Gustavo Machado
My main research focus is to investigate the occurrence and spread of animal infectious diseases, especially transboundary disease, providing science-based support for decision making with regard to prevention and control
Works (217)
2025 article
Evaluation of porcine epidemic diarrhea virus RNA contamination on swine industry transportation vehicles
Parker, T. B., Meiklejohn, K. A., Machado, G., Rahe, M., Darrow, B. S., & Ferreira, J. B. (2025, January 25).
2025 journal article
Evaluation of porcine epidemic diarrhea virus RNA contamination on swine industry transportation vehicles
2025 article
Identifying control strategies to eliminate African swine fever from the United States swine industry in under 12 months
Sykes, A. L., Galvis, J. A., O’Hara, K. C., Holmstrom, L., Corzo, C., & Machado, G. (2025, January 4).

2024 article
Analyzing the intrastate and interstate swine movement network in the United States
Cardenas, N. C., Valencio, A., Sanchez, F., O’Hara, K. C., & Machado, G. (2024, January 29).

2024 journal article
Analyzing the intrastate and interstate swine movement network in the United States
2024 journal article
Description of swine producer biosecurity planning for foreign animal disease preparedness using the Secure Pork Supply framework

2024 article
Estimating sampling and laboratory capacity for a simulated African swine fever outbreak in the United States
Galvis, J. A., Satici, M. Y., Sykes, A. L., O’Hara, K. C., Rochette, L., Roberts, D., & Machado, G. (2024, September 29).
2024 journal article
Modeling foot-and-mouth disease dissemination in Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil and evaluating the effectiveness of control measures
2024 article
Modeling the effects of vaccination against multiple strains of porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome at the barn level
Kennedy, F., Cardenas, N., Galvis, J. A., Corzo, C., & Machado, G. (2024, August 8).
2024 article
Modeling the impact of optimized airflow and sick pen management on the spread of infectious diseases in swine barns
Safari, M., Fleming, C., Galvis, J. A., Deka, A., Sanchez, F., Machado, G., & Yeh, C.-A. (2024, March 15). (Vol. 3). Vol. 3.

2024 article
Modeling the transmission dynamics of African swine fever virus within commercial swine barns: Quantifying the contribution of multiple transmission pathways
Deka, A., Galvis, J. A., Fleming, C., Safari, M., Yeh, C.-A., & Machado, G. (2024, August 4). (Vol. 8). Vol. 8.
2024 journal article
The role of vehicle movement in swine disease dissemination: Novel method accounting for pathogen stability and vehicle cleaning effectiveness uncertainties

2023 journal article
Estimating the effectiveness of control actions on African swine fever transmission in commercial swine populations in the United States

2023 journal article
Quantifying Spillover Risk with an Integrated Bat-Rabies Dynamic Modeling Framework
Ed(s): D. Diaz

2023 journal article
Spatiotemporal relative risk distribution of porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus in the United States

2023 article
The Rapid Access Biosecurity (RAB) app™ Handbook
Machado, G., Galvis, J. O. A., Cardenas, N. C., Santos Ebling, D., Sykes, A., Fleming, C., … Mills, K. R. (2023, January 13).
2022 article
A discrete-time survival model for porcine epidemic diarrhea virus
Trostle, P., Corzo, C. A., Reich, B. J., & Machado, G. (2022, June 3). (Vol. 6). Vol. 6.

2022 article
A discrete-time survival model for porcine epidemic diarrhoea virus
Trostle, P., Corzo, C. A., Reich, B. J., & Machado, G. (2022, October 29). TRANSBOUNDARY AND EMERGING DISEASES, Vol. 10.

2022 article
Assessing epidemiological parameters and dissemination characteristics of the 2000 and 2001 foot-and-mouth disease outbreaks in Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil
Costa, J. M. N., Cobellini, L. G., Cardenas, N. C., Groff, F. H. S., & Machado, G. (2022, May 24).

2022 article
Coupling spatial statistics with social network analysis to estimate distinct risk areas of disease circulation to improve risk-based surveillance
Cardenas, N. C., Sanchez, F., Lopes, F. P. N., & Machado, G. (2022, June 25). TRANSBOUNDARY AND EMERGING DISEASES, Vol. 6.

2022 journal article
Culturable Microbial Population From the Upper Respiratory Tract of 1,010 Clinically Healthy Horses in Southern Brazil

2022 article
Estimating the effectiveness of control actions on African swine fever transmission in commercial swine populations in the United States
Sykes, A. L., Galvis, J. A., O’Hara, K. C., Corzo, C., & Machado, G. (2022, September 8).
2022 journal article
Modeling between-farm transmission dynamics of porcine epidemic diarrhea virus: Characterizing the dominant transmission routes

2022 article
Modeling foot-and-mouth disease dissemination in Brazil and evaluating the effectiveness of control measures
Cardenas, N. C., Lopes, F. P. N., Machado, A., Maran, V., Trois, C., Machado, F. A., & Machado, G. (2022, June 16).

2022 article
Modelling African swine fever virus spread in pigs using time-respective network data: Scientific support for decision makers
Andraud, M., Hammami, P., Hayes, B. H., Galvis, J. A., Vergne, T., Machado, G., & Rose, N. (2022, April 18). TRANSBOUNDARY AND EMERGING DISEASES, Vol. 4.

2022 article
Modelling and assessing additional transmission routes for porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus: Vehicle movements and feed ingredients
Galvis, J. A., Corzo, C. A., & Machado, G. (2022, March 3). TRANSBOUNDARY AND EMERGING DISEASES, Vol. 3.

2022 journal article
Modelling the transmission and vaccination strategy for porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus
Transboundary and Emerging Diseases, 69(2), 485–500.
Contributors: J. Galvis, C. Corzo *, J. Prada * & *

2022 journal article
Multiple species animal movements: network properties, disease dynamics and the impact of targeted control actions

2022 article
The Potential Distribution of Pythium insidiosum in the Chincoteague National Wildlife Refuge, Virginia (vol 8, 640339, 2021)
Jara, M., Holcomb, K., Wang, X., Goss, E. M., & Machado, G. (2022, April 5). FRONTIERS IN VETERINARY SCIENCE, Vol. 9.

2022 journal article
The between-farm transmission dynamics of porcine epidemic diarrhoea virus: A short-term forecast modelling comparison and the effectiveness of control strategies
Contributors: J. Galvis, C. Jones n , J. Prada *, C. Corzo * & n

2021 journal article
Development of a Dissemination Platform for Spatiotemporal and Phylogenetic Analysis of Avian Infectious Bronchitis Virus
Contributors: M. Jara n, R. Crespo n , D. Roberts n, A. Chapman n, A. Banda* & n

2021 journal article
Impact of changes of horse movement regulations on the risks of equine infectious anemia: A risk assessment approach
Contributors: , L. Corbellini *, A. Frias-De-Diego n, G. Dieh, D. Santos *, M. Jara n, E. Freitas Costa * n

2021 article
Interpretable machine learning applied to on-farm biosecurity and porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus
Sykes, A. L., Silva, G. S., Holtkamp, D. J., Mauch, B. W., Osemeke, O., Linhares, D. C. L., & Machado, G. (2021, November 16). TRANSBOUNDARY AND EMERGING DISEASES, Vol. 10.
Contributors: A. Sykes n, G. Silva *, D. Holtkamp *, B. Mauch*, O. Osemeke *, D. Linhares *, n

2021 article
Interpretable machine learning applied to on-farm biosecurity and porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus
2021 article
Modeling the role of mortality-based response triggers on the effectiveness of African swine fever control strategies
Machado, G., Farthing, T., Andraud, M., Lopes, F. P. N., & Lanzas, C. (2021, April 6). BioRxiv.
Contributors: , T. Farthing n, M. Andraud *, F. Lopes* & C. Lanzas n n

