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Works (144)
2022 journal article
Sesquiterpene Induction by the Balsam Woolly Adelgid (Adelges piceae) in Putatively Resistant Fraser Fir (Abies fraseri)
FORESTS, 13(5).

2020 journal article
A fast, flexible and inexpensive protocol for DNA and RNA extraction for forest trees

2020 journal article
AssessingMegastigmus specularis(Hymenoptera: Megastigmidae) infestations in a Fraser fir (Abies fraseri(Pursh) Poir.) clonal seed orchard of the southern Appalachians

2020 journal article
Cloning by cuttings in Nordmann fir, Abies nordmanniana: hormonal characteristics in relation crown position, rooting competence, and orthotropism as ramets
NEW FORESTS, 51(5), 781–800.

2019 journal article
Current Advances in Seed Orchard Layouts: Two Case Studies in Conifers
FORESTS, 10(2).

2019 journal article
Presence of Phytophthora species in Swedish Christmas tree plantations
2019 journal article
Resistance to Phytophthora cinnamomi in American Chestnut (Castanea dentata) Backcross Populations that Descended from Two Chinese Chestnut (Castanea mollissima) Sources of Resistance
PLANT DISEASE, 103(7), 1631–1641.

2018 journal article
Genetic Variation for Resistance to Phytophthora Root Rot in Eastern White Pine Seedlings
FORESTS, 9(4).
2018 journal article
Ortet Age and Clonal Effects on Growth and Market Value of Fraser Fir (Abies fraseri) Grafts as Christmas Trees
FORESTS, 9(4).
2018 journal article
Pathogenicity of Neonectria fuckeliana on Norway Spruce Clones in Sweden and Potential Management Strategies
FORESTS, 9(3).
2017 journal article
Effect of different headspace concentrations of bornyl acetate on fecundity ofgreen peach aphid and balsam woolly adelgid

2017 journal article
Response of Turkish and Trojan fir to Phytophthora cinnamomi and P. cryptogea
Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research, 32(5), 406–411.
2016 journal article
Fraser fir somatic embryogenesis: high frequency initiation, maintenance, embryo development, germination and cryopreservation
NEW FORESTS, 47(3), 453–480.

2016 journal article
Increased diversity of Phytophthora species in Fraser fir Christmas tree plantations in the Southern Appalachians
Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research, 32(5), 412–420.
2016 journal article
Physico-Chemical Responses of Fraser Fir Induced by Balsam Woolly Adelgid (Homoptera: Adelgidae) Infestation

2016 journal article
Variation in needle and cone characteristics and seed germination ability of Abies bornmuelleriana and Abies equi-trojani populations from Turkey
Turkish Journal of Agriculture and Forestry, 40(2), 169–176.

2015 journal article
Comparison of Suspended Branch and Direct Infestation Techniques for Artificially Infesting Hemlock Seedlings with the Hemlock Woolly Adelgid for Resistance Screening
FORESTS, 6(6), 2066–2081.

2013 journal article
Genetic variation in resistance to Phytophthora cinnamomi in seedlings of two Turkish Abies species
2013 journal article
Hemlock woolly adelgid (Adelges tsugae) infestation affects water and carbon relations of eastern hemlock (Tsuga canadensis) and Carolina hemlock (Tsuga caroliniana)
New Phytologist, 199(2), 452–463.

2012 journal article
Seedling resistance to Phytophthora cinnamomi in the genus Abies
Annals of Forest Science, 69(7), 805–812.

2011 journal article
Grafting fraser fir (Abies fraseri): Effect of scion origin (crown position and branch order)
HortScience, 46(1), 91–94.
2011 journal article
Two novel techniques to screen Abies seedlings for resistance to the balsam woolly adelgid, Adelges piceae
Journal of Insect Science (Tucson, AZ), 11.
2010 conference paper
Ex situ seed collection represents genetic variation present in natural stands of Carolina hemlock
Proceedings of the Fifth Symposium on Hemlock Woolly Adelgid in the Eastern United States, 181–190.
2010 journal article
Grafting Fraser fir (Abies fraseri): Effect of grafting date, shade, and irrigation
HortScience, 45(4), 617–620.
2009 journal article
Embryogenic tissue initiation and somatic embryogenesis in Fraser fir (Abies fraseir [Pursh] Poir.)

