Works (271)
2023 journal article
Convergence of mechanistic modeling and artificial intelligence in hydrologic science and engineering
PLOS Water.
Ed(s): C. Madramootoo
2023 article
Incorporating the benefits of vegetative filter strips into risk assessment and risk management of pesticides
Chen, H., Carley, D. S., Munoz-Carpena, R., Ferruzzi, G., Yuan, Y., Henry, E., … Whiteside, M. (2023, September 20). INTEGRATED ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND MANAGEMENT, Vol. 9.
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2023 journal article
Quantifying the Impact of Model Selection When Examining Bank Retreat and Sediment Transport in Stream Restoration
WATER, 15(8).
2023 journal article
Streambank erosion and phosphorus loading to surface waters: Knowns, unknowns, and implications for nutrient loss reduction research and policy
2022 journal article
JOURNAL OF THE ASABE, 65(6), 1443–1450.
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2022 journal article
JOURNAL OF THE ASABE, 65(2), 197–207.
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2021 journal article
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2021 journal article
Comment on "Modeling slope rainfall-infiltration-runoff process with shallow water table during complex rainfall patterns" by Wu et al. (2021)
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2021 journal article
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2021 journal article
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2020 journal article
Contributors: , A. Fox & L. Guertault* *
2020 journal article
Internal erosion of soil pipes: Sediment rating curves for soil pipes
Earth Surface Processes and Landforms.
2020 journal article
Performance of preferential flow models in predicting infiltration through a remolded soil with artificial macropores
Contributors: L. Guertault n & n
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2020 journal article
Preferential Flow in Riparian Groundwater: Gateways for Watershed Solute Transport and Implications for Water Quality Management
Water Resources Research, 56(12).
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2020 journal article
TRANSACTIONS OF THE ASABE, 63(4), 1123–1131.
Contributors: A. Khanal, & L. Guertault* *
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2019 journal article
Comparison of empirical and mechanistic equations for vegetative filter strip pesticide mitigation in long-term environmental exposure assessments
Water Research, 165, 114983.
Contributors: R. Muñoz-Carpena *, A. Ritter* & n
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2019 journal article
Field Evidence of a Natural Capillary Barrier in a Gravel Alluvial Aquifer
Vadose Zone Journal, 18(1), 180008.
Contributors: T. Halihan *, R. Miller*, D. Correll*, D. Heeren * & n
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2019 journal article
Laboratory Experiments on the Removal of Soil Plugs During Soil Piping and Internal Erosion
Transactions of the ASABE, 62(1), 83–93.
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2019 journal article
Modeling Internal Erosion Processes in Soil Pipes: Capturing Geometry Dynamics
Vadose Zone Journal, 18(1), 0.
Contributors: J. Nieber *, G. Wilson * & n
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2019 journal article
Navigating the Publication Process: An ASABE Journals’ Perspective
Transactions of the ASABE, 62(5), 1147–1153.
Contributors: , K. Douglas-Mankin n, K. Muthukumarappan n, J. Zhu n & J. Walker n n
2019 journal article
Process-Based Design Strengthens the Analysis of Stream and Floodplain Systems under a Changing Climate
Transactions of the ASABE, 62(6), 1735–1742.
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2019 journal article
Undergraduate Perceptions of Climate Education Exposure in Natural Resources Management
Transactions of the ASABE, 62(3), 831–839.
Contributors: N. Nelson* , L. Montefiore*, C. Anthony*, L. Merriman*, E. Kuster & *
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2018 journal article
Application of fibrous streambank protection against groundwater seepage erosion
Journal of Hydrology, 565, 27–38.
Contributors: O. Akay *, A. Özer *, n & G. Wilson *
2018 article
Engineering the design of buffers and vegetative filter strips
Resource: Engineering and Technology for Sustainable World, Vol. 25, pp. 4–5.
2018 journal article
Fiber Reinforced Sandy Slopes under Groundwater Return Flow
Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering, 144(5), 04018004.
Contributors: O. Akay *, A. Özer *, n & G. Wilson *
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2018 journal article
Geomorphic identification of physical habitat features in a large, altered river system
E3S Web of Conferences, 40, 02031.
Contributors: L. Guertault n , n & S. Brewer *
Ed(s): A. Paquier & N. Rivière
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2018 journal article
Groundwater flux estimation in streams: A thermal equilibrium approach
Journal of Hydrology, 561, 822–832.
Contributors: Y. Zhou *, n , R. Miller*, R. Mollenhauer * & S. Brewer *
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2018 journal article
Impact of Data Availability and Resolution on Long-Term Sedimentation Estimates in a Storage Reservoir
Contributors: L. Guertault n & n
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2018 journal article
Riparian Vadose Zone Preferential Flow: Review of Concepts, Limitations, and Perspectives
Vadose Zone Journal, 17(1), 180031.
Contributors: E. Orozco-López*, R. Muñoz-Carpena *, B. Gao * & n
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2018 journal article
Streambank Erosion: Advances in Monitoring, Modeling and Management
Water, 10(10), 1346.
Contributors: C. Castro-Bolinaga n & n
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2018 journal article
Suitability of a Linear Model for Predicting Cohesive Soil Detachment during Jet Erosion Tests
Journal of Hydrologic Engineering, 23(9), 06018004.
Contributors: K. Wardinski *, L. Guertault n , n & C. Castro-Bolinaga n
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2017 conference paper
<i>A Modeling Framework for Evaluating Streambank Stabilization Practices for Reach-Scale Sediment Reduction</i>
2017 Spokane, Washington July 16 - July 19, 2017. Presented at the 2017 Spokane, Washington July 16 - July 19, 2017.
Contributors: H. Enlow*, n , T. Boyer*, A. Stoecker*, D. Storm*, P. Starks *, L. Guertault n
Event: 2017 Spokane, Washington July 16 - July 19, 2017
2017 journal article
A modeling framework for evaluating streambank stabilization practices for reach-scale sediment reduction
Environmental Modelling & Software, 100, 201–212.
Contributors: H. Enlow*, n , T. Boyer*, A. Stoecker*, D. Storm*, P. Starks *, L. Guertault n
2017 journal article
A tool for drought planning in Oklahoma: Estimating and using drought-influenced flow exceedance curves
Journal of Hydrology: Regional Studies, 10, 35–46.
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2017 journal article
Comparison of Field Jet Erosion Tests and WEPP-Predicted Erodibility Parameters for Varying Land Cover
Transactions of the ASABE, 60(1), 173–184.
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2017 journal article
Controlled laboratory experiments and modeling of vegetative filter strips with shallow water tables
Journal of Hydrology, 556, 1–9.
Contributors: , R. Muñoz-Carpena * & R. Purvis n n
2017 journal article
Current state of climate education in natural and social sciences in the USA
CLIMATIC CHANGE, 141(4), 613–626.
Contributors: E. Kuster * & n
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2017 journal article
Effect of vegetative filter strip pesticide residue degradation assumptions for environmental exposure assessments
Science of The Total Environment, 619-620, 977–987.
