Works (993)
2025 journal article
Fraise mowing and hollow-tine aerification impact bermudagrass surfaces
2025 journal article
Fraise mowing impacts soil physical properties of bermudagrass surfaces
2024 article
Enhancing drought resistance in warm-season turfgrasses: Fourteen years of progress through a multistate collaborative project across the southern United States
Gouveia, B. T., Kenworthy, K. E., Chandra, A., Schwartz, B. M., Zhang, J., Raymer, P. L., … Milla-Lewis, S. (2024, November 18). CROP SCIENCE.
2024 journal article
Management strategies for preventing and recovering from bermudagrass winterkill
Crop, Forage & Turfgrass Management.

2024 article
Maximizing genetic gains across agronomic and consumer preference traits in St. Augustinegrass breeding
Milla-Lewis, S. R., Gouveia, B. T., Kenworthy, K., Zhang, J., Chandra, A., Miller, G. L., … Unruh, J. B. (2024, October 8). CROP SCIENCE, Vol. 10.
2023 journal article
Abundance, diversity, and composition of root-associated microbial communities varied with tall fescue cultivars under water deficit

2023 journal article
Stress coefficients for hybrid bermudagrass in the transition zone
Crop, Forage & Turfgrass Management.

2023 journal article
Water deficits shape the microbiome of Bermudagrass roots to be Actinobacteria rich

2022 journal article
Evaluation of South African common bermudagrass germplasm for shade tolerance
International Turfgrass Society Research Journal, 4.

2022 journal article
Fall establishment of zoysiagrass on roadsides in the U.S. transition zone
International Turfgrass Society Research Journal, 5.

2021 journal article
Multispecies genotype x environment interaction for turfgrass quality in five turfgrass breeding programs in the southeastern United States
CROP SCIENCE, 61(5), 3080–3096.

2020 journal article
Creeping bentgrass summer decline as influenced by climatic conditions and cultural practices
Agronomy Journal, 112(5), 3500–3512.

2020 journal article
Genotype-by-environment interaction for turfgrass quality in bermudagrass across the southeastern United States
CROP SCIENCE, 60(6), 3328–3343.

2020 journal article
The effects of compost incorporation on soil physical properties in urban soils – A concise review
Journal of Environmental Management, 261, 110209.

2019 journal article
Comparing evapotranspiration rates of tall fescue and bermudagrass in North Carolina

2019 journal article
Crop Coefficients for Tall Fescue and Hybrid Bermudagrass in the Transition Zone

2019 journal article
Defoliation management and grass growth habits modulated the soil microbial community of turfgrass systems
PLOS ONE, 14(6).
Ed(s): C. Gao

2019 journal article
Evaluation of Turfgrass Clippings from Mulching Versus Side Discharge Mower Operation

2019 journal article
Fraise Mowing as a Spring Transition Aid

2019 journal article
Leaf Wetness Influences Turf Colorant Application

2019 journal article
Solubility of Ten Iron Fertilizers in Eleven North American Soils
AGRONOMY JOURNAL, 111(3), 1498–1505.

2018 article
'DT-1', a Drought-tolerant Triploid Turf Bermudagrass
Schwartz, B. M., Hanna, W. W., Baxter, L. L., Raymer, P. L., Waltz, F. C., Kowalewski, A. R., … Munoz, P. R. (2018, November). HORTSCIENCE, Vol. 53, pp. 1711–1714.
2018 journal article
Air Temperature Effects on Turfgrass Colorant Transfer
2018 magazine article
Application conditions influence turf colorant performance
SportsTurf, 34(9), 18,20–21.
2018 journal article
Color, Transfer, and Application Parameters of Turfgrass Colorants
AGRONOMY JOURNAL, 110(1), 66–76.
2018 magazine article
Impact of fraise mowing on soil physical properties of bermudagrass surfaces
[Cover]. North Carolina Turfgrass, 12–14,16.
2018 magazine article
Investing in natural grass
SportsTurf, 34(11), 50.
2018 article
Nitrogen Rate and Mowing Height Affect Seasonal Performance of Zoysiagrass Cultivars
AGRONOMY JOURNAL, Vol. 110, pp. 2114–2123.

2018 journal article
Partitioning between evaporation and transpiration from Agrostis stolonifera L. during light and dark periods

2018 magazine article
Ryegrass slip and slide
SportsTurf, 34(1), 58.
2018 magazine article
Taking it to the next level
SportsTurf, 34(3), 50.
2018 journal article
Tennessee icon and STMA leader Bobby Campbell passes
SportsTurf, 34(1), 14,16.
2018 magazine article
Using what you got
SportsTurf, 34(7), 50.
2018 magazine article
What are you looking for?
SportsTurf, 34(9), 50.
2017 report
2017 Sod Producers’ Report for North Carolina
(NC State Extension Publication No. AG-809). Raleigh, NC: North Carolina State University.
2017 magazine article
2017 Sod producers’ report for North Carolina
North Carolina Turfgrass, (May/June), 12–14.
2017 report
2017 top performing tall fescue, Kentucky bluegrass, and fine fescue cultivars for North Carolina
2017 speech
Analysis of multispectral reflectance data from unmanned aerial vehicles to estimate turf quality, color and nitrogen-content in turfgrasses
Miller, G., & Edenhart-Pepe, S. (2017, December). Presented at the CENTERE Symposium, Raleigh, NC.
2017 speech
Blades of Green Water
Miller, G. (2017, June). Presented at the CALS Symposium, Raleigh, NC.
2017 speech
Colorant Use for Turfgrasses
Miller, G. (2017, February). Presented at the Turf Council of North Carolina Annual Conference, Greensboro, NC.
2017 speech
Colorant Use on Golf Courses
Miller, G. (2017, February). Presented at the Golf Course Superintendent’s Association Meeting, Orlando, FL.
2017 speech
Colorant Use on Golf Courses
Miller, G. (2017, November). Presented at the Carolina Golf Course Superintendents Association Meeting, Myrtle Beach, SC.
2017 speech
Colorant Use on Golf Courses
Miller, G. (2017, January). Presented at the USGA Workshop, Pinehurst, NC.
2017 speech
Cultivar Development in NC
Miller, G. (2017, May). Presented at the SCRI Meeting, Tifton, GA.
2017 speech
Determining Water Use Requirements of North Carolina Turfgrasses
Miller, G., & Pinnix, D. (2017, December). Presented at the CENTERE Symposium, Raleigh, NC.
2017 speech
Development of large patch resistance and cold hardy zoysiagrass cultivars for the transition zone
Miller, G., & Xiang, M. (2017, October). Presented at the ASA, CSSA, and SSA International Annual Meetings, Tampa, FL.
2017 speech
Effects of application timing on turf colorant transfer and quality
Miller, G., & Pinnix, D. (2017, October). Presented at the ASA, CSSA, and SSA International Annual Meetings, Tampa, FL.
2017 speech
Effects of fraise mowing on soil physical properties
Miller, G., & McCauley, R. (2017, October). Presented at the ASA, CSSA, and SSA International Annual Meetings, Tampa, FL.
2017 report
Establishing Turfgrass Cover on NC Solar Farms
2017 speech
Establishment of Turfgrasses
Miller, G. (2017, February). Presented at the NCSU Short Course, Raleigh, NC.
2017 speech
Evaluation of Fraise Mowing on Soil Properties of Bermudagrass Surfaces
Miller, G., & McCauley, R. (2017, August). Presented at the Turfgrass Field Day, Raleigh, NC.
2017 article
Evaluation of Key Methodology for Digital Image Analysis of Turfgrass Color Using Open-Source Software
CROP SCIENCE, Vol. 57, pp. 550–558.
2017 speech
Evaluation of sand topdressing on bermudagrass recovery post fraise mowing
Miller, G., & McCauley, R. (2017, December). Presented at the CENTERE Symposium, Raleigh, NC.
2017 magazine article
Expecting good field conditions
SportsTurf, 33(3), 50.
2017 speech
Field Plot Research in Raleigh
Miller, G. (2017, February). Presented at the NCSU Short Course, Raleigh, NC.
2017 speech
Fifty Shades of Green
Miller, G. (2017, January). Presented at the Tennessee Turfgrass Conference, Murfreesboro, TN.
2017 speech
Guest Lecture: Irrigation Auditing Lab Exercise
Miller, G. (2017, October). Presented at the CS 155: Advanced Turf Management, Raleigh, NC.
2017 speech
Guest Lecture: Irrigation Scheduling in NC
Miller, G. (2017, October). Presented at the CS 155: Advanced Turf Management, Raleigh, NC.
2017 magazine article
How to bring about change
SportsTurf, 33(1), 50.
2017 speech
IPM Strategies for Warm Season Grasses
Miller, G. (2017, January). Presented at the Green and Growin', Greensboro, NC.
2017 speech
Investigation into soil microbiome and nitrogen cycling patterns in warm and cool season turfgrass systems
Miller, G., & Xia, Q. (2017, October). Presented at the ASA, CSSA, and SSA International Annual Meetings, Tampa, FL.
2017 report
It is time for fall seeding of cool-season grasses
(p. 1). Turffiles (Turfgrass Information for North Carolina).
2017 speech
Landscape Turf Management
Miller, G. (2017, March). Presented at the Master Gardener Training, Wake Forest, NC.
2017 speech
Management of Cold and Wet Fields
Miller, G. (2017, January). Presented at the Tennessee Turfgrass Conference, Murfreesboro, TN.
2017 conference paper
Managing K-12 Fields in the Transition Zone
Miller, G. (2017, January 24). Presented at the National STMA meeting, Orlando, FL.
2017 speech
Managing Turf in Bad and Good Times
Miller, G. (2017, April). Presented at the Western Regional Turfgrass Conference Host, Flat Rock, NC.
2017 speech
Mowing, Aerification, and Other Cultural Practices
Miller, G. (2017, February). Presented at the NCSU Short Course, Raleigh, NC.
2017 speech
My Extension Program
Miller, G. (2017, February). Presented at the DEL Meeting Crop and Soil Sciences, Raleigh, NC.
2017 speech
NC’s Role in Developing Drought Tolerant Warm-Season Turfgrasses for the Southeast
Miller, G. (2017, October). Presented at the USDA-SCRI Grant meeting, Tampa, FL.
2017 speech
New Turfgrasses for Raleigh Area
Miller, G. (2017, February). Presented at the Fairway Green Annual Conference, Raleigh, NC.
2017 report
Pest control for professional turfgrass managers
(North Carolina Cooperative Extension Service Publications No. AG-408). Raleigh, NC: North Carolina State University.
2017 speech
Planning Stadium Turfgrass Events
Miller, G., & McCauley, R. (2017, October). Presented at the Fall NC-STMA Conference, Winston-Salem, NC.
2017 speech
Replicated Field Trials for Warm-Season Grasses in SCRI program
Miller, G., & Milla-Lewis, S. (2017, August). Presented at the NCSU Turfgrass Field Day, Lake Wheeler Field Lab. Raleigh, NC.
2017 speech
Research Think Tank
Miller, G. (2017, September). Presented at the National Turfgrass Workshop, Washington DC.
2017 conference paper
Research for Everyday Field Managers
Miller, G. (2017, January 23). Presented at the National STMA Meeting, Orlando, FL.
2017 speech
Research on Water Requirements of NC Turfgrasses
Miller, G., & Pinnix, D. (2017, August). Presented at the NCSU Turfgrass Field Day, Raleigh, NC.
2017 journal article
Shade response of bermudagrass accessions under different management practices
Urban Forestry & Urban Greening, 26, 169–177.
2017 speech
Smart Irrigation and Healthy Landscapes
Miller, G. (2017, January). Presented at the Green and Growin' Conference, Greensboro, NC.
2017 speech
Sod Harvest Testing (as part of SCRI Project)
Miller, G. (2017, June). Presented at the Sandhills Turfgrass Field Day, Jackson Springs, NC.
2017 speech
Sod Production: Ask the Expert Panel
Miller, G. (2017, January). Presented at the NC Sod Producers Association Meeting, Greensboro, NC.
2017 speech
Soil Microbial Community Development along a chrono-sequence of Loblolly Pine-Converted Turf
Miller, G., & Qing, X. (2017, December). Presented at the 2017 CENTERE Turfgrass Symposium, Raleigh, NC.
2017 speech
Sports Turf Management for Parks & Rec
Miller, G. (2017, March). Sports Turf Management for Parks & Rec. Presented at the NC Recreation Association Conference, Asheville, NC.
2017 speech
Sports Turf Management in Carolina’s
Miller, G. (2017, April). Presented at the NC-STMA western spring meeting, Charlotte, NC.
2017 speech
St. Augustinegrass NTEP Trial
Miller, G. (2017, August). Presented at the Turfgrass Field Day, Raleigh, NC.
2017 speech
Sustainable Turfgrass Care
Miller, G. (2017, June). Presented at the Durham Garden Forum, Durham, NC.
2017 magazine article
The first of many
SportsTurf, 33(5), 50.
2017 magazine article
The great Roundup
SportsTurf, 33(7), 50.
2017 magazine article
The root of the question
SportsTurf, 33(9), 50.
2017 magazine article
Three often overlooked benefits to overseeding
SportsTurf, 33(10), 22–23.
2017 magazine article
Top-performing: Tall fescue, Kentucky bluegrass, and fine fescue cultivars for North Carolina
North Carolina Turfgrass, (September/October), 22, 24–25.
2017 speech
Turf Jeopardy
Miller, G. (2017, November). Presented at the Carolina Golf Course Superintendents Association Meeting, Myrtle Beach, SC.
2017 speech
Turf Management
Miller, G. (2017, February). Presented at the Wake County Regional Turfgrass Conference Host, Raleigh, NC.
2017 speech
Turfgrass Colorant Management Planning
Miller, G. (2017, September). Presented at the Regional Seminar, The Villages, FL.
2017 speech
Turfgrass Nutrition for Golf Courses
Miller, G. (2017, February). Presented at the Carolina Golf Course Superintendent’s Regional Meeting, Greenville, SC.
2017 speech
Turfgrass Weed Control
Miller, G. (2017, October). Presented at the Fall NC-STMA Conference, Winston-Salem, NC.
2017 speech
Using Colorants as Part of Turfgrass Management
Miller, G. (2017, May). Presented at the SE (GA) Turfgrass Conference, Tifton, GA.
2017 journal article
Water Conservation Potential of Smart Irrigation Technologies in the Catawba-Wateree River Basin