2009 journal article
Evolutionary history of two endemic Appalachian conifers revealed using microsatellite markers
Conservation Genetics, 11(4), 1499–1513.

2009 journal article
Naphthaleneacetic acid reduces leader growth of Fraser fir Christmas trees
HortScience, 44(2), 345–348.
2009 journal article
Polymerase chain reaction of template for massively-parallel pyrosequencing
Journal of Biomolecular Techniques, 20(2), 128–134.
2008 journal article
Genetic variation and population structure in Fraser fir (Abies fraseri): a microsatellite assessment of young trees
Canadian Journal of Forest Research, 38(8), 2128–2137.
Contributors: K. Potter n , n, S. Josserand n & C. Nelson n

2008 journal article
Genetic variation in early growth and bud production among natural populations of fraser fir
HortScience, 43(3), 661–666.
2008 journal article
Infestation Rate of Hemlock Woolly Adelgid (Hemiptera: Adelgidae) Among Three North American Hemlock (Tsuga) Species Following Artificial Inoculation

2008 journal article
Preliminary findings: analysis of carbon storage in Fraser fir plantations
Limbs & Needles, 35(1), 22.
2008 journal article
Top-stop nipper reduces leader growth in fraser fir Christmas trees
HortTechnology, 18(2), 256–260.
2008 journal article
Using a bud volume index with the top-stop nipper to control leader growth of Fraser fir Christmas trees
HortTechnology, 18(4), 583–587.
2007 journal article
Arboles de navidad en Carolina del Norte, EUA
Boletin De Noticias Camcore Para Mexico y Centroamerica, 1(3), 2–5.
2007 journal article
Chemical control of leader growth: North Carolina results
American Christmas Tree Journal, 51(2), 20–21.
2007 conference paper
Genetic Variation in the Economic Value of Fraser Fir (Abies fraseri) Christmas Trees in North Carolina, USA
Eighth International Christmas Tree Research & Extension Conference IUFRO.
2006 journal article
Container type and volume influences adventitious rooting and subsequent field growth of stem cuttings of loblolly pine
Southern Journal of Applied Forestry, 30(3), 123–131.
2006 journal article
Genetic variation of spring frost damage in 3-year-old Fraser fir Christmas tree plantations
HortScience, 41(7), 1531–1536.
2006 journal article
Improving the rooting capacity of stem cuttings of Virginia pine by severe stumping of parent trees
Southern Journal of Applied Forestry, 30(4), 172–181.
2006 journal article
Isolation and characterization of microsatellite markers in Fraser fir (Abies fraseri)
Molecular Ecology Notes, 6(1), 65–68.