2021 article
Modelling and assessing additional transmission routes for porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus: vehicle movements and feed ingredients
Galvis, J. A., Corzo, C. A., & Machado, G. (2021, July 27). BioRxiv.
Contributors: J. Galvis, C. Corzo * & *
2021 article
Modelling the role of mortality-based response triggers on the effectiveness of African swine fever control strategies
Machado, G., Farthing, T. S., Andraud, M., Nunes Lopes, F. P., & Lanzas, C. (2021, October 15). TRANSBOUNDARY AND EMERGING DISEASES, Vol. 10.
Contributors: , T. Farthing n , M. Andraud *, F. Lopes* & C. Lanzas n n

2021 article
MrIML: Multi-response interpretable machine learning to model genomic landscapes
Fountain-Jones, N. M., Kozakiewicz, C. P., Forester, B. R., Landguth, E. L., Carver, S., Charleston, M., … Machado, G. (2021, September 6). MOLECULAR ECOLOGY RESOURCES, Vol. 9.
Contributors: N. Fountain-Jones *, C. Kozakiewicz *, B. Forester *, E. Landguth *, S. Carver *, M. Charleston *, R. Gagne *, B. Greenwell *

2021 article
Multiple species animal movements: Network properties, disease dynamic and the impact of targeted control actions
2021 journal article
Quantifying the dynamics of pig movements improves targeted disease surveillance and control plans
Transboundary and Emerging Diseases, 68(3), 1663–1675.
Contributors: , J. Galvis, F. Lopes*, J. Voges*, A. Medeiros* & N. Cárdenas * *

2021 journal article
The Potential Distribution of Pythium insidiosum in the Chincoteague National Wildlife Refuge, Virginia
Contributors: M. Jara n, K. Holcomb *, X. Wang*, E. Goss * & n
2021 journal article
Unraveling the Contact Network Patterns between Commercial Turkey Operation in North Carolina and the Distribution of <i>Salmonella</i> Species
Pathogens, 10(12).
Contributors: C. Ellington, C. Hebron, R. Crespo* & *
2020 journal article
Information differences across spatial resolutions and scales for disease surveillance and analysis: The case of Visceral Leishmaniasis in Brazil
PLOS ONE, 15(7).
Contributors: J. Servadio *, n , J. Alvarez *, F. Lima*, R. Alves * & M. Convertino *

2020 article
Modeling the transmission and vaccination strategy for porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus
Galvis, J. A., Prada, J. M., Corzo, C. A., & Machado, G. (2020, May 26). BioRxiv.
Contributors: J. Galvis, J. Prada *, C. Jones & *

2020 journal article
Nairobi Sheep Disease Virus: A Historical and Epidemiological Perspective
Contributors: S. Krasteva n, M. Jara n, A. Frias-De-Diego n & n

2020 article
Nairobi Sheep Disease Virus: a historical and epidemiological perspective
Krasteva, S., Jara, M., Frias-De-Diego, A., & Machado, G. (2020, April 14). BioRxiv.
Contributors: S. Krasteva n, M. Jara n, A. Frias-De-Diego n & n
2020 journal article
Phylogeography of Equine Infectious Anemia Virus
Contributors: M. Jara n, A. Frias-De-Diego n & n

2020 journal article
Porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus dissemination across pig production systems in the United States
Transboundary and Emerging Diseases, 68(2), 667–683.
Contributors: M. Jara n, D. Rasmussen n , C. Corzo * & n

2020 article
Porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus dissemination across pig production systems in the United States
Jara, M., Rasmussen, D. A., Corzo, C. A., & Machado, G. (2020, April 10). BioRxiv.
Contributors: M. Jara n, D. Rasmussen n, C. Corzo * & n
2020 journal article
The ecology of chronic wasting disease in wildlife
Biological Reviews, 95(2), 393–408.
Contributors: L. Escobar *, S. Pritzkow*, S. Winter *, D. Grear *, M. Kirchgessner*, E. Dominguez-Villegas *, n , A. Townsend Peterson *, C. Soto *

2020 article
Tracing foot-and-mouth disease virus phylogeographical patterns and transmission dynamics.
Jara, M., Frias-De-Diego, A., Dellicour, S., Baele, G., & Machado, G. (2020, January 9). (Vol. 1). Vol. 1.
2019 journal article
A One Health Approach to Investigating <i>Leptospira</i> Serogroups and Their Spatial Distributions among Humans and Animals in Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, 2013–2015
Tropical Medicine and Infectious Disease, 4(1).
Contributors: N. Polo *, n , R. Rodrigues *, P. Hamrick *, C. Munoz-Zanzi *, M. Pereira*, M. Bercini*, L. Timm *, M. Schneider *

2019 journal article
Author Correction: Spatiotemporal dynamics and risk factors for human Leptospirosis in Brazil
Scientific Reports, 9(1).
Contributors: O. Baquero * & n

2019 journal article
Cholinesterase as an inflammatory marker of subclinical infection of dairy cows infected by Neospora caninum and risk factors for disease
Contributors: M. Appelt*, A. Silva *, C. Cazarotto *, n , R. Rodrigues*, L. Norbury *, M. Baldissera *, D. Alba *, A. Gris *, R. Mendes *

2019 journal article
Correlação entre as contagens de reticulócitos manual e automática em amostras de felinos anêmicos
Arquivo Brasileiro De Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia, 71(2), 577–583.
Contributors: S. Valle *, C. Farias *, N. Duda *, * & F. Costa *

2019 journal article
Diphenyl diselenide subcutaneous supplementation of dairy sheep: effects on oxidant and antioxidant status, inflammatory response and milk composition
Animal Production Science, 59(3), 461.
Contributors: A. Biazus *, C. Cazarotto *, n , N. Bottari *, M. Alves*, V. Morsch *, M. Schetinger *, M. Leal *

2019 journal article
Health benefits of subcutaneous zinc edetate and diphenyl diselenide in calves during the weaning period
Anais Da Academia Brasileira De Ciencias, 91(1).
Contributors: D. Dos Santos *, J. Boito *, V. Klauck *, J. Dos Reis, R. Gebert *, P. Glombowsky *, A. Biazus *, N. Bottari *
2019 journal article
How to make more from exposure data? An integrated machine learning pipeline to predict pathogen exposure
Journal of Animal Ecology, 88(10), 1447–1461.
Contributors: N. Fountain-Jones *, n , S. Carver *, C. Packer *, M. Recamonde-Mendoza * & M. Craft *
Ed(s): A. Fenton

2019 article
How to make more from exposure data? An integrated machine learning pipeline to predict pathogen exposure
Contributors: N. Fountain-Jones *, n , S. Carver *, C. Packer *, M. Recamonde-Mendoza * & M. Craft *
2019 journal article
Identifying outbreaks of Porcine Epidemic Diarrhea virus through animal movements and spatial neighborhoods
Scientific Reports, 9(1).
Contributors: , C. Vilalta *, M. Recamonde-Mendoza *, C. Corzo *, M. Torremorell *, A. Perez*, K. VanderWaal * *

2019 journal article
Individual or Common Good? Voluntary Data Sharing to Inform Disease Surveillance Systems in Food Animals
Contributors: A. Perez *, D. Linhares *, A. Arruda *, K. Van Der Waal *, n , C. Vilalta *, J. Sanhueza *, J. Torrison*, M. Torremorell *, C. Corzo *

2019 journal article
Integration of animal health and public health surveillance sources to exhaustively inform the risk of zoonosis: An application to visceral leishmaniasis data in Brazil
Spatial and Spatio-Temporal Epidemiology, 29, 177–185.
Contributors: R. Boaz*, A. Corberán-Vallet *, A. Lawson*, F. Ferreira Lima*, L. Donato *, R. Alves *, * , F. Carvalho M.*, J. Pompei*, V. Vilas *

