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Works (64)
2020 journal article
Percy Shelley, James Russell Lowell, and the Promethean Aesthetics of EBB's "The Runaway Slave at Pilgrim's Point"
VICTORIAN POETRY, 58(1), 53–72.

2009 book
The cultural production of Matthew Arnold
2007 journal article
Christina Rossetti: Illness and ideology ('Goblin Market')
Victorian Poetry, 45(4), 415–428.
2004 article
The correspondence of Dante Gabriel Rossetti, vols 1-2, The formative years, Charlotte Street to Cheyne Walk (1835-1862)
VICTORIAN POETRY, Vol. 42, pp. 201–205.
2004 journal article
Victorian culture wars: Alexander Smith, Arthur Hugh Clough, and Matthew Arnold in 1853
VICTORIAN POETRY, 42(4), 509–520.

2002 chapter
Arthurian poetry and medievalism
In A. C. R. Cronin & A. H. Harrison (Eds.), A companion to Victorian poetry (Blackwell companions to literature and culture ; 15) (pp. 246–261).
Ed(s): A. R. Cronin & *
2002 chapter
Editor's preface
In A companion to Victorian poetry (Blackwell companions to literature and culture ; 15) (pp. vii -). Malden, MA: Blackwell Publishers.
Ed(s): A. R. Cronin &
2002 book
The Blackwell companion to Victorian poetry
Malden, MA: Blackwell.
1999 chapter
In A companion to Victorian literature & culture. Malden, Mass.: Blackwell Publishers.
1999 book
Culture of Christina Rossetti: Female poetics & Victorian contexts
Culture of Christina Rossetti: Female poetics & Victorian contexts. Athens: Ohio University Press.
1998 review
Selected prose of Christina Rossetti, by D. Kent and P. Stanwood
[Review of ]. Journal of Pre-Raphaelite Studies, 7(1998 Fall), 115–116.
1998 book
Victorian poets and the politics of culture: Discourse and ideology
Charlottesville, VA: University Press of Virginia.
1997 journal article
Christina Rossetti and Caroline Gemmer: Friendship by royal mail
Victorians Institute Journal, (1997), 1–27.
1997 book
The Letters of Christina Rossetti
Charlottesville, VA: University Press of Virginia.
1996 review
Annoying the Victorians by James Kincaid
[Review of ]. Criticism, 38, 166–169.
1995 journal article
Epistolary relations: The correspondence of Christina Rossetti and D. G. Rossetti
Journal of Pre-Raphaelite Studies, new series 4, 91–101.
1995 chapter
Swinburne's Tristram of Lyonesse: Visionary and courtly epic
In Tristan and Isolde: A casebook (pp. 301–323). New York: Garland.
1994 journal article
Introduction: Christina Rossetti in 1994
Victorian Poetry, 32, 203–207.
1993 journal article
'I am Christina Rossetti'
Humanities, 14, 33–37.
1993 chapter
Christina Rossetti among the Romantics: Influence and Ideology
In G. K. Blank & M. K. Louis (Eds.), Influence and resistance in nineteenth-century poetry (pp. 131–149).
Ed(s): G. Blank & M. Louis

1992 chapter
Christina Rossetti: The poetic vocation
In World literature criticism, 1500 to the present: A selection of major authors from Gale's Literary Criticism Series. Detroit: Gale Research, Inc.
1992 chapter
Cleon and its contexts
In Critical essays on Robert Browning. New York: G. K. Hall.
1992 chapter
Dante Rossetti: Parody and Ideology
In Critical essays on Dante Rossetti (pp. 191–205). New York: G. K. Hall.
1992 book
Gender and discourse in Victorian literature and art
DeKalb: Northern Illinois University Press.
1992 chapter
In A. H. Harrison & B. T. (Eds.), Gender and discourse in Victorian literature and art. DeKalb: Northern Illinois University Press.
Ed(s): & B.Taylor
1992 chapter
Medievalist discourse and the ideologies of Victorian poetry
In Studies in Medievalism (Vol. 4, pp. 219–234).
1992 chapter
Swinburne and the critique of ideology in The awakening
In Gender and discourse in Victorian literature and art (pp. 185–206). DeKalb: Northern Illinois University Press.
1992 book
Victorian poets and romantic poems: Intertextuality and ideology
Charlottesville: University Press of Virginia.
1991 review
Dante Gabriel Rossetti: Poet and painter by Eben Bass; English Pre-Raphaelitism and its reception in America in the Nineteenth Century by Susan Casteras; The Legend of Elizabeth Siddal by Jan Marsh; and Selected letters of William Michael Rossetti, ed. Ro
[Review of ]. Victorian Studies, 35, 99–101.
1991 journal article
Matthew Arnold's gipsies: Intertextuality and historicism
Victorian Poetry, 29, 365–383.
1991 review
Swinburne and his gods: The roots and growth of an agnostic poetry by Margot K. Louis
[Review of ]. JEGP, Journal of English and Germanic Philology, 90, 449–452.
1990 review
Christina Rossetti and the poetry of discovery by Katherine Mayberry
[Review of ]. Nineteenth-Century Literature, 45, 383–386.
1990 chapter
Christina Rossetti and the sage discourse of feminist high Anglicanism
In Victorian sages and cultural discourse: Renegotiating gender and power (pp. 87–104). New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press.
1990 chapter
Swinburne's craft of pure expression
In Twentieth-Century Literary Criticism. Detroit: Gale Research.
1990 review
Vanishing lives: Style and self in Tennyson, D. G. Rossetti, and Yeats by James Richardson
[Review of ]. Victorian Studies, 33, 339–340.
1989 journal article
STUDIES IN ENGLISH LITERATURE 1500-1900, 29(4), 745–761.