Contributors: R. Muñoz-Carpena *, n , A. Ritter*, O. Perez-Ovilla* & I. Rodea-Palomares *
2017 journal article
Erodibility Parameters Derived from Jet and Flume Erosion Tests on Root-Permeated Soils
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2017 journal article
Hydrologic connectivity and threshold behavior of hillslopes with fragipans and soil pipe networks
Hydrological Processes, 31(13), 2477–2496.
Contributors: G. Wilson *, J. Nieber *, n , S. Dabney*, M. Ursic* & J. Rigby *
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2017 journal article
Hydrologic cost-effectiveness ratio favors switchgrass production on marginal croplands over existing grasslands
PLOS ONE, 12(8), e0181924.
Contributors: Y. Yimam*, T. Ochsner * & *
Ed(s): B. Mehdi
2017 journal article
Impact of Macropores and Gravel Outcrops on Phosphorus Leaching at the Plot Scale in Silt Loam Soils
Transactions of the ASABE, 60(3), 823–835.
Contributors: D. Heeren, , C. Penn, T. Halihan *, D. Storm* & B. Haggard * n
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2017 journal article
Modeling Streambank Erosion on Composite Streambanks on a Watershed Scale
Transactions of the ASABE, 60(3), 753–767.
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2017 journal article
Sediment detachment and transport processes associated with internal erosion of soil pipes
Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 43(1), 45–63.
Contributors: G. Wilson *, R. Wells *, R. Kuhnle*, n & J. Nieber *
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2017 article
The Importance of Scientific Publishing: Teaching an Undergraduate How to Swim the Entire Length of the Pool
Fox, G. A., Kuster, E. L., & Fox, A. K. (2017, April). JOURNAL OF CONTEMPORARY WATER RESEARCH & EDUCATION, Vol. 160, pp. 1–4.
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2017 journal article
Watershed Variability in Streambank Erodibility and Implications for Erosion Prediction
Water, 9(8), 605.
Contributors: H. Enlow*, n & L. Guertault n
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2016 conference paper
Behavior of Fiber-Reinforced Sandy Slopes under Seepage
World Environmental and Water Resources Congress 2016, 397–406.
Contributors: O. Akay *, A. Özer *, * & G. Wilson *
Event: World Environmental and Water Resources Congress 2016
2016 journal article
Comparison of Linear and Nonlinear Models for Cohesive Sediment Detachment: Rill Erosion, Hole Erosion Test, and Streambank Erosion Studies
Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, 142(9), 04016026.
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2016 journal article
Correlating Site-Scale Erodibility Parameters from Jet Erosion Tests to Soil Physical Properties
Transactions of the ASABE, 59(1), 115–128.
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2016 journal article
Deriving Erodibility Parameters of a Mechanistic Detachment Model for Gravels
Transactions of the ASABE, 59(1), 145–151.
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2016 journal article
Detachment characteristics of root-permeated soils from laboratory jet erosion tests
Ecological Engineering, 100, 335–343.
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2016 journal article
Estimating Streambank Phosphorus Loads at the Watershed Scale with Uncertainty Analysis Approach
Journal of Hydrologic Engineering, 21(9), 04016028.
Contributors: R. Purvis *, * , C. Penn *, D. Storm* & A. Parnell*
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2016 journal article
Evaluating a process-based model for use in streambank stabilization: insights on the Bank Stability and Toe Erosion Model (BSTEM)
Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 42(1), 191–213.
Contributors: K. Klavon*, * , L. Guertault* , E. Langendoen *, H. Enlow*, R. Miller*, A. Khanal*
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2016 journal article
Evaluation of a universal flow-through model for predicting and designing phosphorus removal structures
Chemosphere, 151, 345–355.
Contributors: C. Penn *, J. Bowen *, J. McGrath *, R. Nairn *, * , G. Brown *, S. Wilson *, C. Gill*
2016 journal article
Reservoir Sedimentation and Upstream Sediment Sources: Perspectives and Future Research Needs on Streambank and Gully Erosion
Environmental Management, 57(5), 945–955.
Contributors: , A. Sheshukov *, R. Cruse *, R. Kolar*, L. Guertault* , K. Gesch *, R. Dutnell* *
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2016 journal article
Streambank sediment loading rates at the watershed scale and the benefit of riparian protection
Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 41(10), 1327–1336.
Contributors: R. Purvis * & *
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2016 journal article
Streambanks: A net source of sediment and phosphorus to streams and rivers
Journal of Environmental Management, 181, 602–614.
Contributors: , R. Purvis * & C. Penn * *
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2016 journal article
Testing of the Modified Streambank Erosion and Instream Phosphorus Routines for the SWAT Model
Journal of the American Water Resources Association, 53(1), 101–114.
Contributors: A. Mittelstet *, D. Storm* & *
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2016 conference paper
Thermal regimes and fish assemblages in a restored Oklahoma stream
2016 American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers Annual International Meeting, ASABE 2016.
2016 journal article
Variability of Erodibility Parameters from Laboratory Mini Jet Erosion Tests
Journal of Hydrologic Engineering, 21(10), 04016030.
Contributors: A. Khanal*, * & A. Al-Madhhachi *
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2015 journal article
Does mechanistic modeling of filter strip pesticide mass balance and degradation processes affect environmental exposure assessments?
Chemosphere, 139, 410–421.
Contributors: R. Muñoz-Carpena *, A. Ritter*, * & O. Perez-Ovilla*
2015 conference paper
Estimating Streambank Phosphorus Loads: How much Phosphorus Do Streambanks Contribute at the Watershed Scale?
[ASABE Paper]. American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers Annual International Meeting 2015, 1, 544–561.
Event: 2015 ASABE Annual International Meeting at New Orleans, Louisiana on July 26-29, 2015
2015 conference paper
Evaluating the impact of drought on surface and groundwater dependent irrigated agriculture in western Oklahoma
Joint ASABE/IA Irrigation Symposium 2015: Emerging Technologies for Sustainable Irrigation, 379–385.
2015 journal article
Heterogeneity of Infiltration Rates in Alluvial Floodplains as Measured with a Berm Infiltration Technique
Transactions of the ASABE, 58(3), 733–745.
2015 conference paper
Justifying the use of a nonlinear detachment model for cohesive soil erosion
American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers Annual International Meeting 2015, 2, 1700–1710.
2015 journal article
Linking first-year and senior engineering design teams: Engaging early academic career students in engineering design
Advances in Engineering Education, 4(3).
2015 journal article
Modeling streambank erosion and failure along protected and unprotected composite streambanks
Advances in Water Resources, 81, 114–127.
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2015 conference paper
Nonlinear Detachment Model for Soil Erodibility: Application and Incorporation into a Streambank Erosion and Stability Model
World Environmental and Water Resources Congress 2015, 1769–1780.
Event: World Environmental and Water Resources Congress 2015
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2015 conference paper
Pipeflow experiments to quantify pore-water pressure buildup due to pipe clogging
American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers Annual International Meeting 2015, 1, 204–217.
2015 conference paper
Predicted influence of eastern redcedar removal on water quantity and quality using the Water Erosion Prediction Project (WEPP)
American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers Annual International Meeting 2015, 1, 534–543.
2015 journal article
Site-scale variability of streambank fluvial erodibility parameters as measured with a jet erosion test
Hydrological Processes, 29(26), 5451–5464.