2017 speech
Water Requirements of NC Turfgrasses and Use of Fraise Mowing
Miller, G. (2017, May). Presented at the Turf Center Symposium, Raleigh, NC.
2017 magazine article
What to do with hurricane soaked fields?
SportsTurf, 33(10), 50.
2016 report
2016 Sod Producers’ Report for North Carolina
(NC State Extension Publications No. AG-809). Raleigh, NC: North Carolina State University Cooperative Extension Service.
2016 report
2016 Spring green-up of warm-season grasses
(p. 1). Turffiles (Turfgrass Information for North Carolina).
2016 magazine article
2016 sod producers’ report for North Carolina
North Carolina Turfgrass, (July/Aug), 10–13.
2016 report
2016 top performing tall fescue and Kentucky bluegrass cultivars for North Carolina
2016 magazine article
A handy guide to choosing and using turf colorants
Miller, G. L., & Pinnix, D. (2016, November). North Carolina Turfgrass, 12–17.
2016 journal article
Athletic Field Paint Color Impacts Transpiration and Canopy Temperature in Bermudagrass
Crop Science, 56(4), 2016.
2016 speech
Athletic field paint impacts transpiration and canopy temperature in bermudagrass
Miller, G. (2016, November). Presented at the ASA, CSSA, and SSA International Annual Meetings, Phoenix, AZ.
2016 report
Carolina Lawns: A Guide to Maintaining Quality Turf in the Landscape
(North Carolina State Extension Publications No. AG-69). Raleigh, NC: North Carolina State University Cooperative Extension Service.
2016 chapter
Chapter 9 - Lawns
In K. A. Moore & L. K. Bradley (Eds.), Extension Gardener Handbook.
Ed(s): K. Moore & L. Bradley
2016 speech
Colorant Use on Golf Courses
Miller, G. (2016, November). Presented at the Carolina Golf Course Superintendents Association Meeting, Myrtle Beach, SC.
2016 speech
Comparison of color parameters of green turf colorants applied to bermudagrass
Miller, G. (2016, November). Presented at the ASA, CSSA, and SSA International Annual Meetings, Phoenix, AZ.
2016 speech
Cultivar evaluations for golf and sports turf applications
Miller, G. (2016, June). Presented at the Korean Scientists Group Visit, Raleigh, NC.
2016 speech
Cultivar evaluations for golf and sports turf applications
Miller, G. (2016, May). Presented at the Argentina Group Visit, Raleigh, NC.
2016 journal article
Cut quality using a zero-turn mower
SportsTurf, 32(1), 50.
2016 speech
Dealing with Stressed-out Turf
Miller, G. (2016, March). Presented at the Western Regional Turfgrass Conference, Fletcher, NC.
2016 speech
Dealing with Winterkill
Miller, G. (2016, February). Presented at the Triangle Turfgrass Association Conference, Raleigh, NC.
2016 speech
Effects of Varying Irrigation Regimes Under Simulated Traffic
Miller, G., & Pinnix, D. (2016, August). Presented at the Turfgrass Field Day, Raleigh, NC.
2016 speech
Establishment of Turfgrasses
Miller, G. (2016, February). Presented at the NCSU Short Course, Raleigh, NC.
2016 speech
Evaluation of Fraise Mowing on Soil Properties of Bermudagrass Surfaces
Miller, G., & McCauley, R. (2016, August). Presented at the Turfgrass Field Day, Raleigh, NC.
2016 speech
Evaluation of Methodologies Estimating Evapotranspiration
Miller, G., & Pinnix, D. (2016, August). Presented at the Turfgrass Field Day, Raleigh, NC.
2016 conference paper
Evaluation of key methodology for digital image analysis of turfgrass color
Journal of European Turfgrass, Proceedings of the 5th ETS Conference, 65–66.
2016 speech
Field Management for High School Coaches
Miller, G. (2016, May). Presented at the Coaches Clinic, Ayden, NC.
2016 speech
Field Plot Research in Raleigh
Miller, G. (2016, February). Presented at the NCSU Short Course, Raleigh, NC.
2016 speech
Influence of Paints and Colorants on Turfgrasses
Miller, G. (2016, December). Presented at the CENTERE Symposium, Raleigh, NC.
2016 speech
Irrigation Requirements of NC Turfgrasses
Miller, G. (2016, May). Presented at the American Society of Agriculture and Biological Engineering Conference, Palm Beach, NC.
2016 speech
Irrigation Scheduling for NC Turfgrasses
Miller, G. (2016, October). Presented at the CS 155: Advanced Turf Management, Raleigh, NC.
2016 report
It is time for fall seeding of cool-season grasses
(p. 1). Turffiles (Turfgrass Information for North).
2016 speech
Landscape Irrigation Control to Improve Water Conservation
Miller, G. (2016, November). Presented at the CALS Water Symposium, Raleigh, NC.
2016 speech
Landscape Irrigation Workshop
Miller, G. (2016, September). Presented at the Gaston and Cleveland Counties, Dallas, NC.
2016 magazine article
License to kill
SportsTurf, 32(5), 50.
2016 speech
Low Input Cool-Season Turf Trial
Miller, G. (2016, August). Presented at the NCSU Turfgrass Field Day, Raleigh, NC.
2016 speech
Managing People and Pests on K-12 Fields
Miller, G. (2016, November). Presented at the NC-STMA and SC-STMA Annual Conference, Myrtle Beach, SC.
2016 speech
Managing Weeds in NC Turfgrasses
Miller, G. (2016, February). Presented at the Guilford County Regional Turfgrass Conference, Greensboro, NC.
2016 speech
Mowing, Aerification, and Other Cultural Practices
Miller, G. (2016, February). Presented at the NCSU Short Course, Raleigh, NC.
2016 speech
My Thanks to the Turfgrass Industry
Miller, G. (2016, February). Presented at the Turf Producers International Meeting, Houston, TX.
2016 speech
My turfgrass Teaching, Research, and Extension Program
Miller, G. (2016, October). Presented at the CENTERE Review Symposium, Raleigh, NC.
2016 speech
NC’s Role in Developing Drought Tolerant Warm-Season Turfgrasses for the Southeast
Miller, G. (2016, November). Presented at the USDA-SCRI Grant Meeting, Phoenix, AZ.
2016 journal article
Not your average garden
SportsTurf, 32(9), 50.
2016 report
Pest control for professional turfgrass managers
(NC Cooperative Extension Publications No. AG-408). Raleigh, NC: North Carolina State University Cooperative Extension Service.
2016 magazine article
Politics, Politics, Politics
SportsTurf, 32(11), 50.
2016 speech
Potassium Fertilization for Fall Turfgrass Management
Miller, G. (2016, August). Presented at the Harrell’s Superintendents Academy, Raleigh, NC.
2016 speech
Quiz Bowl
Miller, G. (2016, November). Presented at the Carolina Golf Course Superintendents Association Meeting, Myrtle Beach, SC.
2016 speech
Real and Unreal: What is New with Natural and Synthetic Turfgrass
Miller, G. (2016, January). Presented at the Crop Improvement Association, Raleigh, NC.
2016 magazine article
School’s out, what now?
SportsTurf, 32(7), 50.
2016 magazine article
Shedding light on athletic field paint and the turfgrass response
Miller, G. L., Pinnix, D., & Reynolds, C. (2016, September). North Carolina Turfgrass, 12–14, 15–16.
2016 journal article
Shedding light on athletic field paint and the turfgrass response
Sports Turf Canada, 29(1), 1, 6–8.
2016 speech
Smart Irrigation Control
Miller, G. (2016, October). Presented at the NC Sod Producers Fall Meeting, Jackson Springs, NC.
2016 speech
Sod Production Survey Results
Miller, G. (2016, January). Presented at the NC Sod Producers Association Meeting, Greensboro, NC.
2016 speech
Soil Microorganisms under Turfgrass: the Unseen Engine of Soil Chemical Transformations
Xia, Q., Chen, H., Yang, T., Miller, G., & Shi, W. (2016, October). Presented at the 2016 Stewards of the Future conference, Microbiomes: Unseen Opportunities for Ag and Health, Raleigh, North Carolina.
2016 speech
Speech at NCSU Turfgrass Field Day
Miller, G. (2016, August). Presented at the NCSU Turfgrass Field Day, Lake Wheeler Field Lab, Raleigh, NC.
2016 speech
Sports Turf IPM
Miller, G. (2016, February). Presented at the Sandhills T&O Conference, Carthage, NC.
2016 speech
Sports Turf Management Research
Miller, G. (2016, April). Presented at the NC-STMA eastern spring meeting, Raleigh, NC.
2016 speech
Sports Turf Research in NC
Miller, G. (2016, September). Presented at the Fall NC-STMA Conference, Durham, NC.
2016 journal article
Surfactant-Modified Soil Amendments Reduce Nitrogen and Phosphorus Leaching in a Sand-Based Rootzone

2016 speech
Sustainable Turfgrass Care
Miller, G. (2016, January). Presented at the Turf Council of North Carolina Annual Conference, Raleigh, NC.
2016 speech
Synthetic Turfgrass in the News: Lawsuits and Cancer!
Miller, G. (2016, January). Presented at the NC Sod Producers Association Meeting, Greensboro, NC.
2016 speech
Towards a complete understanding of environmental fate of nitrogen in turfgrass systems
Xia, Q., Chen, H., Yang, T., Miller, G., & Shi, W. (2016, December). Presented at the NCSU Center for Turfgrass Environmental Research & Education: First Annual Research Symposium, Raleigh, North Carolina.
2016 speech
Turf Management in NC Landscapes
Miller, G. (2016, October). Presented at the Watauga County Landscape Conference, Boone, NC.
2016 speech
Turfgrass Colorant Use
Miller, G. (2016, October). Presented at the Turfnet Webinar.
2016 report
Turfgrass Management after Hurricanes
Turffiles (Turfgrass Information for North Carolina).
2016 speech
Turfgrass Response to Athletic Field Paint
Miller, G. (2016, January). In National STMA meeting. Presented at the National STMA meeting, San Diego, CA.
2016 speech
Turfgrass Selection Considerations for NC
Miller, G. (2016, January). Presented at the Green and Grow Conference, Greensboro, NC.
2016 speech
Turfgrass and Plants: Part 1: Water Requirements
Miller, G. (2016, January). Presented at the NC Irrigation Association Conference, Greensboro, NC.
2016 speech
Turfgrass and Plants: Part 2: Landscape Irrigation
Miller, G. (2016, January). Presented at the NC Irrigation Association Conference, Greensboro, NC.
2016 journal article
Turfgrass response to field paint
SportsTurf, 32(10), 16–18.
2016 conference paper
Using turf colorants and pigments for potential long-term color of dormant warm-season grasses
Journal European Turfgrass, Proceedings of 5th ETS Conference, 59–60.
2016 speech
Using turf colorants and pigments for potential long-term color of dormant warm-season grasses
Miller, G. (2016, June). Presented at the 5th European Turfgrass Society Conference, Algare, Portugal.
2016 conference paper
Varying management practices for the improvement of bermudagrass accessions under low light conditions
J. European Turfgrass. Proc. Of 5th ETS Conference, 27–28. Algarve, Portugal.
2016 speech
Warm-season Turfgrass Management in NC
Miller, G. (2016, June). Presented at the Sandhills Field Day, Jackson Springs, NC.
2016 speech
Weed Control Strategies
Miller, G. (2016, March). Presented at the NC-STMA western spring meeting, Pineville, NC.
2016 magazine article
Wet, wet, wet
SportsTurf, 32(3), 50.
2016 speech
Zoysiagrass versus Bermudagrass for the Landscape
Miller, G. (2016, February). Presented at the Fairway Green Annual Conference, Raleigh, NC.
2015 report
2015 Sod Producers’ Report for North Carolina
(North Carolina State University Extension Publications No. AG-809). Raleigh, NC: North Carolina State University Extension Publications.
2015 report
2015 Spring green-up of warm-season grasses
In Turffiles (Turfgrass Information for North Carolina).
2015 report
2015 Winter damage of warm-season grasses
In Turffiles (Turfgrass Information for North Carolina). Raleigh, NC: North Carolina State University.
2015 magazine article
2015 sod producers’ report for North Carolina
Miller, G. L. (2015, July). North Carolina Turfgrass, 12–15.
2015 magazine article
Athletic field priorities: When the budget get cuts
Miller, G. L. (2015, January). North Carolina Turfgrass, 11–13.
2015 speech
Beyond the Fertilizer: Advanced Nutrition for Turfgrasses
Miller, G. (2015, October). Presented at the Argentina Turfgrass Association, Rosario, Argentina.
2015 speech
Colorant Use for Athletic Fields
Miller, G. (2015, May). Presented at the BASF Colorant Symposium, Pinehurst, NC.
2015 speech
Colorant Use on Golf Courses
Miller, G. (2015, March). Presented at the Western Turfgrass Conference, Fletcher, NC.
2015 speech
Colorant Use on golf courses
Miller, G. (2015, November). Presented at the Workshop at Carolinas Golf Course Superintendents Association, Myrtle Beach, SC.
2015 journal article
Consumptive water use and crop coefficients for warm-season turfgrass species in the Southeastern United States

2015 speech
Developing Drought Tolerant Warm-Season Turfgrasses for the Southeast
Miller, G. (2015, June). Presented at the NCSU Turfgrass Field Day, Jackson Springs, NC.
2015 speech
Establishment of Turfgrasses
Miller, G. (2015, February). Presented at the NCSU Short Course, Raleigh, NC.
2015 speech
Evaluation and Preparation for Heavy Use Athletic Fields
Miller, G. (2015, January). Presented at the Indiana Green Expo, Indianapolis, IN.
2015 speech
Evaluation and Preparation for High-Use Athletic Fields
Miller, G. (2015, March). Presented at the Western Turfgrass Conference, Fletcher, NC.
2015 speech
Fine Fescue and Creeping Bentgrass NTEP Trial Results
Miller, G. (2015, August). Presented at the NCSU Turfgrass Field Day, Lake Wheeler Field Lab, Raleigh, NC.
2015 journal article
Identification of South African bermudagrass germplasm with shade tolerance
HortScience, 50(10), 1419–1425.
2015 speech
Mowing, Aerification, and Other Cultural Practices
Miller, G. (2015, February). Presented at the NCSU Short Course, Raleigh, NC.
2015 speech
NC State Turfgrass Report
Miller, G. (2015, June). Presented at the Southern Extension Research Activity 25: Turf (Information Exchange Group-16), Oklahoma City, OK.
2015 speech
NC’s Role in Developing Drought Tolerant Warm-Season Turfgrasses for the Southeast
Miller, G. (2015, June). Presented at the USDA-SCRI Grant meeting, Stillwater, OK.
2015 conference paper
Overseeding Athletic Fields
Miller, G. (2015, May 27). Presented at the NC Sports Turf Managers Association Meeting, Durham, NC.
2015 journal article
Overtaken with crabiness
SportsTurf, 31(9), 50.
2015 report
Pest Control for Professional Turfgrass Managers
(No. AG-408). Raleigh, NC: North Carolina State University.
2015 speech
Potassium Fertilization
Miller, G. (2015, August). Presented at the Harrells Academy, Raleigh, NC.
2015 journal article
Punching holes
SportsTurf, 31(5), 50.
2015 magazine article
Recommended bluegrass and tall fescue cultivars for North Carolina
Miller, G. L. (2015, November). North Carolina Turfgrass, 10–12.
2015 journal article
Registration of DALBG 1201 Hybrid Bluegrass

2015 journal article
Registration of DALSA 0605 St. Augustinegrass
J. Plant Reg., 9(1), 27–34.
2015 speech
Replicated Field Trials for Warm-Season Grasses in SCRI program
Miller, G., & Milla-Lewis, S. (2015, August). Presented at the NCSU Turfgrass Field Day, Lake Wheeler Field Lab, Raleigh, NC.
2015 journal article
Residential Irrigation Water Use in the Central Piedmont of North Carolina. I: Measured Use and Water Requirements

2015 journal article
Residential Irrigation Water Use in the Central Piedmont of North Carolina. II: Evaluation of Smart Irrigation Technologies

2015 speech
Sod Production Survey Outlined
Miller, G. (2015, January). Presented at the NC Sod Producers Association Meeting, Greensboro, NC.
2015 report
Sod Shortages
In Turffiles (Turfgrass Information for North Carolina). Raleigh, NC: North Carolina State University.
2015 speech
Sports Turf
Miller, G. (2015, March). Presented at the Reinders Turfgrass Conference, Milwaukee, WI.
2015 speech
Sports Turf Research at NCSU
Miller, G. (2015, June). Presented at the ACC Sports Turf Managers Meeting, Duke University, Durham, NC.
2015 report
Spring cleanup of tall fescue damage
In Turffiles (Turfgrass Information for North Carolina). Raleigh, NC: North Carolina State University.
2015 journal article
To fertilize. Or not.
SportsTurf, 31(1), 49.
2015 journal article
Too late?
SportsTurf, 31(11), 50.
2015 speech
Trends in Sports Turf Management
Miller, G. (2015, November). Presented at the South Carolina/North Carolina-Sports Turf Managers Association Meeting, Myrtle Beach, SC.
2015 journal article
Turf colorants for aesthetic and/or as an alternative to overseeding
Golfdom, 71(4), 34–37.
2015 speech
Turfgrass Fertilization Programs for Golf Courses
Miller, G. (2015, October). Presented at the Argentina Turfgrass Association, Rosario, Argentina.
2015 speech
Turfgrass Selection for NC
Miller, G. (2015, January). Presented at the Union County Carolina Green Industry Network Conference, Union County.
2015 speech
Turfgrass Trials in NC
Miller, G. (2015, January). Presented at the Green and Grow Conference, Greensboro, NC.
2015 speech
Turfgrass training for county agents
Miller, G. (2015, December). Presented at the Annual Agent meeting, Raleigh, NC.
2015 conference paper
Using Colorants on Golf Courses
Miller, G. (2015, March 30). Presented at the Southeast Turfgrass Conference, Wilmington, NC.
2015 speech
Water Requirements of NC Turfgrasses
Miller, G., & Pinnix, D. (2015, August). Presented at the NCSU Turfgrass Field Day, Lake Wheeler Field Lab, Raleigh, NC.
2015 speech
Water Requirements of NC Turfgrasses
Miller, G. (2015, May). Presented at the Turf Centere Symposium, Raleigh, NC.
2015 conference paper
What is Your Pest Control Program?
Miller, G. (2015, April 14). Presented at the NC Sports Turf Managers Association Meeting, Charlotte, NC.
2015 journal article
When regulation can be good
SportsTurf, 31(3), 50.
2015 journal article
When regulations can be good
SportsTurf, 31(3), 50.
2015 speech
Why Athletic Fields Sometimes Fail
Miller, G. (2015, January). Presented at the Indiana Green Expo, Indianapolis, IN.
2015 speech
Why Research is Important
Miller, G. (2015, March). Presented at the Reinders Turfgrass Conference, Milwaukee, WI.
2015 journal article
Writing the Q&A
SportsTurf, 31(7), 50.
2014 report
2014 Recommended Kentucky bluegrass cultivars for North Carolina
[North Carolina Cooperative Extension Publications]. Raleigh, NC: North Carolina State University.
2014 report
2014 Recommended tall fescue cultivars for North Carolina
[North Carolina Extension Service Publications]. Raleigh, NC: North Carolina State University.
2014 report
2014 Spring green-up of warm-season grasses
In Turffiles (Turfgrass Information for North Carolina). Raleigh, NC: North Carolina State University.
2014 speech
Athletic Field Paint Research
Miller, G., & Pinnix, D. (2014, August). Presented at the NCSU Turfgrass Field Day, Lake Wheeler Field Lab, Raleigh, NC.
2014 speech
Athletic Field Turfgrass Management
Miller, G. (2014, June). Presented at the Eastern NC Coach’s Clinic, Greenville, NC.
2014 speech
Calibration for Turf Systems
Miller, G. (2014, January). Presented at the Regional Turf Conference, Raleigh, NC.
2014 conference paper
Colorant Use for Sports Fields
Miller, G., & Pinnix, D. (2014, August 26). Presented at the NC Sports Turf Managers Meeting, Greenville, NC.
2014 chapter
Design of lysimeter for turfgrass water use
In M. R. Goyal & E. W. Harmsen (Eds.), Evapotranspiration: Principles and Applications for Water Management (pp. 75–85). Waretown, NJ: Apple Academc Press.
Ed(s): M. Goyal & E. Harmsen
2014 speech
Establishment of Turfgrasses
Miller, G. (2014, February). Presented at the NCSU Short Course, Raleigh, NC.
2014 conference paper
Evaluation and Preparation of Fields for Heavy Use
Miller, G. (2014, January 21). Presented at the Sports Turf Managers Association meeting, San Antonio, TX.
2014 journal article
Even new fields can need core aeration
SportsTurf, 30(9), 50.
2014 conference paper
Fertilizing, Mowing, and Painting
Miller, G. (2014, November 18). Presented at the Carolina Sports Turf Managers Association Meeting, Myrtle Beach, SC.
2014 journal article
Getting rid of your ryegrass overseed
SportsTurf, 30(3), 50.
2014 journal article
Golf course irrigation systems' distribution uniformity affects soil moisture variability
European Journal of Horticultural Science, 79(3), 135–141.
2014 conference paper
Golf course irrigation systems’ distribution uniformity affects soil moisture variability
Miller, G. (2014, July 8). Presented at the European Turfgrass Conference, Osnabruck, Germany.
2014 conference paper
Grasses that Should or Should Not be Used in NC
Miller, G. (2014, August 14). Presented at the Green and Grow Summer Conference, Raleigh, NC.
2014 journal article
Green sports fields using turf colorants
SportsTurf, 30(8), 20–22.
2014 speech
In Search of the Agronomy Holy Grail (panel)
Miller, G. (2014, November). Presented at the Carolinas Golf Course Superintendents Association, Myrtle Beach, SC.
2014 conference paper
Maintenance on a Shoestring Budget
Miller, G. (2014, March 11). Presented at the Western Turfgrass Conference, Asheville, NC.
2014 speech
Mowing, Aerification, and Other Cultural Practices
Miller, G. (2014, February). Presented at the NCSU Short Course, Raleigh, NC.
2014 speech
NTEP Bermudagrass and Zoysiagrass Evaluations
Miller, G. (2014, August). Presented at the NCSU Turfgrass Field Day, Lake Wheeler Field Lab, Raleigh, NC.
2014 conference paper
Natural versus Synthetic Turfgrass
Miller, G. (2014, March 11). Presented at the Western Turfgrass Conference, Asheville, NC.
2014 journal article
Part-time field?
SportsTurf, 30(11), 50.
2014 report
Pest control for professional turfgrass managers
(NC Cooperative Extension Publication No. AG-408). Raleigh, NC: North Carolina State University.
2014 conference paper
Practical Options and Strategies for Irrigating Landscapes
Miller, G. (2014, August 14). Presented at the Green and Grow Summer Conference, Raleigh, NC.
2014 journal article
Preventing cold temperature damage
SportsTurf, 30(1), 50.
2014 speech
Specialty Crop Replicated Field Trial
Miller, G., & Brinton, S. (2014, August). Presented at the NCSU Turfgrass Field Day, Lake Wheeler Field Lab, Raleigh, NC.
2014 conference paper
Sports Turf Research at NC
Miller, G. (2014, September 24). Presented at the NC Sports Turf Managers Association Meeting, Elon University, Elon, North Carolina.
2014 speech
Tall Fescue Trials at NCSU
Miller, G. (2014, February). Presented at the Rockingham County Green’s Industry Meeting.
2014 conference paper
The End of the Painted Block S?
Miller, G. (2014, May 15). Presented at the Turf Centere Symposium, Raleigh, NC.
2014 journal article
The importance of research
SportsTurf, 30(5), 50.
2014 journal article
Too late, winter hit
SportsTurf, 30(7), 54.
2014 conference paper
Turf Selection and Management in NC
Miller, G. (2014, August 25). Presented at the Granville Gardeners Meeting, Oxford, NC.
2014 conference paper
Turf Selection for NC
Miller, G. (2014, January 31). Presented at the Regional Turf Conference, Greensboro, NC.
2014 journal article
Turf colorants for aesthetics or as an alternative to overseeding
USGA Turfgrass and Environmental Research Online, 13(4), 17–19.
2014 conference paper
Turfgrass Evaluations in NC
Miller, G. (2014, January 9). Presented at the NC Sod Producers Association Meeting, Greensboro, NC.
2014 conference paper
Using Colorants Rather than Overseeding
Miller, G. (2014, February 6). Presented at the Golf Course Superintendents Association of America meeting, Orlando, FL.
2014 conference paper
Using Colorants on the Golf Course
Miller, G. (2014, April 28). Presented at the Southeastern Turfgrass Conference, Wilmington, NC.
2014 conference paper
Why Research Matters
Miller, G. (2014, January 22). Presented at the Sports Turf Managers Association Meeting, San Antonio, TX.
2014 report
Winter damage of warm-season grasses
In Turffiles (Turfgrass Information for North Carolina). Raleigh, NC: North Carolina State University.
2013 report
2013 Recommended Kentucky bluegrass cultivars for North Carolina
[North Carolina Cooperative Extension Publications]. Raleigh, NC: North Carolina State University.
2013 report
2013 Recommended tall fescue cultivars for North Carolina
[North Carolina Cooperative Extension Publications]. Raleigh, NC: North Carolina State University.
2013 journal article
JOURNAL OF PLANT NUTRITION, 36(11), 1719–1732.

