@article{rogers_xue_kish jr_hsiao_pezeshki_tselikov_wierer jr_2024, title={High Bandwidth GaN-Based Micro-LEDs at Temperatures up to 400 °C}, volume={36}, ISSN={["1941-0174"]}, url={https://doi.org/10.1109/LPT.2024.3434601}, DOI={10.1109/LPT.2024.3434601}, number={17}, journal={IEEE PHOTONICS TECHNOLOGY LETTERS}, author={Rogers, Daniel J. and Xue, Haotian and Kish Jr, Fred A. and Hsiao, Fu-Chen and Pezeshki, Bardia and Tselikov, Alexander and Wierer Jr, Jonathan J.}, year={2024}, month={Jan}, pages={1069–1072} } @article{carlson_hsiao_mironov_carney_dallesasse_2024, title={Photo-Enhanced Room Temperature Magnetism and Two-Photon Effects in Manganese-Implanted Gallium Nitride p-i-n Structures}, volume={60}, ISSN={["1558-1713"]}, DOI={10.1109/JQE.2023.3348112}, abstractNote={The insertion of manganese into GaN-based p-i-n epitaxial structures allows for a ferromagnetic phase to occur at room temperature that can be photo-enhanced and retained for >8 hours. GaN p-i-n LED structures are implanted with manganese to form a ferromagnetic phase and illuminated with resonant photons across the GaN bandgap. The magnetization after illumination is found to increase by $0.2~\mu _{B}$ /Mn atom. Subsequent illumination below the GaN:Mn bandgap is found to remove the photo-enhancement of magnetism and fully demagnetize the material. The optically-driven process confirms that photon absorption drives hole-media induced ferromagnetic changes to the top layer in GaN:Mn structures. A modified p-i-n structure is designed that situates a two-dimensional hole gas (2DHG) beneath the magnetic layer for improvement of the hole injection effect. The mid-gap state formed by the implanted manganese in GaN:Mn is simulated for two-photon electromagnetic induced transparency that can control the absorption of the top layer and moderate the hole injection. The design of GaN:Mn p-i-n structures is explored for spin-photon mapping of states for long-term storage in memory systems.}, number={1}, journal={IEEE JOURNAL OF QUANTUM ELECTRONICS}, author={Carlson, John A. and Hsiao, Fu-Chen and Mironov, Andrey and Carney, P. Scott and Dallesasse, John M.}, year={2024}, month={Feb} } @article{kumar_kaufman_hsiao_leburton_dallesasse_2024, title={Ultra-sensitive current bistability and light switching in a resonant tunneling superlattice transistor}, volume={135}, ISSN={["1089-7550"]}, DOI={10.1063/5.0190385}, abstractNote={Bistability in the current–voltage characteristics of semiconductor superlattices and quantum cascade laser structures has the potential for wide-ranging applications, particularly in sensing systems. However, the interdependency of applied bias and current injection in conventional two-terminal structures has led to complications in analysis and rendered the bistability phenomenon difficult to implement in practical applications. Here, we report a new kind of electronic bistability coupled to optical switching in a resonant tunneling bipolar superlattice transistor. This bistability manifests as sharp discontinuities in the collector current with extremely small variations of the applied voltage, which arise from unstable tunneling transmission across the hetero-barrier between the two-dimensional electron gas (2DEG) at the edge of the transistor base and the collector superlattice structure. The electronic transitions between high and low quantum mechanical transmissions are demonstrated to be caused by self-consistent variations of the internal electric field at the heterointerface between the 2DEG and the superlattice. They are also present in the base current of the three-terminal device and result in sharp switching of near-infrared spontaneous light emission output from an interband radiative recombination process with a peak emission wavelength of 1.58 μm. A comprehensive quantum mechanical theoretical model accounting for the self-consistent bistable tunneling transmission is in quantitative agreement with the experimental data. The measured peak transconductance sensitivity value of 6000 mS can be used in the highly sensitive detector and non-linear device applications.}, number={16}, journal={JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS}, author={Kumar, Raman and Kaufman, Robert B. and Hsiao, Fu-Chen and Leburton, Jean-Pierre and Dallesasse, John M.}, year={2024}, month={Apr} }