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2015 journal article
Soil pipe flow tracer experiments: 2. Application of a streamflow transient storage zone model
Hydrological Processes, 30(8), 1280–1291.
Contributors: Y. Zhou *, G. Wilson *, * , J. Rigby * & S. Dabney*
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2015 conference paper
Variability of Fluvial Erodibility Parameters on a Site Scale
World Environmental and Water Resources Congress 2015, 1859–1871.
Event: World Environmental and Water Resources Congress 2015
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2014 journal article
A new method for remediation of sandy slopes susceptible to seepage flow using EPS-block geofoam
Geotextiles and Geomembranes, 42(2), 166–180.
Contributors: A. Özer *, O. Akay *, * , S. Bartlett* & D. Arellano *
2014 conference paper
Application of a transient storage zone model to soil pipeflow tracer injection experiments
American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers Annual International Meeting 2014, ASABE 2014, 1, 423–434.
2014 journal article
Assessment of EPS block geofoam with internal drainage for sandy slopes subjected to seepage flow
Geosynthetics International, 21(6), 364–376.
2014 conference paper
Bank stability and toe erosion (BSTEM) modeling of bank retreat and riparian tree root protection in composite streambanks
American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers Annual International Meeting 2014, ASABE 2014, 2, 1232–1249.
2014 journal article
Estimating sediment and phosphorus loads from streambanks with and without riparian protection
Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment, 189, 70–81.
Contributors: R. Miller*, * , C. Penn *, S. Wilson *, A. Parnell*, R. Purvis *, K. Criswell*
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2014 conference paper
Experimental testing of a new algorithm for analysis of vegetative filter strips with shallow water table effects
American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers Annual International Meeting 2014, ASABE 2014, 7, 4934–4945.
2014 conference paper
Finite element modeling of long-term phosphorus leaching through macropores in the Ozark ecoregion
American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers Annual International Meeting 2014, ASABE 2014, 3, 1862–1881.
2014 journal article
Heterogeneity influences on stream water–groundwater interactions in a gravel-dominated floodplain
Hydrological Sciences Journal, 61(4), 741–750.
Contributors: R. Miller*, D. Heeren *, * , T. Halihan * & D. Storm*
2014 conference paper
Linking freshmen and senior engineering design teams: Engaging early academic career students in engineering design
American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers Annual International Meeting 2014, ASABE 2014, 1, 435–442.
2014 journal article
Quantifying the erodibility of streambanks and hillslopes due to surface and subsurface forces
Transactions of the ASABE, 57(1), 1057–1069.
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2014 journal article
The hydraulic conductivity structure of gravel-dominated vadose zones within alluvial floodplains
Journal of Hydrology, 513, 229–240.
Contributors: R. Miller*, D. Heeren *, * , T. Halihan *, D. Storm* & A. Mittelstet *
2014 conference paper
Use of EPS block geofoam with internal drainage for sandy slopes subjected to seepage flow
10th International Conference on Geosynthetics, ICG 2014.
2014 journal article
Variability of fluvial erodibility parameters for streambanks on a watershed scale
Geomorphology, 231, 281–291.
Contributors: E. Daly*, * , A. Al-Madhhachi * & D. Storm*
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2013 journal article
<i>In Situ</i> Soil Pipeflow Experiments on Contrasting Streambank Soils
Transactions of the ASABE, 56(2), 479–488.
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2013 conference paper
A Mechanistic Detachment Rate Model to Predict Soil Erodibility due to Fluvial and Seepage Forces
World Environmental and Water Resources Congress 2013, 1608–1618.
Contributors: A. Al-Madhhachi *, * & G. Hanson *
Event: World Environmental and Water Resources Congress 2013
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2013 journal article
A scour depth approach for deriving erodibility parameters from jet erosion tests
Transactions of the ASABE, 56(6), 1343–1351.
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2013 article
Application of Excess Shear Stress and Mechanistic Detachment Rate Models for the Erodibility of Cohesive Soils
2013 Kansas City, Missouri, July 21 - July 24, 2013.
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2013 journal article
Application of Isothermal Calorimetry to Phosphorus Sorption onto Soils in a Flow-through System
Soil Science Society of America Journal, 78(1), 147–156.
Contributors: C. Penn *, D. Heeren *, * & A. Kumar *
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2013 conference paper
Application of excess shear stress and mechanistic detachment rate models for the erodibility of cohesive soils
American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers Annual International Meeting 2013, ASABE 2013, 3, 2540–2550.
2013 conference paper
Application of isothermal calorimetry to the study of phosphorus sorption onto soils in a flow-through system
[ASABE Paper]. 2013 Kansas City, Missouri, July 21 - July 24, 2013, (131621201).
Event: 2013 ASABE Annual International Meeting at Kansas City, Missouri on July 21-23, 2013
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2013 conference paper
Application of isothermal calorimetry to the study of phosphorus sorption onto soils in a flow-through system
American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers Annual International Meeting 2013, ASABE 2013, 6, 4963–4976.
2013 journal article
Bank undercutting and tension failure by groundwater seepage: predicting failure mechanisms
Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 39(6), 758–765.
2013 journal article
Behavior of sandy slopes remediated by EPS-block geofoam under seepage flow
Geotextiles and Geomembranes, 37, 81–98.
Contributors: O. Akay *, A. Özer *, * , S. Bartlett* & D. Arellano *
2013 journal article
Berm Method for Quantification of Infiltration at the Plot Scale in High Conductivity Soils
Journal of Hydrologic Engineering, 19(2), 457–461.
Contributors: D. Heeren *, * & D. Storm*
2013 journal article
Deriving Parameters of a Fundamental Detachment Model for Cohesive Soils from Flume and Jet Erosion Tests
Transactions of the ASABE, 56(2), 489–504.
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2013 journal article
Empirical model for quantifying total phosphorus reduction by vegetative filter strips
Transactions of the ASABE, 56(4), 1461–1469.
2013 conference paper
Evaluation of the Conservational Channel Evolution and Pollutant Transport System (CONCEPTS) Applied to Composite Streambanks in the Ozark Highlands Ecoregion
[ASABE Paper]. (131620552).
Event: 2013 ASABE Annual International Meeting at Kansas City, Missouri on July 21-24, 2013
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2013 article
Finite element modeling of phosphorus leaching through floodplain soils dominated by preferential flow pathways
2013 Kansas City, Missouri, July 21 - July 24, 2013.
2013 conference paper
Finite element modeling of phosphorus leaching through floodplain soils dominated by preferential flow pathways
American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers Annual International Meeting 2013, ASABE 2013, 1, 340–348.
2013 article
Flume Experiments to Determine the Erodibility of Gravel Streambank Soils
2013 Kansas City, Missouri, July 21 - July 24, 2013.
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2013 conference paper
Flume experiments to determine the erodibility of gravel streambank soils
American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers Annual International Meeting 2013, ASABE 2013, 6, 4913–4923.
2013 journal article
Formation of Manganese Oxide Coatings onto Sand for Adsorption of Trace Metals from Groundwater
Journal of Environmental Quality, 42(6), 1743–1751.
