I am currently Associate Director of Educational Innovation in the Center for Geospatial Analytics in the College of Natural Resources at North Carolina State University. My research and professional experience centers on pedagogical advances in place-based education and geospatial curriculum development at all levels, increasing under-represented students in STEM education and careers, in addition to environmental decision-making under uncertainty and examining the link between the environment and public health. I employ tools, such as geospatial analysis, geostatistics, and probabilistic inference in applied settings to improve our understanding of environmental systems and provide guidance to make more informed environmental decisions as it relates to environmental health and public health risk and exposure. I have several years experience working in environmental and health consulting as well as in academic settings in research, teaching, and mentor capacities, with both undergraduates and graduate students. I also have a strong interest in research and academic administration, along with research and academic mentorship of underrepresented groups.
Works (43)
2023 conference paper
A Modern Curriculum for Modern GIS
Esri Higher Education Webinar. Presented at the Esri Higher Education Webinar.
2023 conference paper
Engaging with the Center for Geospatial Analytics
North Carolina GIS Conference. Presented at the North Carolina GIS Conference, Winston-Salem, NC.
2023 conference paper
Teaching Modern GIS
Association of American Geographers Annual Conference. Presented at the Association of American Geographers Annual Conference, Denver, CO.
2021 conference paper
Challenges and Opportunities from Implementing an Informal K-12 After School GIS Program
North Carolina GIS Conference. Presented at the North Carolina GIS Conference, Raleigh, NC.
2019 journal article
Cadmium exposure and MEG3 methylation differences between Whites and African Americans in the NEST Cohort
Environmental Epigenetics, 5(3).
Contributors: J. House n , J. Hall n, S. Park n, A. Planchart n , n , R. Maguire n, Z. Huang *, C. Mattingly n
Ed(s): M. Skinner

2019 conference paper
Geospatial Applications for Problem Solving (GAPS) for Hi-Tech Teens
Burroughs Wellcome Fund Awardee Conference. Poster presented at the Burroughs Wellcome Fund Awardee Conference, Charlotte, NC.
2019 conference paper
Using GIS for Sustainability
NC State – University of Sao Paulo Collaboration Meeting. Presented at the NC State – University of Sao Paulo Collaboration Meeting, Sao Paulo, BR.
2018 conference paper
From tangible interfaces to virtual reality: advanced geospatial analytics and technologies for the digital age
University Global Partnership Network (UGPN) Annual Conference. Presented at the University Global Partnership Network (UGPN) Annual Conference, London, UK.
2018 conference paper
Innovations in decision making using geospatial analytics
Duke GIS Day Celebration. Presented at the Duke GIS Day Celebration, Durham, NC.
2017 conference paper
Geospatial Applications for Problem Solving (GAPS) for Hi-Tech Teens
Burroughs Wellcome Fund Awardee Conference. Poster presented at the Burroughs Wellcome Fund Awardee Conference, Greensboro, NC, USA.
2017 conference paper
Research and education at the frontiers of geospatial sciences and technology
Duke GIS Day Celebration. Presented at the Duke GIS Day Celebration, Durham, NC.
2016 journal article
Spatio-temporal reconstruction of missing forest microclimate measurements

2015 journal article
Geographic clustering of elevated blood heavy metal levels in pregnant women

2015 conference paper
Geospatial Programs and Partnerships
Geospatial Intelligence at Historically Black Colleges and Universities Annual Conference (GEOINT-HBCU). Presented at the Geospatial Intelligence at Historically Black Colleges and Universities Annual Conference (GEOINT-HBCU), Fayetteville, NC.
2014 journal article
A relative ranking approach for nano-enabled applications to improve risk-based decision making: a case study of Army materiel
Environment Systems and Decisions, 35(1), 42–53.

2014 journal article
A web-based tool to engage stakeholders in informing research planning for future decisions on emerging materials
Science of The Total Environment, 470-471, 660–668.
2014 journal article
Validation and sensitivity of the FINE Bayesian network for forecasting aquatic exposure to nano-silver
Science of The Total Environment, 473-474, 685–691.
2013 journal article
Modeling Approaches for Characterizing and Evaluating Environmental Exposure to Engineered Nanomaterials in Support of Risk-Based Decision Making
Environmental Science & Technology, 47(3), 1190–1205.
2012 journal article
The use of Bayesian networks for nanoparticle risk forecasting: Model formulation and baseline evaluation
Science of The Total Environment, 426, 436–445.
2011 conference paper
A Bayesian Network Model for Nanomaterial Risk Forecasting and Characterization
Gordon Research Conference on Environmental Nanotechnology. Presented at the Gordon Research Conference on Environmental Nanotechnology, Waterville Valley, NH, USA.
2011 conference paper
Ecological Risk Forecasting for Nanomaterials Using Bayesian Networks: A Case Study of Nano-Ag Exposure Potential in a North Carolina River Basin
International Conference on the Environmental Implications of NanoTechnology (ICEIN). Presented at the International Conference on the Environmental Implications of NanoTechnology (ICEIN), Durham, NC, USA.
2011 journal article
Using River Distance and Existing Hydrography Data Can Improve the Geostatistical Estimation of Fish Tissue Mercury at Unsampled Locations

2010 conference paper
BayesNets for Nanomaterial Risk Assessment
Society for Risk Analysis Annual Meeting. Presented at the Society for Risk Analysis Annual Meeting, Baltimore, MD, USA.
2010 journal article
Microbial Fecal Indicator Concentrations in Water and Their Correlation to Environmental Parameters in Nine Geographically Diverse Estuaries
Water Quality, Exposure and Health, 2(2), 85–95.

