@inbook{library as platform: the transformed library's impact on teaching, learning, and research_2022, url={https://www.ala.org/acrl/sites/ala.org.acrl/files/content/publications/booksanddigitalresources/digital/9780838936726_OA.pdf}, booktitle={Designing Libraries for the 21st Century}, year={2022} } @inbook{raschke_2022, place={Chicago, Illinois}, title={Remembering Susan K. Nutter}, booktitle={Designing Libraries for the 21st Century}, publisher={Association of College and Research Libraries}, author={Raschke, G.K.}, editor={Hickerson, H.Thomas and Lippincott, Joan K. and Crema, LeonoraEditors}, year={2022} } @article{cox_felix_raschke_mavrinac_2021, title={Looking through the COVID fog: Toward resilient, reimagined libraries}, url={http://dx.doi.org/10.5860/crln.82.8.362}, DOI={10.5860/crln.82.8.362}, abstractNote={Like so many facets of higher education, academic libraries adapted admirably when the COVID-19 pandemic began. Collections and consultations moved online. Books went contactless for pick-up, drop-off, and shipping. Events went virtual. Seats in the library spread out. Learning and research continued. As COVID-19 restrictions are relaxed, it’s time to look to the future and understand which adaptations will remain, what trends will accelerate, and where progress may be on hold. Will libraries continue as hubs that bring together information, collections, technology, services, and spaces to support creativity, create knowledge, build community, inspire concentration, and foster collaboration? Or will there be retrenchment into quiet study halls divorced from student success, coursework, and the research enterprise? To answer these questions, we offer four big ideas for the future on library spaces, services, and collections.}, journal={College & Research Libraries News}, author={Cox, Christopher and Felix, Elliot and Raschke, Greg and Mavrinac, Mary Ann}, year={2021} } @article{davis_raschke_2017, title={Data Informed and Community Driven: Using Data and Feedback Loops to Manage a Journal Review and Cancellation Policy}, volume={29}, ISSN={2380-176X}, url={http://dx.doi.org/10.7771/2380-176x.7744}, DOI={10.7771/2380-176x.7744}, abstractNote={Many libraries are familiar with this scenario: the extent of journal and database price inflation combined with budget cuts necessitates frequent reviews and subsequent cancellations of journals and databases.The challenge is how to sustain as much quality content as possible while getting through the process without damaging the credibility of the library and maintaining relationships that keep the library front and center as a research and teaching partner.We have conducted four public reviews since 2005.In each case, we have learned best practices and strategies for engaging directly with our campus community -students, faculty, and staff -to involve them in difficult decisions that could impact their research and teaching capacity.In this article, we describe strategies to create data-informed, community-driven feedback loops and communication that fosters deeper engagement with our campus community at all levels.}, number={2}, journal={Against the Grain}, publisher={Purdue University (bepress)}, author={Davis, Hilary M. and Raschke, Gregory K.}, year={2017} } @inbook{alpi_cross_raschke_sullivan_2017, title={The North Carolina State University Libraries' alt-textbook project: Open education that opens a door to the library}, ISBN={780836915806}, booktitle={Affordable course materials: Electronic textbooks and open educational resources}, publisher={Chicago : ALA Editions, an imprint of the American Library Association}, author={Alpi, K. and Cross, W. and Raschke, G. and Sullivan, M.}, year={2017}, pages={69–89} } @inproceedings{raschke_nutter_2017, title={The importance of the computer simulation archive}, DOI={10.1109/wsc.2017.8247798}, abstractNote={This paper discusses the importance, historical significance, and prestige of the Computer Simulation Archive (https://d.lib.ncsu.edu/computer-simulation/) at North Carolina State University Libraries, including its importance to the field of simulation and its place in the broader context of esearch library archival collections.}, booktitle={2017 winter simulation conference (wsc)}, author={Raschke, Gregory K. and Nutter, S. K.