Contributors: A. Tilak *, S. Ojewole, C. Williford*, * , T. Sobecki* & S. Larson*
2013 article
Impact of Measurement Scale on Infiltration and Phosphorus Leaching in Ozark Floodplains
2013 Kansas City, Missouri, July 21 - July 24, 2013.
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2013 conference paper
Impact of measurement scale on infiltration and phosphorus leaching in Ozark floodplains
American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers Annual International Meeting 2013, ASABE 2013, 6, 4991–5006.
2013 journal article
In situ soil pipeflow experiments on contrasting streambank soils
Transactions of the ASABE, 56(2), 479–488.
2013 journal article
Internal Erosion during Soil Pipeflow: State of the Science for Experimental and Numerical Analysis
Transactions of the ASABE, 56(2), 465–478.
Contributors: G. Wilson *, J. Nieber, R. Sidle * & *
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2013 journal article
Laboratory soil piping and internal erosion experiments: Evaluation of a soil piping model for low-compacted soils
Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 39(9), 1137–1145.
Contributors: , R. Felice*, T. Midgley, G. Wilson * & A. Al-Madhhachi * *
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2013 article
Caviness, K. S., Fox, G. A., & Deliman, P. N. Watershed Management to Meet Water Quality Standards and Emerging TMDL, 5-9 March 2005, Atlanta, Georgia.
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2013 journal article
Measuring soil erodibility using a laboratory "mini" jet
Transactions of the ASABE, 56(3), 901–910.
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2013 journal article
Mechanistic Detachment Rate Model to Predict Soil Erodibility Due to Fluvial and Seepage Forces
Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, 140(5), 04014010.
Contributors: A. Al-Madhhachi *, * , G. Hanson, A. Tyagi * & R. Bulut *
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2013 article
Modified Excess Shear Stress Model Parameters based on Mechanistic Predictions from a Detachment Rate Model
2013 Kansas City, Missouri, July 21 - July 24, 2013.
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2013 conference paper
Modified excess shear stress model parameters based on mechanistic predictions from a detachment rate model
American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers Annual International Meeting 2013, ASABE 2013, 3, 2565–2583.
2013 journal article
Pore-water pressures associated with clogging of soil pipes: Numerical analysis of laboratory experiments
Soil Science Society of America Journal, 77(4), 1168–1181.
Contributors: G. Wilson * & *
2013 conference paper
Quantifying the Erodibility and Geotechnical Strength of Cohesive Alluvial Soils Following Streambank Reconstruction
World Environmental and Water Resources Congress 2013, 2000–2008.
Event: World Environmental and Water Resources Congress 2013
2013 article
Sediment and Phosphorus Loading from Protected and Unprotected Streambanks in Eastern Oklahoma
2013 Kansas City, Missouri, July 21 - July 24, 2013.
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2013 conference paper
Sediment and phosphorus loading from protected and unprotected streambanks in Eastern Oklahoma
American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers Annual International Meeting 2013, ASABE 2013, 3, 2584–2594.
2013 journal article
Special Section on Interconnection of Atmospheric Water, Surface Water, and Groundwater
Journal of Hydrologic Engineering, 18(10), 1191–1192.
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2012 journal article
A river runs through ASABE
Resource, 19(2), SP2.
2012 journal article
Authors' Reply
Ground Water, 50(4), 513–513.
Contributors: , R. Miller*, D. Heeren *, D. Storm* & T. Halihan * *
2012 article
Berm Method for Quantification of Infiltration and Leaching at the Plot Scale in High Conductivity Soils
2012 Dallas, Texas, July 29 - August 1, 2012.
2012 conference paper
Berm method for quantification of infiltration and leaching at the plot scale in high conductivity soils
American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers Annual International Meeting 2012, ASABE 2012, 1, 668–677.
2012 article
Controlled Laboratory Experiments Investigating the Influence of Shallow Groundwater Tables on Runoff through Vegetative Filter Strips
2012 Dallas, Texas, July 29 - August 1, 2012.
2012 conference paper
Controlled laboratory experiments investigating the influence of shallow groundwater tables on runoff through vegetative filter strips
American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers Annual International Meeting 2012, ASABE 2012, 2, 976–986.
2012 conference paper
Development a fluvial detachment rate model to predict the erodibility of cohesive soils under the influence of seepage
American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers Annual International Meeting 2012, ASABE 2012, 2, 946–975.
2012 journal article
Distinct influence of filter strips on acute and chronic pesticide aquatic environmental exposure assessments across U.S. EPA scenarios
Chemosphere, 90(2), 195–202.
Contributors: G. Sabbagh*, R. Muñoz-Carpena * & *
2012 journal article
Divergence and flow direction as indicators of subsurface heterogeneity and stage-dependent storage in alluvial floodplains
Hydrological Processes, 28(3), 1307–1317.
Contributors: D. Heeren *, * , A. Fox, D. Storm, R. Miller & A. Mittelstet
2012 journal article
E. coli transport through surface-connected biopores identified from smoke injection tests
Transactions of the ASABE, 55(6), 2185–2194.
2012 conference paper
Enhancing engagement in assessment through a systematic faculty development program
Presented at the NCA Higher Learning Commission Annual Conference, Chicago, IL.
Event: NCA Higher Learning Commission Annual Conference at Chicago, IL on March 30 - April 3, 2012
2012 journal article
Evaluation of the bank stability and toe erosion model (BSTEM) for predicting lateral retreat on composite streambanks
Geomorphology, 145-146, 107–114.
Contributors: T. Midgley *, * & D. Heeren *
2012 conference paper
Experimental investigation of failure mechanisms of expanded polystryrene block geofoam slope system under seepage
EuroGeo 5 : proceedings of the fifth Geosynthetics Congress, Valencia, Spain, 16-19 September 2012. Presented at the 5th European Geosynthetics Congress, Valencia, Spain.
Event: 5th European Geosynthetics Congress at Valencia, Spain on September 16-19, 2012
2012 journal article
Implementation of biopore and soil fecal bacteria fate and transport routines in the root zone water quality model (RZWQM)
Transactions of the ASABE, 55(1), 73–84.
2012 article
Quantification and Heterogeneity of Infiltration and Transport in Alluvial Floodplains
2012 Dallas, Texas, July 29 - August 1, 2012.
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2012 conference paper
Quantification and heterogeneity of infiltration and transport in alluvial floodplains
American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers Annual International Meeting 2012, ASABE 2012, 1, 647–667.
2012 journal article
Rational polynomial functions for modeling E. coli and bromide breakthrough
Transactions of the ASABE, 55(5), 1821–1826.
2012 article
Seepage and piping: Solitary and integrated mechanisms of streambank erosion and failure
Resource: Engineering and Technology for Sustainable World, Vol. 19.
2012 journal article
Seepage-Induced Streambank Erosion and Instability: In Situ Constant-Head Experiments
Journal of Hydrologic Engineering, 18(10), 1200–1210.
Contributors: T. Midgley *, * , G. Wilson *, D. Heeren *, E. Langendoen * & A. Simon
2012 journal article
Sorption of Escherichia Coli in agricultural soils influenced by swine manure constituents
Transactions of the ASABE, 55(1), 61–71.