2019 journal article
Investigation of resistance of Salmonella spp. isolated from products and raw material of animal origin (swine and poultry)to antibiotics and disinfectants
Revista Brasileira De Saúde e Produção Animal, 20.
Contributors: M. Maciel *, * & C. Avancini *
2019 journal article
Machine-learning algorithms to identify key biosecurity practices and factors associated with breeding herds reporting PRRS outbreak
Contributors: G. Silva *, n , K. Baker*, D. Holtkamp * & D. Linhares *

2019 article
Mapping changes in the spatiotemporal distribution of lumpy skin disease virus
Machado, G., Korennoy, F., Alvarez, J., Picasso-Risso, C., Perez, A., & VanderWaal, K. (2019, February 1). BioRxiv, Vol. 2.
Contributors: , F. Korennoy, J. Alvarez *, C. Picasso-Risso *, A. Perez * & K. VanderWaal * n
2019 journal article
Mapping changes in the spatiotemporal distribution of lumpy skin disease virus
Transboundary and Emerging Diseases, 6(5), 2045–2057.
Contributors: , F. Korennoy, J. Alvarez *, C. Picasso-Risso *, A. Perez * & K. VanderWaal * n

2019 journal article
Molecular serotyping of clinical strains of Haemophilus (Glaesserella) parasuis brings new insights regarding Glasser's disease outbreaks in Brazil
PEERJ, 7(5).
Contributors: J. Espíndola *, N. Balbinott *, L. Gressler *, n , C. Klein, R. Rebelatto, C. Martín *, L. Kreutz *, A. Schryvers *, R. Frandoloso *

2019 journal article
Nutraceutical Effect of Trace Elements as Additional Injectable Doses to Modulate Oxidant and Antioxidant Status, and Improves the Quality of Lamb Meat
Contributors: C. Cazarotto *, J. Boito *, P. Glombowsky *, R. Baggio *, G. Galli *, n , N. Bottari *, M. Leal *

2019 journal article
Oregano essential oil (Origanum vulgare) to feed laying hens and its effects on animal health
Anais Da Academia Brasileira De Ciencias, 91(1).
Contributors: M. Migliorini *, M. Boiago *, L. Roza *, M. Barreta *, A. Arno *, W. Robazza *, A. Galvão *, G. Galli *
2019 article
Phylogeography of equine infectious anemia virus
Jara, M., Frias-De-Diego, A., & Machado, G. (2019, December 6). BioRxiv, Vol. 12.
Contributors: M. Jara n, A. Frias-De-Diego n & n
2019 journal article
Prevalence and distribution of feet lesions in dairy cows raised in the freestall
Contributors: R. Ebling *, A. Krummenauer*, * , L. Carazzo* & M. Do Rêgo Leal*

2019 journal article
Prevalence of and factors associated with feline leukemia virus (FeLV) and feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV) in cats of the state of Santa Catarina, Brazil
Contributors: G. Biezus *, n , P. Ferian *, U. Costa *, L. Pereira*, J. Withoeft *, I. Nunes*, T. Muller *, T. Cristo *, R. Casagrande *

2019 article
Quantifying the dynamics of pig movements improves targeted disease surveillance and control plans
Machado, G., Galvis, J. A., Lopes, F. P. N., Voges, J., Medeiros, A. A. R., & Cárdenas, N. C. (2019, December 30). BioRxiv, Vol. 12.
Contributors: , J. Galvis, F. Lopes, J. Voges, A. Medeiros & N. Cárdenas * *

2019 journal article
Relation of reproductive disturbance in sheep and Leptospira interrogans serovar Icterohaemorrhagiae infection: Impacts on cellular oxidation status
Contributors: A. Silva *, C. Souza *, M. Baldissera *, A. Von Laer *, L. Lovato *, J. Sarturi *, G. Herrmann *, A. Moura *

2019 journal article
Revisiting area risk classification of visceral leishmaniasis in Brazil
BMC Infectious Diseases, 19(1).
Contributors: , J. Alvarez *, H. Bakka *, A. Perez *, L. Donato *, F. De Ferreira Lima Júnior*, R. Alves *, V. Del Rio Vilas * n

2019 journal article
Single Fragment or Bulk Soil DNA Metabarcoding: Which is Better for Characterizing Biological Taxa Found in Surface Soils for Sample Separation?
Genes, 10(6), 431.
Contributors: L. Boggs n, M. Scheible n, n & K. Meiklejohn n

2019 article
Spatial distribution and spread potential of sixteen Leptospira serovars in a subtropical region of Brazil
Jara, M., Escobar, L. E., Rodriges, R. O., Frias, A., Sanhueza, J., & Machado, G. (2019, February 28). BioRxiv, Vol. 2.
Contributors: M. Jara n, L. Escobar *, R. Rodriges, A. Frias n, J. Sanhueza * & n
2019 journal article
Spatial distribution and spread potential of sixteen Leptospira serovars in a subtropical region of Brazil
Transboundary and Emerging Diseases, 66(6), 2482–2495.
Contributors: M. Jara n, L. Escobar *, R. Rodriges, A. Frias-De-Diego n, J. Sanhueza * & n

2019 article
Tracing foot-and-mouth disease virus phylogeographical patterns and transmission dynamics
Jara, M., Frias-De-Diego, A., Dellicour, S., Baele, G., & Machado, G. (2019, March 28). BioRxiv, Vol. 3.
Contributors: M. Jara n, A. Frias-De-Diego n, S. Dellicour *, G. Baele * & n
2019 journal article
Use of a voluntary testing program to study the spatial epidemiology of Johne's disease affecting dairy herds in Minnesota: a cross sectional study
Contributors: K. Kanankege *, n , L. Zhang *, B. Dokkebakken*, V. Schumann*, S. Wells *, A. Perez *, J. Alvarez *

2018 journal article
A prophylactic protocol to stimulate the immune response also controls infectious disease and, consequently, minimizes diarrhea in newborn heifers
Microbial Pathogenesis, 121, 262–268.
Contributors: A. Volpato *, A. Da Silva *, R. Crecencio *, T. Tomasi *, B. Fortuoso *, M. Ribeiro*, R. Secco*, W. Pereira *

2018 journal article
Actividad de acetilcolinesterasa y niveles totales de antioxidantes en perros con tumores de mama antes y después de la extirpación quirúrgica
Revista MVZ Córdoba, 9(3), 6799–6812.
Contributors: J. Faria *, R. Rossi *, A. Da Silva *, N. Bottari *, D. Olsson *, J. Dalberto *, R. Mendes *, F. Sueiro

2018 journal article
Addition of Palm Oil in Diet of Dairy Ewes Reduces Saturates Fatty Acid and Increases Unsaturated Fatty Acids in Milk

2018 journal article
Burkholderia mallei : The dynamics of networks and disease transmission
Transboundary and Emerging Diseases, 66(2), 715–728.
Contributors: N. Cárdenas *, J. Galvis *, A. Farinati*, J. Grisi-Filho *, G. Diehl & *
2018 journal article
Changes of adenosinergic system in piglets fed a diet co-contaminated by mycotoxin and their effects on the regulation of adenosine
Microbial Pathogenesis, 114, 328–332.
Contributors: C. Souza *, A. Da Silva *, L. Müller*, M. Baldissera *, N. Bottari *, M. Schetinger *, J. Santurio*, E. Gloria *
2018 journal article
Creatine kinase and ATPase activities in piglets fed a fungal mycotoxin co-contaminated diet: Consequences in the pathogenesis of subclinical intoxication
Microbial Pathogenesis, 122, 13–18.
Contributors: M. Baldissera *, L. Müller*, C. Souza *, J. Santurio*, E. Gloria *, n , M. Boiago *, D. Paiano *, A. Silva *
2018 journal article
Efecto insecticida y repelente del aceite de canela sobre moscas asociadas con el ganado
Revista MVZ Córdoba, 5(2), 6628–6636.
Contributors: J. Boito *, A. Da Silva *, J. Reis *, D. Santos *, R. Gebert *, A. Biazus *, R. Santos *, P. Quatrin *
2018 journal article
Environmental and socioeconomic drivers in infectious disease
The Lancet Planetary Health, 2(5), e198–e199.
Contributors: M. Schneider * & n