2013 journal article
Athletic Field Paint Color Differentially Alters Light Spectral Quality and Bermudagrass Photosynthesis
CROP SCIENCE, 53(5), 2209–2217.
2013 speech
Beyond Fertility Programs
Miller, G. (2013, November). Workshop presented at the Carolinas Golf Course Superintendents Association, Myrtle Beach, SC.
2013 conference paper
Influence of Spray Volume, Post-Application Irrigation and Canopy Height on the Persistence and Distribution of Prodiamine Residues Following Application to a Tall Fescue Lawn
Proceedings of the International Turfgrass Society Research Journal, 12, 47–52.
2013 report
It is time for fall seeding of tall fescue
In Turffiles (Turfgrass Information for North Carolina). Raleigh, NC: North Carolina State University.
2013 journal article
I’ve seen this movie before
SportsTurf, 29(7), 46.
2013 conference paper
Keeping your golf course green with turf colorants
Proceedings 2013 Southeastern North Carolina Professional Turfgrass Conference, 8–11.
2013 journal article
Making better decisions
SportsTurf, 29(3), 46.
2013 journal article
Never stop learning
SportsTurf, 29(5), 46.
2013 journal article
Nitrate Leaching from Two Kentucky Bluegrass Cultivars as Affected by Nitrate Uptake Capacity and Subsurface Soil Compaction
CROP SCIENCE, 53(4), 1722–1733.

2013 journal article
Nitrate Uptake Rates of Kentucky Bluegrass Genotypes and Their Effect on Nitrate Absorption under Competitive Conditions
CROP SCIENCE, 53(3), 1179–1188.

2013 journal article
Overseeding options
SportsTurf, 29(11), 46.
2013 report
Pest Control for Professional Turfgrass Managers
(North Carolina Cooperative Extension Publications No. AG-408). Raleigh, NC: North Carolina State University.
2013 conference paper
Spring establishment rate varies among zoysiagrass species and cultivars
Proceedings of the International Turfgrass Society Research Journal, 12, 201–206.
2013 journal article
Team play
SportsTurf, 29(9), 46.
2013 journal article
Turfgrass colorant evaluation
Golf Course Manage, 81(10), 96.
2013 journal article
Water Application Efficiency and Adequacy of ET-Based and Soil Moisture-Based Irrigation Controllers for Turfgrass Irrigation

2013 journal article
When a prank goes bad
SportsTurf, 29(1), 50.
2013 report
Why Research Matters. STI Sports Turf Experience.
In Turffiles (Turfgrass Information for North Carolina) (p. 42). Raleigh, NC: North Carolina State University.
2013 journal article
Winterkill . . . understanding, preventing, and diagnosing it
Virginia Turfgrass Journal, 12–16.
2012 report
2012 Recommended Kentucky bluegrass cultivars for North Carolina
[North Carolina Cooperative Extension Publications]. Raleigh, NC: North Carolina State University.
2012 report
2012 Recommended tall fescue cultivars for North Carolina
[North Carolina Cooperative Extension Publications]. Raleigh, NC: North Carolina State University.
2012 journal article
Athletic Field Paint Impacts Light Spectral Quality and Turfgrass Photosynthesis
CROP SCIENCE, 52(5), 2375–2384.
2012 journal article
Evaluation of 'Miniverde' bermudagrass and 'Diamond' zoysiagrass putting green establishment using granular Fertilizer Applications
HortScience, 47(7), 943–947.
2012 journal article
Freeze tolerance of nine zoysiagrass cultivars using natural cold acclimation and freeze chambers
HortScience, 47(1), 112–115.
2012 journal article
Help, I need somebody
SportsTurf, 28(7), 46.
2012 report
Irrigation water quality problems: Dealing with a management challenge
(North Carolina Cooperative Extension Publications No. AG-759-W). Raleigh, NC: North Carolina State University.
2012 journal article
Is today your day? When to apply pre-emergence herbicide, field fertilizer, and beetle treatments
SportsTurf, 28(3), 50.
2012 report
It is time for fall seeding of tall fescue
In Turffiles (Turfgrass information for North Carolina) (p. 1). Raleigh, NC: North Carolina State University.
2012 journal article
Native soils for overwintering bermudagrass
SportsTurf, 28(11), 46.
2012 report
Pest Control for Professional Turfgrass Managers
(North Carolina Cooperative Extension Publications No. AG-408). Raleigh, NC: North Carolina State University.
2012 journal article
So, you want a synthetic field?
SportsTurf, 28(5), 46.
2012 report
Spring green up of overseeded bermudagrass
In Turffiles (Turfgrass information for North Carolina). Raleigh, NC: North Carolina State University.
2012 report
Spring green up of warm-season grasses
In Turffiles (Turfgrass Information for North Carolina). Raleigh, NC: North Carolina State University.
2012 journal article
The new normal?
SportsTurf, 28(1), 50.
2012 journal article
Using Variability within Digital Images to Improve Tall Fescue Color Characterization
CROP SCIENCE, 52(5), 2365–2374.
2012 journal article
What makes a field good?
SportsTurf, 28(9), 46.
2011 conference paper
Athletic Field Management
Miller, G. (2011, December 6). Presented at the Missouri Turfgrass Conference, St Louis, MO.
2011 conference paper
Baseball Fall Fertilization for Overseed and Non-Overseed
Miller, G. (2011, September 9). Presented at the Minor League Baseball Symposium, Durham, NC.
2011 speech
Bentgrass Decline: Influence of Cultural Practices
Miller, G. (2011, December). Presented at the St Louis, MO.
2011 speech
Establishment of Turfgrasses
Miller, G. (2011, February). Presented at the NCSU Short Course, Raleigh, NC.
2011 conference paper
Evaluation of Athletic Field Paints and Turf Colorants and their Impact on Turfgrass Performance
Miller, G. (2011, June 23). Presented at the Turf Center Symposium, Raleigh, NC.
2011 journal article
First timer
SportsTurf, 27(11), 50.
2011 speech
Granular Fertilizer Programming
Miller, G. (2011, November). Presented at the Carolinas Golf Course Superintendents Association, Myrtle Beach, SC.
2011 journal article
Head games
SportsTurf, 27(7), 54.
2011 magazine article
High-performance grasses in NC State’s cultivar-evaluation program
Miller, G. L. (2011, May). North Carolina Turfgrass, 12,14–17.
2011 speech
Irrigation Design Principles
Miller, G. (2011, July). Presented at the In-service Training Workshop, Raleigh, NC.
2011 conference paper
Irrigation Management and Smart Controllers for P&R Use
Miller, G. (2011, September 13). Presented at the North Carolina/South Carolina Parks and Recreation Conference, Charleston, SC.
2011 speech
Irrigation Management and Smart Irrigation Controllers
Miller, G. (2011, December). Presented at the St Louis, MO.
2011 speech
Landscape Fertility Programs
Miller, G. (2011, March). Presented at the Extension Program for Sampson County, Clinton, NC.
2011 speech
Landscape Turf Selection and Management
Miller, G. (2011, January). Presented at the Landscape Seminar at Elon University, Elon, NC.
2011 conference paper
Managing Lawns during the Worst of Times
Miller, G. (2011, May 11). Presented at the Master-Gardener Conference, Raleigh, NC.
2011 speech
Managing Ultradwarf Bermudagrass Golf Greens in NC
Miller, G. (2011, April). Presented at the Southeastern Turf Meeting, Wilmington, NC.
2011 magazine article
Maximizing the durability of athletic fields
Miller, G. L. (2011, September). North Carolina Turfgrass, 8–13.
2011 journal article
Maximizing the durability of athletic fields
SportsTurf, 27(1), 22–25.
2011 speech
NCSU Research at Lake Wheeler Field Lab
Miller, G. (2011, October). Presented at the Greenstart Academy, Raleigh, NC.
2011 speech
NTEP Cultivar Evaluations
Miller, G. (2011, August). Presented at the NCSU Turfgrass Field Day, Lake Wheeler Field Lab, Raleigh, NC.
2011 speech
New Discoveries with Athletic Turf Paints
Miller, G. (2011, June). Presented at the Sports Turf Managers Association of America Region Seminar, Knoxville, TN.
2011 journal article
Organic matter accumulation in creeping bentgrass greens
Golf Course Manage, 79(4), 99.
2011 conference paper
Products Necessary for Safe, Attractive, and Playable Athletic Surfaces
Miller, G. (2011, November 16). Presented at the NC and SC Sports Turf Managers Association Meeting, Myrtle Beach, SC.
2011 conference paper
Residential Irrigation and Water Conservation Potential of Smart Irrigation Technologies in the Catawba River Basin
World Environmental and Water Resources Congress 2011. Presented at the World Environmental and Water Resources Congress 2011.
2011 speech
Selecting Grasses for Lawns
Miller, G. (2011, January). Presented at the Pasquotank County Program, Raleigh, NC via Elluminate.
2011 speech
Smart Irrigation
Miller, G. (2011, May). Presented at the In-service Training Workshop, Charlotte, NC.
2011 conference paper
Smart Irrigation for Turfgrass
Miller, G. (2011, February 1). Presented at the Chatham County Landscape Conference, Silk Hope, NC.
2011 journal article
Soil Organic Matter Accumulation in Creeping Bentgrass Greens: A Chronosequence with Implications for Management and Carbon Sequestration
Agronomy Journal, 103(3), 604.

2011 conference paper
Soil Testing and Fertility Programing
Miller, G. (2011, September 13). Presented at the North Carolina/South Carolina Parks and Recreation Conference, Charleston, SC.
2011 journal article
Sowing thoughts for fall sports
SportsTurf, 27(9), 46.
2011 conference paper
Sports Turf Management
Miller, G. (2011, April 28). Presented at the NC Sports Turf Managers Western NC Spring Meeting, Morganton, NC.
2011 speech
Sports Turf Research at NCSU
Miller, G. (2011, July). Presented at the NC Sports Turf Managers Summer Meeting, Charlotte, NC.
2011 speech
Statistical analysis of Specialty Crop Turfgrass Cultivars
Miller, G. (2011, August). Presented at the SCRI annual meeting, Jackson Springs, NC.
2011 conference paper
The Influence of Athletic Field Paints and Their Application Methods
Miller, G. (2011, September 13). Presented at the North Carolina/South Carolina Parks and Recreation Conference, Charleston, SC.
2011 journal article
Tiger stipe field
SportsTurf, 27(1), 54.
2011 conference paper
Troubleshooting Athletic Fields in Western NC
Miller, G. (2011, March 8). Presented at the Western Turfgrass Conference, Brevard, NC.
2011 speech
Turf Managers Must Haves
Miller, G. (2011, January). Presented at the Mid-Atlantic Horticultural Short Course, Virginia Beach, VA.
2011 speech
Turf Research Programs at NCSU
Miller, G. (2011, March). Presented at the Sampson County Chamber of Commerce Lunch Meeting, Clinton, NC.
2011 speech
Turf Selection Innovations
Miller, G. (2011, January). Presented at the Mid-Atlantic Horticultural Short Course, Virginia Beach, VA.
2011 journal article
Turf textbooks 101: What’s currently being taught
SportsTurf, 27(5), 20–23.
2011 speech
Turfgrass Program at NCSU
Miller, G. (2011, July). Presented at the College Orientation Meeting, Raleigh, NC.
2011 speech
Turfgrass Water Requirements
Miller, G. (2011, August). Workshop presented at the Green and Grow Summer Show, Raleigh, NC.
2011 speech
Turning Your Fields Green
Miller, G. (2011, January). Presented at the Sports Turf Managers Association of America Meeting, Orlando, FL.
2011 journal article
Turning fields green using turf colorants
SportsTurf, 27(1), 16, 18–19.
2011 journal article
University turfgrass research update: North Carolina State University
SportsTurf, 27(12), 8.
2011 speech
Use of Legacy and Cutless on Zoysiagrass Putting Greens
Miller, G. (2011, August). Presented at the NCSU Turfgrass Field Day, Lake Wheeler Field Lab, Raleigh, NC.
2011 conference paper
Using Colorants on Lawns and Athletic Fields
Miller, G. (2011, March 8). Presented at the Western Turfgrass Conference, Brevard, NC.
2011 speech
Warm-Season Athletic Field Management Q&A
Miller, G. (2011, January). Presented at the Sports Turf Managers Association of America Meeting, Orlando, FL.
2011 speech
Weed Control Basics for Sports Turf
Miller, G. (2011, September). Presented at the Burnett Athletics Turfgrass Field Day, Cary, NC.
2011 journal article
What is important now?
SportsTurf, 27(3), 58.
2011 magazine article
Winterkill: Understanding, preventing, and diagnosing it
McCarty, B., & Miller, G. L. (2011, November). North Carolina Turfgrass, 10–15.
2011 conference paper
Zoysiagrass Research at NCSU
Miller, G. (2011, May 6). Presented at the North Carolina Landscape Architect Conference, Durham, NC.
2010 speech
Athletic to Zoysiagrass: Green Industry in 2010
Miller, G. (2010, February). Presented at the Reidsville, NC.
2010 report
Baseball Field Layout and Construction
(North Carolina Cooperative Extension Publications - Fact Sheet No. AG-725). Raleigh, NC: North Carolina State University.
2010 conference paper
Basics of Sports Field Management (Workshop)
Miller, G. (2010, January 26). Presented at the Turf Council of North Carolina Conference, Raleigh, NC.
2010 journal article
Blood on the field
SportsTurf, 26(7), 50.
2010 speech
Changing Bermudagrasses on Greens in Central NC
Miller, G. (2010, March). Presented at the Erwin, NC.
2010 conference paper
Comparing Digital Image Analysis and other Turf Quality Measurements in the Evaluation of "SMART" Irrigation Technologies
2010 Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, June 20 - June 23, 2010. Presented at the 2010 Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, June 20 - June 23, 2010.
2010 report
Comparison of athletic field paint application methods
In Turffiles (Turfgrass information for North Carolina). Raleigh, NC: North Carolina State University.
2010 conference paper
Cool-Season Grasses: What Works Best?
Miller, G. (2010, December 13). Presented at the Turf Council of North Carolina Conference, Greensboro, NC.
2010 conference paper
Developing a Year-Round Maintenance Program for Sports Fields
Miller, G. (2010, December 13). Workshop presented at the Turf Council of North Carolina Conference, Greensboro, NC.
2010 speech
Establishment of Turfgrasses
Miller, G. (2010, February). Presented at the NCSU Short Course, Raleigh, NC.
2010 speech
Evaluating New Turfgrasses
Miller, G. (2010, February). Presented at the Wilson, NC.
2010 conference paper
Evaluation of New Turfgrasses for NC
Miller, G. (2010, December 15). Presented at the Turf Council of North Carolina Conference, Greensboro, NC.
2010 conference paper
Evaluation of New Turfgrasses for Sod Production
Miller, G. (2010, December 13). Presented at the NC Sod Producers Association Meeting, Greensboro, NC.
2010 conference paper
Evaluation of Two Smart Irrigation Technologies in Cary, North Carolina
[Conference Paper]. (1009581).
2010 journal article
Evaluation of green turf colorants as an alternative to overseeding on putting greens
Applied Turfgrass Science, 1–8.
2010 magazine article
Evaluation of green turf colorants on putting greens
Briscoe, K., Miller, G., & Brinton, S. (2010, July). North Carolina Turfgrass, 20–22.
2010 report
Fall seeding of tall fescue
In Turffiles (Turfgrass information for North Carolina). Raleigh, NC: North Carolina State University.
2010 journal article
Fire ants
SportsTurf, 26(5), 46.
2010 article
First Report of Marasmiellus mesosporus Causing Marasmiellus Blight on Seashore Paspalum.
Miller, G. L., Desjardin, D. E., & Tredway, L. P. (2010, November). PLANT DISEASE, Vol. 94, pp. 1374–1374.

