Works (87)
2024 journal article
Broadening of the Divertor Heat Flux Profile in High Confinement Tokamak Fusion Plasmas with Edge Pedestals Limited by Turbulence in DIII-D
2024 journal article
Impact of ionization and transport on pedestal density structure in DIII-D and Alcator C-Mod
2024 journal article
Inter-ELM pedestal turbulence dynamics dependence on q<sub>95</sub> and temperature gradient
2024 journal article
Learning from each other: Cross-cutting diagnostic development activities between magnetic and inertial confinement fusion (invited)
2024 journal article
Manipulating density pedestal structure to improve core-edge integration towards low collisionality
2024 journal article
Reconstruction and interpretation of ionization asymmetry in magnetic confinement via synthetic diagnostics
2024 journal article
The role of isotope mass on neutral fueling and density pedestal structure in the DIII-D tokamak
2024 journal article
Upgrade of the Lyman-alpha diagnostic system on DIII-D for main chamber edge neutral studies
2023 journal article
In-situ coating of silicon-rich films on tokamak plasma-facing components with real-time Si material injection
2023 journal article
Inference of main ion particle transport coefficients with experimentally constrained neutral ionization during edge localized mode recovery on DIII-D
2023 journal article
Micro-tearing mode dominated electron heat transport in DIII-D H-mode pedestal
Nuclear Fusion.
2023 journal article
Pedestal main ion particle transport inference through gas puff modulation with experimental source measurements
2023 journal article
Progress towards edge-localized mode suppression via magnetic perturbations in hydrogen plasmas
2023 journal article
Tungsten erosion and divertor leakage from the DIII-D SAS-VW tungsten-coated divertor in experiments with neon gas seeding
2023 journal article
Wall conditioning effects and boron migration during boron powder injection in ASDEX Upgrade
2022 journal article
Deconvolving the roles of E × B shear and pedestal structure in the energy confinement quality of super H-mode experiments
Nuclear Fusion, 62(5), 056008.
2022 journal article
Design of a Novel Variable Geometry Divertor for Tokamaks
IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science.
2022 journal article
Details of the neutral energy distribution and ionization source using spectrally resolved Balmer-alpha measurements on DIII-D
Review of Scientific Instruments.
2022 journal article
Improved Particle Confinement with Resonant Magnetic Perturbations in DIII-D Tokamak H-Mode Plasmas
Physical Review Letters.
2022 journal article
Ion thermal transport in the H-mode edge transport barrier on DIII-D
Physics of Plasmas, 29(1), 012506.
2022 journal article
Local measurements of the pedestal magnetic field profile throughout the ELM cycle on DIII-D
Physics of Plasmas.
2022 journal article
Mitigation of plasma–wall interactions with low-Z powders in DIII-D high confinement plasmas
Nuclear Fusion, 62(10), 106015.
2022 journal article
2022 journal article
Reducing the L-H transition power threshold in ITER-similar-shape DIII-D hydrogen plasmas
Nuclear Fusion, 62(12), 126050.
2022 journal article
Robust identification of multiple-input single-output system response for efficient pickup noise removal from tokamak diagnostics
Review of Scientific Instruments.
2021 journal article
A 1D Lyman-alpha profile camera for plasma edge neutral studies on the DIII-D tokamak
Review of Scientific Instruments, 92(3), 033523.
Contributors: A. Rosenthal *, J. Hughes *, A. Bortolon *, * , T. Wilks *, R. Vieira *, R. Leccacorvi*, E. Marmar*
2021 journal article
Absolute calibration of the Lyman-α measurement apparatus at DIII-D
Review of Scientific Instruments, 92(3), 033522.
Contributors: , A. Bortolon *, A. Rosenthal *, T. Wilks *, J. Hughes *, C. Freeman*, T. Golfinopoulos*, A. Nagy *, D. Mauzey *, M. Shafer * *
2021 journal article
DIII-D research advancing the physics basis for optimizing the tokamak approach to fusion energy
Nuclear Fusion, 62(4), 042024.
