Geoffrey Keith Bradshaw Bradshaw, G. K., Samberg, J. P., Carlin, C. Z., Colter, P. C., Edmondson, K. M., Hong, W., … Bedair, S. M. (2014). GaInP/GaAs Tandem Solar Cells With InGaAs/GaAsP Multiple Quantum Wells. IEEE JOURNAL OF PHOTOVOLTAICS, 4(2), 614–619. Bradshaw, G. K., Carlin, C. Z., Samberg, J. P., Colter, P. C., & Bedair, S. M. (2013). Determination of carrier recombination lifetime in InGaAs quantum wells from external quantum efficiency measurements. 2013 ieee 39th photovoltaic specialists conference (pvsc), 264–267. Samberg, J. P., Carlin, C. Z., Bradshaw, G. K., Colter, P. C., Harmon, J. L., Allen, J. B., … Bedair, S. M. (2013). Effect of GaAs interfacial layer on the performance of high bandgap tunnel junctions for multijunction solar cells. APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS, 103(10). Samberg, J. P., Alipour, H. M., Bradshaw, G. K., Carlin, C. Z., Colter, P. C., LeBeau, J. M., … Bedair, S. M. (2013). Interface properties of Ga(As,P)/(In,Ga)As strained multiple quantum well structures. APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS, 103(7). Carlin, C. Z., Bradshaw, G. K., Samberg, J. P., Colter, P. C., & Bedair, S. M. (2013). Minority Carrier Transport and Their Lifetime in InGaAs/GaAsP Multiple Quantum Well Structures. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ELECTRON DEVICES, 60(8), 2532–2536. Hauser, J., Carlin, Z., Harmon, J., Bradshaw, G., Samberg, J., Colter, P., & Bedair, S. (2013). Modeling an InGaP/AlGaAs tunnel junction containing an AlAs diffusion barrier. 2013 ieee 39th photovoltaic specialists conference (pvsc), 2082–2085. Samberg, J. P., Bradshaw, G. K., Carlin, C. Z., Colter, P. C., Edmondson, K., Hong, W., … Bedair, S. M. (2013). Tandem InGaP/GaAs-quantum well solar cells and their potential improvement through phosphorus carry-over management in multiple quantum well structures. 2013 ieee 39th photovoltaic specialists conference (pvsc), 1737–1740. Bradshaw, G. K., Carlin, C. Z., Samberg, J. P., El-Masry, N. A., Colter, P. C., & Bedair, S. M. (2013). Carrier Transport and Improved Collection in Thin-Barrier InGaAs/GaAsP Strained Quantum Well Solar Cells. IEEE JOURNAL OF PHOTOVOLTAICS, 3(1), 278–283. Samberg, J. P., Carlin, C. Z., Bradshaw, G. K., Colter, P. C., & Bedair, S. M. (2013). Growth and Characterization of InxGa1-xAs/GaAs1-yPy Strained-Layer Superlattices with High Values of y (similar to 80%). JOURNAL OF ELECTRONIC MATERIALS, 42(5), 912–917. Colter, P. C., Carlin, C. Z., Samberg, J. P., Bradshaw, G. K., & Bedair, S. M. (2011). Staggered InGaAs/GaAsP strained layer superlattices for use in optical devices. PHYSICA STATUS SOLIDI A-APPLICATIONS AND MATERIALS SCIENCE, 208(12), 2884–2888.