2010 speech
Foliar and Granular Fertilization
Miller, G. (2010, March). Presented at the Western Turfgrass Conference, Asheville, NC.
2010 speech
Golf Course Fertilization Programs
Miller, G. (2010, May). Presented at the Central Florida GCSA regional seminar, Lake Jovita, FL.
2010 speech
Golf Course Fertilization Programs
Miller, G. (2010, July). Presented at the Low Country GCSA regional seminar, Blufton, SC.
2010 speech
Granular and Foliar Fertilization
Miller, G. (2010, November). Presented at the Carolinas Golf Course Superintendents Association, Myrtle Beach, SC.
2010 journal article
Green with envy
SportsTurf, 26(11), 46.
2010 conference paper
Herbicide and nutrient effects on the development of gray leaf spot caused by Pyricularia grisea on tall fescue (Festuca arundinacea)
Miller, G. (2010, April 11). Presented at the European Turfgrass Society Conference, Angers, France.
2010 conference paper
Herbicide and nutrient effects on the development of gray leaf spot caused by Pyricularia grisea on tall fescue (Festuca arundinacea)
2nd European Turfgrass Soc. Conference, 83–84. Angers, France.
2010 conference paper
How to Find Information to Solve Your Problems
Miller, G. (2010, January 14). Presented at the Sports Turf Managers Association of America meeting, Orlando, FL.
2010 speech
How to Get Your Overused Field Ready for Fall 2010
Miller, G. (2010, March). Presented at the Western Turfgrass Conference, Asheville, NC.
2010 conference paper
How to Turn Your Fields Green
Miller, G. (2010, December 13). Presented at the Turf Council of North Carolina Conference, Greensboro, NC.
2010 magazine article
How to beat the next big chill
McCarty, L. B., & Miller, G. L. (2010, July). Carolina Green, 26–29.
2010 conference paper
Impact of Smart Technologies on Residential Water Use in North Carolina
5th National Decennial Irrigation Conference. St. Joseph, Michigan: ASABE.
2010 conference paper
Implications of Reduced Budgets for Landscape Managers
Miller, G. (2010, November 30). Presented at the Texas Turfgrass Association Conference, Fort Worth, TX.
2010 conference paper
Implications of Reduced Budgets for Sports Fields
Miller, G. (2010, November 30). Presented at the Texas Turfgrass Association Conference, Fort Worth, TX.
2010 speech
Installation of Warm-Season and Cool-Season Turfgrasses
Miller, G. (2010, September). Presented at the Vandemark Farm’s Open House, Rocky Mount, NC.
2010 conference paper
Irrigation Auditing for Golf Courses
Miller, G. (2010, December 1). Presented at the Texas Turfgrass Association Conference, Fort Worth, TX.
2010 conference paper
Irrigation Issues on Golf Courses
Miller, G. (2010, November 3). Presented at the NC Irrigation Association Conference, Raleigh, NC.
2010 journal article
Is it too late?
SportsTurf, 26(9), 46.
2010 speech
Lawn Painting vs Overseeding
Miller, G. (2010, January). Presented at the Turf Council of North Carolina Conference, Raleigh, NC.
2010 conference paper
Management for Warm-Season Athletic Fields
Miller, G. (2010, January 13). Presented at the Sports Turf Managers Association of America meeting, Orlando, FL.
2010 conference paper
Managing Fields to Deal with Wear
Miller, G. (2010, October 13). Presented at the Middle Tennessee Sports Turf Conference, Bellevue, TN.
2010 conference paper
Managing Foliar Nutrients on Putting Greens
Miller, G. (2010, December 13). Presented at the Turf Council of North Carolina Conference, Greensboro, NC.
2010 speech
Managing Turfgrasses for Homeowners
Miller, G. (2010, July). Presented at the Doris Duke Education Center, Durham.
2010 report
Maximizing the Durability of Athletic Fields
(North Carolina Cooperative Extension Publications - Fact Sheet No. AG-726). Raleigh, NC: North Carolina State University.
2010 speech
Mowing, Aerification, and Other Cultural Practices
Miller, G. (2010, February). Presented at the NCSU Short Course, Raleigh, NC.
2010 speech
NCSU Sports Turf Research
Miller, G. (2010, September). Presented at the Minor League Baseball Clinic, Durham, NC.
2010 speech
NCSU Sports Turf Research
Miller, G. (2010, October). Presented at the Minor League Baseball Clinic, Durham, NC.
2010 speech
Nutrition and Turfgrass Fertilizers for Golf Courses
Miller, G. (2010, February). Presented at the Golf Course Superintendents Association of America, San Diego, CA.
2010 journal article
Overseeding Blues
SportsTurf, 26(3), 54.
2010 speech
Paint Application Techniques for Sports Fields
Miller, G. (2010, August). Presented at the NCSU Turfgrass Field Day, Sandhills Research Station, Jackson Springs, NC.
2010 speech
Pesticide and Fertilizer Application along with Irrigation Technology for Optimum Turf Health
Miller, G. (2010, March). Presented at the Greensboro, NC.
2010 conference paper
Predicting temperature increases for synthetic turfgrasses
Miller, G. (2010, April 11). Presented at the European Turfgrass Society Conference, Angers, France.
2010 conference paper
Predicting temperature increases for synthetic turfgrasses
2nd European Turfgrass Soc. Conference, 127–129. Angers, France.
2010 speech
Procedures for Conducting an Irrigation Audit
Miller, G. (2010, November). Training workshop presented at the In-service, Raleigh, NC.
2010 journal article
Sensor-Based Automation of Irrigation on Bermudagrass during Dry Weather Conditions

2010 conference paper
Smart Irrigation
Miller, G. (2010, July 22). Training Workshop presented at the In-service, Raleigh, NC.
2010 speech
Sports Turf Program at NCSU
Miller, G. (2010, September). Presented at the NC Sports Turf Managers Meeting, Winston-Salem, NC.
2010 speech
Sports Turf Research
Miller, G. (2010, June). Presented at the Turf Center Funding Symposium, Raleigh, NC.
2010 speech
Sports Turf Research at NCSU: Changing the Color of Turf
Miller, G. (2010, April). Presented at the Department Seminar Series, Raleigh, NC.
2010 speech
The Importance of Conducting an Irrigation Audit
Miller, G. (2010, November). Training workshop presented at the In-service, Raleigh, NC.
2010 speech
Turf Cover to Prevent Soil Erosion
Miller, G. (2010, November). Presented at the Erosion and Sedimentation Control Workshop, Raleigh, NC.
2010 speech
Turfgrass Evaluation for Sod Production in NC
Miller, G. (2010, April). Presented at the NC Crop Improvement Farm Tour, Creswell, NC.
2010 conference paper
Turfgrass Water Management
Miller, G. (2010, October 21). Presented at the Alabama Turfgrass Association Meeting, Auburn, AL.
2010 conference paper
Ultradwarf Bermudagrass Management (workshop)
Miller, G. (2010, December 14). Presented at the Turf Council of North Carolina Conference, Greensboro, NC.
2010 speech
Update on Raleigh Turf Unit Expansion and Cultural Practices Research
Miller, G. (2010, November). Presented at the Carolinas Golf Course Superintendents Association, Myrtle Beach, SC.
2010 speech
Using Smart Irrigation Controllers
Miller, G. (2010, March). Presented at the Western Turfgrass Conference, Asheville, NC.
2010 journal article
Variable Responses of Zoysiagrass Genotypes to the Sting Nematode
Crop Science, 50(2), 723–729.

2010 speech
Water Conservation on Golf Courses
Miller, G. (2010, September). Presented at the Greenstart Academy, Clayton, NC.
2010 journal article
We lost our field, what next?
SportsTurf, 26(1), 53–54.
2010 speech
Why Athletic Fields Sometime Fail
Miller, G. (2010, November). Presented at the NC and SC Sports Turf Managers Association Meeting, Myrtle Beach, SC.
2010 report
Winter-kill and responding to it now
In Turffiles (Turfgrass information for North Carolina). Raleigh, NC: North Carolina State University.
2009 journal article
Budget cutting
SportsTurf, 25(1), 54.
2009 conference paper
Cultivar Evaluations for Tall Fescue Drought Tolerance
Miller, G. (2009, January 29). Presented at the Turf Council of North Carolina Conference, Raleigh, NC.
2009 report
Cultivar evaluations for tall fescue drought tolerance and new zoysiagrasses for NC
In Turffiles (Turfgrass information for North Carolina). Raleigh, NC: North Carolina State University.
2009 speech
Current Trends in Turf Management
Miller, G. (2009, December). Presented at the Kansas Turfgrass Association, Topeka, KS.
2009 conference paper
Design, contruction, and field evaluation of a lysimeter system for determining turfgrass water use
Proceedings of Florida State Horticultural Society.
2009 journal article
Don’t abandon me!
SportsTurf, 25(9), 46.
2009 report
Evaluation of national warm-season trials – bermudagrass, zoysiagrass, and St. Augustinegrass
In Turffiles (Turfgrass information for North Carolina). Raleigh, NC: North Carolina State University.
2009 magazine article
Fall seeding of tall fescue lawns
Reynolds, C., Brinton, S., & Miller, G. (2009, September). North Carolina Turfgrass, 8–11.
2009 report
Fertility program balancing conservation and plant health
In Turffiles (Turfgrass information for North Carolina). Raleigh, NC: North Carolina State University.
2009 report
Fertility program balancing conservation and plant health.
In Turffiles (Turfgrass information for North Carolina). Raleigh, NC: North Carolina State University.
2009 speech
Foliar and Granular Fertilization for Sports Turfgrasses
Miller, G. (2009, October). Presented at the Sports Field Management Webinar.
2009 conference paper
Golf Course Fertility Programs
Miller, G. (2009, March 9). Presented at the Western Turf Conference, Hendersonville, NC.
2009 speech
Golf Course Fertilization Programs
Miller, G. (2009, March). Presented at the Palmetto GCA regional seminar, Myrtle Beach, SC.
2009 conference paper
Golf Course Fertilization Programs
Miller, G. (2009, January 12). Presented at the Tennessee Turfgrass Conference, Franklin, TN.
2009 conference paper
Granular Fertilizer Programs for Sports Turf
Miller, G. (2009, November 18). Presented at the NC and SC Sports Turf Managers Association Meeting, Myrtle Beach, SC.
2009 speech
Granular and Foliar Fertilization
Miller, G. (2009, November). Presented at the Carolinas Golf Course Superintendents Association, Myrtle Beach, SC.
2009 conference paper
How to Find Information to Solve Your Problems
Miller, G. (2009, January 28). Presented at the Turf Council of North Carolina Conference, Raleigh, NC.
2009 report
How to get information to solve your turf problems
In Turffiles (Turfgrass information for North Carolina). Raleigh, NC: North Carolina State University.
2009 speech
Installation, and Programming of Smart Irrigation Systems
Miller, G. (2009, November). Presented at the Irrigation Contractors Workshop, Raleigh, NC.
2009 journal article
Is K special?
SportsTurf, 25(5), 58.
2009 report
It is time for fall seeding of tall fescue
In Turffiles (Turfgrass information for North Carolina). Raleigh, NC: North Carolina State University.
2009 magazine article
Key factors in managing sports fields
Miller, G. L. (2009, July). North Carolina Turfgrass, 8–13.
2009 journal article
Landscape irrigation by evapotranspiration-based irrigation controllers under dry conditions in Southwest Florida

2009 conference paper
Managing Sports Fields for P&R
Miller, G. (2009, September 30). Presented at the NC Recreation and Parks Association Meeting, Mororehead City, NC.
2009 speech
Managing Sports Fields on a Minimum Budget
Miller, G. (2009, December). Presented at the Kansas Turfgrass Association, Topeka, KS.
2009 speech
New Turf Types
Miller, G. (2009, February). Presented at the Wilson County Green Association, Wilson, NC.
2009 speech
Nutrition and Turfgrass Fertilizers for Golf Courses
Miller, G. (2009, February). Presented at the Golf Course Superintendents Association of America, New Orleans, LA.
2009 speech
Overview of NTEP Bermudagrass
Miller, G. (2009, August). Presented at the NCSU Turfgrass Field Day, Raleigh, NC.
2009 speech
Overview of NTEP Zoysiagrass
Miller, G. (2009, August). Presented at the NCSU Turfgrass Field Day, Raleigh, NC.
2009 journal article
Polystand vs. monostand
SportsTurf, 25(11), 46.
2009 conference paper
Potassium and Phosphorus Nutrition
Miller, G. (2009, April 7). Presented at the SE Turf Conference, Wilmington, NC.
2009 speech
Practical Options and Strategies for Irrigation Management
Miller, G. (2009, December). Presented at the Kansas Turfgrass Association, Topeka, KS.
2009 conference paper
Renovation of an Overused Soccer Field
Miller, G. (2009, March 9). Presented at the Western Turf Conference, Hendersonville, NC.
2009 magazine article
Selecting a lawn grass: tall fescue versus zoysiagrass
Miller, G. L. (2009, May). North Carolina Turfgrass, 14–19.
2009 journal article
Shopping for a new grass
SportsTurf, 25(3), 46.
2009 speech
Sports Turf Management
Miller, G. (2009, May). Presented at the Eastern Sports Turf Managers Meeting.
2009 conference paper
Sports Turf Management and Weed Control Options
Miller, G. (2009, October 28). Presented at the Minor League Baseball Conference, Durham, NC.
2009 conference paper
Sports Turf Paint Research
Miller, G. (2009, March 3). Presented at the National Football League (NFL) Symposium, Glendale, AZ.
2009 conference paper
Sports Turf Research
Miller, G. (2009, June 9). Presented at the Turf Center Funding Symposium, Raleigh, NC.
2009 conference paper
Sports Turf Research
Miller, G. (2009, January 12). Presented at the Tennessee Turfgrass Conference, Franklin, TN.
2009 speech
Sports Turf Research Update
Miller, G. (2009, January). Presented at the Kansas Turfgrass Association, Topeka, KS.
2009 speech
Sports Turf Research to Help You Manage Your Fields
Miller, G. (2009, December). Presented at the VA-Sports Turf Managers Association, Charlottesville, VA.
2009 conference paper
Sustainable Turf Care for Disease and Insect Prevention
Miller, G. (2009, November 11). Presented at the Triangle Landscape Symposium, Doris Duke Educational Center, Durham.
2009 speech
Tall Fescue Establishment and Management
Miller, G. (2009, February). Presented at the Mecklenburg County Landscape Program, Charlotte, NC.
2009 report
The effects of athletic field paint on turfgrass growth processes
In Turffiles (Turfgrass information for North Carolina). Raleigh, NC: North Carolina State University.
2009 journal article
To seed or not to seed?
SportsTurf, 25(7), 62.
2009 speech
Turf Management and Painting
Miller, G. (2009, September). Presented at the NC Sports Turf Managers Meeting, Greensboro, NC.
2009 report
Turf management update for Charlotte and Mecklenburg County
In Turffiles (Turfgrass information for North Carolina). Raleigh, NC: North Carolina State University.
2009 conference paper
Warm Season Turf Management for Athletic Fields
Presented at the Sports Turf Managers Association of America meeting, San Jose, CA.
2009 journal article
Water conservation potential of smart irrigation controllers on St. Augustinegrass

2009 speech
Weed Control in Athletic Fields
Miller, G. (2009, September). Presented at the High School Coaches Meeting, Cary, NC.
2009 magazine article
Where the grass is not always greener
Caldwell, D., Bruneau, A., & Miller, G. (2009, January). North Carolina Turfgrass, 22–23.
2009 report
Winterkill, not disease is causing june problems for warm-season turfgrasses
2008 report
2008 cool-season recommended variety list for North Carolina
In Turffiles (Turfgrass information for North Carolina). Raleigh, NC: North Carolina State University.
2008 journal article
Acta Horticulturae, 2(783), 381–390.
2008 speech
Answers To All Your Sports Turf Questions
Miller, G. (2008, January). Workshop presented at the TCNC Conference, Raleigh, NC.
2008 speech
Athletic Field Maintenance Practices
Miller, G. (2008, October). Presented at the Athletic Directors Workshop, Winston-Salem, NC.
2008 conference paper
Athletic Field Maintenance Practices
Miller, G. (2008, November 10). Presented at the NCRPA Conference, Charlotte, NC.
2008 report
Carolina Lawns: A guide to maintaining quality turf in the landscape
(A. Bruneau, G. L. Miller, & C. H. Peacock, Eds.) [North Carolina Cooperative Extension Publication]. Raleigh, NC: North Carolina State University.
2008 conference paper
Controlled release nitrogen programs influence turfgrass quality
European Turfgrass Society Conference Proceedings, 133–134.
2008 speech
Current Trends in Turfgrass Management
Miller, G. (2008, June). Presented at the Toro Forum, Minneapolis, MN.
2008 conference paper
Drainage Design for Sports Fields
Miller, G. (2008, March 12). Presented at the Western Turf Conference, Hendersonville, NC.
2008 magazine article
Dressing your field
SportsTurf, 24(9), 50.
2008 speech
Drought Tolerance Research Update
Miller, G. (2008, January). Presented at the TCNC Conference, Raleigh, NC.
2008 speech
Establishment of Turfgrasses
Miller, G. (2008, February). Presented at the NCSU Short Course, Raleigh, NC.
2008 conference paper
Evaluation of Evapotranspiration-Based and Soil-Moisture-Based Irrigation Control in Turf
World Environmental and Water Resources Congress 2008. Presented at the World Environmental and Water Resources Congress 2008.