2018 journal article
Homeopathic treatment as an alternative prophylactic to minimize bacterial infection and prevent neonatal diarrhea in calves
Microbial Pathogenesis, 114, 95–98.
Contributors: B. Fortuoso *, A. Volpato *, L. Rampazzo *, P. Glombowsky *, L. Griss *, G. Galli *, L. Stefani *, M. Baldissera *

2018 journal article
Identifying individual animal factors associated with Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis (MAP) milk ELISA positivity in dairy cattle in the Midwest region of the United States
BMC Veterinary Research, 14(1).
Contributors: , K. Kanankege *, V. Schumann, S. Wells*, A. Perez * & J. Alvarez * n

2018 journal article
Metaphylactic effect of minerals on immunological and antioxidant responses, weight gain and minimization of coccidiosis of newborn lambs
Research in Veterinary Science, 121, 46–52.
Contributors: C. Cazarotto *, J. Boito *, R. Gebert *, J. Reis *, * , N. Bottari *, V. Morsch *, M. Schetinger *
2018 journal article
Metaphylactic effect of minerals on the immune response, biochemical variables and antioxidant status of newborn calves
Journal of Animal Physiology and Animal Nutrition, 102(4), 819–824.
Contributors: T. Tomasi *, A. Volpato *, W. Pereira *, L. Debastiani*, N. Bottari *, V. Morsch *, M. Schetinger *, M. Leal *, n , A. Da Silva *

2018 journal article
Mineralization in newborn calves contributes to health, improve the antioxidant system and reduces bacterial infections
Microbial Pathogenesis, 114, 344–349.
Contributors: P. Glombowsky *, A. Silva *, N. Soldá *, G. Galli *, A. Biazus *, G. Campigotto *, N. Bottari *, R. Sousa *

2018 journal article
Physiological changes in the adenosine deaminase activity, antioxidant and inflammatory parameters in pregnant cows and at post-partum
Contributors: J. Fávero*, A. Da Silva *, N. Bottari *, M. Schetinger *, V. Morsch *, M. Baldissera *, L. Stefani *, n

2018 journal article
Potential distribution of Pythium insidiosum in Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, and projections to neighbour countries
Transboundary and Emerging Diseases, 65(6), 1671–1679.
Contributors: , C. Weiblen * & L. Escobar * *
2018 journal article
Prevalence of Rhodococcus equi from the nasal cavity of 1010 apparently healthy horses
Equine Veterinary Journal, 50(5), 667–671.
Contributors: L. Gressler *, n , B. Silveira *, N. Cohen *, L. Corbellini *, V. Leotti *, G. Diehl, L. Santos, A. Vargas *

2018 journal article
Seroprevalence and Risk Factors for Toxoplasma gondii Infection in Goats in Southern Brazil
Acta Scientiae Veterinariae, 44(1), 7.
Contributors: A. Moura *, A. Ribeiro *, A. Souza*, M. Silva *, * , V. Klauck, R. Pazinato, A. Silva
2018 journal article
Spatiotemporal dynamics and risk factors for human Leptospirosis in Brazil
Scientific Reports, 8(1).
Contributors: O. Baquero * & n

2018 journal article
Suplemento de difenil diselenuro inyectable en ovejas lecheras
Revista MVZ Córdoba, 1(1), 6438–6447.
Contributors: A. Biazus*, C. Cazarotto *, R. Gebert *, J. Reis *, T. Zortea *, D. Baretta *, n , J. Boito *, M. Baldissera *, A. Silva *

2018 journal article
The use of copaiba oil in broiler chicks feed to replace antibiotic caused an anti-inflammatory effect and promoted weight gain
Comparative Clinical Pathology, 27(6), 1637–1644.
Contributors: L. Griss *, A. Silva *, G. Galli *, B. Fortuoso *, G. Campigotto *, A. Jaguezeski *, C. Souza *, M. Fagundes *
2017 journal article
Addition of yucca extract and glutamine in the diet of chicks had a protective effect against coccidiosis
Comparative Clinical Pathology, 27(1), 205–214.
Contributors: G. Galli *, A. Da Silva *, N. Bottari *, A. Biazus *, T. Petrolli *, J. Reis *, V. Morsch *, M. Schetinger *

2017 journal article
Benefits of a Prepartum Anionic Diet on the Health of Dairy Cows in the Transition Period: Prevented Subclinical Hypocalcemia and Minimizing Oxidative Stress
Acta Scientiae Veterinariae, 45, 1.
2017 journal article
Bovine leptospirosis: Prevalence, associated risk factors for infection and their cause-effect relation
Microbial Pathogenesis, 107, 149–154.
Contributors: J. Fávero*, H. Araújo*, W. Lilenbaum *, * , A. Tonin *, M. Baldissera *, L. Stefani *, A. Da Silva *

2017 journal article
Caracterização anatomopatológica e bacteriológica em frangos de corte condenados totalmente por colibacilose sob Serviço de Inspeção Federal
Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira, 37(9), 949–957.
Contributors: R. Casagrande *, * , P. Guerra *, L. Castro *, A. Spanamberg *, S. Silva*, M. Cardoso *, D. Driemeier *
2017 journal article
Cattle naturally infected by Eurytrema coelomaticum: Relation between adenosine deaminase activity and zinc levels
Research in Veterinary Science, 110, 79–84.
Contributors: H. Grosskopf*, C. Schwertz *, * , N. Bottari *, E. Silva*, M. Gabriel*, N. Lucca*, M. Alves*
2017 journal article
Cholinesterase’s activities in cows supplemented with selenium, copper, phosphorus, potassium, and magnesium intramuscularly during the transition period
Comparative Clinical Pathology, 26(3), 575–579.
Contributors: P. Glombowsky *, N. Soldá *, G. Campigotto *, A. Volpato *, G. Galli *, J. Fávero*, N. Bottari *, M. Schetinger *
2017 journal article
Ectonucleotidase and adenosine deaminase as inflammatory marker in dairy cows naturally infected by Dictyocaulus viviparus
Comparative Immunology, Microbiology and Infectious Diseases, 51, 9–13.
Contributors: A. Silva *, M. Baldissera *, N. Bottari *, P. Doleski *, G. Carmo*, C. Schwertz *, N. Lucca*, L. Henker *
2017 journal article
Effect of stocking rate and floor types on performance, skin temperature and leucogram in pigs raising
Revista MVZ Córdoba, 1(1), 5610–5618.
Contributors: D. Paiano *, I. Moreira *, A. Quadros*, N. Milani *, Z. Luisa A. Nunes*, * , A. Silva *
2017 journal article
Effects of supplementation with spray-dried porcine plasma on blood variables on piglets feed with diet contaminated by mycotoxins
Microbial Pathogenesis, 110, 464–470.
Contributors: L. Müller*, A. Silva *, M. Baldissera *, J. Santurio*, P. Glombowsky *, J. Gugel *, G. Campigotto *, E. Gloria *, D. Paiano *, *
2017 journal article
Fatores relacionados a problemas de comportamento em gatos
Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira, 37(11), 1336–1340.
Contributors: J. Paz, & F. Costa * *
2017 journal article
Gastrointestinal protozoa in dairy calves: identification of risk factors for infection
Revista MVZ Córdoba, 5(2), 5910–5924.
Contributors: A. Volpato *, A. Tonin, * , L. Stefani, G. Campigotto *, P. Glombowsky *, G. Galli *, J. Favero, A. Silva *
2017 journal article
Geographic patterns and environmental factors associated with human yellow fever presence in the Americas
PLOS Neglected Tropical Diseases, 11(9), e0005897.
Contributors: P. Hamrick *, S. Aldighieri *, * , D. Leonel*, L. Vilca *, S. Uriona*, M. Schneider *
Ed(s): C. Barker
2017 journal article
Hematologic Variation Values of Captive Red-footed Tortoise (Chelonoidis carbonaria) in South Brazil
Acta Scientiae Veterinariae, 45(1), 6.
2017 journal article
Hematologic variation values of captive red-footed tortoise (chelonoidis carbonaria) in South Brazil
Acta Scientiae Veterinariae, 45(1), 1–6.
2017 journal article
Hematological findings and factors associated with feline leukemia virus (FeLV) and feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV) positivity in cats from southern Brazil
Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira, 37(12), 1531–1536.
Contributors: F. Costa *, S. Valle *, * , L. Corbellini *, E. Coelho*, R. Rosa*, F. González*
2017 journal article
Monepantel in the control of Haemonchus spp. and Trichostrongylus spp. and possible side effects of treatment in naturally infected sheep
Comparative Clinical Pathology, 26(5), 1069–1073.
Contributors: J. Reis *, A. Da Silva *, R. Gebert *, D. Santos *, J. Boito *, T. Rigo*, H. Grosskopf*, G. Galli *
2017 journal article
Occurrence of anti-Neospora caninum antibodies in dairy cattle in the western of Santa Catarina, Brazil
Brazilian Journal of Veterinary Medicine, 38, 243–249.
2017 journal article
Occurrence of oxidative stress in dairy cows seropositives for Brucella abortus
Microbial Pathogenesis, 110, 196–201.
Contributors: G. Perin *, J. Fávero*, D. Severo *, A. Silva*, * , H. Araújo*, W. Lilenbaum *, V. Morsch *

