Works (136)
2024 article
Overcoming the effects of fluid shear stress in ovarian cancer cell lines: Doxorubicin alone or photodynamic priming to target platinum resistance
Overchuk, M., Rickard, B. P., Tulino, J., Tan, X., Ligler, F. S., Huang, H.-C., & Rizvi, I. (2024, June 7). PHOTOCHEMISTRY AND PHOTOBIOLOGY, Vol. 6.

2024 journal article
Surgical procedure of intratympanic injection and inner ear pharmacokinetics simulation in domestic pigs
Frontiers in Pharmacology, 15.

2023 journal article
Assessment of drug permeability through an ex vivo porcine round window membrane model
ISCIENCE, 26(6).

2023 journal article
Development of a light emitting device for the treatment of peritoneal car- cinomatosis of ovarian origin by intracavitary photodynamic therapy

2023 journal article
Exposure to select PFAS and PFAS mixtures alters response to platinum-based chemotherapy in endometrial cancer cell lines
Environmental Health, 22(1).

2023 journal article
Low-rate smartphone videoscopy for microsecond luminescence lifetime imaging with machine learning
PNAS NEXUS, 2(10).
Ed(s): R. Reis

2023 journal article
Targeted PDT Combinations to Overcome Fluid Shear Stress-induced Plat- inum Resistance in Ovarian Cancer

2023 journal article
Tissue clearing and three-dimensional imaging of the whole cochlea and vestibular system from multiple large-animal models

2022 article
Bioinstructive implantable scaffolds for rapid in vivo manufacture and release of CAR-T cells
Agarwalla, P., Ogunnaike, E. A., Ahn, S., Froehlich, K. A., Jansson, A., Ligler, F. S., … Brudno, Y. (2022, March 24). NATURE BIOTECHNOLOGY, Vol. 3.

2022 journal article
Flexible sensor patch for continuous carbon dioxide monitoring
2022 journal article
Multilayer microfluidic platform for the study of luminal, transmural, and interstitial flow

2022 journal article
Ontogeny of cellular organization and LGR5 expression in porcine cochlea revealed using tissue clearing and 3D imaging
ISCIENCE, 25(8).

2021 article
Enhancement of Bone Regeneration Through the Converse Piezoelectric Effect, A Novel Approach for Applying Mechanical Stimulation
Carter, A., Popowski, K., Cheng, K., Greenbaum, A., Ligler, F. S., & Moatti, A. (2021, September 24). BIOELECTRICITY, Vol. 9.

2021 journal article
Fibrin gel enhances the antitumor effects of chimeric antigen receptor T cells in glioblastoma

2021 journal article
Microphysiological System for High-Throughput Computer Vision Measurement of Microtissue Contraction
ACS SENSORS, 6(3), 985–994.

2021 review
Review of analytical performance of COVID-19 detection methods

2021 journal article
Synthesis of sonicated fibrin nanoparticles that modulate fibrin clot polymerization and enhance angiogenic responses
Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces, 204, 111805.

2020 journal article
Cardiac Stromal Cell Patch Integrated with Engineered Microvessels Improves Recovery from Myocardial Infarction in Rats and Pigs

2020 journal article
High-Throughput Manufacture of 3D Fiber Scaffolds for Regenerative Medicine

2020 journal article
Microfluidics for the study of mechanotransduction

2020 journal article
Scaffold-Mediated Static Transduction of T Cells for CAR-T Cell Therapy

2020 journal article
Three-dimensional imaging of intact porcine cochlea using tissue clearing and custom-built light-sheet microscopy

2019 journal article
Biomimetics: Platelet-Inspired Nanocells for Targeted Heart Repair After Ischemia/Reperfusion Injury (Adv. Funct. Mater. 4/2019)
Advanced Functional Materials, 29(4), 1970019.

2019 journal article
Characterization of glass frit capillary pumps for microfluidic devices

2019 journal article
Fibrin Nanoparticles Coupled with Keratinocyte Growth Factor Enhance the Dermal Wound-Healing Rate
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 11(4), 3771–3780.

