Works (42)
2024 journal article

2024 article
Predicting responses to climate change using a joint species, spatially dependent physiologically guided abundance model
Custer, C. A., North, J. S., Schliep, E. M., Verhoeven, M. R., Hansen, G. J. A., & Wagner, T. (2024, June 20). ECOLOGY, Vol. 6.

2023 article
A Review of Data-Driven Discovery for Dynamic Systems
North, J. S., Wikle, C. K., & Schliep, E. M. (2023, September 29). INTERNATIONAL STATISTICAL REVIEW, Vol. 9.
2023 article
Accounting for spatiotemporal sampling variation in joint species distribution models
North, J. S., Schliep, E. M., Hansen, G. J. A., Kundel, H., Custer, C. A., Mclaughlin, P., & Wagner, T. (2023, November 28). JOURNAL OF APPLIED ECOLOGY, Vol. 11.

2023 journal article
Predicting climate change impacts on poikilotherms using physiologically guided species abundance models

2022 journal article
A Bayesian Approach for Data-Driven Dynamic Equation Discovery
Journal of Agricultural, Biological and Environmental Statistics, 8.
2022 journal article
Impact of biopower generation on eastern US forests
Environment, Development and Sustainability, 3.
2021 journal article
Distributed lag models to identify the cumulative effects of training and recovery in athletes using multivariate ordinal wellness data
Journal of Quantitative Analysis in Sports, 17(3), 241–254.
2021 journal article
Long‐term spatial modelling for characteristics of extreme heat events
Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series A (Statistics in Society), 184(3), 1070–1092.

2021 journal article
Seasonal temperature–moisture interactions limit seedling establishment at upper treeline in the Southern Rockies
Ecosphere, 12(6).

2021 journal article
Spatio-temporal analysis of the extent of an extreme heat event
Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment, 36(9), 2737–2751.
2020 journal article
Data fusion model for speciated nitrogen to identify environmental drivers and improve estimation of nitrogen in lakes
The Annals of Applied Statistics, 14(4).
2020 journal article
Ecological prediction at macroscales using big data: Does sampling design matter?
Ecological Applications, 30(6).
2020 journal article
Improved understanding and prediction of freshwater fish communities through the use of joint species distribution models
Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 77(9), 1540–1551.
2020 journal article
On the spatial and temporal shift in the archetypal seasonal temperature cycle as driven by annual and semi‐annual harmonics
Environmetrics, 32(6).
2019 journal article
Comparison of total nitrogen data from direct and Kjeldahl‐based approaches in integrated data sets
Limnology and Oceanography: Methods, 17(12), 639–649.

2019 journal article
Identifying and characterizing extrapolation in multivariate response data
PLOS ONE, 14(12), e0225715.
Ed(s): B. Daniels
2019 journal article
Increasing accuracy of lake nutrient predictions in thousands of lakes by leveraging water clarity data
Limnology and Oceanography Letters, 5(2), 228–235.
2019 journal article
Is body appreciation a mechanism of depression and anxiety? An investigation of the 3-Dimensional Body Appreciation Mapping (3D-BAM) intervention
Mental Health & Prevention, 14, 200158.
2019 journal article
Velocities for spatio-temporal point patterns
Spatial Statistics, 29, 204–225.

2018 journal article
Assessing the joint behaviour of species traits as filtered by environment
Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 9(3), 716–727.
Ed(s): P. Peres‐Neto

2018 journal article
Asymmetric biotic interactions and abiotic niche differences revealed by a dynamic joint species distribution model
Ecology, 99(5), 1018–1023.

2018 book
Bayesian Inference and Computing for Spatial Point Patterns
In NSF-CBMS Regional Conference Series in Probability and Statistics.
2018 journal article
Combining nutrient, productivity, and landscape‐based regressions improves predictions of lake nutrients and provides insight into nutrient coupling at macroscales
Limnology and Oceanography, 63(6), 2372–2383.
2018 journal article
Comments on: Process modeling for slope and aspect with application to elevation data maps
TEST, 27(4), 778–782.
2018 report
Disturbance and Vegetation Dynamics in Earth System Models: Workshop Report

2018 journal article
Joint Temporal Point Pattern Models for Proximate Species Occurrence in a Fixed Area Using Camera Trap Data
Journal of Agricultural, Biological and Environmental Statistics, 23(3), 334–357.

2018 journal article
Joint species distribution modelling for spatio‐temporal occurrence and ordinal abundance data
Global Ecology and Biogeography, 27(1), 142–155.
2017 journal article
Alternating Gaussian process modulated renewal processes for modeling threshold exceedances and durations
Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment, 32(2), 401–417.
2017 journal article
Biomass prediction using a density-dependent diameter distribution model
The Annals of Applied Statistics, 11(1).

2017 journal article
Joint Species Distribution Modeling: Dimension Reduction Using Dirichlet Processes
Bayesian Analysis, 12(4).

2016 journal article
Spatial statistics and Gaussian processes: A beautiful marriage
Spatial Statistics, 18, 86–104.

2015 journal article
A data fusion approach for spatial analysis of speciated PM<sub>2.5</sub>across time
Environmetrics, 26(8), 515–525.

2015 journal article
Autoregressive spatially varying coefficients model for predicting daily PM<sub>2.5</sub> using VIIRS satellite AOT
Advances in Statistical Climatology, Meteorology and Oceanography, 1(1), 59–74.
2015 journal article
Data augmentation and parameter expansion for independent or spatially correlated ordinal data
Computational Statistics & Data Analysis, 90, 1–14.
2015 journal article
Modeling change in forest biomass across the eastern US
Environmental and Ecological Statistics, 23(1), 23–41.
2015 journal article
Restricted spatial regression in practice: geostatistical models, confounding, and robustness under model misspecification
Environmetrics, 26(4), 243–254.
2015 journal article
Stochastic Modeling for Velocity of Climate Change
Journal of Agricultural, Biological, and Environmental Statistics, 20(3), 323–342.

2014 journal article
Modeling individual tree growth by fusing diameter tape and increment core data
Environmetrics, 25(8), 610–620.
2013 journal article
Multilevel Latent Gaussian Process Model for Mixed Discrete and Continuous Multivariate Response Data
Journal of Agricultural, Biological, and Environmental Statistics, 18(4), 492–513.

2013 journal article
The Distribution of European Corn Borer (Lepidoptera: Crambidae) Moths in Pivot-Irrigated Corn
Journal of Economic Entomology, 106(5), 2084–2092.
2010 journal article
A comparison study of extreme precipitation from six different regional climate models via spatial hierarchical modeling
Extremes, 13(2), 219–239.