}, year={2017}, pages={342–345} } @inbook{raschke_shanks_2012, series={Library Technology Reports}, title={Water on a Hot Skillet: Textbooks, Open Educational Resources, and the Role of the Library}, ISBN={978-0-8389-5836-0}, booktitle={The No Shelf Required Guide to E-Book Purchasing}, publisher={American Library Association}, author={Raschke, Greg and Shanks, Shelby}, year={2012}, collection={Library Technology Reports} } @inbook{raschke_mccormick_2007, place={Washington, DC}, title={The NCSU Libraries’ Entomological Archive}, ISBN={978-1-59407-769-2}, url={http://www.celebratingresearch.org/libraries/ncstate/bugs.html}, booktitle={Celebrating research: Rare and special collections from the membership of the Association of Research Libraries; celebrating the 75th anniversary of the Association of Research Libraries}, publisher={Association of Research Libraries}, author={Raschke, Greg and McCormick, Monica}, editor={Cronenwett, P.N. and Osborn, K. and Streit, S.A.Editors}, year={2007}, pages={182–183} } @inproceedings{raschke_goldsmith_2005, place={Chicago, IL}, title={Making the Connections: An E-Matrix for Managing Resources in the Dis-integrated Library System}, url={http://www.ala.org/acrl/sites/ala.org.acrl/files/content/conferences/pdf/goldsmith-etal05.pdf}, booktitle={Currents and Convergence: Navigating the Rivers of Change. Proceedings of the Twelfth National Conference of the Association of College and Research Libraries}, publisher={American Library Association}, author={Raschke, Greg and Goldsmith, David}, year={2005}, pages={217–222} } @article{raschke_weiner_2004, title={Clarity in the mist}, volume={129}, url={http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-3543014962&partnerID=MN8TOARS}, number={SUPPL. SUMMMER}, journal={Library Journal}, author={Raschke, G. and Weiner, S.}, year={2004}, pages={4–8} } @article{raschke_2003, title={Hiring and Recruitment Practices in Academic Libraries: Problems and Solutions}, volume={3}, ISSN={1530-7131}, url={http://dx.doi.org/10.1353/pla.2003.0017}, DOI={10.1353/pla.2003.0017}, abstractNote={ Academic libraries need to change their recruiting and hiring procedures to stay competitive in today's changing marketplace. By taking too long to find and to hire talented professionals in a tight labor market, academic libraries are losing out on top candidates and limiting their ability to become innovative and dynamic organizations. Traditional, deliberate, and risk-averse hiring models lead to positions remaining open for long periods, opportunities lost as top prospects find other positions, and a reduction in the overall talent level of the organization. To be more competitive and effective in their recruitment and hiring processes, academic libraries must foster manageable internal solutions, look to other professions for effective hiring techniques and models, and employ innovative concepts from modern personnel management literature. }, number={1}, journal={portal: Libraries and the Academy}, publisher={Project Muse}, author={Raschke, Gregory K.}, year={2003}, pages={53–67} } @article{raschke_letarte_2003, title={Opportunity knocks: the demand for minority science & technology librarians}, volume={18}, number={4}, journal={Winds of change (Boulder, Colorado)}, author={Raschke, G.K. and Letarte, K.M.}, year={2003}, pages={34–7} } @article{raschke_letarte_2003, title={Opportunity knocks: the demand for minority science & technology librarians}, volume={18}, number={4}, journal={Winds of change (Boulder, Colorado)}, author={Raschke, G.K. and Letarte, K.M.}, year={2003}, pages={34–37} } @article{frank_raschke_wood_yang_2001, title={Information consulting: The key to success in academic libraries}, volume={27}, ISSN={0099-1333}, url={http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/s0099-1333(00)00180-4}, DOI={10.1016/S0099-1333(00)00180-4}, abstractNote={Information consulting is essential to the success, lasting impact, and viability of academic libraries. Traditional liaison programs, while helpful, are too passive and lack impact. Topics such as the driving forces behind the need for information consulting, the implications of implementing a consulting program, and the elements of successful consulting are explored.}, number={2}, journal={The Journal of Academic Librarianship}, publisher={Elsevier BV}, author={Frank, Donald G and Raschke, Gregory K and Wood, Julie and Yang, Julie Z}, year={2001}, month={Mar}, pages={90–96} } @article{frank_calhoun_henson_madden_raschke_1999, title={The Changing Nature of Reference and Information Services: Predictions and Realities}, volume={39}, url={http://www.jstor.org/stable/20863725}, number={2}, journal={Reference & User Services Quarterly}, author={Frank, D. and Calhoun, K. and Henson, W. and Madden, M. and Raschke, G.}, year={1999}, pages={151–157} }