Works (47)
2025 journal article
Land Use Change Consistently Reduces α- But Not β- and γ-Diversity of Bees
2024 journal article
As prey and pollinators, insects increase reproduction and allow for outcrossing in the carnivorous plant <i>Dionaea muscipula
American Journal of Botany, 111(2).

2024 journal article
Reaching new heights: Arboreal ant diversity in a North American temperate forest ecosystem
Insect Conservation and Diversity, 11.

2024 journal article
Urbanization drives partner switching and loss of mutualism in an ant–plant symbiosis
Ecology, 105(11).

2023 journal article
Bee species richness through time in an urbanizing landscape of the southeastern <scp>United States
Global Change Biology, 30(1).

2023 journal article
Can behaviour and physiology mitigate effects of warming on ectotherms? A test in urban ants
Journal of Animal Ecology, 92(3), 568–579.

2023 journal article
Colony Structure and Redescription of Males in the Rarely Collected Arboreal Ant, Aphaenogaster mariae Forel (Hymenoptera: Formicidae)
Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington, 125(1), 77–88.

2023 journal article
Compact or Sprawling Cities: Has the Sparing-Sharing Framework Yielded an Ecological Verdict?
Current Landscape Ecology Reports, 8(1), 11–22.

2023 journal article
Larger pollen loads increase risk of heat stress in foraging bumblebees
Biology Letters, 19(5).

2023 journal article
Urban Pollination Ecology
Annual Review of Ecology, Evolution, and Systematics, 54(1), 21–42.

2023 chapter book
Urbanization Shapes Insect Diversity

2022 journal article
Estimating bee abundance: can mark-recapture methods validate common sampling protocols?
Apidologie, 53(1).

2022 report
How To Manage a Successful Bee Hotel
(NC Cooperative Extension No. AG-915). Raleigh, NC: NC Cooperative Extension.
2020 chapter
Ecology of urban climates: The need for landscape biophysics in cities
In P. Barbosa (Ed.), Urban Ecology: Its Nature and Challenges. Wallingford, UK: CABI.
Ed(s): P. Barbosa
2020 chapter book
Ecology of urban climates: the need for landscape biophysics in cities.

2020 book
The Bees of North Carolina: An Identification Guide
Raleigh, NC: NC Cooperative Extension Service.
2020 chapter book
The Evolutionary Ecology of Mutualisms in Urban Landscapes

2019 article
Ecology in the Sixth Mass Extinction: Detecting and Understanding Rare Biotic Interactions
Youngsteadt, E., Lopez-Uribe, M. M., & Sorenson, C. E. (2019, May). ANNALS OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA, Vol. 112, pp. 119–121.

2019 journal article
The Impact of Prescribed Burning on Native Bee Communities (Hymenoptera: Apoidea: Anthophila) in Longleaf Pine Savannas in the North Carolina Sandhills
Environmental Entomology, 49(1), 211–219.
Ed(s): T. Pitts-Singer

2019 book
The bees of North Carolina : an identification guide
Raleigh, North Carolina: NC State Extension.
2018 personal communication
Accurate near surface air temperature measurements are necessary to gauge large-scale ecological responses to global climate change
Terando, A., Youngsteadt, E., Meineke, E., & Prado, S. (2018, June).

2018 journal article
Construction of a Compact Low-Cost Radiation Shield for Air-Temperature Sensors in Ecological Field Studies
Journal of Visualized Experiments, 11(141).

2018 journal article
Failure of Pollen Transport Despite High Bee Visitation in an Endangered Dioecious Shrub
Annals of the Entomological Society of America, 112(3), 169–179.

2018 journal article
Homogenizing an urban habitat mosaic: arthropod diversity declines in New York City parks after Super Storm Sandy
Ecological Applications, 28(1), 225–236.
Contributors: A. Savage *, n , A. Ernst*, S. Powers *, R. Dunn n & S. Frank n

2018 journal article
Pollination Ecology and Morphology of Venus Flytrap in Sites of Varying Time Since Last Fire
Annals of the Entomological Society of America, 112(3), 141–149.

2018 journal article
Venus Flytrap Rarely Traps Its Pollinators
The American Naturalist, 191(4), 539–546.