2017 journal article
Odds Ratio or Prevalence Ratio? An Overview of Reported Statistical Methods and Appropriateness of Interpretations in Cross-sectional Studies with Dichotomous Outcomes in Veterinary Medicine
Frontiers in Veterinary Science, 4(NOV).
Contributors: B. Fonseca Martinez *, V. Leotti *, G. Silva *, L. Nunes*, * & L. Corbellini *

2017 journal article
Oxidative Stress and Changes on the Adenosinergic System of Cats Infected by Feline Leukemia Virus (FeLV)
Acta Scientiae Veterinariae, 45(1), 5.

2017 journal article
Relation between diarrhea and infection by protozoans in dairy calves
Comparative Clinical Pathology, 26(4), 929–933.
Contributors: P. Glombowsky *, A. Silva *, A. Volpato *, N. Soldá *, G. Campigotto *, G. Galli *, J. Fávero*, D. Silva Santos, *

2017 journal article
Risk factors for Neospora caninum infection in dairy cattle and their possible cause-effect relation for disease
Microbial Pathogenesis, 110, 202–207.
Contributors: J. Fávero*, A. Da Silva *, G. Campigotto *, * , L. Barros *, J. Garcia *, F. Vogel*, R. Mendes *, L. Stefani *

2017 journal article
Risk factors for Toxoplasma gondii in sheep of southern Brazil
Comparative Clinical Pathology, 26(3), 631–635.
Contributors: G. Campigotto *, A. Silva *, A. Volpato *, J. Fávero*, P. Glombowsky *, G. Galli *, V. Machado *, L. Portella *
2017 journal article
Supplementation with copper edetate in control of Haemonchus contortus of sheep, and its effect on cholinesterase's and superoxide dismutase activities
Experimental Parasitology, 173, 34–41.
Contributors: H. Grosskopf*, R. Grosskopf*, A. Biazus *, M. Leal *, N. Bottari *, M. Alves*, M. Schetinger *, V. Morsch *
2017 journal article
Use of homeopathic product to prevent ketosis in the dairy sheep during the transition period
Comparative Clinical Pathology, 26(3), 535–541.
Contributors: E. Custódio*, M. Baldissera *, * , C. Cazarotto *, J. Boito *, A. Biazus *, G. Galli *, J. Reis *

2016 journal article
Antibodies against vesicular stomatitis virus in horses from southern, midwestern and northeastern Brazilian States
Ciência Rural, 46(8), 1424–1429.
Contributors: V. Lunkes *, A. Tonin *, * , L. Corbellini *, G. Diehl*, L. Santos*, C. Bezerra *, S. Azevedo *
2016 journal article
Butyrylcholinesterase activity in dairy cows naturally infected by Dictyocaulus viviparous and treated with eprinomectin
Comparative Clinical Pathology, 26(1), 155–158.
Contributors: R. Pereira*, A. Silva *, R. Mendes *, N. Bottari *, C. Schwertz *, N. Lucca*, L. Henker *, V. Morsch *, M. Schetinger *, *

2016 journal article
Effect of lactation induction on milk production and composition, oxidative and antioxidant status, and biochemical variables
Comparative Clinical Pathology, 25(3), 639–648.
Contributors: W. Radavelli *, G. Campigotto *, * , N. Bottari *, G. Bochi *, R. Moresco *, V. Morsch *, M. Schetinger *

2016 journal article
Evaluation of tea tree oil for controlling Rhipicephalus microplus in dairy cows
Veterinary Parasitology, 225, 70–72.
Contributors: J. Pazinatto Boito, R. Santos *, R. Vaucher *, R. Raffin, * , A. Tonin *, A. Da Silva *
2016 journal article
Gastrointestinal parasites in dairy cows present in farm show in western Santa Catarina, Brazil
Acta Veterinaria Brasilica, 10(4), 373–377.
2016 journal article
Gastrointestinal parasites in dairy cows present in farm show in western Santa Catarina, Brazil,Parasitos Gastrintestinais Em Vacas Leiteiras Presentes Em Exposições Agropecuárias Na Região Oeste De Santa Catarina, Brasil
Acta Veterinaria Brasilica, 10(4), 373–377.
2016 journal article
Horses seropositive for Toxoplasma gondii, Sarcocystis spp. and Neospora spp.: Possible risk factors for infection in Brazil
Microbial Pathogenesis, 99, 30–35.
Contributors: C. Cazarotto *, A. Balzan*, R. Grosskopf*, J. Boito *, L. Portella *, F. Vogel*, J. Fávero*, D. C. Cucco
2016 journal article
Identification and characterization of Aspergillus fumigatus isolates from broilers
Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira, 36(7), 591–594.
Contributors: A. Spanamberg *, L. Ferreiro *, * , C. Fraga * & R. Araujo *

2016 journal article
Imidocarb dipropionate in the treatment of Anaplasma marginale in cattle: Effects on enzymes of the antioxidant, cholinergic, and adenosinergic systems
Microbial Pathogenesis, 97, 226–230.
Contributors: R. Doyle*, A. Fritzen *, N. Bottari *, M. Alves*, A. Silva*, V. Morsch *, M. Schetinger *, J. Martins *

2016 journal article
Influence of experimental Anaplasma marginale infection and splenectomy on NTPDase and 5'nucleotidase activities in platelets of cattle
Microbial Pathogenesis, 95, 49–53.
Contributors: R. Doyle*, C. Oliveira *, R. França *, P. Doleski *, V. Souza*, D. Leal *, J. Martins *, S. Lopes *

