Eric Hall Guertault, L., Jones, T., Hall, E., & Kolar, P. (2021). Investigating Impact of Disruption to Biological and Agricultural Engineering Senior Design Capstone Courses Due to Covid-19. (c) American Society for Engineering Education, 2021. Braggio, J. T., Hall, E. S., Weber, S. A., & Huff, A. K. (2022, January 10). Case-Crossover Spatial Lag Grid Differences Between Aerosol Optical Depth-PM2.5 and Respiratory-Cardiovascular Emergency Department Visits and Inpatient Hospitalizations in Baltimore, Maryland, USA: Identification of Homogeneous Spatial Areas (Vol. 1). Vol. 1. Braggio, J. T., Hall, E. S., Weber, S. A., & Huff, A. K. (2022, March 28). Case-Crossover Spatial Lag Grid Differences Between Aerosol Optical Depth-PM2.5 and Respiratory-Cardiovascular Emergency Department Visits and Inpatient Hospitalizations in Baltimore, Maryland, USA: Identification of Homogeneous Spatial Areas., Vol. 3. Braggio, J. T., Hall, E. S., Weber, S. A., & Huff, A. K. (2022). New Homogeneous Spatial Areas Identified Using Case-Crossover Spatial Lag Grid Differences between Aerosol Optical Depth-PM2.5 and Respiratory-Cardiovascular Emergency Department Visits and Hospitalizations. Atmosphere, 13(5), 719. Hall, E. (2021). Assessing Dungeness River Functionality and Effectiveness of Best Management Practices (BMPs) Using an Ecological Functional Approach. Poster presented at the National Environmental Health Association (NEHA) Virtual Conference, (Virtual). Braggio, J. T., Hall, E. S., Weber, S. A., & Huff, A. K. (2021). Contribution of AOD-PM2.5 surfaces to respiratory-cardiovascular hospital events in urban and rural areas in Baltimore, Maryland, USA: New analytical method correctly identified true positive cases and true negative controls. Atmospheric Environment, 262, 118629. Hall, E. (2021). Contribution of Aerosol Optical Depth (AOD) Fine Particulate Matter (PM2.5) Fused Surfaces to Respiratory-Cardiovascular Chronic Disease Hospitalizations in Baltimore. Poster presented at the National Environmental Health Association (NEHA) Virtual Conference, (Virtual). Braggio, J. T., Hall, E. S., Weber, S. A., & Huff, A. K. (2020). Contribution of Satellite-Derived Aerosol Optical Depth PM2.5 Bayesian Concentration Surfaces to Respiratory-Cardiovascular Chronic Disease Hospitalizations in Baltimore, Maryland. Atmosphere, 11(2), 209. Hall, E. S., Lin, J. T., & Hall, R. K. (2020). Regional Sustainable Environmental Science (RESES): Floating Vegetation Islands: Using Traditional Ecological Knowledge (TEK) for Development of Leading Indicators of Ecosystem Function for Best Management Practice (BMP) Effectiveness, Water Quality Standards, Biological Criteria, and Control of Harmful Algal Blooms (HABs) (EPA Technical Report No. EPA/600/R-20/298). Hall, E., Hall, R. K., Aron, J. L., Swanson, S., Philbin, M. J., Schafer, R. J., … Kahan, H. (2019). An Ecological Function Approach to Managing Harmful Cyanobacteria in Three Oregon Lakes: Beyond Water Quality Advisories and Total Maximum Daily Loads (TMDLs). Water, 11(6), 1125. Hall, E. S., Hall, R. K., Swanson, S. R., Yee, W., Kozlowski, D., Philbin, M. J., … Wilson, E. (2019). Assessing Dungeness River Functionality and Effectiveness of Best Management Practices (BMPs) Using an Ecological Functional Approach. American Journal of Environmental Engineering, 9(2), 36–54. Hall, E. (2019). Contribution of Aerosol Optical Depth (AOD) Fine Particulate Matter (PM2.5) Fused Surfaces in Assessing Risk of Respiratory-Cardiovascular Hospitalizations and Emergency Room Visits in Baltimore. Poster presented at the 2019 International Society of Exposure Science (ISES) and International Society of Indoor Air Quality (ISIAQ) Joint Conference, Kaunas, Lithuania. Hall, E., Hall, R., Aron, J., Swanson, S., Philbin, M., Schafer, R., … Kahan, H. (2019). Response to Comments for “An Ecological Function Approach to Managing Harmful Cyanobacteria in Three Oregon Lakes: Beyond Water Quality Advisories and Total Maximum Daily Loads (TMDLs)”, Water 2019, 11, 1125. Water. Hall, E. (2019). Sensors and Tools and Exposure to Ultrafine Particles I. Presented at the 2019 International Society of Exposure Science (ISES) and International Society of Indoor Air Quality (ISIAQ) Joint Conference, Kaunas, Lithuania. Hall, E. (2019). Using Vegetation Islands to Reduce the Impacts of Non-point Source Impairments: A