Works (5)
2020 journal article
Gene expression networks in the Drosophila Genetic Reference Panel
GENOME RESEARCH, 30(3), 485–496.

2020 journal article
Leveraging Multiple Layers of Data To Predict Drosophila Complex Traits
G3-GENES GENOMES GENETICS, 10(12), 4599–4613.
Contributors: W. Huang n, P. Sørensen *, C. Maltecca n & T. Mackay n n,

2019 journal article
Systems genetics of the Drosophila metabolome
GENOME RESEARCH, 30(3), 392–405.

2015 journal article
Genetic Architecture of Micro-Environmental Plasticity in Drosophila melanogaster
Scientific Reports, 5(1).
Contributors: P. Sørensen *, D. Sorensen *, C. Maltecca* & T. Mackay * *,

journal article
Genetic control of environmental variation of two quantitative traits of Drosophila melanogaster revealed by whole-genome sequencing
Sorensen, P., Campos, G., Morgante, F., Mackay, T. F. C., & Sorensen, D. Genetics, 201(2), 487-.