2016 journal article
Influence of subclinical infection by agents of tick fever in dairy cows on milk production
Revista MVZ Córdoba, 21, 5490–5499.
2016 journal article
Influence of subclinical infection by agents of tick fever in milking dairy cows,Influencia de la infección subclínica por agentes de la fiebre por garrapatas en vacas lecheras
Revista MVZ Cordoba, 21(3), 5490–5499.
Contributors: R. Pazinato*, * , V. Klauck *, W. Radavelli *, J. Boito *, P. Weis*, L. Miletti *, M. Baldissera *
2016 journal article
Injectable mineral supplementation to transition period dairy cows and its effects on animal health
Comparative Clinical Pathology, 26(2), 335–342.
Contributors: N. Soldá *, P. Glombowsky *, G. Campigotto *, N. Bottari *, M. Schetinger *, V. Morsch *, J. Favero*, M. Baldissera *

2016 journal article
NTPDase and 5′-nucleotidase as inflammatory markers in cattle naturally infected by Eurytrema coelomaticum
Comparative Immunology, Microbiology and Infectious Diseases, 48, 48–53.
Contributors: J. Fávero*, C. Schwertz *, P. Doleski *, D. Leal *, * , A. Manzoni*, E. Silva*, M. Gabriel*
2016 journal article
Natural or replacer sources of milk in lambs during feeding adaptation: influences on performance, metabolism of protein and lipid and oxidative/antioxidant status
Journal of Animal Physiology and Animal Nutrition, 101(2), 243–250.
Contributors: R. Grosskopf*, H. Grosskopf*, J. Boito *, N. Bottari *, * , A. Biazus *, M. Schetinger *, V. Morsch *
2016 journal article
Occurrence of anti-Neospora caninum antibodies in dairy cattle in the western of Santa Catarina, Brazil,Ocorrência de anticorpos anti-Neospora caninum em bovinos leiteiros no oeste do estado de Santa Catarina, Brasil
Revista Brasileira De Medicina Veterinaria, 38(3), 243–249.
2016 journal article
Occurrence of gastrointestinal helminths in horses and risk factors for infection
Comparative Clinical Pathology, 26(1), 159–163.
Contributors: A. Balzan*, C. Cazarotto *, R. Grosskopf*, * , A. Tonin * & A. Silva *
2016 journal article
Oxidative stress associated with pathological changes in the pancreas of cattle naturally infected by Eurytrema coelomaticum
Veterinary Parasitology, 223, 102–110.
Contributors: C. Schwertz *, M. Gabriel*, L. Henker *, N. Bottari *, G. Carmo*, N. Guarda *, R. Moresco *, *

2016 journal article
Oxidative stress in dairy cows naturally infected with the lungworm Dictyocaulus viviparus (Nematoda: Trichostrongyloidea)
Journal of Helminthology, 91(4), 462–469.
Contributors: A. Da Silva*, A. Da Silva *, M. Baldissera *, C. Schwertz *, N. Bottari *, G. Carmo*, * , N. Lucca*
2016 journal article
Parasites in dairy cattle farms in southern Brazil
Revista MVZ Córdoba, 5(2), 5304–5315.
Contributors: R. Pascoeti*, N. Soldá *, T. Sczesny*, * , C. Reginato *, G. Camillo *, F. Vogel*, F. Simioni *
2016 journal article
Pre- and post-partum seric biochemical variables of Lacaune ewes naturally infected by gastrointestinal parasites
Comparative Clinical Pathology, 25(4), 815–823.
Contributors: A. Balzan*, * , N. Bottari *, A. Volpato *, R. Grosskopf*, J. Boito *, C. Cazarotto *, M. Schetinger *, V. Morsch *, A. Silva *

2016 journal article
Prevalence of Streptococcus equi subsp. equi in horses and associated risk factors in the State of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil
Research in Veterinary Science, 104, 53–57.
Contributors: F. Libardoni *, * , L. Gressler*, A. Kowalski*, G. Diehl, L. Santos, L. Corbellini *, A. Vargas *
2016 journal article
Relation between Neospora caninum and abortion in dairy cows: Risk factors and pathogenesis of disease
Microbial Pathogenesis, 92, 46–49.
Contributors: V. Klauck *, * , R. Pazinato*, W. Radavelli *, D. Santos *, J. Berwaguer*, P. Braunig *, F. Vogel*, A. Da Silva *

2016 journal article
Relation between calcium levels and adenosine deaminase activity in serum in pre- and postpartum of dairy cow
Comparative Clinical Pathology, 25(6), 1201–1205.
Contributors: A. Fritzen *, K. Albani*, * , N. Bottari *, M. Alves*, M. Schetinger *, V. Morsch *, J. Giuriatti*, A. Silva *

2016 journal article
Relationship Between Pathological Findings and Cholinesterase Activity and Nitric Oxide Levels in Cattle Infected Naturally by Eurytrema coelomaticum
Journal of Comparative Pathology, 154(2-3), 150–156.
Contributors: C. Schwertz *, G. Carmo, N. Bottari, E. Silva*, M. Gabriel*, N. Lucca*, N. Guarda *, R. Moresco *
2015 journal article
Antibodies to Leptospira interrogans in goats and risk factors of the disease in Santa Catarina (West side), Brazil
Research in Veterinary Science, 99, 53–57.
Contributors: J. Topazio*, A. Tonin *, * , J. Noll *, A. Ribeiro *, A. Moura *, G. Carmo*, H. Grosskopf*
2015 journal article
Blood gas analyses and other components involved in the acid–base metabolism of rats infected by Trypanosoma evansi
Journal of Advanced Research, 6(6), 1079–1082.
Contributors: M. Baldissera *, R. Vaucher *, C. Oliveira *, V. Rech *, M. Sagrillo *, D. Stainki*, R. França *, *
2015 journal article
Bovine pyogranulomatous mastitis caused by Mycobacterium goodii
JMM Case Reports, 2(1).
2015 journal article
Butyrylcholinesterase as a marker of inflammation and liver injury in the acute and subclinical phases of canine ehrlichiosis
Comparative Immunology, Microbiology and Infectious Diseases, 43, 16–21.
Contributors: G. Carmo*, L. Crivellenti *, N. Bottari *, * , S. Borin-Crivellenti *, R. Moresco *, T. Duarte *, M. Duarte *

2015 journal article
Effect of zinc supplementation on ecto-adenosine deaminase activity in lambs infected by Haemonchus contortus: Highlights on acute phase of disease
Experimental Parasitology, 151-152, 34–38.
Contributors: M. Baldissera *, F. Pivoto *, N. Bottari *, A. Tonin *, * , A. Aires *, J. F.X. Rocha, L. Pelinson*
2015 journal article
Influence of gastrointestinal parasitism on biochemical variables in blood of laying hens
Revista MVZ Córdoba, 11, 4864–4873.
Contributors: J. Topázio, G. Campigotto, M. Boiago, , D. Paiano, A. Tonin *, A. Silva *
2015 journal article
Influence of pathological conditions caused by gastrointestinal parasites infection on pregnant ewe ́s behavior
Acta Scientiae Veterinariae, 43, 1283.
2015 journal article
Leptospirosis in Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil: An Ecosystem Approach in the Animal-Human Interface
PLOS Neglected Tropical Diseases, 9(11), e0004095.
Contributors: M. Schneider *, P. Najera*, M. Pereira*, * , C. Anjos*, R. Rodrigues *, G. Cavagni*, C. Muñoz-Zanzi *
Ed(s): J. Vinetz
2015 journal article
Seroprevalence of Brucella ovis in rams and associated flock level risk factors in the state of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil
Preventive Veterinary Medicine, 121(1-2), 183–187.
Contributors: , D. Santos, I. Kohek, M. Stein*, H. Hein*, A. Poeta*, A. Vidor, L. Corbellini * *
2015 journal article
Seroprevalence of Pythium insidiosum infection in equine in Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil
Ciência Rural, 46(1), 126–131.
Contributors: C. Weiblen *, * , F. Jesus*, J. Santurio *, R. Zanette *, D. Pereira*, G. Diehl*, L. Dos Santos*, L. Corbellini *, S. Botton *

