Works (4)
2010 journal article
Analysis of the Magnetic Structure and Ferroelectric Polarization of Monoclinic MnSb2S4 by Density Functional Theory Calculations
INORGANIC CHEMISTRY, 49(23), 10956–10959.

2010 journal article
Ferrimagnetism in zigzag graphene nanoribbons induced by main-group adatoms
Applied Physics Letters, 96(10).
2010 journal article
On the Importance of the Interplaquette Spin Exchanges in Na3RuO4: Density Functional Theory Analysis of the Spin Exchange and Magnetic Properties
INORGANIC CHEMISTRY, 49(6), 3025–3028.
2010 journal article
Theoretical Analysis of the Spin Exchange and Magnetic Dipole-Dipole Interactions Leading to the Magnetic Structure of Ni3TeO6
INORGANIC CHEMISTRY, 49(16), 7545–7548.