Works (7)
2021 journal article
Tuning the Adhesive Properties of Soy Protein Wood Adhesives with Different Coadjutant Polymers, Nanocellulose and Lignin
Polymers, 13(12), 1972.
2020 journal article
Thermal, Structural, and Mechanical Effects of Nanofibrillated Cellulose in Polylactic Acid Filaments for Additive Manufacturing
BIORESOURCES, 15(4), 7954–7964.
2018 journal article
The Use of Acoustic Emission to Detect Fines for Wood Based Composites, Part Two: Use on Flakes
BIORESOURCES, 13(4), 8751–8760.
2018 journal article
The Use of Acoustic Emission to Detect Fines for Wood-Based Composites, Part One: Experimental Setup for Use on Particleboard
BIORESOURCES, 13(4), 8738–8750.
2016 journal article
Estimation of air leakage rate of wood-based residential buildings constructed in the Czech Republic in the years 2006-2014 using blower door test
Wood Research, 61(4), 599–605.
2014 journal article
US biomass opportunities for value-added biomass exports based on the European Union renewable energy share targets
BioResources, 9(4), 7606–7621.

2013 journal article
Capacity, production, and consumption assessment of the U.S. south Atlantic wood pellet industry
BioResources, 8(4), 5908–5924.