2018 journal article
Wild bee abundance declines with urban warming, regardless of floral density
Urban Ecosystems, 21(3), 419–428.

2017 journal article
Ad hoc instrumentation methods in ecological studies produce highly biased temperature measurements
Ecology and Evolution, 7(23), 9890–9904.
2017 journal article
Higher immunocompetence is associated with higher genetic diversity in feral honey bee colonies (Apis mellifera)
Contributors: M. López-Uribe n, R. Appler n, n , R. Dunn n , S. Frank n & D. Tarpy n

2017 journal article
Physiological thermal limits predict differential responses of bees to urban heat-island effects

2017 journal article
Responses of arthropod populations to warming depend on latitude: evidence from urban heat islands
GLOBAL CHANGE BIOLOGY, 23(4), 1436–1447.

2016 journal article
Forecasting the Effects of Heat and Pests on Urban Trees: Impervious Surface Thresholds and the ‘Pace-to-Plant’ Technique
Arboriculture & Urban Forestry, 42(3), 181–191.

2016 journal article
Insect Conservation and Urban Environments
American Entomologist, 62(3), E2–E3.

2016 journal article
T. B. Mitchell: The Man BehindThe Bees of the Eastern United States
American Entomologist, 62(3), 157–162.
2016 journal article
Urban stress is associated with variation in microbial species composition-but not richness-in Manhattan
ISME JOURNAL, 10(3), 751–760.
Contributors: A. Reese *, A. Savage *, n , K. Mcguire *, A. Koling*, O. Watkins *, S. Frank n , R. Dunn n

2016 journal article
Urban warming reduces aboveground carbon storage
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 283(1840), 20161574.
Contributors: E. Meineke n, n , R. Dunn n & S. Frank n

2015 journal article
Do cities simulate climate change? A comparison of herbivore response to urban and global warming
Contributors: , A. Dale n, A. Terando n, R. Dunn n & S. Frank n n

2015 journal article
Fine-scale heterogeneity across Manhattan's urban habitat mosaic is associated with variation in ant composition and richness
Contributors: A. Savage n, B. Hackett n, B. Guénard *, n & R. Dunn n
Ed(s): K. Schonrogge & J. Orivel

2015 journal article
Habitat and species identity, not diversity, predict the extent of refuse consumption by urban arthropods
GLOBAL CHANGE BIOLOGY, 21(3), 1103–1115.
Contributors: , R. Henderson n, A. Savage n, A. Ernst n, R. Dunn n & S. Frank n n

2015 journal article
Urbanization Increases Pathogen Pressure on Feral and Managed Honey Bees
PLOS ONE, 10(11).
Ed(s): F. Nascimento

2010 journal article
Divergent Chemical Cues Elicit Seed Collecting by Ants in an Obligate Multi-Species Mutualism in Lowland Amazonia
PLoS ONE, 5(12), e15822.
Ed(s): W. Leal

2009 journal article
Characterization of 8 polymorphic microsatellite loci in the neotropical ant-garden ant, Camponotus femoratus (Fabricius)
CONSERVATION GENETICS, 10(5), 1401–1403.

2009 journal article
Polymorphic microsatellite loci for the ant-garden ant, Crematogaster levior (Forel)

2009 journal article
Species-Specific Seed Dispersal in an Obligate Ant-Plant Mutualism
PLoS ONE, 4(2), e4335.
Contributors: , J. Baca*, J. Osborne n & C. Schal n n
Ed(s): N. Raine

2008 journal article
Seed odor mediates an obligate ant-plant mutualism in Amazonian rainforests
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 105(12), 4571–4575.

2005 journal article
Cuticular hydrocarbon synthesis and its maternal provisioning to embryos in the viviparous cockroach Diploptera punctata

2005 journal article
The effects of ants on the entomophagous butterfly caterpillar Feniseca tarquinius, and the putative role of chemical camouflage in the Feniseca-Ant interaction

Updated: November 17th, 2024 10:58
2024 - present
2018 - 2024
2013 - 2018
2012 - 2013
2011 - 2012
2009 - 2011
Updated: September 15th, 2020 11:23
Funding History
Funding history based on the linked ORCID record. Updated: November 17th, 2024 11:01