2015 journal article
Sulfamethoxazole-trimethoprim associated with resveratrol for the treatment of toxoplasmosis in mice: Influence on the activity of enzymes involved in brain neurotransmission
Microbial Pathogenesis, 79, 17–23.
Contributors: N. Bottari *, M. Baldissera *, A. Tonin *, V. Rech *, V. Nishihira *, G. Thomé *, M. Schetinger *, V. Morsch *

2015 journal article
What variables are important in predicting bovine viral diarrhea virus? A random forest approach
Veterinary Research, 46(1).
Contributors: , M. Mendoza * & L. Corbellini * *
2014 journal article
Age related to the presence of antimicrobial resistant bacteria in twenty one dairy herds in Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil
Pesquisa Veterinaria Brasileira, 34(7), 613–620.
2014 journal article
Age related to the presence of antimicrobial resistant bacteria in twenty one dairy herds in Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil,Relação da idade na presença de bactérias resistentes a antimicrobianos em rebanhos leiteiros no Rio Grande do Sul
Pesquisa Veterinaria Brasileira, 34(7), 613–620.
Contributors: W. Santiago-Neto*, * , D. Paim*, T. Campos*, M. Brito *, M. Cardoso*, L. Corbellini *
2014 journal article
Bovine Viral Diarrhoea Virus (BVDV) in Dairy Cattle: A Matched Case-Control Study
Transboundary and Emerging Diseases, 63(1), e1–e13.
Contributors: , R. Egocheaga*, H. Hein*, I. Miranda*, W. Neto *, L. Almeida *, C. Canal *, M. Stein*, L. Corbellini * *
2014 journal article
Campylobacter fetus in cattle from Rio Grande do Sul state, Brazil,Campylobacter fetus em bovinos no estado do Rio Grande do Sul
Ciencia Rural, 44(1), 141–146.
Contributors: R. Ziech *, * , J. Kirinus *, F. Libardoni *, J. Kessler *, L. Pötter *, A. Vargas *
2014 journal article
Case–control study evaluating the sow’s risk factors associated with stillbirth piglets in Midwestern in Brazil
Tropical Animal Health and Production, 47(2), 445–449.
Contributors: G. Silva *, M. Costa Lana*, G. Dias*, R. Cruz *, L. Lopes*, * , L. Corbellini *, D. Gava *, M. Souza *, C. Pescador *
2014 journal article
Cattle rearing in Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil,Panorama da bovinocultura no Rio Grande do Sul
Acta Scientiae Veterinariae, 42(1).
2014 journal article
Cost-benefit of Anthelmintic Protocols in Naturally Infected Sheep
Acta Scientiae Veterinariae, 42(1).
2014 journal article
Effect of adding palm oil to the diet of dairy sheep on milk production and composition, function of liver and kidney, and the concentration of cholesterol, triglycerides and progesterone in blood serum
Small Ruminant Research, 117(1), 78–83.
Contributors: A. Bianchi *, V. Macedo *, R. Franca *, S. Lopes *, L. Lopes *, L. Stefani *, A. Volpato *, H. Lima *
2014 conference paper
High frequency of bovine viral diarrhea virus 2 in Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil
IX Mercosul Meeting of Virology, 19, 39–39.
2014 journal article
High frequency of bovine viral diarrhea virus type 2 in Southern Brazil
Virus Research, 191(1), 117–124.
Contributors: M. Weber *, S. Silveira *, * , F. Groff *, A. Mosena *, R. Budaszewski*, P. Dupont*, L. Corbellini *, C. Canal *
2014 journal article
Identification, occurrence and clinical findings of canine hemoplasmas in southern Brazil
Comparative Immunology, Microbiology and Infectious Diseases, 37(4), 259–265.
Contributors: S. Valle *, J. Messick*, A. Santos *, L. Kreutz *, N. Blatt Duda *, * , L. Corbellini *, A. Biondo *, F. Diaz Gonzalez
2014 journal article
Insecticidal and repellent effects of tea tree and andiroba oils on flies associated with livestock
Medical and Veterinary Entomology, 28(SUPPL.1), 33–39.
Contributors: V. Klauck *, R. Pazinato*, L. Stefani *, R. Santos *, R. Vaucher *, M. Baldissera *, R. Raffin *, A. Boligon*
2014 journal article
Isolation of Dermatophytes and Saprotrophic Fungi from the Hair Coat of Cats without Skin Disorders in the Metropolitan Area of Porto Alegre - RS, Brazil
Acta Scientiae Veterinariae, 42.
2014 journal article
Isolation of dermatophytes and saprotrophic fungi from the hair coat of cats without skin disorders in the metropolitan area of Porto Alegre-RS, Brazil,Isolamento de dermatófitos e fungos saprotróficos do pelame de gatos sem dermatoses na região metropolitana de Porto Alegre-RS, Brasil
Acta Scientiae Veterinariae, 42(1).
2014 journal article
Pneumocystis spp. and Histoplasma capsulatum in Bats Lungs in Southern and Midwestern Regions of Brazil
Acta Scientiae Veterinariae, 42, 1252.
2014 journal article
Pneumocystis spp. and Histoplasma capsulatum in bats lungs in Southern and Midwestern Regions of Brazil,Pneumocystis spp. e Histoplasma capsulatum detectados em pulmões de morcegos das regiões Sul e Centro-Oeste do Brasil
Acta Scientiae Veterinariae, 42(1).
2014 conference paper
Rhodococcus equi prevalence in heathly adult horses from Brazil
The 3rd prato conference on 'the pathogenesis of bacterial diseases of animals', 20.
2014 journal article
Seroprevalence and risk factors for Neospora caninum in goats in Santa Catarina state, Brazil
Revista Brasileira De Parasitologia Veterinaria, 23(3), 360–366.
Contributors: J. Topazio*, A. Weber*, G. Camillo *, F. Vogel*, * , A. Ribeiro *, A. Moura *, L. Lopes *

