@article{safaei_castorena_2018, title={Improved interpretation of asphalt binder parallel plate dynamic shear rheometer fatigue tests}, volume={21}, ISSN={1029-8436 1477-268X}, url={http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/10298436.2018.1438611}, DOI={10.1080/10298436.2018.1438611}, abstractNote={Abstract The time sweep test, consisting of cyclic, torsional loading in the dynamic shear rheometer (DSR), has been employed for the fatigue characterisation of asphalt binders. The parallel plate geometry imposes radially inhomogeneous strain field, which results in a radial inhomogeneous stress field. Past efforts have inferred fatigue damage in DSR tests based on monitoring the apparent edge stress, which is calculated using linear radial mapping to the total torque. The assumption of linear variation in the shear stress response with radial distance from the specimen centre is erroneous of material or geometric nonlinearities such as cracking. To improve the interpretation of parallel plate fatigue tests, a means to account for the non-linear radial gradient in stress response is derived using simplified viscoelastic continuum damage (S-VECD) modelling. The developed methodology is validated through comparison to cone and plate results where the stress state is uniform. The results demonstrate that the developed methodology allows for accurate determination of S-VECD model coefficients using parallel plate testing alone.}, number={1}, journal={International Journal of Pavement Engineering}, publisher={Informa UK Limited}, author={Safaei, Farinaz and Castorena, Cassie}, year={2018}, month={Feb}, pages={74–87} } @article{safaei_castorena_2017, title={Material nonlinearity in asphalt binder fatigue testing and analysis}, volume={133}, ISSN={0264-1275}, url={http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.matdes.2017.08.010}, DOI={10.1016/j.matdes.2017.08.010}, abstractNote={Fatigue cracking is a primary distress in asphalt pavements caused by the accumulation of damage under repeated traffic loading. Asphalt binder is the weakest constituent of asphalt mixture. Therefore, the inherent fatigue resistance of the asphalt binder contained within the pavement is anticipated to influence pavement performance. The simplified viscoelastic continuum damage (S-VECD) model has been applied to predict fatigue life of asphalt binders under varying loading and thermal conditions using time sweep and linear amplitude sweep (LAS) test results. The majority of past efforts using S-VECD analysis protocol have neglected the effects of material nonlinearity and attributed all material integrity loss to damage for the sake of simplicity. Herein, experimental and analytical methods are evaluated for delineating damage and nonlinearity in fatigue testing of asphalt binder. None of the experimental methods evaluated enabled accurate separation of damage and nonlinearity at the high strain amplitudes included in LAS tests. Therefore, an analytical method using S-VECD modeling was proposed to back calculate nonlinear dynamic shear moduli from LAS test results. Results can be used to generate a nonlinear S-VECD model which allows for improved fatigue life predictions.}, journal={Materials & Design}, publisher={Elsevier BV}, author={Safaei, Farinaz and Castorena, Cassie}, year={2017}, month={Nov}, pages={376–389} } @article{safaei_castorena_kim_2016, title={Linking asphalt binder fatigue to asphalt mixture fatigue performance using viscoelastic continuum damage modeling}, volume={20}, ISSN={1385-2000 1573-2738}, url={http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s11043-016-9304-1}, DOI={10.1007/s11043-016-9304-1}, number={3}, journal={Mechanics of Time-Dependent Materials}, publisher={Springer Science and Business Media LLC}, author={Safaei, Farinaz and Castorena, Cassie and Kim, Y. Richard}, year={2016}, month={Apr}, pages={299–323} } @article{safaei_castorena_2016, title={Temperature effects of linear amplitude sweep testing and analysis}, number={2574}, journal={Transportation Research Record}, author={Safaei, F. and Castorena, C.}, year={2016}, pages={92–100} } @article{safaei_lee_nascimento_hintz_kim_2014, title={Implications of warm-mix asphalt on long-term oxidative ageing and fatigue performance of asphalt binders and mixtures}, volume={15}, journal={Road Materials and Pavement Design}, author={Safaei, F. and Lee, J. S. and Nascimento, L. A. H. and Hintz, C. and Kim, Y. R.}, year={2014}, pages={45–61} } @inproceedings{safaei_hintz_2014, title={Investigation of the effect of temperature on asphalt binder fatigue}, DOI={10.1201/b17219-181}, booktitle={Asphalt Pavements, vols 1 and 2}, author={Safaei, F. and Hintz, C.}, year={2014}, pages={1491–1500} }