Gonzalo H. Villarino
Works (3)
2023 article
HISTONE DEACETYLASE19 Controls Ovule Number Determination and Transmitting Tract Differentiation
Manrique, S., Cavalleri, A., Guazzotti, A., Villarino, G. H., Simonini, S., Bombarely, A., … Colombo, L. (2023, December 7). PLANT PHYSIOLOGY, Vol. 12.
2019 journal article
miR167 limits anther growth to potentiate anther dehiscence
2016 journal article
Transcriptomic Signature of the <i>SHATTERPROOF2</i> Expression Domain Reveals the Meristematic Nature of Arabidopsis Gynoecial Medial Domain
Plant Physiology, 171(1), 42–61.
Contributors: Q. Hu n, S. Manrique *, M. Flores-Vergara n, B. Sehra n, L. Robles n, J. Brumos n, A. Stepanova n n,