2021 journal article
Development of an integrated core–edge scenario using the super H-mode
Nuclear Fusion, 61(12), 126064.
2021 journal article
Initial operation and data processing on a system for real-time evaluation of Thomson scattering signals on the Large Helical Device
Review of Scientific Instruments, 92(6), 063523.
Contributors: K. Hammond *, * , A. Diallo *, S. Doskoczynski*, C. Freeman *, H. Funaba *, D. Gates *, R. Rozenblat *
2021 article
Initial operation and data processing on a system for real-time evaluation of Thomson scattering signals on the Large Helical Device
2021 journal article
New understanding of inter-ELM pedestal turbulence, transport, and gradient behavior in the DIII-D tokamak
Nuclear Fusion, 61(12), 126037.
2021 article
Perturbative determination of plasma microinstabilities in tokamaks
2021 journal article
Prediction of DIII-D Pedestal Structure from Externally Controllable Parameters
IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science, 49(10), 3212–3227.
Contributors: E. Zeger*, * , A. Bortolon *, C. Rea *, O. Meneghini *, S. Saarelma *, B. Sammuli *, S. Smith *, J. Zhao *
2021 journal article
Progress from ASDEX Upgrade experiments in preparing the physics basis of ITER operation and DEMO scenario development
Nuclear Fusion, 62(4), 042006.
2021 journal article
Time-dependent experimental identification of inter-ELM microtearing modes in the tokamak edge on DIII-D
Nuclear Fusion, 61(11), 116038.
Contributors: A. Nelson *, * , A. Diallo *, D. Smith *, Z. Xing*, R. Shousha *, E. Kolemen *
2020 journal article
Identity of the JET M-mode and the ASDEX Upgrade I-phase phenomena
Nuclear Fusion, 60(5).
Contributors: D. Réfy *, E. Solano, N. Vianello, S. Zoletnik *, D. Dunai *, B. Tál *, M. Brix*, R. Gomes *
2020 article
Identity of the JET M-mode and the ASDEX upgrade I-phase phenomena
Contributors: D. Réfy, E. Solano, N. Vianello, S. Zoletnik, D. Dunai, B. Tál, M. Brix, R. Gomes
2020 journal article
Interpretative SOL modeling throughout multiple ELM cycles in DIII-D
Nuclear Materials and Energy, 26, 100883.
Contributors: A. Nelson *, Z. Xing *, O. Izacard *, * & E. Kolemen *
2020 journal article
Optimizing the Super H-mode pedestal to improve performance and facilitate divertor integration
Physics of Plasmas, 27(10), 102506.
Contributors: M. Knolker *, P. Snyder *, T. Evans *, T. Wilks *, D. Eldon *, B. Grierson *, A. Jaervinen*, X. Jian *
2020 journal article
Real-time pedestal optimization and ELM control with 3D fields and gas flows on DIII-D
Nuclear Fusion, 60(7), 076004.
Contributors: , D. Eldon *, A. Nelson *, C. Paz-Soldan *, A. Bortolon *, T. Evans *, M. Fenstermacher*, B. Grierson * *
2020 journal article
Review: Turbulence dynamics during the pedestal evolution between edge localized modes in magnetic fusion devices
Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion, 63(1), 013001.
Contributors: A. Diallo * & *
2019 journal article
A scalable real-time framework for Thomson scattering analysis: Application to NSTX-U
Review of Scientific Instruments, 90(4), 043501.
Contributors: , A. Diallo *, B. Leblanc *, R. Rozenblat *, G. Tchilinguirian * & E. Kolemen * *
2019 journal article
Active conditioning of asdex upgrade tungsten plasma-facing components and discharge enhancement through boron and boron nitride particulate injection
Nuclear Fusion, 59(12).