Chemehuevi Indian Tribe (CIT) and Colorado River Indian Tribe (CRIT) Case Study. Presented at the Tribal/EPA Region 9 Conference, Maricopa, AZ. Hall, E. (2018). Estimating Asthma, Myocardial Infarction, and Heart Failure Hospitalizations and Emergency Room Visits in New York City from Exposure to Ambient Fine Particulate Matter using a Hierarchical Bayesian Model Approach. Presented at the 2018 National Environmental Association (NEHA) and 82nd Annual Education Conference (AEC), Anaheim, California. Hall, E. (2018). Perceptions of environmental health risks among residents in the ‘Toxic Doughnut’: Opportunities for risk screening and community mobilization. Presented at the 2018 Association for Public Policy Analysis and Management (APPAM) Fall Research Conference, Washington, DC. Hall, E. S. (2018). Temporal-Spatial Ambient Concentrator Estimator (T-SpACE): Hierarchical Bayesian Model Software Used to Estimate Ambient Concentrations of NAAQS Air Pollutants in Support of Health Studies (EPA Technical Report No. EPA/600/R-18/021). Washington, D.C.: Environmental Protection Agency. Hall, E. S. (2018). Transfer of Tribal-FERST (Pre-Release Version) Website to Tribal Partners (EPA Technical Report No. EPA/600/X-18/228,). Washington, DC: Environmental Protection Agency. Hall, E. (2018). USEPA ORD Tribal Environmental Research Program (TERP): What’s in a Name? Presented at the US EPA Safe and Healthy Communities (SHC) Research Program Webinar, Durham, NC. A Decision Support Tool for Sustainable Land Use, Transportation, Buildings/Infrastructure, and Materials Management. (2017). American Journal of Environmental Engineering. Hall, E. (2017). Comparison of Five Modeling Approaches to Quantify and Estimate the Effect of Clouds on the Radiation Amplification Factor (RAF) for Solar Ultraviolet Radiation. Atmosphere, 8(12), 153. Hall, E. (2017). The Multi-Sector Sustainability Browser (MSSB): Planning and Developing Sustainability Initiatives Affecting Land Use. Presented at the Growing Sustainable Communities 10th Annual Conference, Dubuque, Iowa. Hall, E. (2017). The Multi‐Sector Sustainability Browser: A Tool for Understanding Sustainability. Presented at the 2017 National Environmental Health Association (NEHA) and 81st Annual Education Conference (AEC), Grand Rapids, Michigan. Weber, S. A., Insaf, T. Z., Hall, E. S., Talbot, T. O., & Huff, A. K. (2016). Assessing the impact of fine particulate matter (PM 2.5 ) on respiratory-cardiovascular chronic diseases in the New York City Metropolitan area using Hierarchical Bayesian Model estimates. Environmental Research, 151, 399–409. For Better or For Worse Environmental Health Promotion in Support of Community Action. (2016). International Society for Exposure Science. Land Use-Sustainability Browser: A Decision Support Tool Linking Environmental Science to Social Outcomes. (2016). Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry. Hall, E. S. (2016). Land Use-Sustainability Browser: A Decision Support Tool Linking Environmental Science to Social Outcomes. Poster presented at the 2016 Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC) Annual Meeting, Orlando, FL. Hall, E. S. (2016). Multi-Sector Sustainability Browser (MSSB) User Manual:A Decision Support Tool (DST) for Supporting Sustainability Efforts in Four Areas - Land Use, Transportation, Buildings and Infrastructure, and Materials Management” (EPA Technical Report, No. EPA/600/R-16/308). Washington, DC: Environmental Protection Agency. Hall, E. S. (2016). Perceptions of environmental health risks among residents in the ‘Toxic Doughnut’: Opportunities for risk screening and community mobilization. Presented at the US EPA Safe and Healthy Communities (SHC) Research Program Webinar, Durham, NC. Gilliam, J. H., & Hall, E. S. (2016). Reference and Equivalent Methods Used to Measure National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS) Criteria Air Pollutants - Volume 1 (EPA Technical Report No. EPA/600/R-16/139). Washington, DC: Environmental Protection Agency. Hall, E. S., & Gilliam, J. H. (2016). Site Location Details, Air Pollution Monitoring Equipment Used, Aircraft Flight Path Information, and Deployment Configuration for the DISCOVER-AQ (Deriving Information on Surface Conditions from COlumn and VERtically Resolved Observations Relevant to Air Quality Field Campaign in Colorado: Summer 2014 (EPA Technical Report No. EPA/600/R-16/143). Washington, DC: Environmental Protection Agency. Hall, E. S. (2015). Evaluation and Comparison of Chemiluminescence and UV Photometric Methods for Measuring Ozone Concentrations in Ambient Air. Presented at the 108th Air & Waste Management Association (A&WMA) Annual Conference, Raleigh, NC. Ground-Truthing Validation to Assess the Effect of Facility Locational Error on Cumulative Impacts Screening Tools. (2015). Geography Journal. Sadd, J. L., Hall, E. S., Pastor, M., Morello-Frosch, R. A., Lowe-Liang, D., Hayes, J., & Swanson, C. (2015). Ground-Truthing Validation to Assess the Effect of Facility Locational Error on Cumulative Impacts Screening Tools. Geography Journal, 2015, 1–8. White, B. M., & Hall, E. S. (2015). Perceptions of environmental health risks among residents in the “Toxic Doughnut”: opportunities for risk screening and community mobilization. BMC Public Health, 15(1). Contribution of Hierarchical Bayesian and Aerosol Optical Depth PM2.5 Sources to Respiratory-Cardiovascular Chronic Diseases. (2014). International Society of Environmental Epidemiology. Environmental Health Literacy in Support of Social Action: An Environmental Justice Perspective. (2014). Journal of Environmental Health. Retrieved from Hall, E. S. (2014). Environmental and Psychosocial Contributors to Learning Disparities. Presented at the International Symposium on Minority Health and Health Disparities, National Harbor, MD. Environmental health literacy in support of social action: an environmental justice perspective. (2014). Journal of Environmental Health. Retrieved from Hall, E. S. (2014). Evaluation of small sensor technology for Ozone and Nitrogen during the DISCOVER-AQ Study. Presented at the National Environmental Monitoring Conference, Washington, D.C. Hall, E. S. (2014). Evaluation of small sensor technology for criteria air pollutants at ground-based sites and a citizen science network. Presented at the National Ambient Air Monitoring Conference, Atlanta, GA. Integrating Sensor Monitoring Technology into the Current Air Pollution Regulatory Support Paradigm: Practical Considerations. (2014). American Journal of Environmental Engineering. Long, R. W., Hall, E. S., Beaver, M. R., Duvall, R. M., Beaver, M. R., Kaushik, S. M., … McElroy, F. (2014). Performance of the Proposed New Federal Reference Method for Measuring Ozone Concentrations in Ambient Air (No. EPA/600/R-14/432). Washington, D.C.: Environmental Protection Agency. Hall, E. S., Sadd, J. M., Morello-Frosch, R. A., & Pastor, M. (2014). R9 RARE Final Project Report: Partnering with Environmental Agencies and Communities to Pilot Use of the Environmental Justice Screening Method (EJSM) Cumulative Impacts Tool (No. EPA/600/R-14/364). Washington, D.C.: Environmental Protection Agency. Hall, E. S. (2014, April). Review of Federal Reference Method for Ozone: Nitric Oxide – Chemiluminescence. Presented at the Clean Air Science Advisory Committee Ambient Monitoring Methods Subcommittee Briefing, RTP, NC. EPA’s Reference and Equivalent Methods Research Program: Supporting NAAQS Implementation through Research, Development, and Analysis. (2012). Environmental Manager: Air and Waste Management Association. Retrieved from Hall, E. S., Beaver, M. R., Long, R. W., & Vanderpool, R. W. (2012). EPA’s Reference and Equivalent Methods Research Program: Supporting NAAQS Implementation through Research, Development, and Analysis. Environmental Manager Magazine, 8–12. Hall, E. S., Eyth, A. M., & Phillips, S. B. (2012). Hierarchical Bayesian Model (HBM)-Derived Estimates of Air Quality for 2007 - Annual Report (No. EPA/600/R-12/538). Washington, D.C.: Environmental Protection Agency. Hall, E. S., Eyth, A. M., Phillips, S. B., & Mason, R. (2012). Hierarchical Bayesian Model (HBM)-Derived Estimates of Air Quality for 2008 - Annual Report (No. EPA/600/R-12/048). Washington, D.C.: Environmental Protection Agency. Morello-Frosch, R., Sadd, J., Pastor, M., & Hall, E. S. (2012). R9 RARE Final Project Report: How Vulnerability Indicators Affect the Association Between Adverse Birth Outcomes, Air Pollution and Traffic Burden (No. EPA/600/R-12/014). Washington, D.C.: Environmental Protection Agency. Using NASA Satellite Aerosol Optical Depth to Enhance PM2.5 Concentration Datasets for Use in Human Health and Epidemiology