Ekrem Ozlu
Soil Health, Carbon Sequestration, Saltwater Intrusion, Tillage managements
Works (40)
2025 journal article
Response of Soil Chemical and Biological Properties to Cement Dust Emissions: Insights for Sustainable Soil Management
2024 article
Impact of crop residue removal on crop production, feedstock quality, and theoretical ethanol production in the Mid-Atlantic United States
Battaglia, M. L., Babaei, S., Sadeghpour, A., Thomason, W. E., Danish, S., Seleiman, M., … Diatta, A. A. (2024, August 31). AGRONOMY JOURNAL, Vol. 8.
2024 article
Long-term effects of land use conversion on soil microbial biomass and stoichiometric indices in Eastern Mediterranean Karst Ecosystems (1981–2018)
Babur, E., Dindaroğlu, T., Uslu, O., Gozukara, G., & Ozlu, E. (2024, November 13).
2024 journal article
Switchgrass (Panicum virgatum L.) cultivars have similar impacts on soil carbon and nitrogen stocks and microbial function
GCB Bioenergy.

2024 article
Temporal variations in soil aggregate re-formation behaviors after disturbance by tillage
Ozlu, E., & Arriaga, F. J. (2024, January 23). SOIL SCIENCE SOCIETY OF AMERICA JOURNAL, Vol. 1.

2023 journal article
Rapid assessment of elemental concentrations using pXRF and remote sensing on a dried lakebed

2023 journal article
Short-Term Crop Residue Management in No-Tillage Cultivation Effects on Soil Quality Indicators in Virginia

2022 journal article
A soil quality index using Vis-NIR and pXRF spectra of a soil profile
Catena, 211.
Contributors: G. Gozukara *, M. Acar *, * , O. Dengiz *, A. Hartemink * & Y. Zhang *

2022 review
Carbon Footprint Management by Agricultural Practices
[Review of ]. BIOLOGY-BASEL, 11(10).

2022 journal article
Field-Scale Evaluation of the Soil Quality Index as Influenced by Dairy Manure and Inorganic Fertilizers
Sustainability, 14(13), 7593.
2022 journal article
Spatial responses of soil carbon stocks, total nitrogen, and microbial indices to post-wildfire in the Mediterranean red pine forest
Journal of Environmental Management, 320, 115939.

2021 journal article
Impacts of Gümüşhane cement dust emissions on soil elemental compositions
Turkish Journal of Agriculture and Forestry, 45(6), 766–774.
2021 journal article
Nitrogen Fertilizer Effects on Microbial Respiration, Microbial Biomass, and Carbon Sequestration in a Mediterranean Grassland Ecosystem
International Journal of Environmental Research, 15(4), 655–665.
Contributors: E. Babur *, Ö. Uslu *, M. Battaglia *, M. Mumtaz *, S. Danish *, S. Fahad *, A. Diatta *, R. Datta *, *
2021 weblog post
Science on the Hill: connecting research to policy through virtual Congressional meetings
2021 journal article
The Effects of Different Micronutrient Fertilizers on cv. Tombul Hazelnut Yield and Certain Nut Properties,Einfluss verschiedener Mikronährstoffdünger auf den Ertrag und spezifische Fruchteigenschaften der Haselnuss-Sorte ‘Tombul’
The Effects of Different Micronutrient Fertilizers on cv. Tombul Hazelnut Yield and Certain Nut Properties,Einfluss verschiedener Mikronährstoffdünger auf den Ertrag und spezifische Fruchteigenschaften der Haselnuss-Sorte ‘Tombul.’ Erwerbs-Obstbau, 63(1), 107–114.
Contributors: A. Horuz *, A. Güneş *, M. Turan *, T. Demir *, Ü. Serdar *, * , M. Karaman *, G. Fırıldak*
2021 journal article
The role of carbon stabilization and minerals on soil aggregation in different ecosystems
Catena, 202, 105303.
Contributors: & F. Arriaga * *

2020 journal article
Available ammonium and nitrate levels of highland soil orders in Turkey at different freeze-thaw cycles
Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, 29(1), 51–61. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-85092703805&partnerID=MN8TOARS
2020 journal article
Crop rotational diversity impacts soil physical and hydrological properties under long-term no- and conventional-till soils
Soil Research, 58(1), 84–94.
Contributors: A. Alhameid*, J. Singh *, U. Sekaran *, * , S. Kumar * & S. Singh
2020 journal article
Role of freeze-thaw cycles in available Fe levels of some highland soil orders
Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, 29(1), 62–69. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-85092733191&partnerID=MN8TOARS
2020 journal article
The Yield Responses to Crop Bioremediation Practices on Haplustept and Fluvaquent Saline-Sodic Soils
Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis, 51(21), 2639–2657.
2019 journal article
Bio-Boron Fertilizer Applications Affect Amino Acid and Organic Acid Content and Physiological Properties of Strawberry Plant
Erwerbs-Obstbau, 61(2), 129–137.
Contributors: N. Kitir*, A. Gunes *, M. Turan *, E. Yildirim *, B. Topcuoglu *, M. Turker *, * , M. Karaman *, G. Fırıldak*