Contributors: R. Lunsford *, V. Rohde *, A. Bortolon *, R. Dux *, A. Herrmann *, A. Kallenbach *, R. McDermott *, P. David *
2019 journal article
DIII-D research towards establishing the scientific basis for future fusion reactors
Contributors: C. Petty *, L. Abadie, T. Abrams, J. Ahn, T. Akiyama, P. Aleynikov, J. Allcock, E. Allen
2019 journal article
Dependence on plasma shape and plasma fueling for small edge-localized mode regimes in TCV and ASDEX Upgrade
Nuclear Fusion, 59(8).
Contributors: B. Labit *, T. Eich *, G. Harrer *, E. Wolfrum *, M. Bernert *, M. Dunne *, L. Frassinetti, P. Hennequin *
2019 journal article
Development of Real-Time Software for Thomson Scattering Analysis at NSTX-U
Fusion Science and Technology, 75(8), 835–840.
Contributors: R. Rozenblat *, E. Kolemen *, * , C. Freeman *, G. Tchilinguirian *, P. Sichta*, G. Zimmer*
2019 journal article
Divertor currents during type-I edge-localized modes on the DIII-D tokamak
Nuclear Fusion, 59(12), 126020.
Contributors: M. Knolker *, T. Evans *, A. Wingen *, A. Bortolon *, * , R. Moyer *, R. Nazikian *, H. Zohm *
2019 journal article
Dynamics of the pedestal transport during edge localized mode cycles at ASDEX Upgrade
Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion, 62(2).
Contributors: M. Willensdorfer *, E. Viezzer *, M. Cavedon *, P. Cano-Megias *, E. Fable *, E. Wolfrum *, D. Cruz-Zabala *, P. David *
2019 journal article
High fusion performance in Super H-mode experiments on Alcator C-Mod and DIII-D
Nuclear Fusion, 59(8).
Contributors: P. Snyder *, J. Hughes *, T. Osborne*, C. Paz-Soldan *, W. Solomon *, M. Knolker *, D. Eldon *, T. Evans *
2019 journal article
Inter-ELM pedestal localized fluctuations in tokamaks: Summary of multi-machine observations
Nuclear Materials and Engergy, 19, 479–486.
Contributors: , A. Diallo *, M. Cavedon * & E. Kolemen * *
2019 journal article
Observation of divertor currents during type-I ELMs on the DIII-D tokamak
Nuclear Materials and Energy, 18, 222–226.
Contributors: M. Knolker *, T. Evans *, A. Wingen *, A. Bortolon *, C. Chrystal *, * , R. Moyer *, R. Nazikian *, H. Zohm *
2019 journal article
On the ion and electron temperature recovery after the ELM-crash at ASDEX upgrade
Nuclear Materials and Energy, 18, 275–280.
Contributors: M. Cavedon *, R. Dux *, T. Pütterich *, E. Viezzer *, E. Wolfrum *, M. Dunne *, E. Fable *, R. Fischer *
2019 journal article
Overview of physics studies on ASDEX Upgrade
Nuclear Fusion, 59(11).
Contributors: H. Meyer *, C. Angioni *, C. Albert *, N. Arden*, R. Arredondo Parra, O. Asunta *, M. De Baar*, M. Balden *
2019 journal article
Setting the H-mode pedestal structure: Variations of particle source location using gas puff and pellet fueling
Nuclear Fusion, 60(4), 046003.
Contributors: A. Nelson *, * , R. Groebner *, B. Grierson *, O. Izacard *, D. Eldon *, M. Shafer *, A. Leonard *
2018 journal article
Effects of density gradients and fluctuations at the plasma edge on ECEI measurements at ASDEX Upgrade
Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion, 60(4), 045002.
Contributors: B. Vanovac *, E. Wolfrum *, S. Denk *, F. Mink *, * , G. Birkenmeier *, M. Willensdorfer *, E. Viezzer *
2018 journal article
Parameter dependences of small edge localized modes (ELMs)
Nuclear Fusion, 58(11).
