Works (18)
2008 review
Fifty-five years of yield improvement for cucumber, melon, and watermelon in the United States
[Review of ]. HortTechnology, 18(1), 9–12.
2007 journal article
Heritability and genetic variance estimates for fruit weight in watermelon
HortScience, 42(6), 1332–1336.
2007 journal article
SASQuant: A SAS software program to estimate genetic effects and heritabilities of quantitative traits in Populations consisting of 6 related generations
JOURNAL OF HEREDITY, 98(4), 345–350.

2006 journal article
Qualitative inheritance of rind pattern and flesh color in watermelon
JOURNAL OF HEREDITY, 97(2), 177–185.

2005 article
Foundations of yield improvement in watermelon (vol 45, pg 141, 2003)
CROP SCIENCE, Vol. 45, pp. 810–810.

2005 journal article
Genes determining rind pattern inheritance in watermelon: A review
HortScience, 40(6), 1928–1930.
2005 journal article
New sources of resistance to gummy stem blight in watermelon
CROP SCIENCE, 45(2), 582–588.

2004 journal article
Cultivars suitable for watermelon rind pickles
Report (Cucurbit Genetics Cooperative), (27), 41.
2004 journal article
Estimates of variance components and broad-sense heritability for yield in watermelon
Report (Cucurbit Genetics Cooperative), (27), 45.
2004 journal article
Heterosis for yield in a watermelon hybrid
Report (Cucurbit Genetics Cooperative), (27), 43.
2004 journal article
Inheritance of egusi seed type in watermelon
Journal of Heredity, 95(3), 268–270.

2004 journal article
Protocol for DNA extraction from watermelon leaves for SSR marker studies
Report (Cucurbit Genetics Cooperative), (27), 25.
2004 journal article
Rind thickness of watermelon cultivars for use in pickle production
HortTechnology, 14(4), 540–545.
2004 article
Screening the watermelon germplasm collection for resistance to gummy stem blight

2004 journal article
Some considerations on speed of weighing watermelon fruit in yield trials
Report (Cucurbit Genetics Cooperative), (27), 49.
2003 journal article
Mass production of gummy stem blight spores for resistance screening
Report (Cucurbit Genetics Cooperative), (26), 26.
2003 journal article
Polygenic inheritance of some vine traits in two segregating watermelon families
Report (Cucurbit Genetics Cooperative), (26), 32.
2002 journal article
Disease assessment scales for seedling screening and detached leaf assay for gummy stem blight in watermelon
Report (Cucurbit Genetics Cooperative), (25), 36.