Works (27)
2024 journal article
Enterococcal quorum-controlled protease alters phage infection
2022 journal article
Evaluation of Protein Extraction Methods for Metaproteomic Analyses of Root-Associated Microbes

2021 journal article
Activation of the Type VI Secretion System in the Squid Symbiont Vibrio fischeri Requires the Transcriptional Regulator TasR and the Structural Proteins TssM and TssA

2021 review
Five key aspects of metaproteomics as a tool to understand functional interactions in host-associated microbiomes
(D. A. Hogan, Ed.) [Review of ]. PLOS PATHOGENS, 17(2).
Ed(s): D. Hogan

2021 review
Mass spectrometry-based proteomic platforms for better understanding of SARS-CoV-2 induced pathogenesis and potential diagnostic approaches
[Review of ]. PROTEOMICS, 21(10).

2021 journal article
Microbe-dependent heterosis in maize
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 118(30).

2020 journal article
Environmental Viscosity Modulates Interbacterial Killing during Habitat Transition
MBIO, 11(1).

2020 journal article
Mass Spectrometry-Based Identification of Phospho-Tyr in Plant Proteomics
Journal of Proteome Research, 19(2), 561–571.

2020 article
Microbe-dependent heterosis in maize
Wagner, M. R., Tang, C., Salvato, F., Clouse, K. M., Bartlett, A., Sermons, S., … Kleiner, M. (2020, May 7). (Vol. 5). Vol. 5.

2019 journal article
Salt-adaptive strategies in oil seed crop Ricinus communis early seedlings (cotyledon vs. true leaf) revealed from proteomics analysis

2018 journal article
Temporal dynamic responses of roots in contrasting tomato genotypes to cadmium tolerance
Ecotoxicology, 1.

2017 journal article
Comparative proteomic analysis provides insight into the biological role of protein phosphatase inhibitor-2 from Arabidopsis
Journal of Proteomics, 165, 51–60.
2017 journal article
Luxurious Nitrogen Fertilization of Two Sugar Cane Genotypes Contrasting for Lignin Composition Causes Changes in the Stem Proteome Related to Carbon, Nitrogen, and Oxidant Metabolism but Does Not Alter Lignin Content
Journal of Proteome Research, 16(10), 3688–3703.
2017 article
Proteomics for Bioenergy Production
Salvato, F., Santos, B. M., Santana Costa, M. G., & Rodriguez, E. A. G. (Eds.). (2017, June 11). Plant-Based Genetic Tools for Biofuels Production, pp. 103–121.
2017 journal article
The proteome of higher plant mitochondria
Mitochondrion, 33, 22–37.
Contributors: R. Rao *, * , B. Thal*, H. Eubel *, J. Thelen * & I. Møller *

2016 journal article
Proteomic response of the phytopathogen Phyllosticta citricarpa to antimicrobial volatile organic compounds from Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Microbiological Research.
2016 journal article
Quantitative proteomic analysis of Araucaria angustifolia (Bertol.) Kuntze cell lines with contrasting embryogenic potential
Journal of Proteomics, 130, 180–189.
Contributors: A. Santos *, P. Elbl *, B. Navarro *, L. Oliveira *, * , T. Balbuena *, E. Floh *

2015 journal article
Comparative Proteomic Analysis of Developing Rhizomes of the Ancient Vascular PlantEquisetum hyemaleand Different Monocot Species
Journal of Proteome Research, 14(4), 1779–1791.

2014 journal article
A systems-wide comparison of red rice (Oryza longistaminata) tissues identifies rhizome specific genes and proteins that are targets for cultivated rice improvement
BMC Plant Biology, 14(1).
Contributors: R. He*, * , J. Park*, M. Kim *, W. Nelson *, T. Balbuena *, M. Willer*, J. Crow *
2014 journal article
Isolation of Mitochondria from Potato Tubers
2014 journal article
The potato tuber mitochondrial proteome
Plant Physiology, 164(2), 637–653.
Contributors: , J. Havelund *, M. Chen *, R. Shyama Prasad Rao *, A. Rogowska-Wrzesinska *, O. Jensen *, D. Gang *, J. Thelen *, I. Møller * *
2013 journal article
Renal Proteome in Mice with Different Susceptibilities to Fluorosis
PLoS ONE, 8(1), e53261.
Ed(s): L. Martens

2012 journal article
Large-Scale Proteome Comparative Analysis of Developing Rhizomes of the Ancient Vascular Plant Equisetum Hyemale
Frontiers in Plant Science, 3.
2012 article
Strategies for Protein Separation
Salvato, F., Carvalho, M. C., & Lima Leite, A. (2012, February). Integrative Proteomics.

2012 journal article
Thermostable invertases from Paecylomyces variotii produced under submerged and solid-state fermentation using agroindustrial residues
World Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology, 28(2), 463–472.
2010 journal article
Methods and strategies in proteomics and their applications in plants | Métodos e estratégias em proteômica e suas aplicações na área vegetal
Ciencia Rural, 40(3), 727–734.
2010 journal article
Métodos e estratégias em proteômica e suas aplicações na área vegetal
Ciência Rural, 40(3), 727–734.
Updated: October 31st, 2017 08:17
2014 - present
2011 - 2013
Updated: April 14th, 2017 09:03
2005 - 2010
2000 - 2005