2022 article
Spatial Variation in Nursery Habitat Use by Juvenile Blue Crabs in a Shallow, Wind-Driven Estuary
Voigt, E. P., & Eggleston, D. B. (2022, December 2). ESTUARIES AND COASTS, Vol. 12.
2020 journal article
Latitudinal variation in plant defence against herbivory in a marine foundation species does not follow a linear pattern: The importance of resource availability
Global Ecology and Biogeography, 30(1), 220–234.
Ed(s): E. Madin
2018 journal article
Eelgrass structural complexity mediates mesograzer herbivory on epiphytic algae
OECOLOGIA, 189(1), 199–209.
2010 journal article
Biocalcification in the Eastern Oyster (Crassostrea virginica) in Relation to Long-term Trends in Chesapeake Bay pH
Estuaries and Coasts.
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