2012 article
Streambank Piping and Internal Erosion as Failure Mechanisms of Streambanks
2012 Dallas, Texas, July 29 - August 1, 2012.
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2012 conference paper
Streambank piping and internal erosion as failure mechanisms of streambanks
American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers Annual International Meeting 2012, ASABE 2012, 2, 931–945.
2012 article
Streambank research facility at Oklahoma State university
Resource: Engineering and Technology for Sustainable World, Vol. 19.
2012 journal article
Trapping phosphorus in runoff with a phosphorus removal structure
Journal of Environmental Quality, 41(3), 672–679.
Contributors: C. Penn *, J. McGrath *, E. Rounds*, * & D. Heeren *
2012 journal article
Using rapid geomorphic assessments to assess streambank stability in oklahoma ozark streams
Transactions of the ASABE, 55(3), 957–968.
2012 journal article
Validation of a Quantitative Phosphorus Loss Assessment Tool
Journal of Environmental Quality, 43(1), 224–234.
Contributors: M. White *, D. Storm*, M. Smolen*, P. Busteed *, H. Zhang * & *
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2011 conference paper
Assessing streambank stability of oklahoma ozark streams with rapid geomorphic assessments
World Environmental and Water Resources Congress 2011: Bearing Knowledge for Sustainability - Proceedings of the 2011 World Environmental and Water Resources Congress, 3907–3916.
Contributors: D. Heeren *, A. Mittelstet *, * & D. Storm*
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2011 journal article
Comparison of Aquifer Sustainability Under Groundwater Administrations in Oklahoma and Texas1
JAWRA Journal of the American Water Resources Association, 47(2), 424–431.
Contributors: A. Mittelstet *, M. Smolen*, * & D. Adams *
2011 journal article
Comparison of subsurface and surface runoff phosphorus transport rates in alluvial floodplains
Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment, 141(3-4), 417–425.
Contributors: A. Mittelstet *, D. Heeren *, * , D. Storm*, M. White * & R. Miller*
2011 journal article
Design and Application of a Direct-Push Vadose Zone Gravel Permeameter
Ground Water, 49(6), 920–925.
Contributors: R. Miller*, D. Heeren *, * , D. Storm* & T. Halihan *
2011 journal article
Escherichia coli Load Reduction from Runoff by Vegetative Filter Strips: A Laboratory-Scale Study
Journal of Environmental Quality, 40(3), 980–988.
Contributors: , E. Matlock*, J. Guzman *, D. Sahoo & K. Stunkel* *
2011 journal article
Evaluation of a stream-aquifer analysis test for deriving reach-scale streambed conductance
Transactions of the ASABE, 54(2), 473–479.
2011 conference paper
Evaluation of the Bank Stability and Toe Erosion Model (BSTEM) for predicting lateral streambank retreat on ozark streams
World Environmental and Water Resources Congress 2011: Bearing Knowledge for Sustainability - Proceedings of the 2011 World Environmental and Water Resources Congress, 1991–2000.
Contributors: T. Midgley *, * & D. Heeren *
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2011 journal article
Flow and transport experiments for a streambank seep originating from a preferential flow pathway
Journal of Hydrology, 403(3-4), 360–366.
2011 article
Groundwater Seepage Mechanisms of Streambank Erosion and Failure
International Symposium on Erosion and Landscape Evolution (ISELE), 18-21 September 2011, Anchorage, Alaska.
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2011 conference paper
Groundwater seepage mechanisms of streambank erosion and failure
ASABE - International Symposium on Erosion and Landscape Evolution 2011, 25–33.
2011 conference paper
Measuring erodibility of cohesive soils using laboratory jet erosion tests
World Environmental and Water Resources Congress 2011: Bearing Knowledge for Sustainability - Proceedings of the 2011 World Environmental and Water Resources Congress, 2350–2359.
Contributors: A. Al-Madhhachi *, G. Hanson*, * , A. Tyagi * & R. Bulut *
2011 conference paper
Measuring the erodibility of cohesive soils influenced by seepage forces using a laboratory jet erosion test device
American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers Annual International Meeting 2011, ASABE 2011, 4, 3030–3041.
2011 journal article
Option-specific student outcomes to meet biological engineering program criteria
Applied Engineering in Agriculture, 27(5), 857–860.
2011 journal article
Stage-dependent transient storage of phosphorus in alluvial floodplains
Hydrological Processes, 25(20), 3230–3243.
Contributors: D. Heeren *, * , R. Miller*, D. Storm*, A. Fox, C. Penn *, T. Halihan *, A. Mittelstet *
2011 article
Streambank Erosion and Instability Induced by Groundwater Seepage
2011 Louisville, Kentucky, August 7 - August 10, 2011.
2011 conference paper
Streambank erosion and instability induced by groundwater seepage
American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers Annual International Meeting 2011, ASABE 2011, 4, 3009–3029.
2010 journal article
A quantitative phosphorus loss assessment tool for agricultural fields
Environmental Modelling and Software, 25(10), 1121–1129.
Contributors: M. White *, D. Storm*, P. Busteed *, M. Smolen*, H. Zhang * & *
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2010 conference paper
Comparison of subsurface and surface runoff phosphorus transport capacities in alluvial floodplains
ASABE - TMDL 2010: Watershed Management to Improve Water Quality, 142–150.
2010 conference paper
Evaluation of alluvial well depletion analytical solutions from a stream-aquifer analysis test along the North Canadian River in Oklahoma
World Environmental and Water Resources Congress 2010: Challenges of Change - Proceedings of the World Environmental and Water Resources Congress 2010, 1030–1039.
Contributors: , D. Heeren * & M. Kizer* *
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2010 article
Geophysical Mapping of Preferential Flow Paths across Multiple Floodplains
2010 Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, June 20 - June 23, 2010.
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2010 conference paper
Geophysical mapping of preferential flow paths across multiple floodplains
American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers Annual International Meeting 2010, ASABE 2010, 3, 1898–1919.
2010 article
Impact of Preferential Flow Paths on Alluvial Groundwater Flow Patterns and Phosphorus Transport
2010 Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, June 20 - June 23, 2010.
2010 conference paper
Impact of preferential flow paths on alluvial groundwater flow patterns and phosphorus transport
American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers Annual International Meeting 2010, ASABE 2010, 3, 1882–1897.
2010 conference paper
Impact of preferential flow paths on stream and alluvial groundwater interaction
World Environmental and Water Resources Congress 2010: Challenges of Change - Proceedings of the World Environmental and Water Resources Congress 2010, 1040–1051.
Contributors: D. Heeren *, R. Miller, * , D. Storm, A. Fox & A. Mittelstet
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2010 journal article
Influence of flow concentration on parameter importance and prediction uncertainty of pesticide trapping by vegetative filter strips
Journal of Hydrology, 384(1-2), 164–173.
Contributors: , R. Muñoz-Carpena * & G. Sabbagh* *
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2010 journal article
Numerically predicting seepage gradient forces and erosion: Sensitivity to soil hydraulic properties
Journal of Hydrology, 389(3-4), 354–362.
