASOUND, Vol. 4.

2021 article
Imaging findings in 14 dogs and 3 cats with lobar emphysema
Warwick, H., Guillem, J., Batchelor, D., Schwarz, T., Liuti, T., Griffin, S., … Mortier, J. (2021, June 18). JOURNAL OF VETERINARY INTERNAL MEDICINE.

2020 journal article
Computed tomography in two recumbencies aides in the identification of pulmonary bullae in dogs with spontaneous pneumothorax

2020 journal article
Creation of a Continent Urinary Bladder Reservoir Vascularized by Omentum as a Possible Surgical Option for Canine Trigonal/Urethral Urothelial Carcinoma
Journal of Investigative Surgery, 35(3), 481–495.

2020 journal article
Three‐dimensional bladder ultrasound for estimation of urine volume in dogs compared with traditional 2‐dimensional ultrasound methods
Journal of Veterinary Internal Medicine, 34(6), 2460–2467.