2006 conference paper
Low input improvement of Christmas trees
Proceedings, IUFRO Division 2 Joint Conference : low input breeding and genetic conservation of forest tree species : 9-13 October 2006 Antalya Turkey, 60.
2006 journal article
Nipping it in the bud: a new tool for tackling leader growth ... to the Mountinas of North Carolina
American Christmas Tree Journal, 50(2), 21–22.
2006 journal article
Perspectives on Turkey
Limbs & Needles, 33(2), 17–19.
2006 journal article
Perspectives on forestry in Turkey
Sylvanet, 19(1), 13–15.
2006 journal article
Riding high for Christmas tree research at N.C. State University
Friends of the NCSU Arboretum Newsletter, 10(1), 7.
2005 conference paper
An ex situ gene conservation plan for Fraser fir
Proceedings of the 28th Southern Forest Tree Improvement Conference, 148–159.
2005 journal article
Building a better variety of Virginia pine
American Christmas Tree Journal, 49(5), 14–16.
2005 journal article
Chestnut mast (newsletter of the Carolinas Chapter of The American Chestnut Foundation)
Chestnut Mast, 6(1).
2005 journal article
Exotic fir research in North Carolina
Nova Scotia Christmas Tree Journal, 19(3), 5–10.
2005 conference paper
Fraser fir population size and pollen dispersal: a landscape genetics model
20th Annual Symposium for the US Regional Chapter of the International Association for Landscape Ecology.
2005 journal article
Genetic improvement of Virginia pine (Pinus virginiana Mill.) for Christmas tree production
Forest Genetics, 11, 137–147.
2005 conference paper
Genetic variation in young Fraser fir progeny tests
Proceedings of the 28th Southern Forest Tree Improvement Conference, 115–117.
2005 conference paper
Impacts of balsam woolly adelgid on the Southern Appalachian spruce-fir ecosystem and the North Carolina Christmas Tree Industry
Third Symposium on Hemlock Woolly Adelgid in the Eastern United States, February 1-3, 2005, Renaissance Asheville Hotel, Asheville, North Carolina, 25–41. USFS Forest Health Technology Enterprise Team.
2005 journal article
Mist level influences vapor pressure deficit and gas exchange during rooting of juvenile stem cuttings of loblolly pine
HortScience, 40(5), 1448–1456.
2005 journal article
My trip to Germany
Limbs & Needles, 32(2), 7–9.
2005 article
NMR studies on Fraser fir Abies fraseri (Pursh) Poir. Lignins (vol 59, 488, 2005)
HOLZFORSCHUNG, Vol. 59, pp. 706–706.
2005 conference paper
Seedling resistance to Phytophthora cinammomi in the Genus Abies
Proceedings of the 28th Southern Forest Tree Improvement Conference, 146–147.
2005 journal article
Stumping height, crown position, and age of parent tree influence rooting of stem cuttings of fraser fir
HortScience, 40(3), 771–777.
2005 journal article
Vegetative propagation of mature eastern and Carolina hemlocks by rooted softwood cuttings
HortScience, 40(5), 1469–1473.
2004 conference paper
Cloned genotypes are more efficient than seedlings for indirect selection
In B. Li & S. McKeand (Eds.), Forest Genetics and Tree Breeding in the Age of Genomics: Progress and Future, IUFRO Joint Conference of Division 2, Conference Proceedings (p. 465).
Ed(s): B. Li & S. McKeand
2004 article
Efficiency of clones versus seedlings for correlated response of wood density
IEG-40 Meeting.
2004 journal article
Efficiency of seedlings and rooted cuttings for testing and selection in Pinus taeda
Forest Science, 50(1), 44–53.
2004 journal article
Exotic fir research in North Carolina
Exotic Conifer News, 14(2), 5–8.
2004 webpage
FOR 490/601/801 NR 601 Class Web site
2004 journal article
Genetic improvement of Pinus virginiana Mill. for Christmas tree production
Forest Genetics, 11(2), 139.
2004 journal article
Growth stage, auxin type, and concentration influence rooting Virginia pine stem cuttings
HortScience, 39(6), 1392–1396.
2004 journal article
Mist, substrate water potential and cutting water potential influence rooting of stem cuttings of loblolly pine
TREE PHYSIOLOGY, 24(7), 823–831.