2008 report
Fall seeding of cool-season grass lawns – a water conservation effort
In Turffiles (Turfgrass information for North Carolina). Raleigh, NC: North Carolina State University.
2008 speech
Golf Course Water Use Practices
Miller, G. (2008, September). Presented at the UNC School of Government, Chapel Hill, NC.
2008 speech
Granular Fertilizer Programs for Golf Courses
Miller, G. (2008, November). Presented at the Carolinas Golf Course Superintendents Association, Myrtle Beach, SC.
2008 magazine article
Grassroots fields
SportsTurf, 24(7), 54.
2008 report
How to deal with end of summer crabgrass infestation
In Turffiles (Turfgrass information for North Carolina). Raleigh, NC: North Carolina State University.
2008 speech
Improving Ball Fields
Miller, G. (2008, October). Presented at the Onslow County Park and Recreation Workshop, Jacksonville, NC.
2008 conference paper
Irrigation Uniformity on Golf Courses
Miller, G. (2008, March 12). Presented at the Western Turf Conference, Hendersonville, NC.
2008 conference paper
Irrigation by evapotranspiration-based irrigation controllers in Florida
Proceedings of the 29th International Irrigation Conference. Presented at the 29th International Irrigation Conference, Anaheim, CA.
2008 magazine article
Less water = tougher renovation
SportsTurf, 24(3), 54.
2008 journal article
Management plan for synthetics
SportsTurf, 24(5), 50.
2008 speech
Managing Sports Fields under Drought Conditions
Miller, G. (2008, March). Presented at the Eastern North Carolina Sports Turf Managers Association, Wilmington, NC.
2008 speech
Managing Sports Fields under Drought Conditions
(2008, April). Presented at the Western North Carolina Sports Turf Managers Association, Charlotte, NC.
2008 report
Managing spring seeded grasses
In Turffiles (Turfgrass information for North Carolina). Raleigh, NC: North Carolina State University.
2008 speech
Master of Ceremony at the Dedication of Turfgrass Pavilion
Miller, G. (2008, August). Presented at the NCSPA, Raleigh, NC.
2008 journal article
Methodology for screening for resistance to Belonolaimus longicaudatus in turfgrass
Nematropica, 38(2), 163–175.
2008 speech
NCSU Research Update
Miller, G. (2008, January). Presented at the NCSPA Conference, Raleigh, NC.
2008 magazine article
Needing more than eight glasses a day
SportsTurf, 24(1), 74.
2008 speech
Nutrition and Turfgrass Fertilizers for Golf Courses
Miller, G. (2008, January). Presented at the Golf Course Superintendents Association of America, Orlando, FL.
2008 speech
Nutrition for High-Performance Turfgrass
Miller, G. (2008, January). Presented at the Louisiana Turfgrass Association, Baton Rouge, LA.
2008 magazine article
Organic matter accumulation in bentgrass putting greens: How well can it be controlled?
Rufty, T., Goodman, D., Seth-Carley, D., Bowman, D., & Miller, G. (2008, September). North Carolina Turfgrass, 10–14.
2008 magazine article
Overseeding bermudagrass with ryegrass
SportsTurf, 24(11), 46.
2008 journal article
Phosphorus requirements of St. Augustinegrass grown in sandy soils
CROP SCIENCE, 48(3), 1178–1186.

2008 speech
Practice Natural Lawn Care
Miller, G. (2008, March). Presented at the Pitt County.
2008 speech
Role of Turfgrass in Society
Miller, G. (2008, November). Presented at the First-Year Students, Raleigh, NC.
2008 journal article
Surface water quality adjacent to golf courses in the Southern Appalachia. Acta Horticulturae, 783(783), 229–238.

2008 journal article
Sensor-based automation of irrigation on bermudagrass, during wet weather conditions
Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering, 134(2), 120–128.

2008 speech
Sports Turf Management
Miller, G. (2008, September). Presented at the Western NCSTMA, Elon, NC.
2008 speech
Sports Turf Research
Miller, G. (2008, January). Presented at the Baton Rouge, LA.
2008 speech
Spring Seeding of Tall Fescue
Miller, G. (2008, August). Presented at the NCSU Turfgrass Field Day, Jackson Springs, NC.
2008 speech
Tall Fescue Management in Drought Conditions
Miller, G. (2008, December). Presented at the Davidson and Forysth County Landscape Program, Lexington, NC.
2008 speech
Turf Management in the Landscape
Miller, G. (2008, September). Presented at the Wake County Master Gardener Program, Raleigh, NC.
2008 speech
Turf Selection for Drought
Miller, G. (2008, March). Presented at the NC Agent In-Service Training, Raleigh, NC.
2008 report
Turf drought issues agent in-service training
In Turffiles (Turfgrass information for North Carolina). Raleigh, NC: North Carolina State University.
2008 speech
Turfgrass BMPs
Miller, G. (2008, February). Presented at the NCSU Short Course, Raleigh, NC.
2008 speech
Turfgrass Management under Drought Conditions
Miller, G. (2008, August). Presented at the Chatham County Landscape Management Program, Pittsboro, NC.
2008 speech
Turfgrass Nutrition for Golf Courses
Miller, G. (2008, June). Presented at the Low Country Golf Course Superintendents Association Regional Seminar, Hilton Head, SC.
2008 speech
Turfgrass Selection for Drought and non-Drought Conditions
Miller, G. (2008, May). Presented at the Town Operations of Cary, Cary, NC.
2008 report
Turfgrass heat and drought stress
In Turffiles (Turfgrass information for North Carolina). Raleigh, NC: North Carolina State University.
2008 report
Turfgrass selection for drought survival and implications during non-drought periods
In Turffiles (Turfgrass information for North Carolina). Raleigh, NC: North Carolina State University.
2008 speech
Warm-Season Athletic Field Management
Miller, G. (2008, January). Presented at the NFL Symposium, Phoenix, AZ.
2008 speech
Winter Seeding of Bermudagrass
Miller, G. (2008, August). Presented at the NCSU Turfgrass Field Day, Jackson Springs, NC.
2007 speech
An Evaluation of Crumb and Porous Ceramic as Turfgrass Topdressing
Miller, G. (2007, June). Presented at the Management of Sports Fields, Beijing, China.
2007 journal article
Attack of the earthworms
SportsTurf, 23(11), 46.
2007 speech
BMPs for Managing Nutrients to Protect Water Quality
Miller, G. (2007, February). Presented at the Turfgrass Short Course, Raleigh, NC.
2007 journal article
Back to school (gulp!)
SportsTurf, 23(9), 50.
2007 report
Back to school (gulp!)
In Green Media Online [Extension Publication].
2007 speech
Bermudagrass and Zoysiagrass Evaluation
Miller, G. (2007, August). Presented at the NCSU Turfgrass Field Day, Raleigh, NC.
2007 speech
(2007, November). Presented at the Carolinas Golf Course Superintendents Association, Myrtle Beach, SC.
2007 conference paper
Controlling Weeds Using Cultural Practices
Miller, G. (2007, May 7). Presented at the Tifton Turf Conference, Tifton, GA.
2007 journal article
Crumb rubber as a topdressing
SportsTurf, 23(3), 54.
2007 journal article
Effect of silicon on the development of dollar spot in rough bluegrass (Poa trivialis)
Phytopathology, 97(7), 34.
2007 conference paper
Evaluation and Demonstration of Evapotranspiration-Based Irrigation Controllers
World Environmental and Water Resources Congress 2007. Presented at the World Environmental and Water Resources Congress 2007.

2007 conference paper
Evaluation of Evapotranspiration and Soil Moisture-Based Irrigation Control on Turfgrass
World Environmental and Water Resources Congress 2007. Presented at the World Environmental and Water Resources Congress 2007.

2007 journal article
Evaluation of soil moisture and evapotranspiration irrigation control to reduce turfgrass irrigation water use
Florida Turfgrass, 19–25.
2007 article
Exact equations for critical depth in a trapezoidal canal - Discussion by Prabhata K. Swamee and Pushpa N. Rathie
2007 report
Fall seeding of tall fescue under drought conditions
In Turf Alert - Turffiles (Turfgrass information for North Carolina). Raleigh, NC: North Carolina State University.
2007 speech
Fertilizers and Nutrient Management
Miller, G. (2007, February). Presented at the Carolina’s Superintendents Association Regional, Greenville, SC.
2007 journal article
Field vandalism
SportsTurf, 23(5), 58.
2007 speech
Granular Fertilizer Programs for Golf Courses
Miller, G. (2007, November). Presented at the Carolinas Golf Course Superintendents Association, Myrtle Beach, SC.
2007 speech
Importance of Aerification
Miller, G. (2007, April). Presented at the Western Sports Turf Managers Meeting, Kannapolis, NC.
2007 speech
Lawn Care Management
Miller, G. (2007, January). Presented at the Coastal Turf and Landscape Conference, Manteo, NC.
2007 journal article
Lines and slopes
SportsTurf, 23(1), 74.
2007 report
Lines and slopes
In Green Media Online [Extension Publication].
2007 speech
Managing Fields on Minimum Budget
Miller, G. (2007, March). Presented at the Hendersonville, NC.
2007 speech
Managing Landscape Turfgrass
Miller, G. (2007, March). Presented at the Suffolk County Meeting, Virginia Beach, VA.
2007 speech
Managing Warm-Season Athletic Fields
Miller, G. (2007, January). Presented at the TCNC Conference, Raleigh, NC.
2007 report
Managing landscape turf under drought conditions
In Turf Alert - Turffiles (Turfgrass information for North Carolina). Raleigh, NC: North Carolina State University.
2007 magazine article
Maximizing the performance of heavily used athletic fields
Miller, G. L. (2007, November). North Carolina Turfgrass., 14–18.
2007 speech
Nutrition and Turfgrass Fertilizers for Golf Courses
Miller, G. (2007, February). Presented at the Golf Course Superintendents Association of America, Anaheim, CA.
2007 journal article
Paint by numbers
SportsTurf, 23(7), 58.
2007 speech
Plant Nutrition and Fertilizers
Miller, G. (2007, March). Presented at the Triad Golf Course Superintendents Association, Raleigh, NC.
2007 speech
Practical Options & Strategies for Irrigating Landscapes
Miller, G. (2007, March). Practical Options & Strategies for Irrigating Landscapes. Presented at the Hendersonville, NC.
2007 speech
Proper Landscape Watering
Miller, G. (2007, January). Presented at the TCNC Conference, Raleigh, NC.
2007 conference paper
Soil moisture sensor control for conservation of landscape irrigation
Proceedings of the 2007 Georgia Water Resources Conference. Presented at the 2007 Georgia Water Resources Conference, Athens, GA.
2007 speech
Sports Fields and Home Lawns: Using them for On-Site Research
Miller, G. (2007, October). Presented at the Clemson University Seminar Series, Clemson, SC.
2007 speech
Spring Seeding Tall Fescue
Miller, G. (2007, February). Presented at the Mecklenburg County Landscape Program, Charlotte, NC.
2007 report
Strategies for dealing with centipedegrass winterkill
In Turffiles (Turfgrass information for North Carolina). Raleigh, NC: North Carolina State University.
2007 speech
Tall Fescue Drought Tolerance
Miller, G. (2007, January). Presented at the TCNC Conference, Raleigh, NC.
2007 conference paper
Temperature Increase on Synthetic Turf Grass
World Environmental and Water Resources Congress 2007. Presented at the World Environmental and Water Resources Congress 2007.

2007 conference paper
Turf Management in the NC Landscape
Miller, G. (2007, October 10). Presented at the Master Gardener Conference, Raleigh, NC.
2007 speech
Turfgrass Extension Program
Miller, G. (2007, July). TV program presented at the Satellite Plant Clinic, Raleigh, NC.
2007 speech
Turfgrass Nutrition and Fertilizers
Miller, G. (2007, March). Presented at the Hendersonville, NC.
2007 speech
Turfgrass Nutrition for Golf Courses
Miller, G. (2007, September). Presented at the Golf Course Superintendents Association Regional Seminar, Honolulu, Hawaii.
2007 speech
Turfgrass Science Research in Crop Science Department
Miller, G. (2007, December). Presented at the CALS Research Talk, Raleigh, NC.
2007 speech
Warm-Season Athletic Field Management
Miller, G. (2007, January). Presented at the Sports Turf Managers Association, San Antonio, TX.
2007 speech
Water Conservation for Golf Courses
Miller, G. (2007, October). Presented at the Greenstart Academy, Clayton, NC.
2007 journal article
Water-saving strategies for irrigating North Carolina lawns
North Carolina Turfgrass, 10–17.
2007 report
Winterkill of St. Augustinegrass and centipedegrass throughout North Carolina
In Turffiles (Turfgrass information for North Carolina). Raleigh, NC: North Carolina State University.
2006 speech
Agronomic Trends in Athletic Field Management
Miller, G. (2006, June). Presented at the Bayer’s Sports Turf Managers Meeting, Charlotte, NC.
2006 report
Baseball field layout and construction
(University of Florida Extension Publication No. ENH159/EPO92). IFAS.
2006 journal article
Determining your athletic field’s use capacity
Florida Turf Digest., 23(4), 16–19.
2006 journal article
Effect of urban soil compaction on infiltration rate
Journal of Soil and Water Conservation, 61, 117–124.
2006 speech
Grow-in and Maintenance Fertilization of Sand-Based Athletic Fields
Miller, G. (2006, June). Presented at the SEC/ACC Sports Turf Managers Meeting, Sylacauga, AL.
2006 conference paper
Managing Critical Water Issues on the Golf Course
Miller, G. (2006, November 8). Presented at the Oklahoma Turf Conference, Stillwater, OK.
2006 journal article
Measuring water infiltration rates
SportsTurf, 22(10), 22, 24, 26, 28–29.
2006 report
Measuring water infiltration rates
Green Media Online.
2006 journal article
More Bermuda in the outfield
SportsTurf, 25(4), 54.
2006 report
More Bermuda in the outfield
Green Media Online.
2006 journal article
Moving up I-95
SportsTurf, 22(8), 54.
2006 journal article
New turfgrass research underway at Pine Acres
Florida Turf Digest., 23(4), 10–14.
2006 speech
Overseeding, Varieties, Procedures, and Transition
Miller, G. (2006, August). Presented at the High School Field Managers in Central NC, Charlotte, NC.
2006 speech
PGR Evaluation Trial
Miller, G. (2006, August). Presented at the NCSU Turfgrass Field Day for Industry Supports, Raleigh, NC.
2006 book
Roadside Turf Management
Crop Science Society of America.
2006 journal article
Rolling revisited
SportsTurf, 22(6), 50.
2006 journal article
Selection of insecticide formulation
The Louisiana Turfgrass Bulletin, 43(4), 5.
2006 journal article
Start your renovations now
SportsTurf, 22(10), 50.
2006 speech
The role of nutrient management in IPM programs
Miller, G. (2006, November). Presented at the 2006 Carolinas Golf Course Superintendents Association, Myrtle Beach, SC.
2006 conference paper
Tips for Athletic Field Management
Miller, G. (2006, November 9). Presented at the Oklahoma Turf Conference, Stillwater, OK.
2006 conference paper
Top 10 Problems on Athletic Fields
Miller, G. (2006, December 12). Presented at the Texas Turfgrass Conference and Show, Austin, TX.
2006 journal article
Try these tips on pesticide efficiency, formulations, and equipment
TurfGrass Trends, 60–62.
2006 report
Walking a fine line
Green Media Online.
2006 conference paper
Water Issues in the Landscape
Miller, G. (2006, November 8). Presented at the Oklahoma Turf Conference, Stillwater, OK.
2006 speech
Water Management Issues on Golf Courses
Miller, G. (2006, September). Presented at the Bayer’s Future Superintendent’s School, Clayton, NC.
2006 report
You may need a blanket
Green Media Online.
2006 journal article
You may need a blanket!
SportsTurf, 22(12), 46.
2005 journal article
Analysis of Double-Ring Infiltration Techniques and Development of a Simple Automatic Water Delivery System
Journal of Applied Turfgrass Science, 2(1).
2005 journal article
Analysis of Residential Irrigation Distribution Uniformity
Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering, 131(4), 336–341.
2005 speech
Athletic Turf Management and the new turfgrass research unit at the University of Florida
Miller, G. (2005, October). Presented at the Lake City Community College Lecture Series, Lake City, FL.
2005 report
Baseball field design
2005 weblog post
Baseball field layout and construction
Miller, G. L. (2005, May 28).
2005 journal article
Components, Utilization, and Support of Southern Turfgrass Research Units
HortTechnology, 15(3), 660–665.
2005 journal article
Composted Yard Waste Affects Soil Displacement and Roadside Vegetation
HortScience, 40(7), 2157–2163.