Contributors: , D. Heeren *, G. Wilson *, E. Langendoen *, A. Fox & M. Chu-Agor *
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2010 article
Option-Specific Program Outcomes to Meet Biological Engineering Program Criteria
2010 Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, June 20 - June 23, 2010.
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2010 conference paper
Option-specific program outcomes to meet biological engineering program criteria
American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers Annual International Meeting 2010, ASABE 2010, 3, 2242–2248.
2010 journal article
Parameter importance and uncertainty in predicting runoff pesticide reduction with filter strips
Journal of Environmental Quality, 39(2), 630–641.
Contributors: R. Muñoz-Carpena *, * & G. Sabbagh*
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2010 journal article
Preferential flow effects on subsurface contaminant transport in alluvial floodplains
Transactions of the ASABE, 53(1), 127–136.
2010 journal article
Revised Framework for Pesticide Aquatic Environmental Exposure Assessment that Accounts for Vegetative Filter Strips
Environmental Science & Technology, 44(10), 3839–3845.
2010 report
Role of Directly Connected Macropores on Pathogen Transport to Subsurface Drainage Water
(Iowa State Research Farm Progress Reports No. RFR-A9116).
2010 conference paper
Stream restoration education and professional development: Working toward a consensus
World Environmental and Water Resources Congress 2010: Challenges of Change - Proceedings of the World Environmental and Water Resources Congress 2010, 1838–1849.
2010 article
Surface Runoff Transport of Escherichia coli after Poultry Litter Application on Pastureland
2010 Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, June 20 - June 23, 2010.
2010 conference paper
Surface runoff transport of Escherichia coli after poultry litter application on pastureland
American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers Annual International Meeting 2010, ASABE 2010, 3, 1867–1881.
2010 journal article
Surface runoff transport of Escherichia coli after poultry litter application on pastureland
Transactions of the ASABE, 53(3), 779–786.
2010 journal article
The Role of Subsurface Flow in Hillslope and Stream Bank Erosion: A Review
Soil Science Society of America Journal, 74(3), 717–733.
Contributors: & G. Wilson * *
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2010 conference paper
Use of multi-electrode resistivity profiling to estimate hydraulic properties of preferential flow paths in alluvial floodplains
World Environmental and Water Resources Congress 2010: Challenges of Change - Proceedings of the World Environmental and Water Resources Congress 2010, 959–969.
Contributors: R. Miller*, D. Heeren *, * , T. Halihan *, D. Storm & A. Mittelstet
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2009 conference paper
A seepage erosion sediment transport function and geometric headcut relationships for predicting seepage erosion undercutting
Proceedings of World Environmental and Water Resources Congress 2009 - World Environmental and Water Resources Congress 2009: Great Rivers, 342, 3763–3772.
Contributors: M. Chu-Agor, & G. Wilson * *
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2009 journal article
Chlorpyrifos and atrazine removal from runoff by vegetated filter strips: Experiments and predictive modeling
Journal of Environmental Quality, 38(3), 1042–1052.
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2009 journal article
Comment on "major factors influencing the efficacy of vegetated buffers on sediment trapping: A review and analysis," by Xingmei Liu, Xuyang Zhang, and Minghua Zhang the Journal of Environmental Quality 2008 37:1667-1674
Journal of Environmental Quality, 38(1), 1–2.
2009 journal article
E. coli transport through soil columns: Implications for bioretention cell removal efficiency
Transactions of the ASABE, 52(2), 481–486.
2009 journal article
Effectiveness of vegetative filter strips in reducing pesticide loading: Quantifying pesticide trapping efficiency
Journal of Environmental Quality, 38(2), 762–771.
Contributors: G. Sabbagh*, * , A. Kamanzi, B. Roepke* & J. Tang *
2009 journal article
Empirical sediment transport function predicting seepage erosion undercutting for cohesive bank failure prediction
Journal of Hydrology, 377(1-2), 155–164.
Contributors: M. Chu-Agor, & G. Wilson * *
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2009 journal article
Escherichia coli transport from surface-applied manure to subsurface drains through artificial biopores
Journal of Environmental Quality, 38(6), 2412–2421.
Contributors: J. Guzman *, * , R. Malone & R. Kanwar*
2009 article
Incorporating Seepage Processes into a Streambank Stability Model
2009 Reno, Nevada, June 21 - June 24, 2009.
2009 conference paper
Incorporating seepage processes into a streambank stability model
American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers Annual International Meeting 2009, ASABE 2009, 3, 1769–1779.
2009 conference paper
Predicting streambank seepage flows: Sensitivity to soil properties and layering
Proceedings of World Environmental and Water Resources Congress 2009 - World Environmental and Water Resources Congress 2009: Great Rivers, 342, 3753–3762.
Contributors: D. Heeren *, * , M. Chu-Agor & G. Wilson *
2009 article
Preferential Flow Path Effects on Subsurface Contaminant Transport in Alluvial Floodplains
2009 Reno, Nevada, June 21 - June 24, 2009.
2009 conference paper
Preferential flow path effects on subsurface contaminant transport in alluvial floodplains
American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers Annual International Meeting 2009, ASABE 2009, 4, 2167–2176.
2009 journal article
Seepage erosion in layered stream bank material
Contributors: N. Lindow n, * & R. Evans n
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2009 article
Sorption of E. coli from liquid swine manure in natural and artificial soils
2009 Reno, Nevada, June 21 - June 24, 2009.
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2009 conference paper
Sorption of E. coli from liquid swine manure in natural and artificial soils
American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers Annual International Meeting 2009, ASABE 2009, 5, 3094–3104.
2009 journal article
Subsurface transport of phosphorus in riparian floodplains: Influence of preferential flow paths
Journal of Environmental Quality, 38(2), 473–484.
Contributors: J. Fuchs*, * , D. Storm*, C. Penn * & G. Brown *
2009 conference paper
The influence of organic matter on E. coli soil sorption
Proceedings of the ASABE Annual International Conference: 2009 Reno, Nevada, June 21 - June 24, 2009. Presented at the ASABE Annual International Conference, Reno, NV.
Event: ASABE Annual International Conference at Reno, NV on June 21-25, 2009
2009 conference paper
Using MODFLOW to compare management alternatives for a river alluvial aquifer
American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers Annual International Meeting 2009, ASABE 2009, 9, 5917–5928.
2008 conference paper
Assessing the Impact of Riparian Soil-Water Dynamics on Streambank Erosion
In J. Okay & A. Todd (Eds.), Riparian Ecosystems and Buffers: Working at the Water's Edge, Proceedings 2008 AWRA Summer Specialty Conference. Virginia Beach, Virginia.
Ed(s): J. Okay & A. Todd
Event: 2008 AWRA Summer Specialty Conference at Virginia Beach, Viriginia on June 30 - July 2, 2008
2008 conference paper
E. coli fate and transport in macroporous soils: Short-circuiting to the subsurface
World Environmental and Water Resources Congress 2008: Ahupua'a - Proceedings of the World Environmental and Water Resources Congress 2008, 316.
Contributors: , R. Kanwar *, J. Guzman *, C. Hoang*, R. Malone, T. Moorman, C. Pederson * *
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2008 journal article
Earthworms and E. coli
Resource: Engineering and Technology for Sustainable World, 15(6), 22–24.
