Gerald J. Holmes
Works (20)
2011 journal article
Effect of cultural practices and fungicides on Phytophthora fruit rot of watermelon in the Carolinas
CROP PROTECTION, 30(7), 888–894.

2010 journal article
Influence of Preceding Crop on Wireworm (Coleoptera: Elateridae) Abundance in the Coastal Plain of North Carolina

2010 journal article
Survival of Pseudoperonospora cubensis sporangia exposed to solar radiation
PLANT PATHOLOGY, 59(2), 313–323.
2009 journal article
Permanent Genetic Resources added to Molecular Ecology Resources Database 1 May 2009-31 July 2009

2008 article
'Covington' sweetpotato
Yencho, G. C., Pecota, K. V., Schultheis, J. R., VanEsbroeck, Z.-P., Holmes, G. J., Little, B. E., … Truong, V.-D. (2008, October). HORTSCIENCE, Vol. 43, pp. 1911–1914.

2007 journal article
Evaluation of combinations of chlorothalonil with azoxystrobin, harpin, and disease forecasting for control of downy mildew and gummy stem blight on melon
CROP PROTECTION, 26(2), 83–88.

2007 journal article
Multi-state evaluation of reduced-risk fungicides and Melcast against Alternaria leaf blight and gummy stem blight on muskmelon
CROP PROTECTION, 26(8), 1251–1258.

2003 article
Adaptation and market potential of Jack o' Lantern and miniature pumpkin cultivars in eastern North Carolina
HORTTECHNOLOGY, Vol. 13, pp. 532–539.

2003 journal article
Sensitivity of watermelon cultigens to ambient ozone in North Carolina
PLANT DISEASE, 87(4), 428–434.

2002 journal article
Disease assessment scales for seedling screening and detached leaf assay for gummy stem blight in watermelon
Report (Cucurbit Genetics Cooperative), (25), 36.
2002 journal article
First report of Geotrichum candidum as a Pathogen of Sweetpotato Storage Roots from Flooded Fields in North Carolina and Louisiana
Plant Disease, 86(6), 695.
2002 journal article
Influence of wound type and storage duration on susceptibility of sweetpotatoes to Rhizopus soft rot
PLANT DISEASE, 86(4), 345–348.
2001 journal article
Constituents from the periderm and outer cortex of Ipomoea batatas with antifungal activity against Rhizopus stolonifer

2000 journal article
A new leaf blotch disease of sudangrass caused by Pantoea ananas and Pantoea stewartii
PLANT DISEASE, 84(9), 973–979.

2000 journal article
Pumpkin fruit rot in North Carolina caused by phyophthora nicotianae.
Plant Disease, 84(8), 923.
2000 journal article
What's a picture worth? The use of modern telecommunications in diagnosing plant diseases
PLANT DISEASE, 84(12), 1256–1265.

1999 report
Phytophthora blight of peppers and cucurbits
In Vegetable disease information note, Jan. 1999.
1999 journal article
Sensitivity of Penicillium digitatum and P-italicum to postharvest citrus fungicides in California
PHYTOPATHOLOGY, 89(9), 716–721.
1998 journal article
Physiochemical characterization and field assessment of lettuce chlorosis virus
PLANT DISEASE, 82(11), 1248–1252.

1997 journal article
Imperial valley conditions limit Karnal bunt in wheat
California Agriculture (Berkeley, Calif.), 51(3), 29–33.