Studies. (2012). American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting. Brown-Burkins, M., Miller, E. K., Keeler, G. J., Shanley, J., Lawson, S., Jenkins, J., … Hall, E. S. (2011). Atmospheric Mercury in New England: Measurement of Deposition, Surface Exchanges and Assimilation in Terrestrial Ecosystems (No. EPA/600/R-11/069). Washington, D.C.: Environmental Protection Agency. Morello-Frosch, R., Jesdale, B., English, P., Pastor, M., Sadd, J., Liang, D. L., … Lakin, M. (2011). Does Community Vulnerability Amplify the Relationship between traffic exposure and adverse birth outcomes? A University-regulatory research collaborative on environmental health inequalities. ISEE Conference Abstracts, 2011(1). Smith, L., Porter, M., Nysewander, M., Glen, G., Stallings, C., & Hall, E. S. (2011). Equating Semi-Continuous (SC) PM2.5 Mass Monitor Measurement Values with Federal Reference Method (FRM) PM2.5 Monitor Measurement Values (No. EPA/600/R-11/039). Washington, D.C.: Environmental Protection Agency. Hall, E. S. (2011, October). Quality Assurance Guidance for Software Models used in Research Projects and Regulatory Support Activities. Presented at the BASF, Research Triangle Park, NC. Does Community Vulnerability Amplify the Relationship Between Traffic Exposure and Adverse Birth Outcomes? A University-State-USEPA Research Collaborative on Environmental Health Inequalities. (2010). American Public Health Association (APHA) 138th Annual Meeting. Hall, E. S. (2010, April 28). EPA Modeling and Monitor Data Provided for CDC EPHT Network. Presented at the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) Environmental Public Health Tracking Conference, New Orleans, LA. Hall, E. S. (2010, April 1). Environmental Legislation, Regulations, and Sustainability. Presented at the ENSC 4500 - North Carolina Central University, Durham, NC. Hall, E. S., Dimmick, W. F., & Tikvart, J. (2010). Hierarchical Bayesian Model (HBM)-Derived Estimates of Air Quality for 2006 - Annual Report (No. EPA/600/R-10/021). Washington, D.C.: Environmental Protection Agency. Hall, E. S. (2009, February 26). Air Quality Indicators for Environmental Public Health Tracking (EPHT), Why, What and How. Presented at the CDC Tracking Conference (TRACKS2009), Washington, D.C. Ground-Based Measurement of Solar Ultraviolet Radiation. (2009). In McGraw-Hill Yearbook of Science and Technology 2009. Retrieved from Measurement of Total Site Mercury Emissions from a Chlor-Alkali Plant Using Ultraviolet Differential Optical Absorption Spectroscopy and Cell Room Roof Vent Monitoring. (2009). Atmospheric Environment. Thoma, E. D., Secrest, C., Hall, E. S., Lee Jones, D., Shores, R. C., Modrak, M., … Norwood, P. (2009). Measurement of total site mercury emissions from a chlor-alkali plant using ultraviolet differential optical absorption spectroscopy and cell room roof-vent monitoring. Atmospheric Environment, 43(3), 753–757. Developing Air Quality Forecasts for Environmental Public Health Tracking and Analysis. (2008). 2008 EPA Science Forum – 8th Annual Conference. Development of Alternative PM and Ozone Exposure Prediction Methodologies for Environmental Epidemiology and Public Health Tracking Studies. (2008). ISEE/ISEA 2008 Joint Conference. Hall, E. S. (2007, October 17). A Qualitative Review of Modeling Tools: Applicability for Community-Level Risk Assessments. Presented at the International Society for Exposure Analysis (ISEA) 2007 – 17th Annual Conference, Durham, NC. Hall, E. S. (2005, October 19). Air Toxics Modeling Research Program: An Overview. Presented at the EPA Region III/Mid-Atlantic Regional Air Management Association (MARAMA) Air Toxic Summit, Philadelphia, PA. Hall, E. S. (2004, January 20). EPA UV-B Radiation Monitoring Research Program. Course: Biology 2700 – Environmental Problems. Presented at the North Carolina Central University, Durham, NC. Hall, E. S. (2004, January 28). Elements of a Quality Assurance (QA) System for Modeling Projects. Presented at the HEASD Works-In-Progress Seminar, EPA, Research Triangle Park, NC. Hall, E. S. (2004, March 24). Model Design Using an Object-Oriented Language (C++) as the Design Tool. Presented at the HEASD Works-In-Progress Seminar, EPA, Research Triangle Park, NC. Hall, E. S. (2003, March 27). UV Monitoring Program. Presented at the HEASD Works-In-Progress Seminar, EPA, Research Triangle Park, NC.