Works (9)
2024 article
Patterns of Self-Reported Mental Health Symptoms and Treatment among People Booked into a Large Metropolitan County Jail
Desmarais, S. L., Morrissey, B., Lowder, E. M., & Zottola, S. A. (2024, July 17). ADMINISTRATION AND POLICY IN MENTAL HEALTH AND MENTAL HEALTH SERVICES RESEARCH, Vol. 7.

2020 journal article
Predictive Validity of Pretrial Risk Assessments: A Systematic Review of the Literature
Criminal Justice and Behavior, 48(4), 009385482093295.

2019 journal article
Results of the Brief Jail Mental Health Screen Across Repeated Jail Bookings
Psychiatric Services, 70(11), 1006–1012.

2017 journal article
Models of Protection Against Recidivism in Justice-Involved Adults With Mental Illnesses
Criminal Justice and Behavior, 44(7), 893–911.

2017 journal article
Reliability and Validity of START and LSI-R Assessments in Mental Health Jail Diversion Clients
ASSESSMENT, 26(7), 1347–1361.

2017 journal article
SSI/SSDI Outreach, Access, and Recovery (SOAR): Disability Application Outcomes Among Homeless Adults
Psychiatric Services, 68(11), 1189–1192.

2016 journal article
Feasibility, acceptability, and effects of a peer support group to prevent child maltreatment among parents experiencing homelessness

2015 journal article
Recidivism following mental health court exit: Between and within-group comparisons.
Law and Human Behavior, 40(2), 118–127.
Contributors: S. Desmarais n & D. Baucom n n,

2014 journal article
Intimate partner abuse before and during pregnancy as risk factors for postpartum mental health problems
BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth, 14(1).
Contributors: S. Desmarais n , A. Pritchard*, n & P. Janssen