Works (57)
2014 journal article
Effects of Daily Harvest Time on Postharvest Longevity, Water Relations, and Carbohydrate Status of Selected Specialty Cut Flowers
HORTSCIENCE, 49(3), 297–305.

2014 journal article
Floral foam and/or conventional or organic preservatives affect the vase-life and quality of cut rose (Rosa X hybrida L.) stems
2014 journal article
Postharvest performance of cut carnation, chrysanthemum and rose as influenced by conventional and organic floral preservatives
2013 article
How management strategies have affected Atlantic White-cedar forest recovery after massive wind damage in the Great Dismal Swamp (vol 262, pg 1337, 2011)
Laing, J. M., Shear, T. H., & Blazich, F. A. (2013, September 15). FOREST ECOLOGY AND MANAGEMENT, Vol. 304, pp. 505–505.

2013 journal article
Water quality effects on postharvest performance of cut calla, hydrangea, and snapdragon

2011 journal article
Grafting fraser fir (Abies fraseri): Effect of scion origin (crown position and branch order)
HortScience, 46(1), 91–94.
2011 journal article
How management strategies have affected Atlantic White-cedar forest recovery after massive wind damage in the Great Dismal Swamp

2011 journal article
Micropropagation of Mahonia ‘Soft Caress’
Micropropagation of Mahonia ‘Soft Caress.’ Hortscience, 46(7), 1010–1014.

2010 journal article
Grafting Fraser fir (Abies fraseri): Effect of grafting date, shade, and irrigation
HortScience, 45(4), 617–620.
2007 journal article
Day/nNight temperature affects growth and photosynthesis of cultivated Salvia taxa
Journal of the American Society for Horticultural Science, 132(4), 492–500.
2006 journal article
Container type and volume influences adventitious rooting and subsequent field growth of stem cuttings of loblolly pine
Southern Journal of Applied Forestry, 30(3), 123–131.
2006 journal article
Improving the rooting capacity of stem cuttings of Virginia pine by severe stumping of parent trees
Southern Journal of Applied Forestry, 30(4), 172–181.
2005 journal article
Influence of selected surface disinfestants, fungicides, and temperature on seed germination and initial growth of southern seaoats (Uniola paniculata)
Journal of Environmental Horticulture, 23(1), 4.
2005 journal article
Initial plant size and landscape exposure affect establishment of transplanted Kalmia latifolia 'Olympic Wedding'
Journal of Environmental Horticulture, 23(2), 91.
2005 journal article
Mist level influences vapor pressure deficit and gas exchange during rooting of juvenile stem cuttings of loblolly pine
HortScience, 40(5), 1448–1456.
2005 journal article
Seed germination of seabeach amaranth (Amaranthus pumilus) as influenced by stratification, temperature, and light
Journal of Environmental Horticulture, 23(1), 33.
2005 journal article
Stumping height, crown position, and age of parent tree influence rooting of stem cuttings of fraser fir
HortScience, 40(3), 771–777.
2004 journal article
Growth stage, auxin type, and concentration influence rooting Virginia pine stem cuttings
HortScience, 39(6), 1392–1396.
2004 journal article
Mist, substrate water potential and cutting water potential influence rooting of stem cuttings of loblolly pine
TREE PHYSIOLOGY, 24(7), 823–831.

2004 journal article
Root and shoot growth periodicity of Kalmia latifolia 'Sarah' and Ilex crenata 'Compacta'
HortScience, 39(2), 243–247.
2003 article
Mist, soil water potential, and cutting water potential influence rooting of stem cuttings of loblolly pine

2003 journal article
Nitrogen nutrition of containerized Ternstroemia gymnanthera
Journal of Environmental Horticulture, 21(2), 73.
2003 journal article
Propagation of Castanopsis sclerophylla by stem cuttings
Journal of Environmental Horticulture, 21(2), 61.
2003 journal article
Propagation of Lindera umbellata by stem cuttings
Journal of Environmental Horticulture, 21(4), 181.
2002 journal article
Nitrogen nutrition of hedged stock plants of Loblolly Pine. I. Tissue nitrogen concentrations and carbohydrate status
NEW FORESTS, 24(1), 39–51.

2002 journal article
Nitrogen nutrition of hedged stock plants of Loblolly Pine. II. Influence of carbohydrate and nitrogen status on adventitious rooting of stem cuttings
NEW FORESTS, 24(1), 53–65.

