@article{freund_kerns_butler_ahmed_gannon_2024, title={Effect of mowing timing and clipping collection practices on azoxystrobin distribution, persistence, and efficacy}, volume={9}, ISSN={["1435-0653"]}, DOI={10.1002/csc2.21365}, abstractNote={Abstract Previous research suggests mowing practices following azoxystrobin application alter pest control and residue fate. Azoxystrobin, an acropetal penetrant quinone outside inhibitor fungicide, is commonly applied in turfgrass and other agricultural settings, protecting desired plants from fungal pathogens by inhibiting fungal growth. Field research was initiated in Raleigh, NC, and repeated in time to assess the effect of post‐application mowing timing and clipping collection practices on azoxystrobin residue persistence in tall fescue ( Schedonorus arundinaceus Schreb.). At trial initiation, azoxystrobin was applied at the maximum single application rate (0.61 kg ai ha −1 ) to tall fescue plots. To determine the effect of initial mowing timing, plots were mowed (9.5 cm) at 0, 1, 2, 3, 7, or 14 days after application (DAA). To determine the effect of clipping removal, plots were mowed at 3, 10, and 17 DAA and clippings were either returned to the canopy or bagged and removed. Concurrently, soil cores (92 cm 2 ) were collected at 3, 7, 14, and 21 DAA and then segmented into remaining aboveground vegetation and soil (0.0‐ to 2.5‐cm depth) for residue analyses. Mowing timing affected azoxystrobin residue in the vegetation and in soil. When clippings were returned to the canopy, 5% more azoxystrobin was detected in the vegetation at 7 and 14 DAA. At 3 and 7 DAA, in the soil, returning clippings resulted in >3% more of the applied azoxystrobin compared to removing clippings. Data from this research may allow for extended fungicide intervals for brown patch suppression and demonstrate the importance of returning clipping to turf systems to retain azoxystrobin residues.}, journal={CROP SCIENCE}, author={Freund, Daniel R. and Kerns, James P. and Butler, E. Lee and Ahmed, Khalied A. and Gannon, Travis W.}, year={2024}, month={Sep} } @article{tredway_soika_butler_kerns_2021, title={Impact of nitrogen source, fall fertilizers, and preventive fungicides on spring dead spot caused by Ophiosphaerella korrae and O. herpotricha}, volume={61}, ISSN={["1435-0653"]}, DOI={10.1002/csc2.20306}, abstractNote={AbstractThe effects of N source, fall fertilization, and preventive fungicides were evaluated in bermudagrass [Cynodon dactylon (L.) Pers.] artificially inoculated with Ophiosphaerella korrae and O. herpotricha, the most common spring dead spot (SDS) pathogens in the United States. The source of N applied to bermudagrass from May to August 2006–2008 had a significant effect on SDS symptoms appearing in the spring of 2007–2009. Ammonium sulfate [(NH4)2SO4] provided excellent suppression of O. herpotricha but had no effect on O. korrae, which was suppressed instead by calcium nitrate (CaNO3). More research is needed to determine the underlying mechanisms responsible for suppression of SDS with N sources and the potential role of Mn and Ca in development of the disease. Fall applications of K, S, gypsum, or dolomitic lime had no influence on SDS development. Preventive applications of propiconazole, propiconazole + azoxystrobin, tebuconazole, or fenarimol provided effective control of O. herpotricha but failed to provide significant suppression of O. korrae. The differential response of SDS pathogens to fertilization practices and preventive fungicide applications highlight the importance of pathogen identification in development of integrated management programs.}, number={5}, journal={CROP SCIENCE}, author={Tredway, L. P. and Soika, M. D. and Butler, E. L. and Kerns, J. P.}, year={2021}, month={Sep}, pages={3187–3196} } @article{butler_2013, title={Species-specific escape behaviour in grasshoppers}, volume={150}, ISSN={["0005-7959"]}, DOI={10.1163/1568539x-00003108}, abstractNote={A number of vertebrate species have been shown to flee at species-specific distances when approached by a predator but data on invertebrate escape behaviour are few. Grasshoppers are visually-orienting invertebrates that switch between walking when undisturbed to flying or jumping to flee from predators, thereby allowing the beginning and end of an escape attempt to be clearly defined. I studied the approach distances, escape distances, and angles of escape of nine sympatric species of acridid grasshoppers. Both approach distance and escape distance were correlated with each other and differed among species. Angle of escape showed no discernible trends. Within species some variation in escape behaviour was seen among sexes and colour morphs. The variation in escape behaviour among species was correlated with phylogeny but not with body size.}, number={13}, journal={BEHAVIOUR}, author={Butler, Eric M.}, year={2013}, pages={1531–1552} }