1988 book
Christina Rossetti in context
Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press.
1988 book
Swinburne's medievalism: A study in Victorian love poetry
Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University Press.
1988 review
The language of exclusion: The poetry of Emily Dickinson and Christina Rossetti by Sharon Leder with Andrea Abbott
[Review of ]. American Literature, 61(1), 112–114.
1987 chapter
Eighteen early letters by Christina Rossetti
In The achievement of Christina Rossetti (pp. 192–207). Ithaca: Cornell University Press.
1987 review
The complete poems of Christina G. Rossetti, vol. 2, ed. R. W. Crump and Christina Rossetti: Critical perspectives, 1862-1982 by Edna Charles
[Review of ]. Victorian Poetry, 25, 94–99.
1985 journal article
'For love of this my brother': Medievalism and tragedy in Swinburne's The tale of Balen
Texas Studies in Literature and Language, 25, 470–494.
1985 journal article
Christina Rossetti: The poetic vocation
Texas Studies in Literature and Language, 27, 225–248.
1985 journal article
Reception theory and the new historicism: The metaphysical poets in the nineteenth century
John Donne Journal, 4, 163–179.
1985 journal article
The medievalism of Swinburne's poems and ballads, first series: Historicity and erotic aestheticism
Papers on Language and Literature, 21, 129–151.
1985 journal article
The metaphysical poets in the Nineteenth Century
John Donne Journal, 4(2).
1984 review
The romantic ideology by Jerome J. McGann
[Review of ]. South Atlantic Review, 49, 122–126.
1983 review
Algernon Charles Swinburne: A bibliography of secondary works, 1861-1980 by Kirk Beetz
[Review of ]. Modern Philology, 81, 76–78.
1983 review
Images of crisis: Literary iconology, 1750 to the present by George Landow
[Review of ]. Comparatist, 7, 76–78.
1983 journal article
La bella mano: An exhibition of Pre-Raphaelite art and crafts at the Virginia Museum of Art
Journal of Pre-Raphaelite Studies, 4, 139–142.
1983 review
The poetry of Dante Gabriel Rossetti: Modes of self expression by Joan Rees
[Review of ]. Philological Quarterly, 62, 122–125.
1982 journal article

1982 journal article
1981 journal article
Cleon's 'joy-hunger' and the Empedoclean context
Studies in Browning and His Circle, 9, 57–68.
1981 journal article
Eros and thanatos in Swinburne's poetry: An Introduction
Journal of Pre-Raphaelite Studies, 2, 22–35.
1981 journal article
Irony in Tennyson's 'Little Hamlet'
Journal of General Education, 32, 271–286.
1980 journal article
Swinburne and courtly love
Victorian Poetry, 18, 61–64.
1980 chapter
The ancient mariner as poete maudit: A note
In J. Durant & M. T. Hester (Eds.), A fair day in the affections: Literary essays in honor of Robert B. White, Jr. (pp. 147–149). Raleigh, NC: Winston Press.
Ed(s): J. Durant & M. Hester
1979 journal article
The Swinburnean woman
Philological Quarterly, 58, 90–102.
1978 journal article
Hardy's poetry: The uses of nature
Forum: BSUF, 19, 63–70.
1978 journal article
The aesthetics of androgyny in Swinburne's early poetry
Tennessee Studies in Literature, 23, 87–89.
1977 journal article
Ruskin against tradition: Two theories of landscape art in early Victorian England
Victorians Institute Journal, 4, 1–15.
1977 journal article
Swinburne's craft of pure expression
Victorian Newsletter, 51, 16–21.
1976 journal article