@article{pham_matthews_drake_2024, title={Beyond Prescriptive Reforms: An Examination of North Carolina's Flexible School Restart Program}, volume={1}, ISSN={["1935-1062"]}, url={https://doi.org/10.3102/01623737231218735}, DOI={10.3102/01623737231218735}, abstractNote={ Although multiple studies have examined the impact of school turnaround, less is known about reforms under the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA). To advance this literature, we examine North Carolina’s Restart (NCR) model. NCR aligns with ESSA by giving school leaders increased flexibility. Also, NCR differs from previous turnaround models by repackaging a traditionally sanction-based approach to instead motivate school leaders with increased autonomy. Using comparative interrupted time series models, we find positive NCR effects in math, but not in English Language Arts or on nontest-based student outcomes. Also, nearly a quarter of the positive NCR effect can be explained by decreased teacher and principal turnover. These results provide evidence to support current shifts toward reform models featuring local autonomy. }, journal={EDUCATIONAL EVALUATION AND POLICY ANALYSIS}, author={Pham, Lam D. and Matthews, Gage F. and Drake, Timothy A.}, year={2024}, month={Jan} } @article{jackson_jackman-ryan_matthews_cadilla_2023, title={Homophobia in Higher Education: Untold Stories From Black Gay Men in Jamaican Universities}, ISSN={["1938-8934"]}, DOI={10.1037/dhe0000470}, journal={JOURNAL OF DIVERSITY IN HIGHER EDUCATION}, author={Jackson, Mario and Jackman-Ryan, Stella and Matthews, Gage and Cadilla, Victor}, year={2023}, month={Jan} } @article{pham_matthews_cravens_2022, title={What Students Value Most: A Qualitative Examination of Learner Experiences in a Fully Online Degree Program}, volume={124}, ISSN={["1467-9620"]}, DOI={10.1177/01614681221086460}, abstractNote={Background: Enrollment in online degree programs has grown rapidly in U.S. higher education institutions, but much of the research on online learning draws from student experiences in a singular online course. Student experiences in fully online programs likely differ from the experience of taking a one-off online class, especially as students become more familiar with online learning after multiple courses. Yet, research examining student experiences in fully online programs remains sparse. }, number={2}, journal={TEACHERS COLLEGE RECORD}, author={Pham, Lam D. and Matthews, Gage F. and Cravens, Xiu}, year={2022}, month={Feb}, pages={143–169} }