2023 article
Assessing MTT and sulforhodamine B cell proliferation assays under multiple oxygen environments
Yao, M., Walker, G., & Gamcsik, M. P. (2023, July 5). CYTOTECHNOLOGY.
2021 journal article
A multiwell plate-based system for toxicity screening under multiple static or cycling oxygen environments
2019 journal article
Characterization of glass frit capillary pumps for microfluidic devices
2019 journal article
Flow-Encoded Oxygen Control to Track the Time-Dependence of Molecular Changes Induced by Static or Cycling Hypoxia
ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY, 91(23), 15032–15039.
2019 journal article
Paper-based passive pumps to generate controllable whole blood flow through microfluidic devices
LAB ON A CHIP, 19(22), 3787–3795.
2018 journal article
Mixing and delivery of multiple controlled oxygen environments to a single multiwell culture plate
2017 journal article
Modular pumps as programmable hydraulic batteries for microfluidic devices
TECHNOLOGY, 5(1), 21–30.
2017 journal article
Time-Dependent Model for Fluid Flow in Porous Materials with Multiple Pore Sizes
Analytical Chemistry, 89(8), 4377–4381.
2016 journal article
Drug Delivery: Microneedles Integrated with Pancreatic Cells and Synthetic Glucose-Signal Amplifiers for Smart Insulin Delivery (Adv. Mater. 16/2016)
Advanced Materials, 28(16), 3223–3223.
2016 journal article
Improving the analytical performance and versatility of paper spray mass spectrometry via paper microfluidics
ANALYST, 141(13), 4065–4073.
2016 journal article
Microneedles Integrated with Pancreatic Cells and Synthetic Glucose-Signal Amplifiers for Smart Insulin Delivery
Advanced Materials, 28(16), 3115–3121.
2016 journal article
Point-of-care diagnostics for niche applications
Biotechnology Advances, 34(3), 161–176.
2016 review
Review of Automated Microinjection Systems for Single Cells in the Embryogenesis Stage
[Review of ]. IEEE-ASME TRANSACTIONS ON MECHATRONICS, 21(5), 2391–2404.
2015 journal article
Biocompatibility of Tygon® tubing in microfluidic cell culture
Biomedical Microdevices, 17(1).
2014 journal article
A microfluidic device for thermal particle detection
Microfluidics and Nanofluidics, 17(5), 871–878.
2014 journal article
A microfluidic device to study cancer metastasis under chronic and intermittent hypoxia
Biomicrofluidics, 8(5), 054117.
2014 journal article
A temperature microsensor for measuring laser-induced heating in gold nanorods
2012 journal article
A photo-defined membrane for precisely patterned cellular and microparticle arrays
AIP Advances, 2(1), 012153.
2012 journal article
Adjustable stiffness tubes via thermal modulation of a low melting point polymer
Smart Materials and Structures, 21(4), 042001.
2012 journal article
Microfluidic Cytometer for the Characterization of Cell Lysis
ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY, 84(5), 2195–2201.
2011 article
PENSIONING OFF PIPETTES: Pensioning off pipettes
Walker, G. M. (2011, June). NATURE CHEMISTRY, Vol. 3, pp. 428–429.
2010 journal article
A microfluidic passive pumping Coulter counter
2010 journal article
Adjustable-Stiffness Films via Integrated Thermal Modulation
2009 journal article
Microfabricated curtains for controlled cell seeding in high throughput microfluidic systems
LAB ON A CHIP, 9(12), 1756–1762.
Contributors: . Adrian T. O'Neill*, N. Monteiro-Riviere n & *
2008 journal article
Characterization of microfluidic human epidermal keratinocyte culture
CYTOTECHNOLOGY, 56(3), 197–207.
Contributors: . Adrian T. O'Neill*, N. Monteiro-Riviere* & *
2008 journal article
Microfluidic aqueous two phase system for leukocyte concentration from whole blood
2007 journal article
A linear dilution microfluidic device for cytotoxicity assays
LAB ON A CHIP, 7(2), 226–232.
Contributors: N. Monteiro-Riviere n , J. Rouse & . Adrian T. O'Neill* *,
2006 chapter
A serial dilution microfluidic device for cytotoxicity assays
In 28th annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (pp. 2836–2839). Piscataway, NJ: IEEE.
2006 journal article
The IL Sequence in the LLKIL Motif in CXCR2 Is Required for Full Ligand-induced Activation of Erk, Akt, and Chemotaxis in HL60 Cells
Journal of Biological Chemistry, 281(47), 35931–35941.
2005 journal article
Effects of flow and diffusion on chemotaxis studies in a microfabricated gradient generator
Lab on a Chip, 5(6), 611.
2004 journal article
Cell infection within a microfluidic device using virus gradients
Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, 98(2-3), 347–355.
2004 journal article
Microenvironment design considerations for cellular scale studies
Lab on a Chip, 4(2), 91.
2004 journal article
Microfluidic glucose stimulation reveals limited coordination of intracellular Ca2+ activity oscillations in pancreatic islets
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 101(35), 12899–12903.
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