Contributors: G. Harrer *, E. Wolfrum *, M. Dunne *, P. Manz *, M. Cavedon *, P. Lang *, B. Kurzan*, T. Eich *
2018 journal article
Plasma shaping and its impact on the pedestal of ASDEX Upgrade: edge stability and inter-ELM dynamics at varied triangularity
Nuclear Fusion, 58(4), 046008.
Contributors: T. Asdex Upgrade Team, , E. Wolfrum *, M. Cavedon *, M. Dunne *, G. Birkenmeier *, R. Fischer *, M. Willensdorfer *, F. Aumayr * *
2017 journal article
Divertor, scrape-off layer and pedestal particle dynamics in the ELM cycle on ASDEX Upgrade
Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion, 60(2), 025002.
Contributors: , S. Keerl*, J. Gnilsen*, E. Wolfrum *, M. Bernert *, D. Carralero *, L. Guimarais *, V. Nikolaeva * *
2017 journal article
Experiments on transient melting of tungsten by ELMs in ASDEX Upgrade
Nuclear Fusion, 58(2), 026024.
Contributors: K. Krieger *, M. Balden *, J. Coenen *, * , G. Matthews*, D. Nille*, V. Rohde *, B. Sieglin *
2017 conference paper
Investigation of transient melting of tungsten by ELMs in ASDEX Upgrade
Physica Scripta, 2017(T170), 014030.
Contributors: K. Krieger *, B. Sieglin*, M. Balden *, J. Coenen *, B. Göths*, * , P. De Marne*, G. Matthews*
2017 journal article
Ion heat transport dynamics during edge localized mode cycles at ASDEX Upgrade
Nuclear Fusion, 58(2), 026031.
Contributors: T. Asdex Upgrade Team, E. Viezzer *, M. Cavedon *, E. Fable *, * , R. McDermott *, J. Galdon-Quiroga *, M. Dunne *
2017 journal article
Nonlinear coupling induced toroidal structure of edge localized modes
Nuclear Fusion, 58(2).
Contributors: A. Mink*, M. Hoelzl *, E. Wolfrum *, F. Orain *, M. Dunne *, A. Lessig*, S. Pamela*, P. Manz *
2017 journal article
Overview of ASDEX upgrade results
Nuclear Fusion, 57(10).
Contributors: D. Aguiam, L. Aho-Mantila, C. Angioni *, N. Arden, R. Arredondo Parra, O. Asunta, M. De Baar, M. Balden
2017 journal article
Overview of progress in European medium sized tokamaks towards an integrated plasma-edge/wall solution
Nuclear Fusion, 57(10).
Contributors: H. Meyer *, T. Eich *, M. Beurskens *, S. Coda *, A. Hakola *, P. Martin, J. Adamek *, M. Agostini
2017 journal article
Pedestal andErprofile evolution during an edge localized mode cycle at ASDEX Upgrade
Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion, 59(10), 105007.
Contributors: T. Asdex Upgrade Team, M. Cavedon *, T. Pütterich *, E. Viezzer *, * , A. Burckhart *, M. Dunne *, R. Fischer *
2017 journal article
Pedestal structure and inter-ELM evolution for different main ion species in ASDEX Upgrade
Physics of Plasmas, 24(5).
Contributors: , E. Wolfrum *, M. Cavedon *, F. Mink *, M. Bernert *, M. Dunne *, P. Schneider *, A. Kappatou * *
2016 journal article
A compact lithium pellet injector for tokamak pedestal studies in ASDEX Upgrade
Review of Scientific Instruments, 87(2).
Contributors: R. Arredondo Parra, R. Moreno Quicios*, B. Ploeckl *, G. Birkenmeier *, A. Herrmann *, G. Kocsis *, * , P. Lang *
2016 journal article
A study on the density shoulder formation in the SOL of H-mode plasmas
Nuclear Materials and Energy, 12, 1189–1193.
Contributors: D. Carralero *, J. Madsen *, S. Artene*, M. Bernert *, G. Birkenmeier *,