2004 journal article
Phytophthora root rot mortality in fraser fir seedlings
HortScience, 39(5), 1025–1026.
2004 conference paper
Proceedings of the 6th International Christmas Tree Research & Extension Conference: September 14-19, 2003, Kanuga Conference Center, Herdersonville, NC
Conference Proceedings.
2004 journal article
The 2003 Fraser fir freshness survey
Limbs & Needles, 31(3), 16–21.
2003 journal article
Book review: Mount Mitchell & the Black Mountains by Timothy Silver
Book review: Mount Mitchell & the Black Mountains by Timothy Silver. Chestnut Mast, 5(2), 4–5.
2003 journal article
Chestnut mast (newsletter of the Carolinas Chapter of The American Chestnut Foundation)
Chestnut Mast, 5(2).
2003 journal article
Estimates of additive, dominance and epistatic genetic variances from a clonally replicated test of loblolly pine
Forest Science, 49(1), 77–88.
2003 journal article
Fraser fir: a 'natural' Christmas tree threatened in its native stands
American Christmas Tree Journal, 47(5), 22–28.
2003 article
Genetic improvement of virginia pine for christmas tree production
Proc. 27th Biennial Southern Forest Tree Improvement Conference, Vol. 27, p. 31.
2003 conference paper
Genetic variation in Fraser fir mortality due to Phytophthora root rot
Proceedings of the 27th Southern Forest Tree Improvement Conference, 72–74. Stillwater, OK: Oklahoma State University- Stillwater.
2003 conference paper
Improving the rooting ability of stem cuttings from Virginia pine and Fraser fir Christmas trees by stumping
Proceedings of the 27th Southern Forest Tree Improvement Conference, 197–200. Stillwater, OK: Oklahoma State University- Stillwater.
2003 journal article
International Christmas Tree Research and Extension Conference
Sylvanet, 17(1), 12–14.
2003 article
Mist, soil water potential, and cutting water potential influence rooting of stem cuttings of loblolly pine

2002 journal article
Christmas tree production in Western Australia
American Christmas Tree Journal, 46(2), 6–9.
2002 journal article
Developing firs adapted to North Carolina: a research overview
Conifer Quarterly, 19(2), 78–79.
2002 journal article
Effects of nursery characteristics on field survival and growth of loblolly pine rooted cuttings
Southern Journal of Applied Forestry, 26(4), 207–213.
2002 journal article
Genetic improvement of Virginia pine planting stock for Christmas tree production in South Carolina
HORTTECHNOLOGY, 12(4), 675–678.

2002 journal article
Grafting Fraser fir onto rootstocks of selected Abies species
HortScience, 37(5), 815–818.
2002 article
Seedling vs clonal testing options for loblolly pine
Proc. of Silviculture and Genetic Impact on Productivity of Southern Pine Forests. IEG-40 Meeting.
2002 journal article
The North Carolina Premium Fraser Fir Seed Cooperative
Limbs & Needles, 29(2), 10–13.
2001 conference paper
Comparison of genetic variances estimated from seedlings and rooted cuttings of the same families of Loblolly pine
Proceedings of the 26th Biennial Southern Forest Tree Improvement Conference, 26, 143–146. Athens, GA : Georgia Center for Continuing Education, the University of Georgia.
2001 conference paper
Effects of three propagation systems on survival and growth of loblolly pine and sweetgum rooted cuttings
Proceedings of the 26th Biennial Southern Forest Tree Improvement Conference (June 26-29, 2001), 26, 29–32. Athens, GA : Georgia Center for Continuing Education, the University of Georgia.
2001 journal article
Genetic improvement of Christmas trees
American Christmas Tree Journal, 48(2), 16–21.
2001 conference paper
North Carolina's Christmas tree genetics program
Proceedings of the 26th Southern Forest Tree Improvement Conference, 94–100.
2001 journal article
Phytophthora diseases in forests
Limbs & Needles, 28(4), 17–20.
2001 journal article
Susceptibility of parent and interspecific F1 hybrid pine trees to tip moth damage in a coastal North Carolina planting