2014 journal article
Targeted survey of Newcastle disease virus in backyard poultry flocks located in wintering site for migratory birds from Southern Brazil
Preventive Veterinary Medicine, 116(1-2), 197–202.
Contributors: F. Marks*, C. Rodenbusch *, C. Okino *, H. Hein*, E. Costa *, * , C. Canal *, L. Brentano *, L. Corbellini *
2013 journal article
Análise do ingresso de animais de produção e seus produtos no Estado do Rio Grande do Sul
A Hora Veterinária, 31, 32–36.
2013 journal article
Aspergillus fumigatus from normal and condemned carcasses with airsacculitis in commercial poultry
Pesquisa Veterinaria Brasileira, 33(9), 1071–1075.
Contributors: A. Spanamberg *, * , R. Casagrande *, G. Sales*, C. Fraga *, L. Corbellini *, D. Driemeier *, L. Ferreiro *
2013 journal article
Correlation between age and staging of chronic kidney disease in azotemic cats by IRIS,Correlação entre A idade e o estadiamento da doença renal crônica em gatos azotêmicos segundo a IRIS
Acta Veterinaria Brasilica, 7(SUPPL. 1), 319–320.
2013 journal article
Notificação de doenças de suínos recebidos pelo Serviço Veterinário Oficial do Rio Grande do Sul nos anos 2011 e 2012
A Hora Veterinária, 33, 22–26.
2013 journal article
Notificações de doenças de bovinos recebidas pelo Serviço Veterinário Oficial do Rio Grande do Sul nos anos de 2011 e 2012
A Hora Veterinária, 32, 28–33.
2013 journal article
Notificações de doenças de frangos recebidas pelo Serviço Veterinário Oficial do Rio Grande do Sul nos anos de 2011 e 2012
A Hora Veterinária, 33, 34–37.
2013 journal article
Notificações de doenças de ovinos recebidas pelo Serviço Veterinário Oficial do Rio Grande do Sul nos anos de 2011 e 2012
A Hora Veterinária, 32, 22–26.
2013 journal article
Ovinocultura do Rio Grande do Sul: descrição do sistema produtivo e dos principais aspectos sanitários e reprodutivos
Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira, 33(12), 1453–1458.
2013 journal article
Sheep industry in the State of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil: Description of the production system and the main health and reproductive aspects,Ovinocultura do Rio Grande do Sul: Descrição do sistema produtivo e dos principais aspectos sanitários e reprodutivos
Pesquisa Veterinaria Brasileira, 33(12), 1453–1458.
Contributors: A. Silva*, D. Santos *, I. Kohek Jr., * , H. Hein*, A. Vidor*, L. Corbellini *
2013 journal article
Sheep industry in the State of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil: description of the production system and the main health and reproductive aspects
Brazilian Journal of Veterinary Research, 33, 1453–1458.
2013 journal article
Stability evaluation of propolis topical bases for veterinary use
Brazilian Archives of Biology and Technology, 56(6), 942–947.
Contributors: L. Farias*, C. Pereira *, * , C. Schmidt * & A. De Vargas *
2012 conference paper
Associação causal entre os critérios de diagnóstico de aspergilose e condenação em aves comerciais
1º Encontro Nacional de Epidemiologia Veterinária, 2012, São Paulo. 1 ENEPI, 40, 61–145.
2012 journal article
Bovine neosporosis: Evaluation of vertical transmission and population etiological fraction of abortion in a bovine population in the State of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil,Neosporose bovina: Avaliação da transmissão vertical e fração atribuível de aborto em uma população de bovinos no Estado do Rio Grande do Sul
Pesquisa Veterinaria Brasileira, 32(5), 396–400.
Contributors: H. Hein*, * , I. Miranda*, E. Costa *, D. Pellegrini *, D. Driemeier *, L. Corbellini *
2012 journal article
Bovine neosporosis: evaluation of vertical transmission and population etiological fraction of abortion in a bovine population in the State of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil
Pesquisa Veterinaria Brasileira, 32(5), 396–400.
2012 journal article
Campylobacter fetus subspecies fetus: Abortion and stillbirths in sheep,Campylobacter fetus subespécie fetus: Abortamento e natimortalidade em ovinos
Ciencia Rural, 42(4), 697–700.
Contributors: L. Gressler*, J. Kirinus *, * , F. Libardoni * & A. Vargas *
2012 conference paper
Estimação de prevalênca do vírus da diarréia viral bovina em uma população de rebanhos leiteiros de uma região do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul
1º Encontro Nacional de Epidemiologia Veterinária, 40, 61–145.
2012 conference paper
Estudo das características de alunos de graduação frente ao mercado de trabalho
1º Encontro Nacional de Epidemiologia Veterinária, 40, 61–145. São Paulo: ENEPI.
2012 conference paper
Estudo de prevalência e análise de estatística de varredura do herpesvirus bovino (BoHV-1)
1º Encontro Nacional de Epidemiologia Veterinária, 40, 61–145. São Paulo: ENEPI.
2012 conference paper
Estudo epidemiológico para determinar a prevalência da brucelose ovina em machos no estado do Rio Grande do Sul
1º Encontro Nacional de Epidemiologia Veterinária, 40, 61–145. São Paulo: ENEPI.
2012 conference paper
Matched case control study of bovine viral diarrhea virus (BVDV) in a dairy cattle population in the State of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil
International Symposia on Veterinary Epidemiology and Economics (ISVEE), 2012, Maastricht. ISVEE 13: Proceedings of the 13th Symposium of the International Society for Veterinary Epidemiology and Economics, 13, 416.
2012 conference paper
Prevalence of bovine viral diarrhea virus in bulk tank milk in southern of Brazil
International Symposia on Veterinary Epidemiology and Economics (ISVEE), 2012, Maastricht. ISVEE 13: Proceedings of the 13th Symposium of the International Society for Veterinary Epidemiology and Economics, 13, 415.
2012 conference paper
Prevalence survey and spatial analysis of bovine herpesvirus
International Symposia on Veterinary Epidemiology and Economics (ISVEE), 2012, Maastricht. ISVEE 13: Proceedings of the 13th Symposium of the International Society for Veterinary Epidemiology and Economics, 13, 416.
2012 journal article
Seroprevalence of Leptospirosis in cattle in the southeast and southwest regions of the state of Rio Grande Do Sul, Brazil
Ciência Animal Brasileira, 13, 131–138.
2012 journal article
Seroprevalence of leptospirosis in cattle in the southeast and southwest regions of the state of Rio Grande do sul, Brazil,Soroprevalencia de leptospirose em bovinos nas mesorregiões sudeste e sudoeste do estado Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil
Ciencia Animal Brasileira, 13(1), 131–138.
Contributors: G. Herrmann *, R. Rodrigues *, * , A. Lage *, E. Moreira* & R. Leite*
2012 journal article
Susceptibility of Trypanosoma evansi to propolis extract in vitro and in experimentally infected rats
Research in Veterinary Science, 93(3), 1314–1317.
Contributors: L. Gressler *, A. Da Silva *, * , L. Rosa *, F. Dorneles*, L. Gressler*, M. Oliveira *, R. Zanette *, A. Vargas*, S. Monteiro *
2011 journal article
Caseous Lymphadenitis in Sheep Slaughtered under Federal Inspection in the State of Rio Grande do Sul -Estimation of Losses,Linfadenite caseosa em ovinos abatidos sob inspeção federal no estado do Rio Grande do Sul - estimativas de perdas
Acta Scientiae Veterinariae, 39(2).
2011 journal article
Post vaccinal antibodies profile of sheep immunized with one or two doses of an oil emulsified anti leptospirosis bacterin produced with serovar Hardjo, type Hardjoprajitno, strain Norma, isolated in Brazil
Pesquisa Veterinaria Brasileira, 31(8), 683–689.
2011 journal article
Post vaccinal antibodies profile of sheep immunized with one or two doses of an oil emulsified anti leptospirosis bacterin produced with serovar Hardjo, type Hardjoprajitno, strain Norma, isolated in Brazil,Curva de anticorpos pós-vacinais em ovinos imunizados com uma ou duas doses de bacterina oleosa anti-leptospirose, produzida com a sorovariedade Hardjo, tipo Hardjoprajitno, estirpe Norma, isolada no Brasil
Pesquisa Veterinaria Brasileira, 31(8), 683–689.
Contributors: G. Herrmann *, R. Rodrigues *, C. Vidal *, * , É. Moreira* & R. Leite*
2010 journal article
Antimicrobial activity of propolis extract against Staphylococcus coagulase positive and Malassezia pachydermatis of canine otitis
Veterinary Microbiology, 142(3-4), 432–434.
Contributors: R. Cardoso*, F. Maboni *, * , S. Alves * & A. Vargas *
2010 journal article
Polymerase chain reaction for the diagnosis of bovine genital campylobacteriosis,Reação em cadeia da polimerase para o diagnóstico de campilobacteriose genital bovina
Pesquisa Veterinaria Brasileira, 30(12), 1031–1035.
Contributors: A. Groff*, J. Kirinus *, M. Silva*, * , M. Costa * & A. Vargas *
2008 journal article
Homologous bone pin conserved in glycerin at 98% and hernicerclagem with a thread of poliglactina 910 in humerus osteosyntesis of domestic pigeons
Ciencia Rural, 38(7), 1925–1931.
Updated: July 2nd, 2023 10:53
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Updated: July 31st, 2022 10:13
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2011 - 2013
Funding History
Funding history based on the linked ORCID record. Updated: October 22nd, 2024 08:03