Works (6)
2018 journal article
Improved interpretation of asphalt binder parallel plate dynamic shear rheometer fatigue tests
International Journal of Pavement Engineering, 21(1), 74–87.
2017 journal article
Material nonlinearity in asphalt binder fatigue testing and analysis
Materials & Design, 133, 376–389.
2016 journal article
Linking asphalt binder fatigue to asphalt mixture fatigue performance using viscoelastic continuum damage modeling
Mechanics of Time-Dependent Materials, 20(3), 299–323.
2016 journal article
Temperature effects of linear amplitude sweep testing and analysis
Transportation Research Record, (2574), 92–100.
2014 journal article
Implications of warm-mix asphalt on long-term oxidative ageing and fatigue performance of asphalt binders and mixtures
Road Materials and Pavement Design, 15, 45–61.
2014 conference paper
Investigation of the effect of temperature on asphalt binder fatigue
Investigation of the Effect of Temperature on Asphalt Binder Fatigue. Proceedings of the International Conference on Asphalt Pavements, 1491–1500.