2019 journal article
Effects of phosphogypsum waste application on corn (Zea Maysl.) yield and nutrient contents
Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, 28(11 A), 8814–8822. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-85092732821&partnerID=MN8TOARS
Contributors: A. Horuz, M. Turan, G. Akinoglu, C. Ozcan, A. Gunes, A. Korkmaz, Y. Kaya, N. Kitir
2019 journal article
Mısır Bitkisinin Demir İçeriği ve Veriminin Farklı Dozlarda Atık Su Çamuru Uygulamasına Tepkisi Üzerine Bir Ön Çalışma
Anadolu Ege Tarımsal Araştırma Enstitüsü Dergisi, 5, 63–70.

2019 journal article
Opportunities Abound with Graduate Student Annual Meeting Sessions
CSA News, 64(3), 30–31.
2019 journal article
Response of Mycorrhiza-Inoculated Pepper and Amino Acids to Salt Treatment at Different Ratios
Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis, 50(3), 350–361.
Contributors: H. Basak *, K. Çimrin *, M. Turan *, A. Güneş * & *
2019 journal article
Response of heavy metal contents in apricots to different transportation modes
Acta Scientiarum Polonorum, Hortorum Cultus, 18(1), 75–84.
Contributors: H. Karlidağ *, M. Turan *, F. Karaat *, * , F. Arriaga*, T. Kan *, S. Atay
2019 journal article
Responses of Long-Term Cattle Manure on Soil Physical and Hydraulic Properties under a Corn–Soybean Rotation at Two Locations in Eastern South Dakota
Soil Science Society of America Journal, 83(5), 1459–1467.
Contributors: , S. Kumar * & F. Arriaga * *
2019 conference paper
Salinity and Alkalinity in Surface and Ground Water Resources in Turkey
6th International Conference on Sustainable Agriculture and Environment. Presented at the 6th International Conference on Sustainable Agriculture and Environment, Konya, Turkey.
Event: 6th International Conference on Sustainable Agriculture and Environment at Konya, Turkey
2019 journal article
Short-term impacts of biochar and manure application on soil labile carbon fractions, enzyme activity, and microbial community structure
Biochar, 1(3), 271–282.
Contributors: S. Sandhu*, U. Sekaran *, * , N. Hoilett* & S. Kumar *

2019 journal article
Soil health indicators impacted by long-term cattle manure and inorganic fertilizer application in a corn-soybean rotation of South Dakota
Scientific Reports, 9(1).
Contributors: , S. Sandhu*, S. Kumar * & F. Arriaga * *
2019 journal article
Soilistic Art: Part 1-Painting, Ceramics, Pottery, and Architecture
CSA News, 64(5), 32–35.
2018 journal article
Different land use influences on amino acid, organic acid, hormone and mineral nutrient contents of dry beans
Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, 27(12), 8147–8157. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-85089713967&partnerID=MN8TOARS
2018 journal article
Acta Scientiarum Polonorum Hortorum Cultus, 17(3), 91–100.

2018 journal article
Modern Academic Data Library and Management Using Geo-Computing Technologies
CSA News, 63(1), 30–31.
2018 journal article
Response of Soil Organic Carbon, pH, Electrical Conductivity, and Water Stable Aggregates to Long-Term Annual Manure and Inorganic Fertilizer
Soil Science Society of America Journal, 82(5), 1243–1251.
Contributors: & S. Kumar * *
2018 journal article
Response of surface GHG fluxes to long-term manure and inorganic fertilizer application in corn and soybean rotation
Science of The Total Environment, 626, 817–825.
Contributors: & S. Kumar * *
2017 journal article
Highlights from the 2016 Annual Meeting
CSA News, 62(1), 28–32.
2017 journal article
Leadership, Communication, and Science for Early Career Members
CSA News, 62(12), 40–41.
2017 journal article
The Linkage between Human Health and Soil under Different Farming Practices, a Systematic Review
Agricultural Research & Technology Open Access Journal, 11(4), 573–592.

2017 journal article
The response of soil health to different tillage practices in organic viticulture farming
Journal of Soil Science & Plant Health, 1(1), 2003–2005.
Updated: September 11th, 2022 09:57
2022 - present
2020 - 2022
Updated: October 15th, 2019 14:15
2016 - present
2015 - 2016
2007 - 2011