2010 conference paper
Modeling an uncertain risk: using belief networks to assess the environmental implications of nanotechnology
Environmental Decisions: Risks and Uncertainties. Presented at the Environmental Decisions: Risks and Uncertainties, Monte Verita, Switzerland.
2009 conference paper
A probabilistic network modeling approach for nanoparticle risk assessments
Society for Risk Analysis Annual Meeting. Presented at the Society for Risk Analysis Annual Meeting, Baltimore, MD, USA.
2009 journal article
Modern Space/Time Geostatistics Using River Distances: Data Integration of Turbidity andE. coliMeasurements to Assess Fecal Contamination Along the Raritan River in New Jersey
Environmental Science & Technology, 43(10), 3736–3742.

2009 conference paper
Nano-risk and Macro-Uncertainty: Using Probability Networks to Model the Environmental Implications of Nanotechnology
International Consortium on the Environmental Implications of NanoTechnology (ICEIN) Annual Meeting. Presented at the International Consortium on the Environmental Implications of NanoTechnology (ICEIN) Annual Meeting, Washington, DC, USA.
2009 journal article
Space/Time Analysis of Fecal Pollution and Rainfall in an Eastern North Carolina Estuary
Environmental Science & Technology, 43(10), 3728–3735.

2009 journal article
Using river distances in the space/time estimation of dissolved oxygen along two impaired river networks in New Jersey
Water Research, 43(7), 1948–1958.

2008 journal article
A Space/Time Analysis Framework for Fecal Indicator Bacteria in a North Carolina Estuary
Epidemiology, 19(6), S200.
2008 conference paper
An Integrated Spatiotemporal Approach to Improve Mercury Estimation and Exposure Assessment
International Society for Environmental Epidemiology & International Society of Exposure Analysis Joint Annual Conference. Poster presented at the International Society for Environmental Epidemiology & International Society of Exposure Analysis Joint Annual Conference, Pasadena, CA, USA.
2008 report
Covariance models for directed tree river networks
(UNC-BMElab Technical Report No. 2008-08).
2008 conference paper
Geostatistical Estimation of Water Quality Along River Networks
North Carolina Water Resources Research Institute Annual Conference. Presented at the North Carolina Water Resources Research Institute Annual Conference, Raleigh, NC, USA.
2008 conference paper
Improving the Assessment of E.coli Exposure Levels Along Un-monitored Stream Reaches
International Society for Environmental Epidemiology & International Society of Exposure Analysis, 2008 Joint Annual Conference. Presented at the International Society for Environmental Epidemiology & International Society of Exposure Analysis, 2008 Joint Annual Conference, Pasadena, CA, USA.
2007 conference paper
Data integration of E.coli and turbidity data to assess fecal contamination in the Raritan River Basin, New Jersey
2007 International Society for Exposure Analysis Conference. Presented at the 2007 International Society for Exposure Analysis Conference, Durham, NC.
2007 journal article
Examining the Relationship Between Wet Weather and Fecal Contamination in a North Carolina Estuary
Proceedings of the Water Environment Federation, 2007(5), 1019–1031.
2007 conference paper
Geostatistical Methods for Assessing Fecal Contamination Along Unmonitored River Reaches
Environmental Protection Agency and Centers for Disease Control, 2nd Annual Southeast Regional Environmental Science & Health Symposium. Poster presented at the Environmental Protection Agency and Centers for Disease Control, 2nd Annual Southeast Regional Environmental Science & Health Symposium, Atlanta, GA.
2007 conference paper
The Effects of River Network Complexity on the Spatiotemporal Estimation of Water Quality
38th Annual Binghamton Geomorphology Symposium. Presented at the 38th Annual Binghamton Geomorphology Symposium, Duke University, Durham, NC.
2004 article
Geostatistical space/time estimation of water quality along the Raritan River Basin in New Jersey
Computational Methods in Water Resources: Volume 2, Proceedings of the XVth International Conference on Computational Methods in Water Resources, pp. 1839–1852.

Updated: June 9th, 2022 10:32
2021 - present
2014 - present
2014 - 2021
Updated: September 6th, 2019 11:47
2003 - 2018
2001 - 2003
1996 - 2000
Funding History
Funding history based on the linked ORCID record. Updated: March 1st, 2024 14:12