2008 journal article
Estimating Watershed Level Nonagricultural Pesticide Use From Golf Courses Using Geospatial Methods
JAWRA Journal of the American Water Resources Association, 44(6), 1363–1372.
2008 journal article
Influence of seepage undercutting on the stability of root-reinforced streambanks
Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 33(11), 1769–1786.
Contributors: R. Cancienne*, * & A. Simon *
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2008 article
Laboratory Experiments on Three-Dimensional Seepage Erosion Undercutting of Vegetated Banks
2008 Providence, Rhode Island, June 29 - July 2, 2008.
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2008 conference paper
Laboratory experiments on three-dimensional seepage erosion undercutting of vegetated banks
American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers Annual International Meeting 2008, ASABE 2008, 6, 3550–3561.
2008 journal article
Numerical Simulation of Flow Dynamics during Macropore-Subsurface Drain Interactions Using HYDRUS
Vadose Zone Journal, 7(3), 909–918.
Contributors: O. Akay *, * & J. Šimůnek *
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2008 journal article
Numerical modeling of bank instability by seepage erosion undercutting of layered streambanks
Journal of Hydrologic Engineering, 13(12), 1133–1145.
Contributors: M. Chu-Agor, G. Wilson * & *
2008 journal article
Seepage caused tension failures and erosion undercutting of hillslopes
Journal of Hydrology, 359(3-4), 247–259.
Contributors: M. Chu-Agor, , R. Cancienne* & G. Wilson * *
2008 conference paper
Seepage erosion mechanisms of bank collapse: Three-dimensional seepage particle mobilization and undercutting
World Environmental and Water Resources Congress 2008: Ahupua'a - Proceedings of the World Environmental and Water Resources Congress 2008, 316.
Contributors: , M. Chu-Agor, R. Cancienne* & G. Wilson * *
2008 article
Slope Failure Mechanisms due to Seepage: Three-Dimensional Soil Block Experiments
2008 Providence, Rhode Island, June 29 - July 2, 2008.
2008 conference paper
Slope Failure Mechanisms due to Seepage: Three-Dimensional Soil Block Experiments
American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers Annual International Meeting 2008, ASABE 2008, 3, 1701–1713.
2008 article
Subsurface Transport of Phosphorus in Riparian Floodplains: Tracer and Phosphorus Transport Experiments
2008 Providence, Rhode Island, June 29 - July 2, 2008.
2008 conference paper
Subsurface transport of phosphorus in riparian floodplains: Tracer and phosphorus transport experiments
American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers Annual International Meeting 2008, ASABE 2008, 9, 5741–5752.
2008 conference paper
Surface water and groundwater interactions: Investigating the connections
In R. W. Skaggs (Ed.), Centennial Session on Advances in Soil and Water Engineering.
Ed(s): R. Skaggs
Event: 2008 ASABE Annual International Meeting on June 30, 2008
2008 article
The Role of Drainage System and Macropore Interconnectivity in Soil Pathogen Transport
2008 Providence, Rhode Island, June 29 - July 2, 2008.
2008 conference paper
The role of drainage system and macropore interconnectivity in soil pathogen transport
American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers Annual International Meeting 2008, ASABE 2008, 3, 1689–1700.
2008 article
Using MODFLOW to Compare Management Alternatives for a River Alluvial Aquifer
2009 Reno, Nevada, June 21 - June 24, 2009.
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2007 article
An Improved Express Fraction for Modeling Macropore/Subsurface Drain Interconnectivity
2007 Minneapolis, Minnesota, June 17-20, 2007.
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2007 conference paper
An improved express fraction for modeling macropore/subsurface drain interconnectivity
2007 ASABE Annual International Meeting, Technical Papers, 4 BOOK.
2007 journal article
Capture of airborne particulate using surface applied emulsions: Potential for postdetonation dirty bomb cleanup
Journal of Environmental Engineering, 133(3), 255–262.
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2007 journal article
Consideration for unsaturated flow beneath a streambed during alluvial well depletion
Journal of Hydrologic Engineering, 12(2), 139–145.
Contributors: & L. Gordji * *
2007 article
Erosion of Noncohesive Sediment by Groundwater Seepage: Lysimeter Experiments and Modeling
2007 Minneapolis, Minnesota, June 17-20, 2007.
2007 journal article
Erosion of noncohesive sediment by ground water seepage: Lysimeter experiments and stability modeling
Soil Science Society of America Journal, 71(6), 1822–1830.
Contributors: , M. Chu-Agor & G. Wilson * *
2007 conference paper
Erosion of noncohesive sediment by groundwater seepage: Lysimeter experiments and modeling
2007 ASABE Annual International Meeting, Technical Papers, 5 BOOK.
2007 journal article
Estimating streambed conductivity: Guidelines for stream-aquifer analysis tests
Transactions of the ASABE, 50(1), 107–113.
2007 journal article
Experimental investigation of direct connectivity between macropores and subsurface drains during infiltration
Soil Science Society of America Journal, 71(5), 1600–1606.
Contributors: O. Akay * & *
2007 journal article
Hyporheic and total transient storage in small, sand-bed streams
Hydrological Processes, 22(12), 1885–1894.
2007 journal article
Influence of Rainfall Distribution on Simulations of Atrazine, Metolachlor, and Isoxaflutole/Metabolite Transport in Subsurface Drained Fields
Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 55(14), 5399–5407.
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2007 journal article
Measuring streambank erosion due to ground water seepage: correlation to bank pore water pressure, precipitation and stream stage
Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 32(10), 1558–1573.
Contributors: , G. Wilson *, A. Simon *, E. Langendoen *, O. Akay * & J. Fuchs* *
2007 journal article
Modeling parent and metabolite fate and transport in subsurface drained fields with directly connected macropores
Journal of the American Water Resources Association, 43(6), 1359–1372.
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2007 journal article
Modeling pesticide fate and nonideal transport from seeds treated with a slow-release pesticide in a laboratory soil column
Transactions of the ASABE, 50(2), 523–532.
2007 conference paper
Modeling streambank instability by seepage undercutting
2007 ASABE Annual International Meeting, Technical Papers, 4 BOOK.
2007 conference paper
Numerical modeling of bank instability by groundwater seepage flow
[ASABE Paper]. 2007 Minneapolis, Minnesota, June 17-20, 2007, (072117).
Event: 2007 ASABE Annual Meeting. at Minneapolis, Minnesota on June 17-20, 2007
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2007 conference paper
Seepage Erosion: A Significant Mechanism of Stream Bank Failure
World Environmental and Water Resources Congress 2007. Presented at the World Environmental and Water Resources Congress 2007.
Contributors: , M. Chu-Agor & G. Wilson * *
Event: World Environmental and Water Resources Congress 2007
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2006 conference paper
Experimental investigation of direct connectivity between macropores and subsurface drains during infiltration
Examining the Confluence of Environmental and Water Concerns - Proceedings of the World Environmental and Water Resources Congress 2006.
Contributors: O. Akay * & *
2006 journal article
Modeling the big black river: A comparison of water quality models
Journal of the American Water Resources Association, 42(3), 617–627.