2002 journal article
Seed germination of southern seaoats (Uniola paniculata) as influenced by stratification, temperature, and light
Journal of Environmental Horticulture, 20(3), 180.
2001 journal article
In vitro colonization of micropropagated Pieris floribunda by ericoid mycorrhizae. II. Effects on acclimatization and growth
HortScience, 36(2), 357–359.
2001 journal article
In vitro colonization of micropropagated Pieris floribunda byericoid mycorrhizae. I. Establishment of mycorrhizae onmicroshoots
HortScience, 36(2), 353–356.
2000 patent
Methods for lyophilizing and using ericoid mycorrhizal fungi
Washington, DC: U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.
2000 journal article
Propagation of Anemone x hybrida by rooted cuttings
Journal of Environmental Horticulture, 18, 79–83.
2000 journal article
Seed germination of selected provenances of Atlantic white- cedar as influenced by stratification, temperature, and light
HortScience, 35(1), 132–135.
1999 journal article
Heat tolerance of selected provenances of Atlantic white cedar

1999 journal article
Mineral nutrient and carbohydrate status of loblolly pine during mist propagation as influenced by stock plant nitrogen fertility
HORTSCIENCE, 34(7), 1279–1285.

1999 journal article
Nitrogen nutrition of containerized Thuja x 'Green Giant'
Journal of Environmental Horticulture, 17(2), 76–79.
1999 journal article
Propagation of Magnolia virginiana 'Santa Rosa' by semi-hardwood cuttings
Journal of Environmental Horticulture, 17(1), 47–48.
1999 journal article
Secondary seed dormancy of Rhododendron catawbiense and Rhododendron maximum
Journal of Environmental Horticulture, 17(1), 1–4.
1998 journal article
Effects of root morphology on nursery and first-year field growth of rooted cuttings of loblolly pine
Southern Journal of Applied Forestry, 22(4), 231–234.
1998 journal article
Heat tolerance in perennial salvias
Proceedings of Southern Nurserymen's Association Research Conference Annual Report, 43(1998), 442–445.
1998 journal article
Influence of storage temperatures on long-term seed viability of selected native ericaceous species
Journal of Environmental Horticulture, 16(3), 166–172.
1998 journal article
Propagation of Magnolia virginiana 'Santa Rosa' by semihardwood cuttings
Proceedings of Southern Nurserymen's Association Research Conference Annual Report, 43(1998), 340–343.
1998 journal article
Propagation of Thuja x 'Green Giant' by stem cuttings: effects of growth stage, type of cutting, and IBA treatment
Journal of Environmental Horticulture, 16(4), 212–214.
1997 journal article
Micropropagation of Stewartia pseudocamellia
Journal of Environmental Horticulture, 15(2), 65–68.
1997 journal article
Nitrogen nutrition of containerized Cupressus arizonica var. glabra 'Carolina Sapphire'
Journal of Environmental Horticulture, 15(2), 80–83.
1997 journal article
Propagation of Quercus phillyreoides by stem cuttings
American Nurseryman, 185(8), 72–73.
1997 journal article
Propagation of Thuja x 'Green Giant' by hardwood cuttings
Proceedings of Southern Nurserymen's Association Research Conference Annual Report, 42(1997), 297–298.
1997 journal article
Propogation of 'Carolina Sapphire' smooth Arizona cypress by stem cuttings: effects of growth stage, type of cutting, and IBA treatment.
Journal of Environmental Horticulture, 15(2), 61–64.
1995 journal article
Seed germination of annual vinca responds to irradiation and temperature
HortScience, 30(2), 357.
1994 journal article
Propagation of Fraser fir
Journal of Environmental Horticulture, 12(2), 112.
1993 journal article
Seed germination of Rhododendron carolinianum: Influence of light and temperature
Journal of Environmental Horticulture, 11(2), 55.
1991 journal article
Seed germination of Leucothoe fontanesiana as influenced by light and temperature
Journal of Environmental Horticulture, 9(2), 72.
1991 journal article
Seed germination of Rhododendron catawbiense and Rhododendron maximum: Influence of light and temperature
Journal of Environmental Horticulture, 9(1), 5.
1989 journal article
Propagation of Osmanthus heterophyllus 'Ilicifolius' and 'Rotundifolius' by stem cuttings
Journal of Environmental Horticulture, 7(4), 133.
1988 journal article
Micropropagation of flame azalea
Journal of Environmental Horticulture, 6(2), 45.
1984 journal article
In vitro propagation of Sansevieria trifasciata
HortScience, 19(1), 122.
1983 journal article
Mineral nutrient status of 'Convexa' holly cuttings during intermittent mist propagation as influenced by exogenous auxin application
Journal of the American Society for Horticultural Science, 108(3), 425.
1980 journal article
Vegetative propagation of Abies fraseri by stem cuttings
HortScience, 15, 96–97.