2019 journal article
Lighting Up Biosensors: Now and the Decade To Come
ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY, 91(14), 8732–8738.

2019 journal article
Paper-based passive pumps to generate controllable whole blood flow through microfluidic devices
LAB ON A CHIP, 19(22), 3787–3795.

2019 journal article
Photothermal Therapy Promotes Tumor Infiltration and Antitumor Activity of CAR T Cells

2019 journal article
Platelet-Inspired Nanocells for Targeted Heart Repair After Ischemia/Reperfusion Injury

2018 journal article
Cardiac Stem Cell Patch Integrated with Microengineered Blood Vessels Promotes Cardiomyocyte Proliferation and Neovascularization after Acute Myocardial Infarction

2018 article
TECHNOLOGY AND INNOVATION, Vol. 19, pp. 645–651.

2017 journal article
Hypoxia and H2O2 Dual-Sensitive Vesicles for Enhanced Glucose-Responsive Insulin Delivery
NANO LETTERS, 17(2), 733–739.

2017 journal article
Leveraging H2O2 Levels for Biomedical Applications
Advanced Biosystems, 1(9), 1700084.

2017 journal article
Microfabricated blood vessels undergo neoangiogenesis
BIOMATERIALS, 138, 142–152.

2017 journal article
Modular pumps as programmable hydraulic batteries for microfluidic devices
TECHNOLOGY, 5(1), 21–30.

2017 journal article
Synthetic beta cells for fusion-mediated dynamic insulin secretion
Nature Chemical Biology, 14(1), 86–93.
2017 journal article
Time-Dependent Model for Fluid Flow in Porous Materials with Multiple Pore Sizes
Analytical Chemistry, 89(8), 4377–4381.

2017 journal article
“Data characterizing microfabricated human blood vessels created via hydrodynamic focusing”
“Data characterizing microfabricated human blood vessels created via hydrodynamic focusing.” Data in Brief, 14, 156–162.

2016 journal article
Evanescent wave fluorescence biosensors: Advances of the last decade
Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 76, 103–112.

2016 journal article
Mechanical and Vascular Cues Synergistically Enhance Osteogenesis in Human Mesenchymal Stem Cells
TISSUE ENGINEERING PART A, 22(15-16), 997–1005.
Contributors: A. Steward n, J. Cole n , n & E. Loboa n

2016 journal article
Microvessel manifold for perfusion and media exchange in three-dimensional cell cultures
Biomicrofluidics, 10(5), 054109.

2016 journal article
Nanosecond Time-Resolution Study of Gold Nanorod Rotation at the Liquid-Solid Interface
CHEMPHYSCHEM, 17(14), 2218–2224.

2016 journal article
Point-of-care diagnostics for niche applications
Biotechnology Advances, 34(3), 161–176.

2016 journal article
Signal amplification strategies for microfluidic immunoassays
TrAC Trends in Analytical Chemistry, 79, 326–334.

2015 journal article
A dual wavelength-activatable gold nanorod complex for synergistic cancer treatment
NANOSCALE, 7(28), 12096–12103.
Contributors: D. Pacardo n, B. Neupane n, S. Rikard n, Y. Lu n, R. Mo n, S. Mishra n, J. Tracy n , G. Wang n, n, Z. Gu n

2015 journal article
A temperature microsensor for measuring laser-induced heating in gold nanorods

2015 journal article
Continuous-wave stimulated emission depletion microscope for imaging actin cytoskeleton in fixed and live cells
Sensors (Basel, Switzerland), 15(9), 24178–24190.
2015 journal article
Microfluidic strategies for design and assembly of microfibers and nanofibers with tissue engineering and regenerative medicine applications
Advanced Healthcare Materials, 4(1).
2015 journal article
Microfluidics: Microfluidic Strategies for Design and Assembly of Microfibers and Nanofibers with Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine Applications (Adv. Healthcare Mater. 1/2015)
Advanced Healthcare Materials, 4(1), 2–2.
2015 journal article
Microneedle-array patches loaded with hypoxia-sensitive vesicles provide fast glucose-responsive insulin delivery

2015 review
Programmable nanomedicine: synergistic and sequential drug delivery systems
[Review of ]. NANOSCALE, 7(8), 3381–3391.