2005 speech
Design and construction of a Turfgrass Research Unit
Miller, G. L., & Sartain, J. B. (2005, December). Presented at the International Agronomy, Crop Science Society Meeting, Salt Lake City, UT.
2005 book
Designing, constructing, and maintaining bermudagrass sports fields
Clemson, S.C.: Clemson University Public Service Publishing.
2005 speech
Evaluation of the AFSIRS for predicting golf course irrigation water needs
Miller, G. L. (2005, December). Presented at the International Agronomy, Crop Science Society Meeting, Salt Lake City, UT.
2005 report
Forget being PC, we got a big game
Green Media.
2005 journal article
Forget being PC, we’ve got a big game!
SportsTurf, 21(4), 50.
2005 speech
Golf course irrigation: how efficient is your system?
Miller, G. (2005, June). Presented at the Turfgrass Expo, Jay, FL.
2005 journal article
Growth parameters of FloraDwarf and Tifdwarf bermudagrass exposed to various light regimes
Proceedings of International Turfgrass Society Research Journal , 10(2), 879–884.
2005 conference paper
History and maintenance of Florida Field
Miller, G. (2005, October 18). Presented at the Master Gardener’s State Conference, Gainesville, FL.
2005 report
Home irrigation and landscape combinations for water conservation in Florida
(University of Florida IFAS Extension Publication No. ABE 355). Gainesville, Florida: University of Florida.
2005 journal article
Hybrid bermudagrass (Cynodon dactylon (L.) Pers. X C. transvaalensis Burtt-Davy) control with glyphosate and flauzifop
Journal of Applied Turfgrass Science. pub/ats/research/2005/hybrid/
2005 speech
Maintenance practices for improved athletic fields
Miller, G. (2005, August). Presented at the Stuart, FL.
2005 speech
Management of Baseball fields
Miller, G. L. (2005, October). Guest lecture presented at the Health and Human Performance class, University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida.
2005 speech
Managing Grasses for Landscape and Recreational Uses
Miller, G. L. (2005, March). Presented at the LEI 3600: Leisure Facilities, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL.
2005 speech
Managing athletic fields on a shoestring budget
Miller, G. (2005, June). Presented at the Turfgrass Expo, Jay, FL.
2005 journal article
Nothing but “the best”?
SportsTurf, 21(8), 50.
2005 speech
Plant Nutrition and Fertilization
Miller, G. L., & Frank, K. (2005, December). Presented at the New Mexico Golf Course Superintendent’s meeting, Albuquerque, New Mexico.
2005 conference paper
Plant Nutrition and Fertilizers
Miller, G. L., & Frank, K. (2005, February 8). Presented at the 76th Annual International Golf Course Conference and Show, Orlando, FL.
2005 speech
Plant Nutrition and Fertilizers for the South
Miller, G. L. (2005, May). Presented at the Regional seminar sponsored by the Central Florida Golf Course Superintendents Association, Kissimmee, FL.
2005 chapter
Plant growth and development
In Best Golf Course Management Practices (pp. 45–72). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall.
2005 chapter
Plant growth and development
In L. B. McCarty (Ed.), Best Golf Course Management Practices (2nd ed., pp. 59–94). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall.
Ed(s): L. McCarty
2005 journal article
Recovering from “Waterworld”
Recovering from “Waterworld.” SportsTurf, 21(2), 46.
2005 conference paper
Resources for constructing athletic fields
Miller, G. (2005, September 13). Presented at the Florida Turfgrass Conference and Show, Bonita Springs, FL.
2005 conference paper
Sensor-Based Control of Irrigation in Bermudagrass
2005 Tampa, FL July 17-20, 2005. Presented at the 2005 Tampa, FL July 17-20, 2005.

2005 journal article
Soil moisture based residential irrigation
Resource Magazine, 12(5), 4–6.
2005 speech
Spring aerification of athletic fields
Miller, G. (2005, January). Presented at the STMA meeting, Jacksonville, FL.
2005 journal article
The power of pH
Grounds Maintenance, 40(4), 16–19.
2005 weblog post
The power of pH
Miller, G. L. (2005, April 1).
2005 speech
Turf and Sports
Miller, G. L. (2005, February). Presented at the ORH1030: Plants, Gardens, and You, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL.
2005 speech
Turfgrass research in Gainesville
Miller, G. L. (2005, February). Presented at the Guelph Student Tour, Gainesville, FL.
2005 conference paper
Urban soil compaction and its effect on stormwater runoff
Proceedings 8th Biennial Conference on Stormwater Research and Management. Presented at the Southwest Florida Water Management District and Florida Department of Environmental Protection.
2005 journal article
Walking a fine line
SportsTurf, 21(6), 42.
2005 speech
Water related research that will impact the turf industry
Miller, G. (2005, September). Presented at the Bonita Springs, FL.
2005 speech
Water use by golf courses and an update on the turf research unit
Miller, G. (2005, May). Presented at the Seven Rivers Golf Course Superintendents meeting, Gainesville, FL.
2005 speech
Why choose turfgrass?
High, A., & Miller, G. L. (2005, August). Presented at the ORH1030: Plants, Gardens, and You, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL.
2004 speech
An evaluation of Olympic Stadium
Miller, G. L. (2004, May). Presented at the Committee on Olympic facilities management, Rome, Italy.
2004 journal article
Analysis of soccer field surface hardness
Acta Horticulturae, 661(661), 287–294.

2004 report
Athletic field use capacity
(University of Florida IFAS Extension Publication No. ENH-991). Gainesville, Florida: University of Florida.
2004 speech
Basic Weed ID and Control in athletic fields.
Miller, G. (2004, March). Presented at the Sports Turf Managers Association Meeting, Miami, FL.
2004 journal article
Changing your spots
SportsTurf, 20(6), 46.
2004 speech
Comparison of irrigation uniformity by soil moisture to catch can test
Baum, M. C., Dukes, M. D., & Miller, G. L. (2004, June). Presented at the Florida Section American Society of Agricultural Engineers, Stuart, FL.
2004 report
Comparison of irrigation uniformity by soil moisture to catch-can test
(ASAE Paper No. FL04-1011). St. Joseph, MI: American Society of Agricultural Engineers.
2004 speech
Comparison of turfgrass culture of Italy and Florida
Miller, G. L. (2004, May). Presented at the Meeting of turfgrass managers and various industry personnel, Bologna, Italy.
2004 speech
Cultural Practices for Athletic Fields
Miller, G. (2004, June). Presented at the Athletic Field Maintenance Field Day, Alachua, FL.
2004 conference paper
Determination of Residential Irrigation Water Use in Florida
Critical Transitions in Water and Environmental Resources Management. Presented at the World Water and Environmental Resources Congress 2004, Salt Lake City, UT.

2004 speech
Determination of residential irrigation water use in Florida.
Miller, G. (2004, July). Presented at the Annual Turfgrass Field Day, Gainesville, FL.
2004 speech
Envirotron Research Update
Miller, G. (2004, July). Presented at the Gainesville Turfgrass Field Day, Gainesville, FL.
2004 journal article
Establishing bermudagrass
SportsTurf, 20(8), 42.
2004 speech
Evaluation of sensor-based control of irrigation in Bermudagrass
Miller, G. (2004, July). Presented at the Annual Turfgrass Field Day, Gainesville, FL.
2004 journal article
Factors affecting seed germination of tropical signalgrass (Urochloa subquadripara)
Weed Science, 52(3), 376–381.
2004 journal article
Finally, physics class is useful
SportsTurf, 12(12), 42.
2004 speech
Giving Professional Presentations
Miller, G. L. (2004, December). Presented at the Graduate Professional Development Course.
2004 report
How much water does a golf course operator need?
In Florida Turfgrass Research report (p. 15). Ft. Lauderdale, FL.
2004 speech
How to get the most bang for the buck: Proper Calibration of Equipment
Miller, G. (2004, April). Presented at the North Florida Sports Turf Managers Association, Jacksonville, FL.
2004 journal article
IFAS adds plant pathologist for extension, research
Florida Turf Digest, 21(1), 22–23.
2004 speech
Influence of Field Aerification on Weed Control
Miller, G. (2004, January). Presented at the North Florida Sports Turf Managers Association, Jacksonville, FL.
2004 journal article
Irrigation scheduling and uniformity
Florida Turf Digest, 21(2), 20–22.
2004 journal article
Make safety a priority: what you should know about personal protection equipment and post application
Golf Advantage, 2(1), 27–28.
2004 speech
Management of Baseball fields
Miller, G. L. (2004, October). Guest lecture presented at the Health and Human Performance class, University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida.
2004 speech
Managing Grasses for Landscape and Recreational Uses
Miller, G. L. (2004, February). Presented at the LEI 3600: Leisure Facilities, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL.
2004 speech
Modern Turfgrass Culture in the US
Presented at the Department of Horticulture Seminar Series, University of Pisa, Pisa, Italy.
2004 journal article
Overseeding trials in Gainesville
Florida Turf Digest, 21(5), 10–12.
2004 speech
Plant Nutrition and Fertilization
Miller, G. L., & Frank, K. (2004, November). Presented at the Kansas Golf Course Superintendent’s meeting, Andover, KS.
2004 conference paper
Plant Nutrition and Fertilizers: Part 1
Miller, G. L., & Rieke, P. E. (2004, February 11). Presented at the 75th Annual International Golf Course Conference and Show, San Diego, CA.
2004 conference paper
Plant Nutrition and Fertilizers: Part 2
Miller, G. L., & Rieke, P. E. (2004, February 12). Presented at the 75th Annual International Golf Course Conference and Show, San Diego, CA.
2004 speech
Reducing residential irrigation water use in Florida
Dukes, M. D., Baum, M. C., & Miller, G. L. (2004, November). Presented at the 25th International Irrigation Show, Tampa, FL.
2004 speech
Reducing residential irrigation water use in Florida
Dukes, M. D., Haley, M. B., & Miller, G. L. (2004, November). Presented at the Irrigation Association Annual Show, Falls Church, VA.
2004 journal article
Ryegrass on southern athletic fields
SportsTurf, 20(2), 46.
2004 speech
Sports Field Construction
Miller, G. (2004, March). Presented at the Sports Turf Managers Association Meeting, Miami, FL.
2004 journal article
St. Augustinegrass Response to Plant Growth Retardants
Crop Science, 44(4), 1323.

2004 conference paper
Student Recruitment and Involvement Beyond the Classroom
Liu, H., & Miller, G. L. (2004, June 8). Presented at the Southern Extension and Research Association Meeting, Pensacola Beach, FL.
2004 journal article
The Doctor of Plant Medicine program takes root in UF/IFAS
Florida Turf Digest, 21(5), 22–24.
2004 journal article
Tips on pesticide efficacy, formulations, and application equipment
Golf Advantage, 2(2), 20–21.
2004 speech
Transitioning Athletic Fields
Miller, G. L. (2004, August). Presented at the Transition Summit Meeting, San Francisco, CA.
2004 speech
Transitioning Overseeded Bermudagrass
Miller, G. L. (2004, June). Presented at the SEC Sports Turf Managers Conference, Athens, GA.
2004 conference paper
Transitioning Overseeded Bermudagrass
Miller, G. L. (2004, June 18). Presented at the SEC Sports Turf Managers Conference, Athens, GA.
2004 journal article
Tropical Signalgrass (Urochloa subquadripara) Control with Preemergence- and Postemergence-Applied Herbicides
Weed Technology, 18(02), 419–425.
2004 speech
Turf and Sports
Miller, G. L. (2004, January). Presented at the ORH1030: Plants, Gardens, and You, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL.
2004 speech
Turf and Sports
Miller, G. L. (2004, July). Presented at the ORH1030: Plants, Gardens, and You, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL.
2004 speech
Turf and Sports
Miller, G. L. (2004, October). Presented at the ORH1030: Plants, Gardens, and You, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL.
2004 journal article
Turf team gains one, loses two
Florida Turf Digest, 21(4), 25.
2004 speech
Turfgrass Research in Florida
Presented at the Department of Horticulture Seminar Series, University of Bologna, Bologna, Italy.
2004 conference paper
Use of bermudagrass in Mediterranean climates [Specie macroterme per tappeti erbosi sportivi]
Miller, G. L. (2004, May 8). Keynote presented at the Special conference on athletic field management, Lecce, Italy.
2004 speech
Water use on Florida’s Golf Courses
Miller, G. (2004, May). Presented at the Central Florida GCSA Chapter meeting, Clermont, FL.
2004 conference paper
Wear and Tear Mapping
Miller, G. (2004, October 27). Presented at the Alabama Turfgrass Conference, Auburn, AL.
2003 conference paper
Baseball and Softball Field Management
Miller, G. L. (2003, June 17). Presented at the Coaching Baseball, Gainesville, FL.
2003 conference paper
Basic sports field construction and renovation
Miller, G. L. (2003, December 10). Presented at the State Turf Conference, Atlanta, GA.
2003 conference paper
Changes in Turfgrass Industry and Changes in Turf Conferences
Miller, G. L., & Chalmers, D. (2003, June 12). Presented at the Annual Southern Region Extension and Research Association, Blacksburg, VA.
2003 journal article
Development and Implementation of a Nonmajors Horticultural Survey Class
HortTechnology, 1, 196–199.

2003 conference paper
Effect of urban construction on levels of soil compaction and infiltration rates
Gregory, J. H., Dukes, M. D., Miller, G. L., & Jones, P. H. (2003, July 27). Poster presented at the ASAE international meeting, Las Vegas, NV.
2003 journal article
Ever think about hiring a turf student intern?
Florida Turf Digest, 20(3), 20.
2003 speech
Factors that affect residential system uniformity
Baum, M. C., Dukes, M. D., & Miller, G. L. (2003, July). Presented at the ASAE international meeting, Las Vegas, NV.
2003 journal article
Feast or famine fertility: experts weigh in on targeted fertilizer rates
Grounds Maintenance, 38(4), 14–48.
2003 weblog post
Feast or famine fertility: experts weigh in on targeted fertilizer rates
Landschoot, P., & Miller, G. L. (2003, April 1).
2003 conference paper
Fertility programs for sports fields
Miller, G. L. (2003, January 17). Presented at the National Sports Turf Managers Conference, San Antonio, TX.
2003 journal article
How uniform is coverage from your irrigation system?
Golf Course Management, 71(8), 100–102.
2003 report
How uniform is coverage from your irrigation system?
Lawrence, Kansas: Golf Course Superintendents Association of America.
2003 journal article
Influence of shade on dwarf-type bermudagrass
The Florida Green, (Spring), 58.
2003 journal article
Influence of shade on dwarf-type bermudagrasses
Florida Green, (Spring).
2003 journal article
Information to help maintain Florida athletic fields
Florida Turf Digest, 20(2), 30–32.
2003 conference paper
Irrigation audits and water permitting on Florida golf courses
Miller, G. L. (2003, December 9). Presented at the State Turf Conference, Atlanta, GA.
2003 speech
Landscape management for facilities
Miller, G. L. (2003, October). Presented at the Facilities course, Gainesville, FL.
2003 journal article
Looking at your CEC
SportsTurf, 19(12), 46.
2003 journal article
Lots of highlights to report form summer field day
Florida Turf Digest, 20(6), 24.
2003 speech
Maintaining Urban Turf
Miller, G. L. (2003, February). Presented at the Facilities Management, Gainesville, FL.
2003 speech
Management Practices to Enhance Field Safety.
Miller, G. L. (2003, September). Presented at the State Association Meeting, Florida Turfgrass Association (FTGA), Tampa, FL.
2003 conference paper
Management of Baseball Fields
Miller, G. L. (2003, December 4). Presented at the Coaching Baseball, Gainesville, FL.
2003 speech
Managing Baseball Turf
Miller, G. L. (2003, April). Presented at the Advanced Baseball Coaching, Gainesville, FL.
2003 conference paper
Measurement and Analysis of Sports Turf Parameters
Miller, G. L. (2003, November 5). Presented at the International Agronomy, Crop Science Society Meeting, Denver, CO.
2003 report
Methodology effects on double ring infiltrometer measurements
(ASAE Paper No. FL03-106). St. Joseph, MI: American Society of Agricultural Engineers.
2003 conference paper
New Methods for Analysis of Soccer Field Data
Miller, G. L. (2003, June 4). Presented at the International Conference for Turfgrass Management and Science for Sports Fields, Athens, Greece.
2003 journal article
Not so friendly low places
SportsTurf, 19(10), 46.
2003 report
Not so friendly low places
Green Media.
2003 journal article
Overseeding trials, new construction, and doveweed
Florida Turf Digest, 20(1), 28.
2003 conference paper
Overview of SERA-IEG-25
Miller, G. L. (2003, December 6). Presented at the Annual Southern Region Extension and Research Association, Blacksburg, VA.
2003 conference paper
Perlite for turf growth
Miller, G. L. (2003, March 31). Presented at the Perlite Institute Meeting, Orlando, FL.
2003 conference paper
Plant Nutrition and Fertilizers: Part 1
Miller, G. L., & Rieke, P. E. (2003, February 13). Presented at the Golf Course Superintendent's Association Meeting, Atlanta, GA.
2003 report
Recommendations for N, P, K and Mg for Golf Course and Athletic Field Fertilization Based on Mehlich I Extractant
(University of Florida IFAS Extension Publications No. Sl 191). Gainesville, FL: University of Florida.
2003 report
Residential irrigation uniformity and efficiency in Florida
(ASAE Paper No. FL03-100). St. Joseph, MI: American Society of Agricultural Engineers.
2003 journal article
Residential irrigation water reduction based on deficit irrigation
Florida Turf Digest, 20(5), 14–18.
2003 conference paper
Residential irrigation water use in Florida
Baum, M. C., Dukes, M. D., & Miller, G. L. (2003, June 18). Presented at the Florida Section American Society of Agricultural Engineers, Clearwater, FL.
2003 magazine article
Residential irrigation water use reduction based on deficit irrigation
Dukes, M. D., Baum, M. C., & Miller, G. L. (2003, October). North Carolina Turfgrass, 21(6), 16, 18–20.
2003 journal article
Run a mile in their shoes
SportsTurf, 19(8), 46.
2003 journal article
Soil pH
SportsTurf, 19(2), 46.
2003 report
Soil pH
Green Media.
2003 conference paper
Spatial Variability Analysis of Two Soccer Fields
Miller, G. L. (2003, November 6). Presented at the International Crop Science Society Meeting, Denver, CO.
2003 journal article
Speaking turf!
SportsTurf, 19(4), 54.
2003 conference paper
Sports Field Management
Miller, G. L. (2003, January 29). Presented at the Florida Turfgrass Association Regional Conference, Jacksonville, FL.
2003 speech
Sports and Turf
Miller, G. L. (2003, July). Presented at the ORH1030 Plants, Gardens, and You, Gainesville, FL.
2003 speech
St. Augustine grass management for facilities
Miller, G. L. (2003, July). Presented at the Facilities seminar, Gainesville, FL.
2003 journal article
Tough turf
Grounds Maintenance, 48(9), 10–32.
2003 magazine article
Tough turf
Miller, G. L. (2003, September). Grounds Maintenance, 38(9), 10–12,14,18,32.
2003 journal article
Tropical signalgrass Management in warm-season turf
Florida Turf Digest, 22(2), 18–22.
2003 speech
Turf and Sports
Miller, G. L. (2003, March). Presented at the ORH1030 Plants, Gardens, and You, Gainesville, FL.
2003 conference paper
Turfgrasses and Florida
Miller, G. L. (2003, November 20). Presented at the Alpha Zeta Honors banquet, Gainesville, FL.
2003 report
Uniformity comparison of common residential irrigation sprinkler heads
(ASAE Paper No. 03-2024). St. Joseph, MI: American Society of Agricultural Engineers.
2003 journal article
Using Near Infrared Reflectance Spectroscopy to Evaluate Phosphorus, Potassium, Calcium, and Magnesium Concentrations in Bermudagrass
HortScience, 38(6), 1247–1250.