2000 journal article
Alternative fir species field trial series
Limbs & Needles, 27(1), 6–7.
2000 journal article
Early field growth of loblolly pine rooted cuttings and seedlings
Southern Journal of Applied Forestry, 24(2), 98–105.
2000 journal article
Fir species of the world
Bulletin for American Conifer Society Bulletin, 17, 152–155.
2000 journal article
The Danish Christmas industry: implications for the U.S. in production and marketing of real trees.
Proceedings of the ... Society of American Foresters National Convention, (2000), 175–179.
2000 journal article
The Fraser fir progeny test series
Limbs & Needles, 27(3), 8–10.
2000 journal article
Virginia pine progeny test series
Pine Tips: Newsletter of the Eastern NC Christmas Tree Growers Association, 9(3), 7.
1999 journal article
Christmas trees and greenery in Denmark - production and tree improvement
American Christmas Tree Journal, 43(2), 4–11.
1999 journal article
Evaluating alternative fir species for Phytophthora resistance
Limbs & Needles, 26(4), 7–10.
1999 journal article
Nursery rooting and growth of loblolly pine cuttings: effects of rooting solution and full-sib family
Southern Journal of Applied Forestry, 23(2), 108–116.
1999 journal article
Shoot produciton and rooting ability of cuttings from juvenile greenhouse loblolly pine hedges
Transactions of the Illinois State Academy of Science, 92(1), 1–14.
1998 journal article
1998 Fraser fir control pollinations
Limbs & Needles, 25(3), 8–9.
1998 journal article
Appendix - Fraser fir catalyst growth test
Christmas Trees, 26(2), 46–47.
1998 webpage
Christmas Tree Genetics web site
1998 journal article
Fir species of the world
Limbs & Needles, 25(1), 8–28.
1998 journal article
Fraser fir cone collection and seed processing
American Christmas Tree Journal.
1998 journal article
Resistance in fir species to Phytophthora root rot
American Christmas Tree Journal.
1998 journal article
Tissue culture method affects ex vitro growth and development of loblolly pine
New Forests, 16(2), 125–138.
1997 journal article
Clonal Christmas trees
Christmas Trees, 25(1), 18–20.
1997 journal article
Control-pollination of Fraser fir
Limbs & Needles, 24(2), 10–15.
1997 report
Drying rates for Eastern Christmas tree species
In NCSU Christmas Tree Research Note 001.
1997 journal article
Evaluation of six Abies spp. to Phytophthora root rot caused by Phytophthora cinnamomi
Biological and Cultural Tests for Control of Plant Diseases, 13, 57.
1997 journal article
Geographic variation in Fraser fir
Limbs & Needles, 24(1), 6–13.
1997 journal article
Relationship among the Appalachian firs
Limbs & Needles, 24(1), 10–14.
1996 journal article
The tree improvement process
Limbs & Needles, 23(4), 10–14.
1995 conference paper
Clonal variation in four-year-old lobloly pine in coastal North Carolina
Proceedings, 23rd Southern Forest Tree Improvement Conference, June 20-22, 1995, Asheville, North Carolina.
1994 report
Field performance of loblolly and slash pine vegetative propagules (General Technical Report SO-108)
In G. Foster & A. M. Diner (Eds.), Applications of vegetative propagation in forestry : proceedings of the Southern Regional Information Exchange Group Biennial Symposium on Forest Genetics, [held in Huntsville, Alabama, USA on July 8-10, 1992] (pp. 155–121). USDA Forest Service, Southern Forest Experiment Station.
Ed(s): . G. Foster & A. Diner
1994 journal article
Isolation and growth of single genotype axenic cultures of Cronartium quercuum f. sp. fusiforme using hyphal fragments from multi-genotype stock colonies
New Forests, 8(4), 299–308.
1993 chapter
Field testing vegetative propagules
In M. R. Ahuja & W. J. Libby (Eds.), Clonal forestry I: genetics and biotechnology (pp. 110–1349).
Ed(s): . M. R. Ahuja & W. Libby

1992 journal article

1990 journal article
Effect of rehydration on in vitro germination of loblolly pine pollen
Southern Journal of Applied Forestry, 14(1), 48–51.
1989 report
Annual progress reports, special project on tissue culture
Raleigh, NC: Forest Biology Research Center, North Carolina State University.
1989 article