2015 journal article
The Scope of Analytical Chemistry
Analytical Chemistry, 87(13), 6425–6425.
2015 journal article
Transformable liquid-metal nanomedicine

2014 journal article
3D hydrodynamic focusing microfluidics for emerging sensing technologies
Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 67, 25–34.

2014 journal article
Facile Fabrication of Color Tunable Film and Fiber Nanocomposites via Thiol Click Chemistry
MACROMOLECULES, 47(2), 695–704.
2014 journal article
Microfluidic Fabrication of Polymeric and Biohybrid Fibers with Predesigned Size and Shape

2014 journal article
Microfluidic Strategies for Design and Assembly of Microfibers and Nanofibers with Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine Applications
Advanced Healthcare Materials, 4(1), 11–28.

2014 journal article
Microfluidic fabrication of multiaxial microvessels via hydrodynamic shaping
RSC Adv., 4(45), 23440–23446.

2014 review
Review of recent developments in stimulated emission depletion microscopy: Applications on cell imaging
[Review of ]. Journal of Biomedical Optics, 19(8).
2014 journal article
Self-folded redox/acid dual-responsive nanocarriers for anticancer drug delivery
CHEMICAL COMMUNICATIONS, 50(95), 15105–15108.

2014 journal article
Small-Molecule Detection in Thiol-Yne Nanocomposites via Surface-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy
ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY, 86(24), 12315–12320.

2013 journal article
Automated processing integrated with a microflow cytometer for pathogen detection in clinical matrices
Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 40(1), 10–16.

2013 journal article
Catch and Release: Integrated System for Multiplexed Detection of Bacteria
Analytical Chemistry, 85(10), 4944–4950.
2013 article
Chemical and biological detection
CHEMICAL SOCIETY REVIEWS, Vol. 42, pp. 8581–8583.
2013 journal article
Design and fabrication of uniquely shaped thiol–ene microfibers using a two-stage hydrodynamic focusing design
Lab on a Chip, 13(15), 3105.
2013 journal article
Interpenetrating networks based on gelatin methacrylamide and PEG formed using concurrent thiol click chemistries for hydrogel tissue engineering scaffolds
Biomaterials, 35(6), 1845–1856.
2013 journal article
Microfabrication: Rapid and Continuous Hydrodynamically Controlled Fabrication of Biohybrid Microfibers (Adv. Funct. Mater. 6/2013)
Advanced Functional Materials, 23(6), 697–697.
2013 article
Nanomaterials in Analytical Chemistry
Ligler, F. S., & White, H. S. (2013, December 3). ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY, Vol. 85, pp. 11161–11162.
2013 journal article
Simultaneous assay for ten bacteria and toxins in spiked clinical samples using a microflow cytometer
Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, 405(16), 5611–5614.
2012 journal article
Hydrodynamic Shaping, Polymerization, and Subsequent Modification of Thiol Click Fibers
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 5(1), 114–119.
2012 journal article
Hydrodynamic focusing for impedance-based detection of specifically bound microparticles and cells: Implications of fluid dynamics on tunable sensitivity
Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, 166-167, 386–393.
2012 journal article
Hydrodynamically directed multiscale assembly of shaped polymer fibers
Soft Matter, 8(24), 6656.
2012 journal article
Rapid and Continuous Hydrodynamically Controlled Fabrication of Biohybrid Microfibers
Advanced Functional Materials, 23(6), 698–704.
2012 journal article
Spinning magnetic trap for automated microfluidic assay systems
Lab on a Chip, 12(10), 1793.
2011 journal article
Erratum to: Hydrodynamic and electrical considerations in the design of a four-electrode impedance-based microfluidic device
Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, 400(9), 3177–3177.

2011 journal article
Hydrodynamic and electrical considerations in the design of a four-electrode impedance-based microfluidic device
Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, 400(5), 1347–1358.

2011 journal article
Hydrodynamic focusing—a versatile tool
Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, 402(1), 325–335.
2011 journal article
In SituPhytoplankton Analysis: There’s Plenty of Room at the Bottom
Analytical Chemistry, 84(2), 839–850.
2011 journal article
Microflow Cytometer for optical analysis of phytoplankton
Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 26(11), 4263–4269.