2003 conference paper
Utilizing service learning in your course
Miller, G. L. (2003, August 19). Presented at the Annual Teaching Enhancement Symposium, Gainesville, FL.
2003 conference paper
Warm Season Basics
Miller, G. L. (2003, January 16). Presented at the National Sports Turf Managers Meeting, San Antonio, TX.
2003 journal article
West Florida crew saves the day at Gainesville field day
Florida Turf Digest, 20(5), 33.
2003 journal article
Who is on first?
SportsTurf, 19(6), 50.
2003 report
Who is on first?
Green Media.
2002 speech
Baseball and Softball Field Management
Miller, G. L. (2002, May). Presented at the Coaching Baseball, Gainesville, FL.
2002 journal article
Bermudagrass Establishment on High Sand-content Soils Using Various N-P-K Ratios
HortScience, 37(1), 208–209.

2002 journal article
Can you kill the overseed by cooking it?
Florida Turf Digest, 19(3), 21–23.
2002 journal article
Chemical removal of ryegrass
SportsTurf, 19(11), 46.
2002 report
Chemical removal of ryegrass
Green Media.
2002 report
Climate-Based Management of Landscape Turf
(University of Florida Extension Service No. AE 201; p. 7). University of Florida: EDIS.
2002 journal article
Crumb rubber, porous ceramic, and sand topdressing on turf subjected to golf car traffic
Golf Course Management, 70(4), 66.
2002 journal article
Cutting heights
SportsTurf, 18(5), 58.
2002 report
Cutting heights
Green Media.
2002 journal article
Designing a field over a landfill
SportsTurf, 18(7), 46.
2002 report
Designing a field over a landfill
Green Media.
2002 journal article
Diagnosis and control of Pythium diseases of turf in Florida
Florida Turf Digest, 19(6), 19–20.
2002 magazine article
Dwarf-Type Bermudagrass in the Shade
Miller, G. L. (2002, June 16). Tee to Green.
2002 journal article
Evaluating P, K, Ca, and Mg using NIRS
Florida Turf Digest, 19(1), 34–35.
2002 weblog post
Fertigation offers ease and efficiency
Miller, G. L. (2002, December 27).
2002 journal article
Field Slopes
SportsTurf, 18(3), 66.
2002 report
Field slopes
Green Media.
2002 report
Florida Department of Transportation Specifications for Composted Materials
(No. SL 139). Gainesville, FL: EDIS.
2002 journal article
Getting ready to build an athletic field
Florida Turf Digest, 19(3), 41–42.
2002 conference paper
Herbicide Evaluations for Golf Course Renovation
Presented at the 25th Annual Florida Weed Science Society, Apopka, FL.
2002 journal article
How Do You Do...?
Sports Turf Manager, 20(2), 19.
2002 journal article
How to get the most out of fertigation
Florida Turf Digest, 19(1), 36–38.
2002 journal article
Light intensity and duration influence growth of ultradwarf bermudagrasses
Golf Course Management, 70(9), 111–113.
2002 journal article
Light intensity and duration influences growth parameters of dwarf-type bermudagrass
Australian Turfgrass Management, 4(1), 34–37.
2002 report
Light intensity and duration influences growth parameters of dwarf-type bermudagrasses
Clayton, Victoria, Australia: Australian Sports Turf Managers Association.
2002 speech
Maintaining Urban Turf
Miller, G. L. (2002, February). Presented at the Facilities Management, Gainesville, FL.
2002 speech
Managing Baseball Turf
Miller, G. L. (2002, January). Presented at the Advanced Baseball Coaching, Gainesville, FL.
2002 speech
Managing Baseball Turf
Miller, G. L. (2002, December). Presented at the Coaching Baseball, Gainesville, FL.
2002 book
Managing Bermudagrass Turf: Selection, Construction, Cultural Practices, and Pest Management
Chelsea, MI: Ann Arbor Press.
2002 conference paper
Managing Southern Athletic Turf
Miller, G. L. (2002, January 16). Presented at the Annual Sports Turf Conference, Las Vegas, NV.
2002 journal article
Meet the next generation of UF turf researchers
Florida Turf Digest, 19(2), 38–39.
2002 journal article
Physics and soccer field evaluation
SportsTurf, 18(9), 54.
2002 report
Physics and soccer field evaluation
Green Media.
2002 conference paper
Plant Nutrition and Fertilizer: Part 2
Miller, G. L., & Rieke, P. E. (2002, February 14). Presented at the Golf Course Superintendent's Association Meeting, Atlanta, GA.
2002 speech
Plant Nutrition and Fertilizer: Part 2.
Miller, G. L., & Rieke, P. (2002, February). Presented at the Golf Course Superintendent's Association Meeting, Orlando, FL.
2002 conference paper
Plant Nutrition and Fertilizers: Part 1
Miller, G. L., & Rieke, P. (2002, February 4). Presented at the Golf Course Superintendent's Association Meeting, Orlando, FL.
2002 speech
Plant Nutrition and Fertilizers: Part 1
Miller, G. L., & Rieke, P. (2002, February). Presented at the Golf Course Superintendent's Association Meeting, Orlando, FL.
2002 conference paper
Problems with Athletic Fields.
Miller, G. L. (2002, June 25). Presented at the State Sports Turf Association Meeting, Knoxville, TN.
2002 conference paper
Renovation and Rebuilding Athletic Fields
Miller, G. L. (2002, August 17). Presented at the State Association Meeting – FTGA, Tampa, FL.
2002 conference paper
Research Facilities for SERA-IEG-25 schools.
Miller, G. L. (2002, June 3). Presented at the Annual Southern Region Extension and Research Association, Auburn, AL.
2002 conference paper
Residential Irrigation Uniformity and Efficiency in Florida
Dukes, M. D., Baum, M. C., & Miller, G. L. (2002, July 28). Lecture presented at the ASAE annual meeting, Chicago, IL.
2002 report
Residential irrigation uniformity and efficiency in Florida
(ASAE Paper No. 02-2246). St. Joseph, MI: American Society of Agricultural Engineers.
2002 journal article
Scheduling irrigation
SportsTurf, 18(1), 58.
2002 report
Scheduling irrigation
Green Media.
2002 conference paper
Soil Amendments in Golf Green Construction
Miller, G. L. (2002, October 14). Presented at the Annual State Turfgrass Conference, Columbus, MS.
2002 speech
Soil and Nutrient Management of Sports Fields.
Miller, G. L. (2002, August). Presented at the Grounds Maintenance Academy, Orlando, FL.
2002 speech
Soils: The Base for Successful Sports Fields
Miller, G. L. (2002, October). Presented at the National Recreation and Parks Association, Tampa, FL.
2002 conference paper
Soils: The Base for Successful Sports Fields
Miller, G. L. (2002, October 17). Presented at the National Recreation and Parks Association, Tampa, FL.
2002 conference paper
Sports Turf Issues
Miller, G. L. (2002, June 28). Presented at the Southeastern Conference Meeting, Lexington, KY.
2002 speech
Sports and Turf
Miller, G. L. (2002, February). Survey Course presented at the ORH1030. Plants, Gardens, and You, Gainesville, FL.
2002 journal article
Study examines influence of light on dwarf bermudagrass
Florida Turf Digest, 19(4), 53.
2002 weblog post
The proof is in the plant food
Miller, G. L., & Brown, E. A. (2002, December 27).
2002 conference paper
Turf Field Design
Miller, G. L. (2002, June 25). Presented at the State Sports Turf Association Meeting, Knoxville, TN.
2002 conference paper
Turf Research Update
Miller, G. L. (2002, July 29). Presented at the North Florida Superintendent's Meeting, Jacksonville, FL.
2002 journal article
UF Turf Club attends GCSAA show, works TPC
Florida Turf Digest, 19(3), 34.
2002 conference paper
Why Athletic Fields Fail
Miller, G. L. (2002, October 14). Presented at the Annual State Turfgrass Conference, Columbus, MS.
2002 conference paper
Why Athletic Fields Sometimes Fail
Miller, G. L. (2002, August 17). Presented at the State Association Meeting – FTGA, Tampa, FL.
2001 conference paper
Aerification and Fertility Practices for Athletic Fields.
Miller, G. L. (2001, August 14). Presented at the 46th Annual Florida Turfgrass Association Conference, Gainesville, FL.
2001 conference paper
Amending Golf Greens
Miller, G. L. (2001, August 14). Presented at the 49th Annual Florida Turfgrass Association Conference, Gainesville, FL.
2001 report
Baseball field layout and construction
(University of Florida Extension Service No. ENH-159). Gainesville, FL: University of Florida.
2001 speech
Biology and management of tropical signalgrass
Teuton, T. C., Brecke, B. J., Unruh, J. B., McDonald, G., Ducar, J. T., & Miller, G. L. (2001, July). Presented at the UF-IFAS Field Days, Gainesville, FL.
2001 journal article
Biology and management of tropical signalgrass (Urochloa subquadripara)
UF-IFAS Turfgrass Field Days Program Abstracts, 7.
2001 journal article
Compost aides turf establishment on steep slopes
Golf Course Management, 69(8), 76.
2001 speech
Compost utilization along Florida roadways
Harrell, M. S., & Miller, G. L. (2001, March). Presented at the UF-IFAS Field Days, Gainesville, FL.
2001 journal article
Compost utilization along Florida roadways
UF-IFAS Turfgrass Field Days Program Abstracts, 5.
2001 conference paper
Construction of New Athletic Fields
Miller, G. L. (2001, October 18). Presented at the Hawaii Turfgrass Conference, Oahu, Hawaii.
2001 magazine article
Coping with Drought
Green Industry.
2001 journal article
Coping with drought
SportsTurf, 17(7), 46.
2001 journal article
Cultivation of high-traffic turf
Tennessee Turfgrass, 12.
2001 speech
Design and Management of Baseball Fields
Miller, G. L. (2001, April). Presented at the PEO 3219, Gainesville, FL.
2001 speech
Design and Management of Baseball Fields
Miller, G. L. (2001, June). Presented at the Coaching Baseball, Gainesville, FL.
2001 report
Effluent water influences turfgrass growth compared to potable water
Gainesville, FL: University of Florida.
2001 journal article
Evaluation of NIRS and multispectrum radiometry for turfgrass nutrient analysis
UF-IFAS Turfgrass Field Days Program Abstracts, 8.
2001 report
Evaluation of soccer field for turf standards
Gainesville, FL: University of Florida.
2001 report
Evaluation of turf damage and traction from athletic shoe cleats
Gainesville, FL: University of Florida.
2001 journal article
Fertilization of high-traffic athletic fields
Tennessee Turfgrass., 27.
2001 report
Florida Sports Turfgrass
Gainesville, FL: University of Florida.
2001 speech
Golf Course Water BMPs
Miller, G. L. (2001, March). Presented at the Council of Advisors for Research and Extension in Natural Resources, Gainesville, FL.
2001 speech
Influence of Crumb Rubber and Porous Ceramic on Turf Performance Subjected to Wear.
Miller, G. L., Weinbrecht, J. S., & Morgan, M. (2001, March). UF-IFAS Field Tours presented at the UF-IFAS Field Tours, Gainesville, FL.
2001 journal article
Influence of crumb rubber and porous ceramic on turf performance subjected to wear
UF-IFAS Turfgrass Field Days Program Abstracts, 17.
2001 report
Influence of two topdressing materials on turf performance subjected to wear
Gainesville, FL: University of Florida.
2001 conference paper
Inorganic Soil Amendments
Miller, G. L. (2001, January 4). Presented at the 35th Annual Tennessee Turfgrass Conference, Nashville, TN.
2001 journal article
Light + nutrients = current research at the "Tron"
Florida Turf Digest, 18(4), 22.
2001 journal article
Light intensity effects on growth parameters on ultradwarf bermudagrass maintained at two mowing heights
UF-IFAS Turfgrass Field Days Program Abstracts, 4.
2001 journal article
Light intensity effects on ultradwarf bermudagrass
Golf Course Management, 69(5), 78.
2001 report
Maintaining athletic fields
(University of Florida Extension Service No. Bul 262). Gainesville, FL: University of Florida.
2001 conference paper
Managing Athletic Fields for Improved Traction
Miller, G. L. (2001, October 17). Presented at the Hawaii Turfgrass Conference, Oahu, Hawaii.
2001 speech
Managing Baseball Turf
Miller, G. L. (2001, October). Presented at the Coaching Baseball, Gainesville, FL.
2001 speech
Managing Grasses for Landscape and Recreational Uses. LEI 3600 Leisure Facilities
Miller, G. L. (2001, October). Presented at the LEI 3600 Leisure Facilities, Gainesville, FL.
2001 conference paper
Managing Sports Turf for Improved Footing
Miller, G. L. (2001, January 4). Presented at the 35th Annual Tennessee Turfgrass Conference, Nashville, TN.
2001 conference paper
New Product
Snyder, G., & Miller, G. L. (2001, January 18). Presented at the 12th Annual Sports Turf Managers Association Conference, Tampa, FL.
2001 speech
New Turfgrasses
Miller, G. L. (2001, March). Presented at the Lake City Course Operations Seminar Series, Lake City, FL.
2001 journal article
Overseed cultivar, rate affects transition
Florida Turf Digest, 18(1), 18–20.
2001 journal article
Perennial grassy weed screening trials
Florida Weed Science.
2001 report
Phosphorus and potassium fertilizers influence establishment of bermudagrass
Gainesville, FL: University of Florida.
2001 journal article
Physiological and morphological response of torpedograss to Drive and Illoxan treatments
Florida Weed Science, 7–8.
2001 conference paper
Plant Nutrition and Fertilizers, Part I.
Miller, G. L., & Rieke, P. E. (2001, February 12). Presented at the Golf Course Superintendent's Association, Dallas, Texas.
2001 conference paper
Plant Nutrition and Fertilizers, Part II
Miller, G. L., & Rieke, P. E. (2001, February 13). Presented at the Golf Course Superintendent's Association, Dallas, Texas.
2001 report
Poa trivialis overseeding rates on FloraDwarf and Tifdwarf and the transitional spring growth response
Gainesville, FL: University of Florida.
2001 journal article
Potassium for stress resistance
Tennessee Turfgrass, 30–32.
2001 journal article
Potassium rich and stress resistant
Florida Turf Digest, 18(5), 33–35.
2001 magazine article
Green Industry.
2001 speech
Recent Sports Turf Research.
Miller, G. L. (2001, July). Presented at the Southeastern Conference Sports Turf Managers Meeting, Oxford, Mississippi.
2001 report
Season long grassy weed control with various pre-emergence herbicides
Gainesville, FL: University of Florida.
2001 speech
Shade effects on growth parameters of ultradwarf bermudagrass maintained at two mowing heights.
Edenfield, J. T., Miller, G. L., Nagata, R. T., & McDonald, G. (2001, March). Presented at the UF-IFAS Field Days, Gainesville, FL.
2001 speech
Soil amendment use
Miller, G. L. (2001, March). Presented at the Bay Hill Educational Session, Orlando, FL.
2001 speech
Sports Turf Q&A
Miller, G. L., Goatley, M., Samples, T., & McCarty, L. B. (2001, June). Presented at the Southeastern Conference SportsTurf Managers Meeting, Oxford, Mississippi.
2001 speech
Sports and Turf
Miller, G. L. (2001, August). Presented at the ORH1030 Plants, Gardens, and You, Gainesville, FL.
2001 speech
Sports and Turf
Miller, G. L. (2001, November). Survey Course presented at the ORH1030, Gainesville, FL.
2001 journal article
Teaching golf green construction using lecture, videotape, and scale models in a turfgrass management course
NACTA Journal, 49–53.
2001 magazine article
The proof is in the plant food
2001 journal article
Thin Soil Layer
SportsTurf, 17(11), 42.
2001 journal article
Topdressing materials tested for cart wear
Florida Turf Digest, 18(6), 21–22.
2001 journal article
Topdressing with beach sand - too much salt
Green Industry.
2001 journal article
Torpedograss (Panicum repens) efficacy following Drive and Drive plus Illoxan treatments
Southern Weed Science, 2.
2001 journal article
Torpedograss (Panicum repens) photosynthetic response following Drive, Illoxan, and Drive plus Illoxan
UF-IFAS Turfgrass Field Days Program Abstracts, 9–10.
2001 speech
Torpedograss photosynthetic response following Drive, Illoxan, and Drive + Illoxan
Weinbrecht, J. S., Edenfield, J. T., & Miller, G. L. (2001, March). Presented at the UF-IFAS Field Days, Gainesville, FL.
2001 conference paper
Torpedograss photosynthetic response following Drive, Illoxan, and Drive+Illoxan applications.
Edenfield, J. T., Miller, G. L., McDonald, G., & Weinbrecht, J. S. (2001, February 26). Presented at the 24th Annual Weed Science Society Meeting, Gainesville, FL.
2001 conference paper
Turf Management
Miller, G. L. (2001, March 14). Presented at the Florida Recreation and Park Association Meeting, Gainesville, FL.
2001 conference paper
Turfgrass Research Units
Miller, G. L., & Trenholm, L. E. (2001, October 23). Presented at the American Society of Agronomy, Crop Science Society of America, Soil Science Society of America Meetings, Charlotte, North Carolina.
2001 speech
Turfgrass Studies at University of Florida
Miller, G. L. (2001, May). Presented at the Perlite Institute, Cancun, Mexico.
2001 speech
Turfgrass and Golf Course Industries
Miller, G. L. (2001, March). Presented at the DPM Student Seminar, Gainesville, FL.
2001 report
Turfgrass establishment using a liquid source of phosphorus
Gainesville, FL: University of Florida.
2001 journal article
Two Pieces of turf equipment help solve turf problems
Florida Turf Digest, 18(3), 39.
2001 magazine article
Two for the price of one
Green Industry.
2001 report
UF Publications and the Audubon cooperative sanctuary program
Gainesville, FL: University of Florida.
2001 conference paper
UF Turfgrass Envirotron Research Update.
Miller, G. L., & Weinbrecht, J. S. (2001, February 26). Presented at the 24th Annual Weed Science Society Meeting, Gainesville, FL.
2001 magazine article
Using Athletic Fields
Green Industry.
2001 speech
Using Near Infrared Reflectance Spectroscopy (NIRS) to Determine P, K, Ca, and Mg Concentrations in Bermudagrass
Thomas, A., & Miller, G. L. (2001, March). Presented at the UF-IFAS Field Days, Gainesville, FL.
2001 journal article
Using athletic fields
SportsTurf, 17(9), 38.
2001 conference paper
Warm-season weed management for Sports Turf
Miller, G. L. (2001, January 19). Presented at the 12th Annual Sports Turf Managers Association Conference, Tampa, FL.
2001 report
Water and nutrient availability as influenced by a porous ceramic soil amendment
Gainesville, FL: University of Florida.
2001 conference paper
Water relations and rooting characteristics of three Stenotaphrum secundatum grasses grown under deficit irrigation.
Miller, G. L., & McCarty, L. B. (2001, June 16). Presented at the International Turfgrass Society meeting, Toronto, Canada.
2001 conference paper
Water relations and rooting characteristics of three Stenotaphrum secundatum turf cultivars grown under water deficit conditions
Proccedings of the International Turfgrass Society Research Journal, 9(2), 323–328.
2001 speech
Writing Maintenance Specifications for Athletic Fields
Miller, G. L. (2001, December). Presented at the Sports Turf Maintenance Workshop, Seminole County Extension, Orlando, FL.
2000 journal article
Cold chamber helps define cold tolerance
Florida Turf Digest, 17(1), 34.
2000 report
Evaluation of soil amendment combinations for establishment of creeping bentgrass.
In Turfgrass Envirotron Research: University of Florida 2000 Turfgrass Field Day Report (p. 5).
2000 journal article
If they come... can you build it?
Florida Turf Digest, 17(5), 37–38.
2000 report
Influence of light and cutting height on photosynthesis of ultradwarf bermudagrasses.
In Turfgrass Envirotron Research: University of Florida 2000 Turfgrass Field Day Report (p. 4).
2000 report
Influence of two topdressing materials on turf performance subjected to wear.
In Turfgrass Envirotron Research: University of Florida 2000 Turfgrass Field Day Report (pp. 4–5). University of Florida.
2000 speech
Managing Sports Fields with a Limited Budget
Miller, G. L. (2000, August). Presented at the Grounds Maintenance School, Grounds Maintenance Academy, Orlando, FL.
2000 journal article
Managing high-traffic athletic fields
Florida Turf Digest, 17(1), 22–24.
2000 journal article
New faces and new research excite Gainesville staff
Florida Turf Digest, 17(2), 36.
2000 journal article
Physiological Response of Bermudagrass Grown in Soil Amendments during Drought Stress
HortScience, 35(2), 213–216.
2000 report
Poa trivialis overseeding rates on FloraDwarf and Tifdwarf and the transitional spring growth response.
In Turfgrass Envirotron Research: University of Florida 2000 Turfgrass Field Day Report (p. 2).
2000 report
Quantitative determination of turf damage and traction as a result of cleat design.
In Overseed Field Day: University of Florida 2000 Turfgrass Field Day Report (pp. 5–6).
2000 report
Reduced irrigation of St. Augustinegrass turfgrass in the Tampa Bay area
(No. AE 264). Gainesville, FL: University of Florida.
2000 journal article
Reliability of NIRS for determining P, K, Ca, and Mg concentration in bermudagrass.
Turfgrass Envirotron Research: University of Florida 2000 Turfgrass Field Day Report, 3.
2000 conference paper
Rieke Plant Nutrition and Fertilizers: Part 1
Miller, G. L. (2000, February 14). Presented at the 71th Annual International Golf Course Superintendents of America Seminar Series, New Orleans, LA.
2000 conference paper
Rieke Plant Nutrition and Fertilizers: Part 2
Miller, G. L. (2000, February 15). Presented at the 71th Annual International Golf Course Superintendents of America Seminar Series, New Orleans, LA.
2000 speech
Soil and Nutrient Management of Sports Fields
Miller, G. L. (2000, August). Presented at the Ground Maintenance School, Grounds Maintenance Academy, Orlando, FL.
2000 journal article
Sprigged bermudagrass needs ample phosphorus at grow-in
Golf Course Managements, 68(6), 59–62.
2000 report
Techniques to reduce erosion on Florida roadside slopes.
In Turfgrass Envirotron Research: University of Florida 2000 Turfgrass Field Day Report (p. 3).
2000 journal article
Topdressing materials
SportsTurf Online.
2000 report
Torpedograss growth responses following Drive and Drive+Illoxan treatments.
In Turfgrass Envirotron Research (p. 7) [Turfgrass Field Day Report]. Gainesville, Florida: University of Florida.
2000 report
Transition response of moderately heat tolerant perennial ryegrass managed under athletic field conditions
In Turfgrass Envirotron Research (p. 6) [Turfgrass Field Day Report]. Gainesville, Florida: University of Florida.
2000 report
Tropical signalgrass growth response following multiple postemergence herbicide applications.
In Turfgrass Envirotron Research: University of Florida 2000 Turfgrass Field Day Report (p. 6).
2000 report
Turf irrigation with a hose and sprinkler
(Extension Publication No. AE 265). Gainesville, FL: University of Florida.
2000 journal article
Using Near Infrared Reflectance Spectroscopy to Schedule Nitrogen Applications on Dwarf-Type Bermudagrasses
Agronomy Journal, 92(3), 423.
2000 journal article
Using a Chlorophyll Meter to Determine the Chlorophyll Concentration, Nitrogen Concentration, and Visual Quality of St. Augustinegrass
HortScience, 35(4), 751–754.
2000 journal article
Yield reduction and root damage of cotton induced by Belonolaimus longicaudatus
Journal of Nematology, 32(2), 205–209.
1999 journal article
Does your turf need nitrogen?
Golf Course Management, 67(5), 63–66.
1999 chapter
Effluent wastewater use on turf
In J. B. Unruh & M. Elliott (Eds.), Best Management Practices for Florida Golf Courses (2nd ed., pp. 47–51). Gainesville, Florida: University of Florida.
Ed(s): J. Unruh & M. Elliott
1999 chapter
Fertilization programs
In J. B. Unruh & M. Elliott (Eds.), Best Management Practices for Florida Golf Courses (2nd ed., pp. 65–71). Gainesville, Florida: University of Florida.
Ed(s): J. Unruh & M. Elliott
1999 report
FloraDwarf and Tifdwarf growth response following Rubigan applications prior to overseeding
(p. 3) [Turfgrass Field Day Report]. Gainesville, Florida: University of Florida.
1999 report
Influence of cutting height on soccer ball roll
(p. 4) [Turfgrass Field Day Report]. Gainesville, Florida: University of Florida.
1999 chapter
Irrigation water quality
In J. B. Unruh & M. Elliott (Eds.), Best Management Practices for Florida Golf Courses (2nd ed., pp. 37–45). Gainesville, Florida: University of Florida.
Ed(s): J. Unruh & M. Elliott
1999 chapter
Irrigation water quantity
In J. B. Unruh & M. Elliott (Eds.), Best Management Practices for Florida Golf Courses (2nd ed., pp. 25–35). Gainesville, Florida: University of Florida.
Ed(s): J. Unruh & M. Elliott
1999 chapter
Liquid fertilization and foliar feeding
In J. B. Unruh & M. Elliott (Eds.), Best Management Practices for Florida Golf Courses (2nd ed., pp. 91–94). Gainesville, Florida: University of Florida.
Ed(s): J. Unruh & M. Elliott
1999 chapter
Management practices affecting putting speed
In J. B. Unruh & M. Elliott (Eds.), Best Management Practices for Florida Golf Courses (2nd ed., pp. 127–131). Gainesville, Florida: University of Florida.
Ed(s): J. Unruh & M. Elliott
1999 chapter
In J. B. Unruh & M. Elliott (Eds.), Best Management Practices for Florida Golf Courses (2nd ed., pp. 103–108). Gainesville, Florida: University of Florida.
Ed(s): J. Unruh & M. Elliott
1999 journal article
Nitrogen is not enough to grow in
Florida Turf Digest, 16(3), 18–19.
1999 journal article
PGRs help herbicides control aggressive purple nutsedge
Florida Turf Digest, 16(2), 31.
1999 report
Performance evaluation of sports turf
(p. 1) [Gulf Coast Turf Expo Field Day Report].
1999 chapter
Plant nutrition and turf fertilizers
In J. B. Unruh & M. Elliott (Eds.), Best Management Practices for Florida Golf Courses (2nd ed., pp. 73–89). Gainesville, Florida: University of Florida.
Ed(s): J. Unruh & M. Elliott
1999 report
Poa trivialis overseeding rates on FloraDwarf and Tifdwarf and the transitional spring growth response
(p. 2) [Turfgrass Field Day Report]. Gainesville, Florida: University of Florida.
1999 journal article
Potassium Application Reduces Calcium and Magnesium Levels in Bermudagrass Leaf Tissue and Soil
HortScience, 34(2), 265–268.
1999 chapter
Putting green construction
In J. B. Unruh & M. Elliott (Eds.), Best Management Practices for Florida Golf Courses (2nd ed., pp. 3–21). Gainesville, Florida: University of Florida.
Ed(s): J. Unruh & M. Elliott
1999 journal article
Turfgrass Envirotron: A premier research facility began with a unique idea
Florida Turf Digest, 16(4), 42–44.
1999 chapter
Turfgrass cultivation practices
In J. B. Unruh & M. Elliott (Eds.), Best Management Practices for Florida Golf Courses (2nd ed., pp. 109–115). Gainesville, Florida: University of Florida.
Ed(s): J. Unruh & M. Elliott
1999 report
Using NIRS for scheduling N applications to FloraDwarf and Tifdwarf
(p. 4) [Turfgrass Field Day Report]. Gainesville, Florida: University of Florida.
1999 conference paper
Water quality and quantity
Proceedings of 1999 SERA- Information Exchange Group, 25, 9. College Station, Texas.
1998 report
Application rates and techniques for using composted materials in Florida DOT projects
(Publication No. SL-140).
1998 report
Benefits of using compost in Florida roadside plantings
In Florida Organics Recyclers Association (Publication No. ENH-126; pp. 6–7).
1998 journal article
Compost type, rate of application and soil organic matter play a part
Florida Turf Digest, 15(3), 24.
1998 report
Compost utilization by state Departments of Transportation in the United States
(Publication No. EHN-125).
1998 conference paper
Compost utilization for enhancing vegetative cover of roadside soils
Proceedings of 16th World Congress of Soil Science. Presented at the 16th World Congress of Soil Science, Vienna, Austria.
1998 report
Evaluation of soccer field surface hardness and ball roll characteristics for development of performance standards
In Turfgrass Field Day Report (p. 14). Gainesville, Florida: University of Florida.
1998 report
Florida Department of Transportation specifications for composted materials
(Publication No. SL-139).
1998 journal article
Hydrophobic soils: Managing them in turf
Florida Turf Digest, 15(6), 24–26.
1998 report
IFAS standardized fertilizer recommendations for environmental horticulture crops
(Publication No. SL-141).
1998 journal article
Interdisciplinary studies major in turfgrass science
Florida Turf Digest, 15(3), 36–39.
1998 journal article
Irrigation: Use of recycled water on athletic fields
Sports Turf Manager, 16(3), 10.
1998 report
Nitrogen scheduling on USGA golf greens using NIRS technology
In Turfgrass Field Day Report (p. 13). Gainesville, Florida: University of Florida.
1998 report
Relationship between deficit irrigation of lawn grasses and quality parameters
In Turfgrass Field Day Report (p. 14). Gainesville, Florida: University of Florida.
1998 book
Roadside Turf Management Guide
Tallahassee, FL: Florida Department of Transportation.
1998 report
Soil stabilization using subsurface stabilization mats for sand-based and native soil athletic fields
In Turfgrass Field Day Report (p. 13). Gainesville, Florida: University of Florida.
1998 report
Some Florida producers of composts and organic mulches
(Publication No. ENH-127).
1998 journal article
Sports fields: Evaluating field performance characteristics
Florida Turf Digest, 15(5), 8.
1998 conference paper
Sports fields: Limitations and opportunities
Proceedings of the 1998 Southern Information Exchange Group IEG-16, 31–32.
1998 chapter
St. Augustinegrass root growth response following plant growth retardant application
In Root Demographics and Their Efficiencies in Sustainable Agriculture, Grasslands and Forest Ecosystems (pp. 637–650).