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2006 journal article
Sediment transport model for seepage erosion of streambank sediment
Journal of Hydrologic Engineering, 11(6), 603–611.
Contributors: , G. Wilson *, R. Periketi* & R. Cullum* *
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2006 journal article
Soil properties controlling seepage erosion contributions to streambank failure
Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 32(3), 447–459.
Contributors: G. Wilson *, R. Periketi, * , S. Dabney*, F. Shields * & R. Cullum*
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2006 journal article
Uncalibrated modelling of conservative tracer and pesticide leaching to groundwater: Comparison of potential Tier II exposure assessment models
Pest Management Science, 62(6), 537–550.
Contributors: , G. Sabbagh*, W. Chen * & M. Russell * *
2005 conference paper
Developing a sediment transport model for the seepage erosion of streambank sediment
Proceedings of the American Water Resources Conference. Presented at the American Water Resources Conference, Seattle, WA.
Event: American Water Resources Conference at Seattle, WA on November 7-10, 2005
2005 journal article
Evaluating factors affecting the permeability of emulsions used to stabilize radioactive contamination from a radiological dispersal device
Environmental Science and Technology, 39(10), 3762–3769.
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2005 conference paper
Hyporheic and total storage exchange in small sand-bed streams
World Water Congress 2005: Impacts of Global Climate Change - Proceedings of the 2005 World Water and Environmental Resources Congress, 587.
2005 conference paper
Modeling the big black river: Evaluation of a simplistic water quality model
Proceedings of the 3rd Conference on Watershed Management to Meet Water Quality Standards and Emerging TMDL, 467–477.
2005 journal article
Soil property analysis using principal components analysis, soil line, and regression models
Soil Science Society of America Journal, 69(6), 1782–1788.
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2005 conference paper
The role of subsurface water in contributing to streambank erosion
Proceedings of the US-China Workshop on Advanced Computational Modeling in Hydroscience and Engineering. Presented at the US-China Workshop on Advanced Computational Modeling in Hydroscience and Engineering, Oxford, Mississippi, USA.
Event: US-China Workshop on Advanced Computational Modeling in Hydroscience and Engineering at Oxford, Mississippi, USA on August 2-5, 2005
2004 journal article
An automated soil line identification routine for remotely sensed images
Soil Science Society of America Journal, 68(4), 1326–1331.
2004 journal article
Evaluation of a stream aquifer analysis test using analytical solutions and field data
Journal of the American Water Resources Association, 40(3), 755–763.
2004 journal article
Interrelationship of macropores and subsurface drainage for conservative tracer and pesticide transport
Journal of Environmental Quality, 33(6), 2281–2289.
2004 conference paper
Organic Carbon Concentrations in Hyporheic Zone Sediments: A Tool for Measuring Stream Integrity
Critical Transitions in Water and Environmental Resources Management. Presented at the World Water and Environmental Resources Congress 2004.
Event: World Water and Environmental Resources Congress 2004
2004 conference paper
Organic carbon concentrations in hyporheic zone sediments: A tool for measuring stream integrity
Proceedings of the 2004 World Water and Environmetal Resources Congress: Critical Transitions in Water and Environmetal Resources Management, 4193–4202.
2004 conference paper
Organic carbon concentrations in the hyporheic zone: A tool for measuring the effectiveness of stream restoration
Proceedings of the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) Conference of the Water and Environmental Resources Institute. Presented at the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) Conference of the Water and Environmental Resources Institute, Salt Lake City, Utah.
Event: American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) Conference of the Water and Environmental Resources Institute at Salt Lake City, Utah on June 27 - July 1, 2004
2004 conference paper
Simulating the interaction between macropores and subsurface drains with RZWQM
Proceedings of the International Workshop on Applications, Enhancements, and Collaborations of ARS RZWQM and GPFARM Models, 41–44. Fort Collins, Colorado: USDA-ARS Research Great Plains Systems Research Unit.
2004 journal article
“Analytical Model for Aquifer Response Incorporating Distributed Stream Leakage,”by Garey A. Fox, Paul DuChateau, and Deana S. Dumford, July-August 2002 issue, v. 40, no. 4: 378-384.
Ground Water, 42(1), 139–140.
2003 conference paper
Estimating streambed and aquifer parameters from a stream/aquifer analysis test
In J. A. Ramirez (Ed.), Proceedings of the 23rd Annual Geophysical Union Hydrology Days (pp. 68–79).
Ed(s): J. Ramirez
2003 conference paper
Improving MODFLOW’s RIVER package for unsaturated stream/aquifer flow
In J. A. Ramirez (Ed.), Proceedings of the 23rd Annual Geophysical Union Hydrology Days (pp. 56–67).
Ed(s): J. Ramirez
2003 journal article
Radiometric normalization of multi-temporal images based on image soil lines
Transactions of the American Society of Agricultural Engineers, 46(3), 851–859.
2003 journal article
Stream Aquifer Analysis Tests: Estimating Aquifer and Streambed Permeability
Colorado Water, 20(3), 5–7.
2003 journal article
Unsaturated hyporheic zone flow in stream/aquifer conjunctive systems
Advances in Water Resources, 26(9), 989–1000.
2002 journal article
Analytical model for aquifer response incorporating distributed stream leakage
Ground Water, 40(4), 378–384.
2002 conference paper
Analytical model for saturated/unsaturated hyporheic zone flow due to alluvial well depletions
In J. F. Kenny (Ed.), Proceedings of the American Water Resources Association Specialty Conference on Surface Water/Ground Water Interactions (pp. 479–484).
Ed(s): J. Kenny
2002 conference paper
Effect of aquifer parameter uncertainty on analytical estimates of streambed conductance using STRMAQ
In J. A. Ramirez (Ed.), Proceedings of the 22nd Annual Geophysical Union Hydrology Days (pp. 86–97).
Ed(s): J. Ramirez
2002 journal article
Estimation of soil organic matter from red and near-infrared remotely sensed data using a soil line Euclidean distance technique
Soil Science Society of America Journal, 66(6), 1922–1929.
2002 conference paper
Unsaturated Hyporheic Zone Flow in Analytical Models for Stream/Aquifer Interaction
[ASAE-CIGR Meeting Paper]. 2002 Chicago, IL July 28-31, 2002, (022212).
Event: 2002 ASAE Annual International Meeting / CIGR XVth World Congress at Chicago, Illinois, USA on July 28-31, 2002
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2001 conference paper
Investigation of analytical and numerical models for simulating surface water/groundwater interaction
Proceedings of the 21st Annual Geophysical Union Hydrology Days, 58–69.
Event: Annual Geophysical Union Hydrology Days at Fort Collins, CO on April 2-5, 2001
1999 journal article
Statistical method for evaluation of a water table management model
Transactions of the American Society of Agricultural Engineers, 42(3), 713–719.
1998 conference paper
Determination of localized statistical parameters for disaggregation modeling
Papers of the ASAE. Presented at the ASAE International Convention, Orlando, Florida.
Event: ASAE International Convention at Orlando, Florida
1998 journal article
Investigation of High Plains management practices with the APEX modeling system
Texas A&M University Undergraduate Journal of Science, 2(1), 9–16.