2011 journal article
Optimization of antibody-conjugated magnetic nanoparticles for target preconcentration and immunoassays
Analytical Biochemistry, 410(1), 124–132.
2011 journal article
Optofluidic characterization of marine algae using a microflow cytometer
Biomicrofluidics, 5(3), 032009.

2011 journal article
Parameters affecting the shape of a hydrodynamically focused stream
Microfluidics and Nanofluidics, 11(2), 119–128.
2011 journal article
UV polymerization of hydrodynamically shaped fibers
Lab on a Chip, 11(6), 1157.
2010 journal article
A hard microflow cytometer using groove-generated sheath flow for multiplexed bead and cell assays
Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, 398(5), 1871–1881.
2010 journal article
Dynamic reversibility of hydrodynamic focusing for recycling sheath fluid
Lab on a Chip, 10(15), 1952.
2010 journal article
Effect of diffusion on impedance measurements in a hydrodynamic flow focusing sensor
Lab on a Chip, 10(20), 2787.
2010 journal article
Hydrodynamic focusing of conducting fluids for conductivity-based biosensors
Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 25(6), 1363–1369.

2010 journal article
Iron chelation by cranberry juice and its impact on Escherichia coli growth
BioFactors, 37(2), 121–130.
2010 journal article
Multiplexed magnetic microsphere immunoassays for detection of pathogens in foods
Sensing and Instrumentation for Food Quality and Safety, 4(2), 73–81.
2010 journal article
Utilization of microparticles in next-generation assays for microflow cytometers
Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, 398(6), 2373–2382.
2009 journal article
A simple sheath-flow microfluidic device for micro/nanomanufacturing: fabrication of hydrodynamically shaped polymer fibers
Lab on a Chip, 9(21), 3126.
2009 book review
Common and uncommon sense for sensingIntegrated Analytical Systems, R. Poryrailo (Ed.), Springer (2009)
[Review of Common and uncommon sense for sensing Integrated Analytical Systems, R. Poryrailo (Ed.), Springer (2009), by R. Poryrailo]. Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 25(2), 537.
2009 journal article
Multi-wavelength microflow cytometer using groove-generated sheath flow
Lab on a Chip, 9(13), 1942.

2009 journal article
Multiplexed Detection of Bacteria and Toxins Using a Microflow Cytometer
Analytical Chemistry, 81(13), 5426–5432.
2009 journal article
Organic Photodiodes for Biosensor Miniaturization
Analytical Chemistry, 81(9), 3455–3461.
2009 journal article
Perspective on Optical Biosensors and Integrated Sensor Systems
Analytical Chemistry, 81(2), 519–526.
2008 journal article
A Parametric Study of Sample Lysis and DNA Purification Techniques for Use in Automated Devices
Analytical Letters, 41(10), 1701–1719.
2008 journal article
A combinatorial approach to microfluidic mixing
Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, 18(11), 115019.
2008 journal article
Home diagnostics to music
Nature, 456(7219), 178–179.
2008 journal article
Immobilized Proanthocyanidins for the Capture of Bacterial Lipopolysaccharides
Analytical Chemistry, 80(6), 2113–2117.
2008 journal article
Impact of cranberry on Escherichia coli cellular surface characteristics
Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 377(3), 992–994.
2008 journal article
The good, the bad, and the tiny: a review of microflow cytometry
Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, 391(5), 1485–1498.
2008 journal article
Two simple and rugged designs for creating microfluidic sheath flow
Lab on a Chip, 8(7), 1097.
2007 journal article
Antimicrobial peptides as new recognition molecules for screening challenging species
Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, 121(1), 150–157.