1989 journal article
Nursery rooting of cuttings from seedlings of slash and loblolly pine
Southern Journal of Applied Forestry, 13(3), 127.
1988 report
Effect of light level on the production and rooting of shoots from hedged loblolly pine seedlings
In North Carolina State University Phytotron Report (Vol. 43, p. 37).
1988 report
Serial rooting and maturation in loblolly pine
In North Carolina State University Phytotron Report (Vol. 51, p. 44).
1988 journal article
Tissue culture of conifers using loblolly pine as a model
Genetic Manipulation of Woody Plants, 117–137.
Ed(s): . J. W. Hanover & D. Keathley
1987 report
Characteristics of the root and shoot systems of young loblolly pine propagules
In Supplement to the 1987 Annual Progress Report (p. 47).
1987 journal article
Comparison of field growth among loblolly pine seedlings and three plant types produced in vitro
TAPPI Journal, 7, 114–120.
1987 report
Rooting of fascicular shoots from mature loblolly pine
In North Carolina State University Phytotron Report (Vol. 64, p. 57).
1987 report
Status of vegetative propagation of loblolly pine
In Genetics Shortcourse (Vol. 168, p. 162). U.S. Forest Service, Southern Region.
1986 journal article
Early shoot and root quality effects on nursery and field development of tissue-cultured loblolly pine
HortScience, 21(5), 1185–1186.
1986 conference paper
Field performance of loblolly pine tissue culture plantlets
IUFRO Conference : a joint meeting of working parties on breeding theory, progeny testing, seed orchards : conference proceedings, October 13-17, 1986, Williamsburg, Virginia., 547–553. Raleigh, NC: North Carolina State University-Industry Tree Improvement Program.
1985 conference paper
Development of in vitro techniques for screening loblolly pine for fusiform rust resistance
In J. Barrows-Broaddus & H. R. Powers (Eds.), Proceedings of the 2nd Rusts of Hard Pines Working Party Conference (Athens, GA) (Vol. 2, pp. 125–140). IUFRO and Southeastern Forest Experiment Station.
Ed(s): . J. Barrows-Broaddus & H. Powers
1985 conference paper
Field performance of loblolly pine tissue culture plantlets
Proceedings of the eighteenth southern forest tree improvement conference held at Long Beach, Mississippi on May 21-23, 1985, 136–144.
1985 conference paper
In vitro methods for the study of fusiform rust in association with loblolly pine
In J. Barrows-Broaddus & H. R. Powers (Eds.), Proceedings of the Rusts of Hard Pines Working Party Conference. Southeastern Forest Experiment Station.
Ed(s): . J. Barrows-Broaddus & H. Powers
1985 chapter
Loblolly pine tissue culture: laboratory, greenhouse, and field studies
In K. W. H. R. R. Henke & A. H. M. J. Constantin (Eds.), Tissue culture in forestry and agriculture (pp. 271–287).
Ed(s): K. R. R. Henke & A. M. J. Constantin

1984 conference paper
Performance of tissue culture plantlets of loblolly pine in vivo
In D. K. J. W. Hanover & D. Keathley (Eds.), Proceedings of the International Symposium of Recent Advances in Forest Biotechnology : June 10-13, 1984 : Grand Traverse Resort Village, Traverse City, Michigan (pp. 82–91). Lansing, MI: Michigan Biotechnology Institute.
Ed(s): D. J. W. Hanover & D. Keathley
1983 journal article
Genetic variation in traits important for energy utilization in sand and slash pines
Silvae Genetica, 32, 18–23.
1983 conference paper
Potential of in vitro screening of loblolly pine for fusiform rust resistance
Proceedings of the seventeenth southern forest tree improvement conference , June 7-9, 1983., 325–331.
1982 journal article
Genetic variation in Choctawhatchee sand pine pollen shed and viability
Southern Journal of Applied Forestry, 6, 225–228.
1979 conference paper
Genetic variation in sand and slash pines for energy production in silvicultural biomass plantations
Proceedings of the 15th Southern Forest Tree Improvement Conference, 156–165.