1998 report
St. Augustinegrass tissue N evaluation using a chlorophyll meter
In Turfgrass Field Day Report (p. 13). Gainesville, Florida: University of Florida.
1998 journal article
Turfgrass establishment using a liquid source of phosphorus
Florida Turf Digest, 15(2), 30.
1998 journal article
Turfgrass performance: Effects of mycorrhizal fungi
Florida Turf Digest, 15(1), 18.
1998 journal article
When is overseeding over seeded?
Florida Turf Digest, 15(6), 28.
1997 journal article
Effluent water influences turfgrass growth compared to potable water
Florida Turf Digest, 14(6), 12–13.
1997 report
Evaluation St. Augustinegrass and bahiagrass rooting and drought tolerance
1997 magazine article
Experience in Ag Day 1997
Environmental Horticulture Newsletter, (Spring), 6.
1997 journal article
Floralawn growth responses to various plant growth retardants
Florida Turf Digest, 14(3), 28–29.
1997 journal article
Florida Turfgrass Association-sponsored facility hits its peak
Florida Turf Digest, 14(2), 18–19.
1997 journal article
Mowing and growing
Environmental Horticulture Newsletter, (Fall).
1997 report
NIRS: What is it? How can it benefit you!
1997 journal article
NIRS: What is it? How can it benefit you?
Florida Turf Digest, 14(4), 16–17.
1997 journal article
Preliminary investigations of a porous ceramic for golf green use
Florida Turf Digest, 14(1), 20–21.
1997 report
Preliminary investigations of a porous ceramic soil amendment for golf green use
1997 journal article
Primo influences on overseeded perennial ryegrass and Poa trivialis
Florida Turf Digest, 14(5), 24.
1997 report
St. Augustinegrass growth responses to various plant growth retardants
1997 report
Turfgrass Envirotron success story
Gainesville, FL: University of Florida.
1997 conference paper
Water relations of two bermudagrass turf cultivars as influenced by potassium
Proceedings of International Turfgrass Society Symposium, 8(2), 1298–1306.
1996 journal article
Bermudagrass Carbohydrate Levels as Influenced by Potassium Fertilization and Cultivar
Crop Science, 36(5), 1283.
1996 journal article
Concentrations and Ruminal Degradabilities of Amino Triticale Forage and Grain
Agronomy Journal, 88(1), 53.
1996 journal article
Evaluating St. Augustinegrass and bahiagrass rooting and drought tolerance
Florida Turf Digest, 13(6), 24–25.
1996 report
Evaluation of composted material to be utilized in turfgrass plantings
In Turfgrass Research in Florida: A Technical Report (pp. 78–80).
1996 report
Florida Turfgrass
1996 report
Localized dry spot, water retention, and nutrient availability as influenced by a porous ceramic soil amendment
In Turfgrass Research in Florida: A Technical Report (pp. 86–93).
1996 journal article
Potassium Fertilization Related to Cold Resistance in Bermudagrass
Crop Science, 36(5), 1290.
1996 journal article
Spring turf renovation techniques and considerations
LescoNews, 34(1), 18–20.
1996 journal article
Turf herbicide families and their characteristics
Bulletin, (280).
1996 report
Turfgrass rooting characteristics and water use of St. Augustinegrass varieties used commercially in Florida
In Turfgrass Research in Florida: A Technical Report (pp. 57–63).
1996 conference paper
Turfgrass rooting characteristics of ‘Palmetto’, ‘FX-10’, and ‘Floratam’ St. Augustinegrass
Root Demographics and Their Efficiencies in Sustainable Agriculture, Grasslands and Forest Ecosystems, 176–190.
1996 report
Water retention and nutrient availability as influenced by a diatomaceous earth and/or a peat soil amendment
In Turfgrass Research in Florida: A Technical Report (pp. 81–85).
1996 journal article
Without support, it wouldn’t have been possible
Florida Turf Digest, 13(4), 10.
1995 conference paper
Management practices influencing bermudagrass low temperature tolerance/acclimation
Proceedings of the 1995 Southern Information Exchange Group IEG-16, 20–25.
1995 journal article
Managing your lawn for the 1996 growing season
Florida Master Gardener News, 8(4), 1.
1995 journal article
Potassium no cure for golf course freezes
Highlights of Agriculture Research., 42(1), 14–15.
1993 journal article
Forage and Grain Yields of Wheat and Triticale as Affected by Forage Management Practices
Crop Science, 33(5), 1070.
1990 conference paper
Effects of harvest management on forage and grain production from wheat and triticale
Proceedings of American Forage and Grassland Conference, 339–343.
1988 journal article
Fertigation offers ease and efficiency
Grounds Maintenance, 33(8), 17–20.
Updated: July 2nd, 2015 16:54
2006 - present
1995 - 2006
Updated: July 2nd, 2015 16:52
1990 - 1995