2007 journal article
Automated module for hybridization and staining of commercially produced nucleic acid microarrays
Microfluidics and Nanofluidics, 3(5), 623–628.
2007 journal article
Binding and Neutralization of Lipopolysaccharides by Plant Proanthocyanidins
Journal of Natural Products, 70(11), 1718–1724.
2007 journal article
Blind Laboratory Trials for Multiple Pathogens in Spiked Food Matrices
Analytical Letters, 40(17), 3219–3231.
2007 journal article
Combination of Immunosensor Detection with Viability Testing and Confirmation Using the Polymerase Chain Reaction and Culture
Analytical Chemistry, 79(1), 140–146.
2007 journal article
Incorporation of18Oxygen into Peptide Mixtures and Analysis with Multi‐Dimensional Chromatography and Mass‐Spectroscopy
Analytical Letters, 40(10), 1864–1878.
2007 journal article
Laser ablation of micropores for formation of artificial planar lipid bilayers
Biomedical Microdevices, 9(6), 863–868.
2007 journal article
Target delivery in a microfluidic immunosensor
Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 22(11), 2763–2767.

2006 journal article
982: A Multianalyte Biosensor for Bladder Cancer Diagnostics
Journal of Urology, 175(4S), 316–317.
2006 journal article
A cowpea mosaic virus nanoscaffold for multiplexed antibody conjugation: Application as an immunoassay tracer
Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 21(8), 1668–1673.
2006 journal article
Antimicrobial peptide-based array for Escherichia coli and Salmonella screening
Analytica Chimica Acta, 575(1), 9–15.
2006 journal article
Detection of Deoxynivalenol in Foods and Indoor Air Using an Array Biosensor
Environmental Science & Technology, 40(7), 2352–2356.
2006 journal article
Detection of bacterial toxins with monosaccharide arrays
Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 21(7), 1195–1201.
2006 journal article
Diagnosis on disc
Nature, 440(7081), 159–160.
2006 journal article
Multiplexed measurement of serum antibodies using an array biosensor
Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 21(10), 1880–1886.

2006 journal article
Point-of-care biosensor systems for cancer diagnostics/prognostics
Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 21(10), 1932–1942.
2006 journal article
Prevention of Nonspecific Bacterial Cell Adhesion in Immunoassays by Use of Cranberry Juice
Analytical Chemistry, 78(3), 853–857.
2006 journal article
Rapid detection of foodborne contaminants using an Array Biosensor
Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, 113(2), 599–607.
2006 journal article
Simultaneous determination of kinetic parameters for the binding of cholera toxin to immobilized sialic acid and monoclonal antibody using an array biosensor
Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 22(1), 124–130.
2006 journal article
The beadwhacker for maintaining even dispersion of micron-sized beads
Measurement Science and Technology, 18(1), N1–N4.
2006 journal article
Toolbox for the design of optimized microfluidic components
Lab on a Chip, 6(4), 540.
2005 journal article
A microfluidic mixer with grooves placed on the top and bottom of the channel
Lab on a Chip, 5(5), 524.
2005 journal article
A portable automated multianalyte biosensor
Talanta, 65(5), 1078–1085.
2005 journal article
A “do-it-yourself” array biosensor
Methods, 37(1), 65–72.
2005 journal article
Antimicrobial Peptides for Detection of Bacteria in Biosensor Assays
Analytical Chemistry, 77(19), 6504–6508.
2005 journal article
Array Biosensor for Detection of Ochratoxin A in Cereals and Beverages
Analytical Chemistry, 77(1), 148–154.
2005 journal article
Characterization of passive microfluidic mixers fabricated using soft lithography
Microfluidics and Nanofluidics, 2(2), 180–183.

2005 journal article
Evanescent wave fluorescence biosensors
Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 20(12), 2470–2487.
2004 journal article
A Portable Array Biosensor for Detecting Multiple Analytes in Complex Samples
Microbial Ecology, 47(2), 175–185.

2004 journal article
Design and evaluation of a Dean vortex-based micromixer
Lab on a Chip, 4(6), 663.
2004 journal article
Detection ofCampylobacterandShigellaSpecies in Food Samples Using an Array Biosensor
Analytical Chemistry, 76(2), 433–440.
2004 journal article
Fluorescence-based array biosensors for detection of biohazards
Journal of Applied Microbiology, 96(1), 47–58.
2004 journal article
Real-time analysis of protein adsorption to a variety of thin films
Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 19(9), 1045–1055.